Would it be theft if soon-to-be-25th-Amendmented-and-replaced-with-Harris Joe Biden wins? Maybe? We see all the irregularities, and virtually none in the Credentialed Media are bothering to investigate. Heck, most who mention them are providing cover with Excuses. Miranda Devine has thoughts
Biden may steal an election for the elitists, but Democrats will regret it: Devine
Let’s be real. Goliath was never going to let David breeze through the rematch.
The provinces, for whom President Trump is an instrument, not an end in himself, were never going to have an easy time winning the 2020 election against the amassed might of the Democratic Party, the “Fake News†media and allied pollsters, Big Tech, woke billionaires and the celebrity class, who united to stamp out the barbarian orange emperor.
The “chumpsâ€Â and “ugly folk,â€Â as Joe Biden calls them, came out in their glorious millions from the American heartland on Election Day and now we will see if people power prevails, if the nationalist populist movement enabled by Donald Trump, but not defined by him, lives to fight another day against the corrupt globalists represented by the sad husk of Biden.
It boils down to Trump’s belief that the Democrats perpetrated widespread voter fraud in Pennsylvania, Michigan, Wisconsin and elsewhere to steal the election.
That can’t be real, could it?
In a press conference in Philadelphia Wednesday, Giuliani laid out one clear anomaly in which, contrary to Pennsylvania law, Republican election observers were denied the right to oversee the counting of 120,000 ballots by being forced to stand 20 to 30 feet away from where they were being counted.
“They were never able to see the ballot itself, never able to see if it was properly postmarked, properly addressed, properly signed on the outside . . . this went on for 20 hours. While all of you thought there was some kind of legitimate count going on here in Philadelphia, it was totally illegitimate.â€
Giuliani’s team has also launched a lawsuit in Wisconsin where he says that, after election observers had gone home, “at 3 or 4 in the morning about 120,000 ballots appeared . . . and they all got counted.â€
The Trump campaign also filed a lawsuit in Michigan Wednesday, with campaign manager Bill Stepien claiming Republican observers were denied “meaningful access to numerous counting locations to observe the opening of ballots and the counting process, as guaranteed by Michigan law.â€
How about workers in Detroit covering the windows while counting absentee ballots? 23,277 votes being discovered in Philly, with zero going to Trump. That’s statistically impossible. We have late counted ballots, ballot harvesting, reports of late arriving ballots being counted, improperly cast ballots. Damn right Trump should fight, this is a serious game. If some in the GOP want to go squishy, let them. Democrats know the game is hardcore, many in the GOP don’t get it.
But even if Trump does lose, it may be a blessing in disguise for Republicans.
The result has crushed Democratic expectations of a clean sweep. It wasn’t a landslide win against an unpopular president, as we had been told so confidently for months.
If Biden wins, it will be by the narrowest margin.
Republicans are going to hang on to the Senate
The fatal miscalculations of House Speaker Nancy Pelosi in cynically refusing to negotiate on the latest stimulus bill has cost the Democrats dearly in the House, where they have gone backward by at least six seats. They did not manage to get rid of a single Republican. So much for the blue wave.
The Democrats won’t be able to pack the Supreme Court, abolish the Electoral College or make DC and Puerto Rico states. They will struggle to impose the Green New Deal.
Unfortunately, nothing can be done to stop a President Biden-Harris repeat of the geopolitical errors of the Obama presidency, such as appeasing China and Iran’s mullahs and signing onto the Paris climate accord.
But a President Biden in cognitive decline will sooner or later be replaced by his unpopular, untested vice president, Kamala Harris.
Here’s the thing: will the House Dems and/or Biden-Harris push the hardcore agenda? They know it won’t pass. But, it could expose their agenda. Joe can rejoin the Paris Climate (scam) accord if he wants, but, he won’t get the appropriations for the cash redistribution. Or anything else.
Saddled with a recession and policies that will only exacerbate economic decline, the next four years will hobble Democrats.
Here’s a big question: does the economy continue rising once Trump’s gone, or does the stock market and economy get bearish, as Biden/Harris yammer about taxes and restrictions and such, doing some through regulation, with a concern that Dems take the Senate in 2022?

The Democrats won’t regret it.
Their number one goal was to get rid of Donald Trump, and while the final numbers aren’t in yet, it looks like Joe Biden will win, by a slender margin, but a win is a win.
The ones who will really regret it are the conservative Never Trumpers. yes, they got rid of President Trump, but in supporting Joe Biden, they have concomitantly supported the Democrats political agenda. The difference between Joe Biden and Kamala Harris Emhoff? She wanted to require all new cars sold to be zero-emissions in 2030, and he was a ‘moderate’ in saying 2035.
When all of these apartment dwellers who have no garages or dedicated and secure parking spaces find that they have to spend more than an hour sitting at the charging station, they can think back to when they supported Joe Biden. When corporate taxes go way up, and thus the costs of everything increases, they can think back to how good it felt to get rid of President Trump. When illegal immigrants stream back across the border, at a time when millions of Americans can’t find jobs, they can smile to themselves and say, at least we got rid of the big orange.
Their number one goal was to get rid of Donald Trump, and while the final numbers aren’t in yet, it looks like Joe Biden will win, by a slender margin, but a win is a win.
not even close. Too many dirty tricks, too much evidence.
The Demos forgot everybody has a smartphone these days. Smartphones can make videos. That is what will hang the Demos up by their thumbs. Evidence.
You heard it here first.
Democrats should be happy but they are not. Republicans are sad but they should be happy.
In the house the GOP was supposed to lose 20 seats to the Democrats they have picked up 7 while losing 2 and are on track to pick up a couple more. Slightly under the +10 I predicted. The left is now finger pointing at each other as billionaires, wall street and silicone valley spent a billion dollars on house and senate races and accomplished NOTHING!
In the Senate I predicted -1 Senate seats for the GOP. It looks like this will be the case as McConnell, Graham had a combined 200 million dollars thrown at them and not only did they win but they won by a lot. Double Digit wins. Collins of Maine won. Tuberville took the lone Dem seat away which was to be expected and in Georgia the GOP will take both seats.
In little old Montana a 100 million was thrown at Daines who defeated Bullock to claim the seat for the GOP.
In Texas a mind blowing 55 million dollars was given to the state legislature in nine races. NINE. They lost them all but one. The legislature remains RED in TEXAS.
The GOP is turning into the big tent they have preached for two decades but refused to then do anything about. 30 percent of LBGTQ’s voted for the GOP. 31 percent of Hispanics nationally and in local races that number was much higher. Black men turned out for Trump by 17 percent. Overall it was 14 percent of blacks for Trump. Our internals had this at between 15-18 percent.
31 percent of Asians voted for Trump. All of these numbers are way up.
Going forward the GOP is in great shape if they keep the focus on conservative ideals without tossing in the trash those that are bringing them victories across the country. Blacks, Hispanics, LGBTQ, Asians and Christians.
Intersectionality was soundly rebuked in this election and the racism narrative was busted.
It was a great election for the GOP and a DEFEAT for the left. The senate alone will mean the first two years of Biden will mean he can only rule by FIAT or the pen and that means NONE of the `100 trillion dollar Green New deal even gets a vote and remember the house finances things but only if the senate agrees.
A great night for the GOP. Take heart My Fellow Americans. The GOP is in great shape and the dems are a dumpster fire right now even if Biden pulls out this win over Trump!
In other news (RUMORS?) If Trump loses he is going to start a conservative TV network along with the help of a few more conservative Billionaires and FOX NEWS can finish their switch to the dark side.
He is also looking at the idea of his own Twitter Venue such as buying Parlor and turning it into a conservative bastion.
The Main Stream Media is not dead. It is alive and well because it has no competition. The polling industry will laugh off their voter suppression designed to suppress the GOP vote while having the effect of just further amplifying for the right the egregious sins of the MEDIA in this country.
A Banner of freedom to watch over our freedom and democracy the Media has become an arm of the Democratic party who also wants to make the Supreme court and arm of the Democratic party.
Cheer up America at least for two more years DC and Puerto Rico are not new states with new Democratic senators, the Supreme court does not get packed and Biden will only be able to rule with his pen.
It is grid lock once again but unless and until this great partisan divide in America is resolved. Gridlock is better than 1 party rule. All one has to do is look at California to see what the Democrats want for America.
It was an awesome election. Thank you Donald Trump.
As I consider this, I recall how Trump gave the Demos control of state responses to the Bat Soup Complaint and it showed the country what a pack of megalomaniacal tyrants they are.
Consider how the Demos have been pulling stunts like this for years. Remember Christine Gregoire? And the Demos couldn’t resist telegraphing what they were going to do and how they were going to do it. Trump even gave them a chance to rethink their arrogance by telling an interviewer he wouldn’t roll over for the usual Democrat shenanigans.
I’m just wondering if Trump laid it out this way just to expose to the country that the Demos aren’t just wannabe tyrants, but crooks, as well.
If so, they walked into his trap yet again.
If “Democrat to be named later” wins the presidential office, I fear that Democrats will make the Senate irrelevant by simply ignoring them. The Democrats have a long history of testing the limits of laws and their guiding principle has always been “if we get away with it, it is legal”. I think that a handful of Republicans in the Senate will go along with the pretense just to not look totally impotent.
You think they’d replace the Ho?
Actually, I think has a lot more twists and turns. If 2000 proved anything, it’s that the Demos’ schemes only work when nobody is looking.
I don’t have any evidence to support this belief but I think she agreed from the beginning that she was not going to be the real president. She is in that position because no one else would take it. It wouldn’t surprise me if there were “conditions” placed on her invitation to the party ticket. Face it. She brings NOTHING to the ticket. No voters. No constituency. No party loyalty. No fundraising. She was the worst performing of all the candidates in the primary. She isn’t a leader in her party or anywhere else. I think she will take office for a few weeks and then politely step down to make way for someone more experienced. She may even do it before Biden croaks/is removed, like how we ended up with Ford as president after Agnew resigned. Not Hillary. Maybe someone like Bloomberg or Steyr as payback for his financial contributions.
She’ll be a figurehead, just like the Mocha Messiah, with a ValJar to tell her what she’s supposed to do.
Face it, she does her best work on her knees.
Interesting piece on Trump predicting re-election by Friday.
YMMV, but I’m wondering how many Demos are now looking over their shoulders right now. Trump has called their bluff and anything they do has a national spotlight now.
I wonder especially if Wolf, Walz, Cooper, Evers, and the Ubersturmbannfuhrer are getting worried. This thing was obviously co-ordinated.
They have always gotten away with it before. Chances are very high they will again and they fully expect to. No matter how many times the Right was promised “long lines of democrats in handcuffs” over the last 4 years, we haven’t seen a single one. It is unreasonable to expect a major change when you already have a 4 year long track record of not getting any.
We have photographic, video, documentary, and eyewitness evidence.
And they’ve always gotten away with it because it happened in a Demo-run state or municipality. Just because they fully expect to doesn’t mean they will.
They haven’t crossed Trump before.
Jeffery loves to talk about no evidence of vote fraud. This time we’re up to our noses in it. Exposing these people for the organized crime that they are is the real point. How many go to jail would be nice, but each time something like this happens like showing their dictatorial proclivities during the Brown Bilharzia, it spreads distrust of them and makes accusations a lot more credible.
Would I like to see Wolf, Walz, Cooper, Evers, and the Ubersturmbannfuhrer and all of their evil minions become lifetime residents of the Federal prison system as they build the latest facility somewhere north of Point Barrow?
Of course, I would, but, as happened with the Hildabeast, exposure made her, and Willie, irrelevant and pariahs.
Sometimes, that’s better.
Losers always blame the referees.
Why doesn’t the trump DOJ move in and start making arrests for all the obvious election corruption?
Should trump declare martial law and send in the troops to put an end to this Demo chicanery?
Regardless of who “wins” what state do you recommend a thorough evaluation of each individual vote in any close state? PA, MI, NC, GA, NV, AZ, FL etc, even ones that trump apparently won. Or just in ones that Mr. Biden may have won?
The Hildabeast won the popular vote.
Why doesn’t the trump DOJ move in and start making arrests for all the obvious election corruption?
He has an offer they can’t refuse.
Should trump declare martial law and send in the troops to put an end to this Demo chicanery?
Spoken like a true totalitarian.
Regardless of who “wins†what state do you recommend a thorough evaluation of each individual vote in any close state? PA, MI, NC, GA, NV, AZ, FL etc, even ones that trump apparently won. Or just in ones that Mr. Biden may have won?
I like it. We may find Trump did win the popular vote, too. If all the Demos’ fraudulent ballots are declared null and void, then the popular vote really could go to Trump.
Wah wah.
If you really believed trump was going to win you woukd be betting the farm on Trump
The current payoff is 7-1
So trump wants to stop everything right now. In that case Mr. Biden will win.
Is that a smart approach?
Yes, because he wants all those ballot dumps investigated and a lot of Gropin’ Joe’s votes are going to be declared null and void.
I’ve been telling you for 4 years fraudulent votes don’t count.
If so, a lot of Demos go to jail. This was obviously co-ordinated.
Great claims require great proofs
So far there has NEVER been any large scale voter fraud by either party
Voting is usually controlled by the Secretary if State
Most Secretary’s of State are GOP
Has ANY GOP SoS admitted yo big fraud in his state ?
“Great claims require great proofs
So far there has NEVER been any large scale voter fraud by either party”
Being the moron you are it becomes necessary to enlighten you. “Large scale voter fraud” is in itself voter fraud propaganda meant to delegitimatize actual voter fraud. You commies are good at that. It’s true there isn’t some corrupt Democrat operative sitting in mid-PA sending out a million phony ballots. Rather there are 2000 little local guys all over PA (my father was one in Philly) who create 5 or 6 hundred ballots to the same end. How else would you explain 110% voter turnout in many city districts? I sat at the Knights of Columbus Lodge with my father and several other Dem Ward Leaders in Philly and watched as they changed the ballots for several years. They literally turned Philly Democrat between 1952 and 1966 and ever since Philly is a one party ruled city full of crime, filth and corruption because of that.
Also it is a lengthy process to prosecute voter fraud, the penalties are generally a slap on the wrist and the prosecutors in most major cities where the bulk of voter fraud occurs are themselves corrupt Democommies and refuse to prosecute their fellow corruptocrats. To paraphrase “Great crimes require great DA’s and the cities have none”.
Just ONE of many I ran across today:
Mail-in ballots from the military serving overseas were found in the trash in Pennsylvania. The ballots were discovered during an investigation into election issues in Luzerne County, Pennsylvania. Most of the discarded ballots had been cast for President Trump.
The U.S. Attorneys Office Middle District of Pennsylvania released a statement on the situation on Thursday:
On Monday, September 21, 2020, at the request of Luzerne County District Attorney Stefanie Salavantis, the Office of the United States Attorney along with the Federal Bureau of Investigation, Scranton Resident Office, began an inquiry into reports of potential issues with a small number of mail-in ballots at the Luzerne County Board of Elections.
Since Monday, FBI personnel working together with the Pennsylvania State Police have conducted numerous interviews and recovered and reviewed certain physical evidence. Election officials in Luzerne County have been cooperative. At this point we can confirm that a small number of military ballots were discarded. Investigators have recovered nine ballots at this time. Some of those ballots can be attributed to specific voters and some cannot. All nine ballots were cast for presidential candidate Donald Trump.
They later revised the statement: “Of the nine ballots that were discarded and then recovered, 7 were cast for presidential candidate Donald Trump.â€
While nine ballots have been recovered, it is not clear how many were actually discarded.
This announcement comes on the heels of a report that three trays of mail, including absentee ballots, were discovered in a ditch in Wisconsin.
White House Press Secretary Kayleigh McEnany addressed both these stories on Thursday.
They talk as if Gropin’ Joe will be Preezy for more than a couple days. He’ll be 25th Amendmented so fast, he’ll be back in his basement before that Friday.
The headaches will be Chlamydia’s.
trump is getting what he wanted. He never expected to win, so he’s as surprised as anyone that it’s this close. But his objective was to sow chaos and doubt and to scream he was robbed and the Dems cast/counted millions of fraudulent votes (of course, with no evidence).
The GOP engineered delayed counting. They interfered with the USPS. State GOPhers made it so their states couldn’t count mail-in votes until Nov 3. They ignored the pandemic.
But is was part of the trump plan – lose and squeal like a stuck pig, create chaos and mayhem. (It’s possible this is trump’s last bargaining chip – stop the bullshit, concede like a man – in exchange for a deal with NY State.)
trump boasted of his huge court victory today – GOP observers can move from 10 ft away to 6 ft away in PA!!
from Eugene Robinson (WaPo):
*Unprecedented numbers of voters chose to cast their ballots by mail because of the covid-19 pandemic, and those mail-in votes take time to certify and tally. As if to illustrate the risk, the nation recorded more than 100,000 new cases of covid-19 on Wednesday, an all-time high.
But Trump cynically and tragically politicized the coronavirus and the politically neutral process of voting by mail. The result: Democrats chose to use mail-in and absentee options while more Republicans decided to vote in person. In states such as Wisconsin, Michigan, Pennsylvania and Georgia, GOP-led state legislatures refused to allow election officials to begin counting mail-in votes until Election Day.
The predictable result was a “red mirage.†The rapid tabulation of in-person votes gave Trump and the Republicans early leads that slowly eroded as the mail-in votes were counted.* – Eugene Robinson, 2020
If the states had stopped counting legal votes when trump wished, Biden wins. If they count all the legal votes, Biden wins.
Mr Biden will win by some 4 million votes nationally. (I know, I know… 7 million fraudulent votes). But when connies lose, they whine fraud.
So election fraud is in your blood? Just because your father tried to rig elections, doesn’t mean that everyone does.
So Philly’s problems today are your father’s (and other crooked men’s) fault??
Can your father defend himself from you scurrilous attacks?
Don’t count on the GOP keeping the Senate. If the Dems can flip GA and NC they might flip two Senate seats to give them 50. Harris would be the 51st vote in a tie and goodbye filibuster. They will also try to win the runoff in GA for the other Senate seat.
You assume the count is honest. So far there is little evidence it will be.
And, if Trump prevails, the Ho won’t be breaking anything except maybe rocks on the chain gang.
Ruh roh.
Jeffery better forget AZ. Fake News is saying Trump’s on track to win AZ.
The AP has called AZ for Biden
Las Vegas will give you 7-1 odds if you really believe Trump will win
Are you going to go all in for your Dear Leader ?
I doubt it very much
The sock puppet is jumping up and down yelling, “Look at me!! Look at me!! Be afraid!! Be afraid”.
trump is getting what he wanted. He never expected to win, so he’s as surprised as anyone that it’s this close. But his objective was to sow chaos and doubt and to scream he was robbed and the Dems cast/counted millions of fraudulent votes (of course, with no evidence).
Vids of ballots being burned, eyewtinesses saying the were told to backdate ballots.
Lots of evidence.
The GOP engineered delayed counting. They interfered with the USPS. State GOPhers made it so their states couldn’t count mail-in votes until Nov 3. They ignored the pandemic.
Now, you’re making Baghdad Bob look like the font of truth.
But is was part of the Trump plan – lose and squeal like a stuck pig, create chaos and mayhem. (It’s possible this is trump’s last bargaining chip – stop the bullshit, concede like a man – in exchange for a deal with NY State.)
You hid for the most part of 2 days and this is your best effort?
Trump boasted of his huge court victory today – GOP observers can move from 10 ft away to 6 ft away in PA!!
The fact they could not get close tells you something is wrong. You really need to watch your mouth. You give too much away.
from Eugene Robinson (WaPo):
*Unprecedented numbers of voters chose to cast their ballots by mail because of the covid-19 pandemic, and those mail-in votes take time to certify and tally. As if to illustrate the risk, the nation recorded more than 100,000 new cases of covid-19 on Wednesday, an all-time high.
But Trump cynically and tragically politicized the coronavirus and the politically neutral process of voting by mail. The result: Democrats chose to use mail-in and absentee options while more Republicans decided to vote in person. In states such as Wisconsin, Michigan, Pennsylvania and Georgia, GOP-led state legislatures refused to allow election officials to begin counting mail-in votes until Election Day.
The predictable result was a “red mirage.†The rapid tabulation of in-person votes gave Trump and the Republicans early leads that slowly eroded as the mail-in votes were counted.* – Eugene Robinson, 2020
Wow! word from the WaPo. It’s going to take more than that.
If the states had stopped counting legal votes when Trump wished, Biden wins. If they count all the legal votes, Biden wins.
Sure. You’re losing and you know it. That’s why you’re pasting in all this nonsense, twisting everything around.
Mr Biden will win by some 4 million votes nationally. (I know, I know… 7 million fraudulent votes). But when Conservatives lose, they whine fraud.
And when Lefties lose they whine popular vote.
I notice you use the word votes. Haven’t you seen Joe and the Ho are talking about ballots? If all the votes are counted, Trump wins, so they have to talk about ballots.
So, yeah, when the votes are counted, Trump wins. That’s what you’re Massas are afraid of and you’re too stupid to even read the memo.
And another question. If Joe and the Ho won so big, why did the Rs do so well in the Congressional races? If anybody votes straight ticket, it’s Demos, right?
So election fraud is in your blood? Just because your father tried to rig elections, doesn’t mean that everyone does.
Certainly, it means the Demos have a long history of it.
So Philly’s problems today are your father’s (and other crooked men’s) fault??
Just like you.
Can your father defend himself from you scurrilous attacks?
Can you defend yourself from legal attacks?
Ruh roh.
6000 fraudulent ballots found in NV. Over 3000 people referred to the DOJ
Trump takes Lefty Pima County AZ, home of Tucson.
416 House races appear decided
Democrats 212
Republicans 204 (+10)
19 Seats remain, GOP lead in 10
To win 218 (and House majority), GOP would need to win all the districts they are leading in, plus:
Even if it’s a split, The Demos’ authority would be seriously undercut.
One other thing. Should the election go to the House, it doesn’t mean Pelosi’s House it means 1 rep from each State House casts a vote. Guess who holds the most state Houses?
Trump takes Maricopa county AZ.
Looks like Gropin’ Joe may not take AZ, after all.
So trump losing is bad for the Dems. Got it. Perhaps, but it will be good for America.
The author crows that President Biden would be hobbled by trump’s recession and pandemic, not to mention Moscow (make him a one term prez) Mitch’s Senate shenanigans.
So Ttrump losing is bad for the Dems. Got it. Perhaps, but it will be good for America.
Joe and the Ho?
No way.
But you know that. You want that.
The author crows that President Biden would be hobbled by trump’s recession and pandemic, not to mention Moscow (make him a one term prez) Mitch’s Senate shenanigans.
The author is an idiot. He assumes Gropin’ Joe will be allowed to stay in office. He’ll be deep sixed before the middle of the week.
And then there’s this. Poll worker took a screen cap showing valid names with invalid birth dates. One was born in ’67, but listed as born 1/1/00.
Yeah, I’d say there’s something weird going on.
Just to show you how Jeffery lies.
If the states had stopped counting legal votes when Trump wished, Biden wins. If they count all the legal votes, Biden wins.