…is horrible carbon pollution created heat snow, you might just be a Warmist
The blog of the day is Maggie’s Farm, with a post on this being another strange election.

…is horrible carbon pollution created heat snow, you might just be a Warmist
The blog of the day is Maggie’s Farm, with a post on this being another strange election.
Twitter has targeted the trending #StopTheSteal movement, censoring one of the leaders, newly elected House member Marjorie Taylor Greene.
At least 20 of her tweets and retweets were slapped with a “misleading†tag, though in most, all the Georgia conservative was urging followers to do is back President Trump’s focus on potential ballot counting fraud.
Silicone…yes I meant to spell it that way…is out of control. Their mindless dolts from foreign countries controlling and influencing our election.
Two dozen YouTubers were banned on election night for saying things that were contrary to policy. YouTubers could claim Trump was cheating and it was ignored. Those that claimed Biden was cheating were banned.
We live in Dark times. It is time for the conservative Base to take to the streets. Not in violence but to let America know our voices cannot be silenced. The longer we let this go on the deeper we let them dig the hole around our feet.
Why did the Dems cheat to victory this year, but not in 2016?
Dems seem to be about as good at election fraud as The Don is at business.
Why did the Dems cheat to victory this year, but not in 2016?
Because you morons believed your own fake polls?
You’ve heard this before, but the roots of America’s problems are from economic inequality.
From the essay:
“The United States was ripe for a populist movement by 2016, and it remains so today. Vast inequalities have opened in the last four decades between the highly educated and the rest and between capital and labor. As a result, median wages have been stagnant for about 40 years, and the real earnings of many groups, especially men with low education levels, have fallen precipitously. Men with less than a college degree, for example, earn significantly less today than their counterparts did in the 1970s. No serious discussion of the political ills that have befallen the United States can ignore these economic trends, which have afflicted the American middle class and contributed to the anger and frustration among some of the voters who turned to Trump.”
No, they’re from evil Leftists.
The esteemed Mr Dowd quoted:
Men with high school diplomas or less used to earn more money, in relative terms, because more industry was located within the United States, yet the Democrats would try to cut back on that, by shuttering fossil fuel production via fracking.
American men with high school diplomas or less are facing more competition from immigrants, particularly immigrants, while the Democrats want to relax enforcement of border security.
And, of course, white American men with high school diplomas or less are facing more competition from white women and blacks, who used to have far less access to manufacturing jobs, yet the Democrats want to push for more, not less, Affirmative Action.
To return to 1950s prosperity means, inter alia, a return to 1950s standards, in which white men could earn enough to support a family, by barring women and minorities from the best jobs, by controlling our borders to keep out illegal immigrants, and by American families choosing to buy American products rather than imports.
The sui generis Mr Dana wraps President Trump’s popularity in a tidy package: The current plight of the American white working class is the fault of Blacks, women and immigrants. He recommends a return to 1950s sensibilities where women and negroes “knew their place” and society recognized the inherent superiority of white men. An America where white men received employment preferences.
The 50s were the beginning of the Civil Rights movement, so you lie again.
We also had the blacklist, which kept the Left in its box.
Take it up with Mr Dana.
Take it up with you.
They’re your party.
The Dems MUST address the economic oppression of the white blue-collar working class, not for an electoral advantage but for the good of the America, Americans and the world. The GOP makes promises but have no plan to actually help.
President-elect Biden and his administration have no time to waste in trying to heal the fractured nation.
You’re going to have to wait 4 years. Gropin’ Joe is President-elect of his basement and nothing more.
Commie News Net really stepped in it this time and they’re going to look really stupid when Trump is declared the legal winner.
You’re rarely worth a response but, LOL!!!
As I say, every time Jeffery pulls out his LOL, I’ve hit him where he hasn’t got a response.
Just because Commie News Net says it doesn’t make it so.
Notice how stupid a person we have in Jeff. He desires to help the working class at the same time he desires unrestricted immigration and advocates for climate change dogma all of which delicate the average guy.
This election is not legal. Too many irregular actions have readily been accepted. I have had enough of this and do not desire to wait 4 years to see the Dems work their fraud again. Action is necessary, no manner the extreme nature. Time gives the Dems power, I think Trump is aware of this and hopefully he will continue with the strong leadership.
Here’s another right-wing moron calling for violence because they hate democracy! davey is afraid he’ll lose his government funded gravy train. davey thinks Republicans are entitled to rule since they’re the party of conservative, caucasian, christians. It’s their country, they built it!!
Sore losers! Sore losers, everywhere!
tRump is playing golf today. Once it sinks in he may not return to the White House.
davey is an unrefined liar. Few Americans favor unrestricted immigration. There is no reason to think that global warming remediation will “delicate” the average guy (whatever the fu(k that was supposed to mean). We’ve covered all the ways that gov’t policy has contributed to the transfer of productivity gains (wealth) from the working class to the elite, donor class. Tax, labor, trade, patent, bankruptcy, fiscal, monetary, wage policies favor the already rich. You know this. davey has been a favored recipient of these policies. BUT, these policies are not just Republican in nature, but elitist, including Dem elites. Fixing this is a heavy list. We can start by increasing the minimum wage, enacting further stimulus payouts to workers and small businesses.
No where did david call for violence.
AOC has. She’s getting up a drop dead list.
Few Americans favor unrestricted immigration.
You do.
We’ve covered all the ways that gov’t policy has contributed to the transfer of productivity gains (wealth) from the working class to the elite, donor class. Tax, labor, trade, patent, bankruptcy, fiscal, monetary, wage policies favor the already rich.
You lie, as always.
We can start by increasing the minimum wage, enacting further stimulus payouts to workers and small businesses.
Which always destroys small businesses and puts workers out of work.
david, Trump saw all this coming.
Did you know all of his SCUS appointees worked on the ’00 recount?
Have you heard of the HAMMER system?
Did you know SCUS has ordered PA to segregate all ballots received after 8 pm Tuesday?
Did you know, since Thursday night, Trump has cut Gropin’ Joe’s lead in AZ in half?
Did you know 2 Post Office whistleblowers in Philly and 1 in Detroit have blown the lid off orders to backdate ballots?
Have you heard they even found a ballot for Heavyweight Joe Frazier, even though he died in ’11?
Most of this has happened in the last 24 hours. Jeffery and all the other Commies know, if they can’t get Trump to concede, all this and a lot more is going to come out. Jeffery may end up in jail again.
That Trump took a little time to relax today says he knows he’s in the catbird seat.
Thanks for the up lifting news, will pay closer attention. This might explain why joe is proclaiming victory so early. I am still staying locked and loaded, we will need that option ultimately.
HAMMER time!
So in 2009 Robert Mueller gave Obama a computer program/system/hardware developed by grifter Dennis Montgomery so that Obama could adapt it rig elections! And it also spied on the tRump campaign!
Why didn’t they use the HAMMER in 2016, LOL!! tRump has had the HAMMER for the past 4 years, what’s he been doing with it? How did Biden get it, LOL??
Did you know PA was already segregating the late ballots when Alito agreed with them? Yeah, that.
Sibley, when he’s not sucking Porter’s balzac, is searching the internet for more tall tales.
OK kids, time to pull up your big boy pants and accept reality. This QAnon bulltrump and all the right-wing conspiracy tales are rotting what’s left of your brains. Bless your hearts.
One more thing. Jeffery likes to say there won’t be any blowback after Joe and the Ho assume their rule (that’s what Lefties call it, not governance).
Why does Occasional Cortex want The Trump Accountability Project, a blacklist of “Trump sycophantsâ€â€”entitled “The Trump Accountability Projectâ€â€”is archiving the names of individuals who “elected, served, funded, supported*, and represented†President Donald Trump?
Sounds like a list. Like the one Hitler had. Like the one Uncle Joe had.
* That means you and me, kids.
Silly Sibley, aka Porter’s pooch, is today drying his tears on his trump flag.
LOL. The whining titty baby who wants to hang Democrats projects that a representative will make a list! Oh noes, a list! Whatever will he do to keep from being hanged by AOC?
As always, LOL means he’s in favor of The Trump Accountability Project. Another list. Just like his Uncle Joe.
He wants to be a guard at Dachau-on-the-Brazos. Maybe they’ll let him pour the Zyklon-B into the showers.
And notice he doesn’t deny any of it.
The only blowback needed is for The Don and his Ho to vacate the premises as required by law.
When the law says he lost.
Which he hasn’t.
We think you guys need time to adjust to the new world, lick your wounds, stroke your egos, get your heads on straight, dab your tears, compile your lists, get your daubers up, and whatever else “men” such as you do etc.
Best wishes. Catch you on the flip side. LOL!
IOW please give up now because the longer it goes on, the more the truth will come out.
PS Notice he didn’t deny it.
So in 2009 Robert Mueller gave Obama a computer program/system/hardware developed by grifter Dennis Montgomery so that Obama could adapt it rig elections! And it also spied on the tRump campaign!
Grifter according to whom? HAMMER was developed for the CIA.
Why didn’t they use the HAMMER in 2016, LOL!! tRump has had the HAMMER for the past 4 years, what’s he been doing with it? How did Biden get it, LOL??
Never judge other people by your own gutter standards. They didn’t use it because they were as stupid as you are and believed the polls.
It’s been marketed commercially after Zippy weaponized it to win in ’12.
You’d know if you’d read the article, but you’re to busy LOLing. You’ll probably still be LOLing when they come to arrest you whining, “Where’s my Joe? Where’s Chlamydia? This is all a big mistake!!!”.
Did you know PA was already segregating the late ballots when Alito agreed with them? Yeah, that.
No, they weren’t. You lie.
Sibley, when he’s not sucking Porter’s balzac, is searching the internet for more tall tales.
Agasin, he gets ugly, it’s because he’s losing the fight. We’re onto all your little games and you’re going to lose BIGLY.
OK kids, time to pull up your big boy pants and accept reality. This QAnon bulltrump and all the right-wing conspiracy tales are rotting what’s left of your brains. Bless your hearts.
As I said, it’s all a psy-op to get people to give up.
Don’t. Keep fighting. Keep the truth going to as many people and websites as you can.
The fact Jeffery has to do feeble damage control like this proves it.
I can’t understand Sibley, with tRump’s balzac in his mouth. LOL!!!
OK, batfans
>Georgia has a recount
>Pennsylvania has a recount
>Nevada has a recount
>Wisconsin has a recount
>Michigan has a recount
>Arizona has a recount
If there’s a recount, it ain’t over.
Trump will bring suit Monday that no R poll watchers ever were allowed to inspect mail-in ballots in Philly OR Pittsburgh. According to Rudy Giuliani, about 50 people have given testimony, affadavits, to this effect.
The war goes on and we are on the offense.
We will win!!!
Rudy Ghouliani, LOL!!
He broke the Sicilian mob. He’ll break your mob.
And again, whenever Jeffery starts to LOL, he really has nothing intelligent to say in rebuttal. 50 poll workers’ affadavits is nothing to laugh about.
I’m sure lots of people have sworn affadavits about him. He must have liked it in jail.
How does Ghouliani’s balzac taste, Sibley? Were you turned on watching Rudely playing with his junk in Borat’s latest moviefilm?
Ghouliani is full of trump.
And Sibley seems to know a lot about jail.
The word is spelled affidavit, LOL!!
2 poll watchers in MI saw cars delivering ballots of boxes at 4am Wednesday.
Best part?
Out of state plates. You say you wanna talk collusion… That’s conspiracy.
That makes it Federal. And there’s video.
Now you know why Jeffery wants us all to give up. The cavalry is comin’ up the canyon and the Injuns are gonna get theirs.
We prefer you carry on. You get crazier by the day (or should I say the hoftboyz get crazier by the day).
Out of state plates in MI? ZOMG!! That’s a wrap! And with video no less!! LOL!!!
Have a cool drink and go to bed. When you wake up it will be a little better. One day at a time. One day at a time.
More drivel with no rebuttal.
Why’s that?
Because you know I’m right? Of course, you do. I’ve been kicking your ass for years.
As I say, all the gibberish means I’ve stated facts.
You poor, poor dear. LOL!!!
We know you hurt from trump’s loss.
Good to know you’re still a pitiable trumphole.