Rev. Susannah Tuttle seems super concerned. She’s the Director of NC’s Interfaith Power and Light. You have to visit the website, because this is exactly what you’d expect from the Cult of Climastrology. Exactly what you’d expect from turning what was supposedly science into a religion
For NC, effects of climate change are personal. Vote accordingly
For North Carolinians, the effects of climate change are too personal to ignore. In Orange County, where I live, farmers are losing crops to erratic weather caused by the climate crisis. In the state’s coastal communities, families are losing everything to flooding.
We know the climate crisis is affecting our state. We’re living with the consequences. In 2018, North Carolina recorded close to 4,600 emergency department visits for heat-related illnesses, and 2019 was North Carolina’s hottest year on record. Today, more than 300,000 North Carolinians are especially vulnerable to extreme heat.
It’s North Carolina. 4,600 isn’t abnormal, and, consider that the normal average is 4-6 100 degree days a year. That’s not with heat index. We haven’t had that in about 5 years. Many years we’ve only had no more than 1. And, weather is pretty much the biggest story. Like always. No need to assign witchcraft.
This is why North Carolinians know the future of our planet is on the ballot.
For many living in the state, we’re voting for climate not just because of concerns about heat and flooding, but because we deeply recognize that climate action is a matter of social justice. While the president keeps rolling back important standards to improve our air and water quality, studies show Black North Carolinians are almost twice as likely to live near an EPA-registered polluter than white residents. Communities of color in North Carolina keep bearing the heaviest burden of climate and continue to fight against water and air pollution caused by industrial hog farms, wood-burning facilities, and pipelines.
As the director of the North Carolina Interfaith Power & Light, I know there is a responsibility for faith and religious leaders to work toward a future where climate action ends centuries of climate racism. People of faith recognize the need to heal our planet and build a foundation for projects that bolster resilience to natural disasters in our communities, especially for those most vulnerable to the climate crisis’ effects. In this election, the responsibility to tackle climate change in our communities and at the national level is borne out through the right to vote — and the need to vote for climate. (snip)
But to make this vision for our future come true, we must use our power to make our voices heard. We need leaders who listen to scientists and are serious about healing our planet while creating opportunities for North Carolinians.
The perfect merging of religion with politics, attempting to force their beliefs on Everyone Else like Spanish missionary’s in the 1500’s and so. Like hardcore Muslim leaders now, who force Christians and others to convert or die in majority Muslim countries.
Oh, hey, remember when Modern Socialists yammered about a wall of separation between church and state?

I am 60+ years old, I have lived in the USA from 1950’s.
I have seen cycle of Weather patterns that repeats itselfes
with great regularity.
In my state of GA we have ice storm about every 4 to 5 years.
I have Warm Winters and super cold winter. We have Droughts and Super Wet seasons. Too many tornado’s some years, a scant few some years. Tropical Storms and etc…
I have seen the same cycles in other areas I have be assigned and lived.
By in the 70’s we were told to expect another ICE AGE by 1990’s. In the 1990’s we were told GLOBAL WARMING and sunken Islands and shown the USA 1/4 submerged due to raising oceans by 2000. Based on rising Temperature readings across the USA. Only to find out that the Temperature Reading Stations were near HEAT producing sources. Then 2000’s rolled around it became Climate Change. The point is it is a $$$$$ SCAM.
If you see “Reverend” in front of a woman’s name, you know it’s a scam. Only males can be priests.
I left the Lutheran church when two dykes, married to each other suddenly appeared as associate ministers. I and 475 other families out of 1500. Then they wonder what’s happening to the church. At this point I think Gloria Dei is down to 4-500 families.
The Episcopal Church USA underwent schism when the good Episcopalians appointed Vicky Gene Robinson, a homosexual man shacked up with another homosexual man, to be the Bishop of New Hampshire. About half of the entire church aligned themselves with some Anglican bishops in Africa who actually believe what the Bible says about homosexuality.
Sadly, the Catholic Church has tolerate homosexual priests for far, far, far too long. If they could keep their vows of celibacy, it wouldn’t be too bad, but many are not. The John Jay Report which examined child sexual abuse reports from the 1950s through 2002, found that 81% of the victims were male, and that the male victims tended to be older; it wasn’t pedophilia, but homosexual priests seeking out teenaged boys for sex.
Given that the National Institutes for Health determined, in 2012 — back when Barack Hussein Obama was President, so it wasn’t some evil reich-wing plot by President Trump — that only 1.6% of Americans were exclusively homosexual, with another 0.7% bisexual. Another 1.1% responded with something different or refused to answer at all, meaning that 96.6% of Americans are sexually normal. How could 81% of victims of an all-male priesthood be male if homosexuality were not rampant among the priesthood?
I have argued, several times before, that the Church needs to completely change its priesthood, to exclusively married heterosexual men.