…is a bridge built to cross a flooded area, you might just be a Warmist
The blog of the day is Shot In The Dark, with a post on waves of Bat Soup Virus.

…is a bridge built to cross a flooded area, you might just be a Warmist
The blog of the day is Shot In The Dark, with a post on waves of Bat Soup Virus.
Trump will not concede unless he’s forced to by staff and Republican Senators and Reps.
Trump MAY cut a deal to avoid prosecution for his personal non-governmental crimes (defamation, lawsuits for using power to enrich himself, obstruction) and those of Trump Inc (tax evasion, bank fraud, insurance fraud etc). He can negotiate with the officials for a get out of jail free card if he agrees not to destroy the country.
What will happen if on Jan 20, 2021 the trump family refuses to vacate the premises? What sort of protections does a deadbeat president have to stall eviction?
Trump will not concede unless he’s forced to by staff and Republican Senators and Reps.
Since Cocaine Mitch came out for him to keep on fighting you can forget that.
Trump MAY cut a deal to avoid prosecution for his personal non-governmental crimes (defamation, lawsuits for using power to enrich himself, obstruction) and those of Trump Inc (tax evasion, bank fraud, insurance fraud etc). He can negotiate with the officials for a get out of jail free card if he agrees not to destroy the country.
So the Demos can do it instead?
Fu(k you.
What will happen if on Jan 20, 2021 the trump family refuses to vacate the premises? What sort of protections does a deadbeat president have to stall eviction?
Hardly deadbeat. He has right on his side, but I notice Gropin’ Joe is back in his take him out behind the senior high bleachers thing.
If the lawsuits are still pending, I guess he gets to stay.
Over 110,000 new Covid cases today, and nearly 240,000 dead in total.
Biden has under performed Obama’s historic turnout in 2008 in almost every place in America with the exception of four major cities.
Atlanta, GA. Milwaukee, WI. Philadelphia, PA. and Detroit, MI.
In these four cities he has out performed Barak Obama by leaps and bounds.
In Wisconsin people over the age of 90+ registered to vote by 1747 percent. People over the age of 65+ have registered to vote by 1800 percent. ALL OF THIS IN THE MIDDLE OF THE COVID-19 In a state that is locked down.
Republicans have been repeatedly denied access to the counting areas and even have Video of Pam Bondi with a court order in her hand and being recorded being denied access by some lady. The sheriff refuses to follow the Judges decision and enforce a court order.
Over 100,000 votes have been discovered in Mi and WI that voted only for Biden and nothing else on the entire ballot.
What the left failed to realize about their voter fraud network which has not been used since 2008 is the increase in technology and the activism by citizen journalists by the right.
There are 10’s of thousands of citizen journalists on the right who are active and on the ground in these states. In 2008 that did not exist.
As they gathered outside Philly, they have video of the windows being covered with newspaper to prevent anyone from seeing them work.
Multiple Democratic poll workers have come forward telling their tales of voter fraud. In some instances Democrats and UNION BOSSES are on video entering the counting facility while Republicans were denied access.
The dead are voting. 1000’s of them. In Nevada 1000’s of people who no longer even live in the state have voted. Trump is gaining on Biden so much in Arizona that Fox news has taken down the results of Arizona and is hiding in the basement with Biden.
Even Fox News is running the narrative the president has not evidence. Some in his own party including Chris Christie who worked for Trump and then gets a gig at ABC and is like Oh Hell No. Fuk Trump.
AOC has put it into the congressional record asking if people are documenting the people who worked for Trump so that in the future they cannot deny they worked for or voted for Trump.
Robert Reich wants to start Truth and reconcillation for Trump voters where they come forward and admit to their HORRENDOUS ACTS.
Several members of Pete Buttigieg’s campaign have started a movement in which they are documenting those that worked for Trump, surrogates for Trump as if they are somehow criminals.
Well you know what. It is a massive HASHTAG CANCEL CULTURE working at its finest.
Study the RED TERROR led by V. Lenin in Russia and you will notice the only thing missing(SO FAR) is the executions by madmen against the losers. Franco in Spain allowed the execution of the losers. It is what madmen do.
The left still has not denounced nor worked to HASHTAG CANCEL ANTIFA but by GOD those grandma’s and grandpa’s gotta die.
These efforts alone by the left is voter intimidation. They are Trying to Hashtag Cancel the constitution. They are trying to scare the right into silence but what they didn’t count on was TRUMP supporters are now activists. Millions at spontaneous rallies where Trump or no official of Trump is within 1000 miles.
10,000 of thousands of conservative citizen journalists digging and looking for the truth. On the ground all over the nation digging up and recording misdeeds. This was not the case in 2008. The right was caught totally off guard by Obama’s insanely great use of the internet and social media.
AOC claims the reason her progressives lost some races is not because of ideas but because they do not know how to use Social Media properly.
Well it is this same media that will be turned against the left. The writing is on the wall. This was a red wave until it was stolen. The MSM including Fox news even now is pushing the narrative that TRUMP LOST IN A LANDSLIDE by calling Virginia the instant the poll closed. Calling Arizona which Trump is most likely going to win since its run by republicans and the likely hood of voter fraud is minimal.
Yet one has to ask themselves why is it taking so long to count the votes? Florida counted more votes than Nevada, Arizona and PA combined and was done by 10 pm the night of the election.
Trump may lose. But the war has just begun. That I can promise the left. We will not be Canceled, especially since there was a RED WAVE across the nation only to somehow suggest that they voted for REPUBLICAN SENATORS AND REPS and state legislators only to then vote for BIDEN. Nah. Never.
This is the breaking point. If we cannot believe our ballots even matter then America no longer exists. It was this lone principle that made America a Collection of UNITED STATES. Today the left has divided them because they did not like the result of an election.
This is the breaking point and the moment of Truth for America and if the Elwood’s of the world believe there is no voter fraud then you should be on the side of transparency. But they are not. They are on the side of Cancel the right at any cost. And that cost is the soul of this nation.
If Biden wins. His presidency is ILLEGITIMATE!!!!!!
By all means, all instances of voter fraud should be brought forward and investigated.
The right-wing prediction was that Covid would disappear on Nov 4, but it’s worse than ever.
On the other hand, Hunter Biden’s laptop can no longer be found.
Oh, isn’t that cute.
And nobody cares about the Evers Effluvia
They are, smartass and a few intersting factoids have come to light.
You’re going to be hearing a lot about a computer known as HAMMER and its attendant software package SCORECARD. Zippy used them to steal the ’12 election (as I kept telling people) and it was used to steal this election.
And, no, it’s for real.
Also, did you know all 3 of Trump’s SCUS appointees worked on the ’00 recount? That’s how much smarter Trump is than the Lefties. He saw this coming from the start.
Also, did you know all 3 of Trump’s SCUS appointees worked on the ’00 recount?
This is actually terrifying News, as almost everyone who ever worked for BUSH hates TRUMP. Trump is the Anti-Bush. Why Trump ever hired John Bolton into his administration is a mind blower.
However the GAY MAN RICK GRENNEL the first ever openly gay appointed to the NDI position is working hard for Trump despite being a Romney disciple. His response is America matters more than the people who think they own the country.