So, if the cheating holds up, and it most likely will, China Joe will be president (for how long till he’s replaced with Kamala, I guess we’ll see), and he wants
A nation united.
A nation strengthened.
A nation healed.
The United States of America.
— Joe Biden (@JoeBiden) November 8, 2020
Let me ask: why should we unite with the people who never gave Trump a chance, who’ve called us racists, Fascists, and Nazis for all these years, who made up conspiracy theories about why Trump won, etc and so on? Who now want to make lists?
After a Campaign Comparing Trump to Nazis, Joe Biden Calls for Unity
Joe Biden, presumed the winner of the presidential election according to mainstream media networks, issued a call for “unity†Saturday evening after a bruising campaign in which he had compared President Donald Trump to Nazis, including Adolf Hitler.
Biden, who called his campaign a “battle for the soul of our nation,†launched his campaign in April 29 with the false claim that Trump had referred to neo-Nazis as “very fine people.†(Trump in fact said that they should be “condemned totally.â€)
When confronted with that fact, Biden continued to insist on his version of events, despite evidence to the contrary.
Biden referred to Trump and his supporters as racists, saying 10 to 15 percent of Americans were “not very good people.â€
In the last weeks of his campaign, Biden compared Trump to Nazi propaganda chief Joseph Goebbels, a vicious antisemite who was one of Hitler’s most trusted aides. In late October, his campaign released a video recorded by the Black Eyed Peas that compared Trump to Hitler himself, and implied that his supporters were like Germans who saluted the Nazi regime.
You now have Democrats saying they will fly the U.S. flag again. Where was their unity? Why does the nation need healing? Looks to be due to unhinged Democrats. Remember, you had many saying they would not give Trump a chance immediately after the election, now they want to give Joe a chance. I said I would give Barack a chance, but now? No, thanks
Remember when Democrats called for peace and unity in the days following the 2016 election of Donald Trump? Neither do I.
In fact, I remember my congressional office being inundated with angry calls from people alleging voter fraud, demanding investigations, and insisting Donald Trump could not be allowed to assume the presidency.
Back then, they wanted a special prosecutor, criminal investigations, lawsuits, and congressional hearings to ensure there would be no peaceful transition of power.
In the months following, the “Resistance†was born. Clinton voters, many from outside my district, packed my town hall in the days following the presidential inauguration.
But now in 2020, as Joe Biden proclaims himself the president-elect, it’s a “time to heal.” Convenient.
“The better angels of America are back,” Biden proclaimed to a parking lot of cars and a smattering of people in Delaware Saturday night.
And just like that, “Resistance†is no longer in fashion. The rules have been rewritten.
When Democrats hold power, we must be unified, and our opposition must be silent. Not to be confused with the rules when Republicans hold power – which are that Resistance is as American as apple pie.
Are we now allowed to resist, or will the media and Democrats now have a problem with that?
Don Surber writes
Before I take off for my day of rest on Sunday, let me respond to Biden’s hypocritical call for national unity. By unity he means conformity.
Shove it.
A real leader who cared about the country would have called for unity 4 years ago when his side was throwing tantrums.
A real man would have called Trump supporters Americans.
Instead he called us the dregs of society.
Shove it.
It wasn’t that long ago that Biden was calling us Chumps and worse.
By unity, Biden means conformity. The threat to the politicians in Washington has ended. Accountability died. The Durham report will say it is OK to lie and spy on behalf of Obama. The whitewash was the whole purpose of Barr’s appointment.
Exactly. We are expected to roll over and comply, rather than fight for our beliefs. So, no, I’m not giving Biden a chance. None. I’ll channel leftists when it came to Bush 43 and Trump: Biden’s not my president. He may be president, but, he gets no respect and no support. He’ll have to earn it. And I highly doubt he will. He’ll do everything against Conservative ideals. Why should any of us unify with people who hate us, and divided us from the minute Trump was elected? Remember how they were planning on how to impeach Trump even before he took office? And they’re talking about prosecuting him, his family, and the people are him? How will that work?
So, yeah, shove your unity.

At no time did President Trump or Speaker McConnell work for unity. Trump decided to be President for half the people, not all the people. That’s the difference.
President-elect was not asking the GOP and trumpists to agree with him, only that he is willing to negotiate with, compromise with, work with, cooperate with all Americans.
It’s understood that there exist factions of Americans that want America “blown up” and rebuilt according to their ideals.
President Trump is ‘playing’ his supporters. He is not disrupting America today to serve Americans, but to serve himself.
The overjoyed Mr Dowd inadvertently told the truth:
Yes, and we’ve seen them in action over the past four years.
It hasn’t been the conservatives rioting and looting and burning in our cities; that was the left. It hasn’t been the conservatives trying to hound people out of restaurants and their homes; that has been the left.
It hasn’t been conservatives attacking our constitutional rights, trying to dox and hound people out of their jobs; that has been the left.
Of course, we still won’t do those things, because conservatives support people’s individual rights. But we will do whatever we can to throw liberals out of political offices and to frustrate their agenda.
Mr Dana misinterpreted my words. We used ‘factions’ intentionally. It includes antifa and The Proud Boys.
We likely disagree on the quality of Mr Trump’s leadership.
Just months after Mr Trump’s inauguration white supremacists felt comfortable enough to march in Charlottesville VA chanting “Jews won’t replace us!” and “You won’t replace us!”. Mr Trump’s equivocating response was interpreted as supportive by the white nationalist movement. At that time Americans saw that millions of their fellow Americans had been hiding their true feelings and finally felt free to express their white nationalist leanings.
Conservatives support some individual rights, with a preference for “rights” that benefit conservative, white, christian men.
We have no illusions. NuCons will fight tooth and nail to thwart any advances.
At one time, I naively believed our two sides, liberals and conservatives, wanted the same result just with different ideas about getting there. That result would be an America that served all Americans, hoping to allow all Americans to earn enough to support their families, to have the freedom to pursue their dreams. I guess with age comes cynicism.
As said many times, the policies that reward the wealthy at the expense of the working classes were enacted over the decades by Democrats and Republicans and harms minorities, already disadvantaged, disproportionately. But the policies also harm poor whites. The warring between conservatives and liberals only perpetuate the divide by rich and poor. The conflict serves the elites well.
The gleeful Mr Dowd wrote:
As I look through my copy of the Constitution, I have somehow failed to discover which rights “benefit conservative, white, Christian men,” and not other people.
Freedom of religion? In a country founded by white, Christian men, it was never going to be Christianity that was restricted. Our freedom of religion primarily protects those brown-skinned Muslims, whose mosques might well have been restricted or even banned absent the First Amendment.
Freedom of speech? It has been the freedom of speech which allowed the left to yell that President Trump was an evil reich-wing fascist, and help to defeat his re-election effort.
Freedom of the press? It has been the freedom of the press which allowed the credentialed media to be almost unanimous in their opposition to the Trump Administration and help to influence those low-intelligence voters to pick Joe Biden. White, Christian men went heavily for the President, so I’m guessing it was the non-white, non-Christian persons of color who were more influenced by the constant media assault.
Freedom of peaceable assembly? That gave the cover for the violent Antifa and Black Lives Matter marchers to assemble ahead of the riots. Without that, governments of sensible white, Christian men could have prohibited the marches from the very beginning.
Right to keep and bear arms? That seems to benefit white, Christian men to allow them to have weapons for hunting animals, and black, maybe not so Christian gang-bangers to have weapons for hunting other black, not so Christian gang-bangers.
Our rights to bail, to a fair trial and to confront the witnesses against us? Given that blacks commit far more crimes, those rights would appear to benefit them more than white, Christian men.
But you seem to think that I’ve somehow missed something, so would you be kind enough to inform poor, unedumacated me as to which rights more heavily benefit conservative, heterosexual (you forgot that one), white, Christian men?
The gleeful Mr Dowd wrote:
Well, you’re right there: conservatives do want “an America that served all Americans, hoping to allow all Americans to earn enough to support their families, to have the freedom to pursue their dreams.” Sadly, it’s the liberals who want an America in which non-white Americans, and illegal immigrants, are given preferences, who want to let the lazy and the shiftless have enough to support their families out of the pockets of those who do work, and who have the freedom to pursue their dreams at the expense of those other Americans who are not members of the appropriate Certified Victim Group.â„¢
It is wisdom which is supposed to come with age, but it seems as though it hasn’t quite come to you.
The distinguished Mr Dowd wrote:
Poor white Americans voted fairly heavily for Donald Trump.
What poor whites want is the opportunity to keep what they earn for themselves and their families, to not have themselves, and, more probably, their children, discriminated against by the government for being white, and to worship God as they choose.
In poor, heavily white (White: 87.08% Black or African American: 7.98% Two or more races: 2.25% Asian: 1.41%), Kentucky, Donald Trump got 62.13% of the vote, to Joe Biden’s 36.17%. (Final numbers might be a bit different.) Perhaps what you believe hurts poor whites is not what they believe hurts them.
The eminent Mr Dana typed: Perhaps what you believe hurts poor whites is not what they believe hurts them.
That is certainly one hypothesis. Another is that Mr Trump offers them something that is not economic. Another is that they don’t understand what is causing the afflictions. It’s easy to blame minorities and immigrants, even if not honest.
Did Mr Trump and trumpism help poor Kentuckians?
Mr Dana misinterpreted my words. We used ‘factions’ intentionally. It includes antifa and The Proud Boys.
No, it doesn’t. We’re the faction and we’re in your face and in your way.
We likely disagree on the quality of Mr Trump’s leadership.
We do? Really? Are we trying to be all unifying for at least one sentence before insulting us some more?
Just months after Mr Trump’s inauguration white supremacists felt comfortable enough to march in Charlottesville VA chanting “Jews won’t replace us!†and “You won’t replace us!â€. Mr Trump’s equivocating response was interpreted as supportive by the white nationalist movement. At that time Americans saw that millions of their fellow Americans had been hiding their true feelings and finally felt free to express their white nationalist leanings.
Funny, the guy who organized that is one of yours.
And if Trump is so racist, how did his number among blacks and Hispanics double?
Conservatives support some individual rights, with a preference for “rights†that benefit conservative, white, christian men.
We have no illusions. NuCons will fight tooth and nail to thwart any advances.
Advances toward dictatorship, you mean.
At one time, I naively believed our two sides, liberals and Conservatives, wanted the same result just with different ideas about getting there. That result would be an America that served all Americans, hoping to allow all Americans to earn enough to support their families, to have the freedom to pursue their dreams. I guess with age comes cynicism.
He’s trying soooo hard to be like Senile Old Joe and sound unifying, but just can’t do it.
As said many times, the policies that reward the wealthy at the expense of the working classes were enacted over the decades by Democrats and Republicans and harms minorities, already disadvantaged, disproportionately. But the policies also harm poor whites. The warring between conservatives and liberals only perpetuate the divide by rich and poor. The conflict serves the elites well.
Well, it’s still being done by the Democrats. That’s why America voted you out and you could only win by trying to steal the vote.
By the way, since Demos have such lockstep party discipline and always vote the straight ticket, don’t you and all your cartoon characters and sock puppets find it odd that a lot, and that’s the correct expression, alot or ALOT, is not a word, of Democrats voted for Joe and the Ho, but voted downticket for Republican Congressional candidates?
And, if not, why not?
At no time did President Trump or Speaker McConnell work for unity. Trump decided to be President for half the people, not all the people. That’s the difference.
The difference is the Demos did not but resist Donald Trump after he won fair and square.
President-elect was not asking the GOP and Trumpists to agree with him, only that he is willing to negotiate with, compromise with, work with, cooperate with all Americans.
Gropin’ Joe is President-elect of his basement and nothing more. And, if we’re all for unity, why are you using one of your pejoratives to descibe the people who support Donald Trump, not to mention refusing to capitalize his name, which is proper English usage?
It’s understood that there exist factions of Americans that want America “blown up†and rebuilt according to their ideals.
You and yours.
President Trump is ‘playing’ his supporters. He is not disrupting America today to serve Americans, but to serve himself.
No, he is trying to save us all from a senile old pervert, a whore, and the Leftists who own them.
If it was legitimate for the left to spawn The Resistance four years ago, it is legitimate for real Americans to become The Resistance now. It should be our goal to frustrate the Democrats’ agenda wherever we can, and to work diligently in the 2021 and 2022 elections to take oven more state legislatures and more congressional seats.
Mr Trump was a one of a kind American leader (we hope). Obviously his style is present in other nations, past and present. Look around the world. Is America more respected now than before 2017? Is America more peaceful now?
Trump will go, but trumpism will go on. It took a massive turnout to just barely reject Trump, but the appeal of trumpism runs deep within half of Americans. The liberal belief that America is changed is surely not true. The dancing in the streets at Trump’s loss will be replaced by the realization that as a people we are deeply divided.
The tenets of trumpism, i.e., isolationism, nationalism, domination of opponents, populism, protectionism with a nod to sexism and racism, will continue. Mr Trump gave voice to millions of quiet Americans.
You speak as if Biden won. I wouldn’t get too excited just yet Elwood. A lot can happen between now and Dec. 4 when the Electoral College meets to determine who won. I guess you think CNN and NYT an the media get to call it but THEY DON’T! There are legal challenges all over the place that have to be settled or Trump has to concede before the Electoral College meets.
I would hate to see an American President elected on corrupt, fraudulent votes regardless of party. Wouldn’t you?
As I’ve said previously, if there are corrupt, fraudulent votes lets have at it. Investigate. Mr Trump has claimed he won outright based on millions of fraudulent votes cast against him. All he needs is verifiable evidence.
Americans have grown accustomed to Trump’s BS, so his claims of having WON, BY ALOT are easily ignored, although it makes America look like a shithole nation. But Trump doesn’t care about America, only himself.
As I’ve said previously, if there are corrupt, fraudulent votes lets have at it. Investigate. Mr Trump has claimed he won outright based on millions of fraudulent votes cast against him. All he needs is verifiable evidence.
Which he has. Eyewitnesses (now there’s one in NV), videos, photos, and documents. And you will denounce every one of them, as you’re already trying to do.
Americans have grown accustomed to Trump’s BS, so his claims of having WON, BY ALOT are easily ignored, although it makes America look like a shithole nation. But Trump doesn’t care about America, only himself.
His claims are valid, as is already proven.
That’s why recounts are going on. That’s why as the computer “glitches” are fixed, more votes for him are accrued, as well as for other R candidates.
And it’s the Demos that make the country look like a latrine.
Mr Trump was a one of a kind American leader (we hope). Obviously his style is present in other nations, past and present. Look around the world. Is America more respected now than before 2017? Is America more peaceful now?
respected, yes. Peaceful is your doing. The riots are all yours.
Trump will go, but Trumpism will go on. It took a massive turnout to just barely reject Trump, but the appeal of Trumpism runs deep within half of Americans. The liberal belief that America is changed is surely not true. The dancing in the streets at Trump’s loss will be replaced by the realization that as a people we are deeply divided.
Trump is going nowhere but back to the White House for another 4 years
It took a massive turnout of fake ballots to try to oust him, but you and the rest of your foul co-conspirators got caught.
And I have yet to see any dancing in the streets. Most people are scared to death of Senile Joe and the Ho.
The tenets of Trumpism, i.e., isolationism, nationalism, domination of opponents, populism, protectionism with a nod to sexism and racism, will continue. Mr Trump gave voice to millions of quiet Americans.
I think you mean patriotism, prosperity, an end to foreign adventurism, and honesty. Trump surely owns you clowns, so domination of opponents is true and there’s nothing wrong with populism and protectionism.
As for racism and sexism. He increased his appeal to all races and both sexes.
Sources: Fox News Suspends ‘Justice With Judge Jeanine’ Over Trump
The purge is beginning. If you do not go with the narrative at Fox NEWS you are gone. This is why you can’t depend on or spend anytime whatsoever with Fox News.
You can see this is Hannity, Ingram and Tucker who have really toned down their rhetoric and are being very careful to watch their p’s and q’s. Unlike Rachael Maddow who can call Trump a racist and a traitor for 4 years unopposed and get lots and lots of sponsors.
Advertisers have grown squeamish about the network’s primetime schedule, and the Trump news cycle puts Fox News under even more scrutiny than before. But oh no those same advertisers are not squeamish about CNN, MSNBC or CBSN’s continual denigration of half of America.
I believe Fox News is lining themselves up to be sold to ABC. Currently Fox owns Hulu. Hulu, ESPN+ and Disney plus are combined in a package. Two ABC networks and one Fox Network in the same package?
Coincidence? Nah. ABC is the only major network without a cable news presence and when big daddy Murdoch finally dies off and the kids get their hands on all his money it will be sold to ABC/Disney as more and more conservatives by then will be gone from Fox replaced by closet liberals.
So far, only Newsmax has reported that the pre-emption of Judge Jeanine last night was a suspension.
Most major networks pre-empted programs to run Harris and Biden’s speeches live.
“Once the hysteria over the presidential election recedes, it should be interesting to see what the Fox News Channel’s ratings look like. Online, there is definitely a backlash growing against the disgraced outlet,†writes John Nolte, citing the rising anger expressed online and elsewhere at the network.
“What should worry Fox above all is that they appear to have forever lost their core viewers, the people who were once the most loyal,†he added. “You never want to lose your base. Once you lose your base, you’re in serious trouble.â€
Fox news can join CNN in the basement. They are turds. People fired from Fox or quit have all said the same thing. The network is filled with batshit crazy leftists from top to bottom, behind the cameras and on the webblog, and only BOTTOM FEED ON CONSERVATIVES FOR MONEY. Even Meghan Kelly who now is running her own podcast has been highly critical of Fox News for their election day coverage.
I wanted to point out that during the hearings for ACB that FOX was live blogging and commenting in the comments section and they were making fun of Barret, roasting her and basically calling agreeing with everything the democrats were saying. It was so bad I did not comment on it because I actually thought it was a Joke by a liberal commentator. It was not.
A third party anyone?
Talk is raging of a new third party which will include the GOP and moderately liberal Democrats.
All Mr Biden can bring to the White House is a return of norms and ethics. Mr Biden will not bully, insult and threaten opponents. It will take a while for America to purge Mr Trump’s zeitgeist from the daily wrestling of politics.
Norms and ethics like vote fraud, segregation, making sweetheart deals with foreign governments, groping little girls? You’ve been whining for 4 years that’s not the America you know, but it’s the America Senile Old Joe knows.
Mr Biden will not bully, insult and threaten opponents.
Pennsylvanians are chumps.
Dog-faced pony soldier.
People in the military are stupid bastards.
Trump supporters are the dregs of society.
It will take a while for America to purge Mr Trump’s zeitgeist from the daily wrestling of politics.
No, we are never going to let you get away with this.
Ethics. The loser is praying to god right now that the house will protect him from criminal indictments.
Ethics? The man is a 47 year politician. There is no such thing as ethics by these bottom feeders.
Biden will have a heart attack by March after he sees the Tsunami of MAGA marching in the streets demanding he register as a foreign agent of the CCP.
It’s the DOJ rulings that protect a sitting President from indictments, otherwise Trump would have been indicted for obstruction of justice.
Millions of MAGAts demanding he register as a foreign agent? That’s funny.
The inimitable Dave Chapelle’s monologue on SNL last night.
Plenty to offend everyone. Or just skip to the last few minutes.
Plenty to offend everyone
Why watch Pinball’s vid? We have you.
The eminent Mr Dana typed: Perhaps what you believe hurts poor whites is not what they believe hurts them.
That is certainly one hypothesis. Another is that Mr Trump offers them something that is not economic. Another is that they don’t understand what is causing the afflictions. It’s easy to blame minorities and immigrants, even if not honest.
The Demos have been promising for 80+ years. The poor are still poor.
Did Mr Trump and Trumpism help poor Kentuckians?
Did the Demos?
Former Sen Rick Santorum (R-PA) said this morning, “The president is willing to concede if certain conditions are metâ€.
There is no requirement for Mr Trump to concede. There is a requirement that he vacate the premises Jan 20, if the results of the Electoral College are accepted by Congress in December.
What conditions might Mr Trump press for leaving quietly? You already know. And it doesn’t involve taking care of the Americans who supported him.
Former Sen Rick Santorum (R-PA) said this morning, “The president is willing to concede if certain conditions are metâ€.
I don’t recall Santorum being a Trump supporter. Just because some Whig wants to surrender has nothing to do with Trump.
There is no requirement for Mr Trump to concede. There is a requirement that he vacate the premises Jan 20, if the results of the Electoral College are accepted by Congress in December.
But, if they’re still in doubt, it goes to the state Houses. That scares you. If not, it should.
What conditions might Mr Trump press for leaving quietly? You already know. And it doesn’t involve taking care of the Americans who supported him.
We don’t expect him to take care of us. That’s where you show your stupidity. You expect everybody thinks (I use the term as loosely as is possible) the same as you do.
Trump isn’t leaving. He won.
Hold everything old Rick made an utterance. Big deal, the janitor said the same. Fact is this was the most fraudulent election ever. Watch Maria B. she lays out the whole thing and it is clear Trump won. Considering the fact that the socialist control the Dems, it is necessary to try all legal means to stop the illegal seizure of the government. If that fails I am all ready to proceed to secession.
If Trump loses, what states do you think desire to secede? SC, WV, KY, IN, TN, AL, MS, LA, TX, AR, OK, KS, MO, NE, ND, SD, ID, AK, WY, MN, UT… Much of the old confederacy and mountain states.
We favor your plan. Maybe it’s time. People can move to be amongst those who think similarly.
It’s an interesting gedankenexperiment. If you could model your own nation, would you keep the current Constitution? What major changes would you make? Imagine all the Trump supporters in one nation with few if any non-supporters. You could design the nation as you wished. An absolute ban on abortions, no welfare, hardly any taxes (only for defense), balanced budget amendment, government out of healthcare, giant walls to keep out undesirables from Fake America, no Affirmative Action, Christianity as the national religion, no Social Security, no EPA, FDA, SEC, Depts of Energy, Education, IRS, HHS, CDC, NIH, no gov’t reg of businesses, no socialism, no imports… Sounds like paradise, doesn’t it?
We’d do it by county, not state. All the counties that voted Red versus all the counties that voted Blue. Now that would be justice.
County by county secession. Good luck with that.
It would be like an island nation, just not in the oceans.
How would you get from Texas County, Missouri to Lincoln County, Montana?
Airports are mostly in larger cities, and most Interstate highways transit large cities. Here in Blue America we won’t let you Red America foreigners cross our boundaries.
OK, batfans, riddle me this.
If this is such a joyous occasion for the Left, why are they so violent?
DC, Seattle, Portland.
The Black Lies crowd is picking fights with the Demos. Sounds like the Commies are trying to take over.
Maybe all those Establishment types might need some help from the real President.
Twitter ? Facebook? Google?
You have a problem with them siding with Biden?
Their shareholders are all quite happy
This is capitalism, baby!
Anybody who doesn’t like what Twat, and all the Gargoyle and Facebarf clones are doing can sell their stock and stop using the services.
That’s also capitalism.
And again, the Lol is there because there is no rebuttal.
Superlawyer Sidney Powell announced Democrats manufactured 450,000 votes in battleground states that miraculously ONLY have a vote for Joe Biden.
No other candidates.
Evidence is mounting. Better run and hide while you can, Jeffery.
An illegitimate election result from an election riddled with vote fraud, from a self-pronounced “winning” candidate who demonized half the population and threatened violations of the Bill of Rights. Take a page from the 2016 election, where a peaceful transition of power was never had, and the threats of the Left continue to this hour … refuse to acknowledge Biden’s legitimacy. Be ungovernable. At every opportunity.
President Obama invited President-elect Trump to the Oval Office. The Obama Administration cooperated with the Trump administration transition team.
We all expect fervent trumpists to do everything possible to sabotage American progress.
Understand that McConnell’s Supreme Court shenanigans has left hard feelings.
Regarding the election, President-elect Biden received over 270 Electoral Votes and millions more of the popular vote. Trump is challenging every vote but it’s unlikely anything will come of it other than delaying the inevitable. It takes credible evidence.
Maybe I missed something, when did Biden become president elect? I know the media are crowing about that the same media that go on about Russia. But no official has certified Biden. Oh, I forgot, you are stupid, don’t read, have a poor education, and can not understand what is going on.
Your dumber than a box of rocks. Didn’t you claim to have attended LSU with your hero Davey Duke? Don’t they teach anything at LSU?
Oh I forgot, you are stupid, don’t read, have a poor education (LSU LOL!!), can’t understand what is going on and yes, you miss a lot.
When a candidate conclusively wins 270 electoral votes they are referred to as President-elect, you ignorant lout. President-elect Biden has 290 electoral votes and leads in AZ and GA. Trump leads in NC and will likely win that state. But yes, Mr Biden is the legitimate President-elect and Senator Harris is the Vice President-elect. A female Black Indian-American is your next Vice President! Doesn’t that just frost your berries?
The Trump Group and the desperate GOP keep making unfounded accusations of massive fraud but nothing has held up yet.
So grow up or go trump yourself. I don’t care, you trumphole.
Desperate nitwits like Lyndsey Graham and Ted Cruz are urging trump to never give up and to continue undermining the US electoral process.
As much as it would be a treat to watch law enforcement escort The Don out of the People’s House, but don’t get your hopes up. Crooked Don will come to an agreement by Jan 20.
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