…are horrible fossil fueled motorcycles, you might just be a Warmist
The blog of the day is Moonbattery, with a post on the results of decriminalizing shoplifting in California.

…are horrible fossil fueled motorcycles, you might just be a Warmist
The blog of the day is Moonbattery, with a post on the results of decriminalizing shoplifting in California.
She looks like she doesn’t need that shirt.
Trump is suing MI for their ballot dump. May the Ubersturmbannfuhrer spend the winter at Dachau-on-the-Bering Strait.
Also, the Trump campaign is holding a presser in Philly in about 10 minutes from now. And Rudy will be there with the legal squad.
Kinda like a WWII movie and suddenly the sky is wall-to-wall B-17s and P-51s.
Rudy Ghouliani still shows up in public? Wonder what legal grounds they have think they have?
Legal Grounds. Cut and dried. IN PA.
The Pennsylvania Governor, Democrat Tom Wolf, had requested throughout the summer that the Pennsylvania Legislature modify election laws to take into account the anticipated large volume of “vote by mail†ballots expected to be received for the Nov. 3 election.
The Legislature, with both houses controlled by the GOP, declined to advance legislation that the Governor requested.
Hence as per the consitution requiring the state LEGISLATURES to change or amend voter laws, this is unconstitutional and with ACB on the SC which:
Supreme Court Declines to Intervene in Case Challenging Changes to Pennsylvania Election Law Rules — for Now…..The vote was 4-4 as ACB was not on the board. They voted 4-4 not to hear the case.
With ACB on the board and an originalist they will vote 5-4 to strike down every vote after election day.
Trump wins PA.
the question will be will it matter? There is legal standing Elwood. Please get out of your echo chamber.
The Elections Clause of the Constitution, Art. I, § 4, cl. 1, provides that “[t]he Times, Places and Manner of holding Elections for Senators and Representatives, shall be prescribed in each State by the Legislature thereof; but the Congress may at any time by Law make or alter such Regulations.â€
So glad you asked.
7 Milwaukee wards reported more votes than registered voters. They’re also claiming 90% turnout, unseen in recent years, although it looks more and more like Zippy’s vote steal in ’12.
And, yes, I’d love to see him take showers in prison for the next 10 to 20.
Videos show suitcases and coolers moving in and out of the secure area in Detroit where mail-in ballots were being counted during a shift change at 4 a.m.
24,000 votes, all D, found in Philly this afternoon.
That’s his legal grounds. And this is why Gropin’ Joe has been told to knock off the President-elect business.
Maybe you should too, Rusty Trombone. You’re just the sort and old racist and segregationist like Gropin’ Joe would be happy to throw to the wolves.
69 million people voted for Trump. 71 million or 72 million voted for Biden.
Biden will win Michigan and Wisconsin, not because of cheating but because there were enough negatives for Trump to get a few more votes in each state.
Wisconsin was PLUS 17 for BIDEN. Its 1 point. Michigan was PLUS 3-8 depending on what poll you looked at. It ended up 1 point. Trump will not be able to over come the machine that is PHILLY. He needed a 1.2 million vote lead before they started counting Philly to win MI. He only had a 700,000 vote lead.
It is what it is guys. You can’t blame this on Trump. He was hit with a world wide pandemic and then forced to close the nation for 30 days because everyone said so and when he did he put half the country out of work because that is what the Democrats wanted to happen.
WE are a nation of fifty states and it was incumbent upon each state to deal with the pandemic with help from the FED. It was not the FEDS duty to save everyone. The states chose. The democrats and the black out media then went on a 6 month crusade to destroy Trump over the pandemic and lost jobs.
And still he got a historic number of votes. Its just that Biden got a bigger Historic number of voted.
The final tally will be Trump 248 and Biden 290. If Arizona is not flipped. It could be 259-279 for Biden but either way this is over and taking it to the supreme court will in effect send this nation into civil war IF the election is turned back to Trump.
Nixon knew that Kennedy cheated in Chicago. He could have won the election but chose for the country to stand down. I would hope Trump would do the same. I know he won’t but if he were to ask me the right course I would say, stand down. The fact this was not an absolute blow out is a testament to the power of Trump.
Having said all of the above, Trump made inroads with gays, lesbians, Blacks, Hispanics, Latino’s and Asians and it is 100 percent that going forward the GOP will forget they exist, go back to wanting to bomb the shit out of everyone and beg Wall Street to give them some of that money Biden got.
Why? Because America has one of the most corrupt governments in the world. The only real difference is we do it civily and with dignity. We kiss your baby before stealing mom and dad’s jobs and shipping them to China. In other countries they send the baby to China along with the jobs.
Cheer up people. Being the resistance is invigorating. This time I surmise the resistance will not be just 70 year old retired grandparents. This time I predict that Antifa will be facing more than just a cowering police force in the streets. It is how all these things play out. The loser is always the resistance.
The GOP will resist in the Senate squelching everything the left wants to do and it will only be Biden’s pen that will be active. Meanwhile antifa will be canceled in the streets by the resistance.
It is what it is. It is how all of these play out.
It looks as if Joe Biden and Kamala Harris will be the winners. MI, WI, AZ, NV and likely PA.
Biden and Harris won the popular vote, and the most ever by a Presidential ticket.
I keep telling you fraudulent votes don’t count
Trump and many of his loyalists will falsely insist fraudulent votes were the difference, but without evidence.
300,000 ballots, all D, say otherwise. Videos of people stealing ballots and burning them say the same.
Mr. Biden just delivered a gracious speech, not claiming victory, but saying if he won, he’d be the President of not red states or blue states but of the United States.
We heard that from Zippy, too. As big a lie now as it was then.
It is what it is. It is how all of these play out.
Nope. you’re gonna lose and then you go to jail.
ROLCON. I knew it.
It looks as if Joe Biden and Kamala Harris will be the winners. MI, WI, AZ, NV and likely PA.
Biden and Harris won the popular vote, and the most ever by a Presidential ticket.
Trump and many of his loyalists will falsely insist fraudulent votes were the difference, but without evidence.
Mr. Biden just delivered a gracious speech, not claiming victory, but saying if he won, he’d be the President of not red states or blue states but of the United States.
Trump is suing MI. I don’t doubt more is on the way.
You should have just waited for ’24, although you won’t have a decent candidate then, either.
But all your scams are out in the open. Just like the Gropin crime family. And the Os.
Maybe you can share a cell with your boyfriend.
President-elect Biden may not be a decent candidate but it appears he beat trump.
Maybe Don Jr will try to resurrect daddy’s legacy in 2024.
We understand how upset you are. After all, you projected a 60, then 50, then 40 state sweep/landslide for trump.
He will end with 27 or fewer states.
It was a very close election. And trump is sowing chaos to make it appear that the election was stolen.
President-elect Biden may not be a decent candidate but it appears he beat trump
Wrong on both counts. The Democrats have been pulling this scam for years, but now somebody can fight back since it’s Federal now.
Maybe Don Jr will try to resurrect daddy’s legacy in 2024.
More like maybe Hunter will try to resurrect daddy’s legacy in 2024.
We understand how upset you are. After all, you projected a 60, then 50, then 40 state sweep/landslide for Trump.
Nobody likes thieves. That’s why they were hanged. That’s what’s going to happen to you.
He will end with 27 or fewer states.
Try 37 or more. you picked the wrong guy to cheat and it’s going to cost you.
It was a very close election. And Trump is sowing chaos to make it appear that the election was stolen.
Not close and it was stolen. As an accessory, you may end up in jail with all the rest.
As of now, Rudy is in Philadelphia giving the Demos Hell. So none of these states is official.
Jeffery can dream all he wants, but this is a long way from over.
And remember Rudy was the guy who broke the mob in Jersey and Gotham. He’s good at bringing down organized crime.
The markets have been up all day. A clear sign the smart money says Trump wins.
PS Funny how Gropin’ Joe can say it’s over when there are challenges aplenty, but Trump isn’t allowed to.
Of course the results are not official. There will likely be recounts in some states. Trump is filing frivolous, baseless lawsuits hourly. And it’s never official until Congress affirms the Electors’ vote.
“Once a final tally of voters’ in-person, mail-in and provisional ballots has been concluded, all 50 governors prepare their state’s Certificate of Ascertainment, a document listing their electors for the competing candidates.”
“After the governor submits names to the Archivist, each state’s Electoral College electors meet in the state capital – D.C.‘s meet in D.C. – to formally cast their votes for president and vice president on the first Monday after the second Wednesday in December. This year, that’s Dec. 14, 2020.”
“In ways that vary state by state, each state’s electors then prepares six Certificates of Vote, which are sent by registered mail to the President of the U.S. Senate and the Archivist of the United States. The remaining four certificates are sent to state officials.”
“On Jan. 6, Congress convenes to count the electoral votes and certify the winner of the election.”
Perhaps Trump can “persuade” or bribe Electors to vote for him.
Of course the results are not official. There will likely be recounts in some states. Trump is filing frivolous, baseless lawsuits hourly. And it’s never official until Congress affirms the Electors’ vote.
So glad you looked it up and so glad you’re starting to walk back all your nonsense. You tried to steal the country, but Trump didn’t play Richard Nixon.
Heere’s to see you and yours slapped down good and hard.
Perhaps Trump can “persuade†or bribe Electors to vote for him.
No, that’s what mobsters like you do.
President-elect Biden did not say it’s over, he said the vote counts should continue.
Lame Duck Don said, “We were getting ready to win this election. Frankly, we did win this election,†“We want all voting to stop. We don’t want them to find any ballots at 4 o’clock in the morning and add them to the list. It’s a very sad moment. We will win this, and as far as I’m concerned we already have won.â€
Of course all voting HAD already stopped. Trump wanted vote counting to stop because he thought he was ahead.
President-elect Biden did not say it’s over, he said the vote counts should continue.
Gropin’ Joe is nothing, certainly not President-elect, but Troll Central has doubtless told you to start the psywar.
Only one President, elect or otherwise and that’s Trump, but, again, so glad to see you walking it all back.
Of course all voting HAD already stopped. Trump wanted vote counting to stop because he thought he was ahead.
Votes, all D, were showing up in the wee smalls. you tried to steal the election.
You’re going to hang.
Sore losers… Sore losers everywhere!!
formerwhiz wants me hanged and Kye wants me executed. Maybe it’s time for your pseudo-“militias” (gangs) to start shooting.
Relax boys… it’s not all settled. Trump is suing everyone in sight, protesting the outcome; his brownshirts are organizing and trying to disrupt the counts. Trump is crying fraud. It’s unlikely his protests will amount to much, so he’s probably just looking for an excuse, “I wuz robbed!”, when he leaves the White House. Doubt he’ll ever concede.
Sore losers… Sore losers everywhere!!
And what have you been doing the past 4 years?
At least Trump didn’t have to steal any votes.
formerwhiz wants me hanged and Kye wants me executed. Maybe it’s time for your pseudo-“militias†(gangs) to start shooting.
No, the law is going to get all of you, but weren’t you the one drooling at the prospect of all those illegals wiping out white America?
Relax boys… it’s not all settled. Trump is suing everyone in sight, protesting the outcome; his brownshirts are organizing and trying to disrupt the counts. Trump is crying fraud. It’s unlikely his protests will amount to much, so he’s probably just looking for an excuse, “I wuz robbed!â€, when he leaves the White House. Doubt he’ll ever concede.
He won’t because he’s in the right. And, more importantly, he has the law on his side.
And you’re the one with the blackshirts. I notice they’ve been stood down. I guess the party doesn[‘t want its image tarnished more than it is already.
Can’t wait to see all those Democrat governors frog marched.
I know you think you have little fear. But I get reports from people that are doing things. I would be concerned if this does not go the right way. You could be targeted.
Now dave chirps up with another threat!
It is like this. Your assessments might have some concern, but you are a liar and love to say stupid things to get attention. That is bizarre activity for a grown man. Fact is Trump won, get used to it. As to Biden and family, visit them in jail.
Back in ’12, when precincts were bragging about 140% turnout, not that many people had smartphones.
Now anybody can shoot a video any time.
I recall reading Bathouse Barry preferred older men because they were gentle. None of that in Federal prison..
Something else to ponder. If Trump was rejected (he wasn’t), how come the Rs did so well in the Congressional races?
With 50 races yet to be called, the Rs just might take back the House.
President-elect that.
Well, well, well, 7 people born in 1902 voted in MI yesterday.
PS NC won’t announce results until the 12th.
What do they have to hide?
The Eminent Mr Surber explains why Gropin’ Joe had to knock off the President-elect stuff.
Nice read.
The Anemic Mr. Surber says trump won 285-253.
He did. Get used to it.
It’s what’s going to be.
Sorry, I did not threaten, more advise. I am glad you agree with Surber. By the way, why are the Dems cheating on all elections the last few years? Seems if you have such a great message you would not cheat.
The Dems are not cheating. Just another conservamyth. Much of what connies believe to be true, is not.
Just like 1960, right?
And Conservatives go on facts, not what they’re told to say and do.
We leave that to people like you.
Nicely put, good sir.
Now dave chirps up with another threat!
No threat, just the truth.
Great point from Gateway.
Joe Biden Couldn’t get 10 people at a campaign rally, but he somehow breaks the record for the most candidate votes in US history?
Enquiring minds want to know.
OK, batfans, riddle me this.
From the official counts, Gropin’ Joe’s total jumps 140,000 votes and Trump’s not one.
See for yourself.
Also, in AZ, voters in R precincts were given Sharpies to mark their ballots. The machines rejected said ballots.
This is going to be so much fun before it’s over. A half dozen states are on the hot seat and it’s Federal.
Love to see that over-the-hill hippie in PA and his stereosexual Health Sec hauled off to Atlanta.
Ruh roh.
SCUS says PA has some ‘splainin’ to do.
Takes care of PA, MI, AZ. Oh wait, a whistleblower has reported Post Office superiors ordered that late mail-in-ballots were to be back dated.
Now we have the case of WI and MN with way above norm (that’s what the word really means) turnout.
And did I mention Trump’s filing suit in GA over Demos seeking volunteers in Georgia to “go door to door helping voters fix their mail in ballots so they count”?
And Robespierre thought he made the heads roll.