So, how will this work out?
8 things our next president needs to do right away
(blah blah blah)
- COVID-19 – they want to work with the WHO again, who protected the lying from China
- Reach across the aisle – good f’ing luck with that, he really has never done that in 47 years
- Stimulus – we tried, Democrats blocked and wanted all sorts of left wing pork
- The Federal Reserve – they don’t want China Joe to criticize it
- New taxes – they recommend none.
- Infrastructure – how’d this work out when Joe was in charge of the Stimulus? Not good
- Re-engage allies – kowtow to China
On that last one, they write “As for Russia, Biden sees them for who they are: Not our friends.” Forgetting all the sanctions and such Trump put on Russia.
National Day of Reconciliation
I know, this is kumbaya, but hear me out. We need to set a day for parades, marches, picnics, whatever—let every town and city decide—where people from both sides come and celebrate America together. Call it a National Day of Freedom or some such, everyone likes that. Proud Boys and Antifa are invited, in fact we really want them to come, as long as they don’t bring guns (I can’t believe I have to say that in America today.)
Liberals and Democrats, since they won the presidency, in particular need to listen to what conservatives are saying and try to understand their grievances. I’m not asking anyone to compromise their values, just hear the other person out. By the way, the left wing of the Democratic Party needs to understand this was not a victory for them. They’re at the table, but not at the head of it. Ours is not a radical country. (This reminds me of an American explaining our two parties to a Brit: “We have the Republican Party in the U.S. which is like your Tory party. And we have the Democratic Party, which is like your Tory Party.â€)
Conservatives in the U.S. too need to move off their dime. Want to understand racism in America? Talk to people like New York Knick legend Walt Frazier. I remember being told that he was the best basketball (and football) player in the city of Atlanta his senior year of high school. I met Frazier a few years ago and we had a very nice chat. “Why did you go to Southern Illinois University,†I asked him. “Why not North Carolina or Duke?†Frazier, who’s just 14 years older than I am, looked down at me. “Because they didn’t allow Black athletes to play in the ACC then,†he said. That was a powerful moment for me. Understand that someone like Walt Frazier couldn’t go to the college of his choice. And then extend that to millions of Americans and to every other institution in our country. In your lifetime.
So, let me ask how this works: they’ve been calling us racists, Islamophobes, homophobes, gender confusedphobes, Fascists, and Nazis since Bush 43 was president. They refused to work with us or give Trump a chance. They hated America when Bush 43 was president and when Trump was president. They only fly the flag when a Dem is in office, though, of course, they still want to change everything about America. Why would they want to celebrate and America they actually hate?
And what happens after this day? They’ll go right back to calling us Nazis and racists and such. Why waste time when all the Democrat base knows is hate? They won’t change? You can’t have a conversation with most because it is all feelings based with their visceral hatred.
As for Frazier, he went to college in the mid-60’s. I wasn’t even born yet. Democrats ran the South at that point, and were responsible for the segregation and such policies. It was not Republicans doing this. And it was over 50 years ago. Things change.

Pfizer Says COVID-19 Vaccine Is Effective, Markets Surge
Imagine that. ONE week after the election.
Just imagine what would have happened one week before the election. Remember Trump was trying to force the drug companies to LOWER drug prices. FuKKK(Yes the KKK was intended to show how they lied about him being a racist) Trump they screamed.
Trump is the only president EVER to work for the American people and not Wall Street, Big business, Billionaires and PACS. So sad that the party of the working people and poor(DemonCrats) wanted to be rid of the one president who was actually helping the American people.
Biden wants to reengage IRAN so they can scuttle the mideast peace talks cause yall gotta remember the Left hates Isreal and loves them sum Muslims.
Biden has ta go back to bed with china cause he is a foreign agent of the communist party of china.
Biden wants nato to stop paying so much for they own defence so they can go back to being soclists.
Biden gonna pour troops bak into Ghanistan and syria and show them evil Ruskies who is in charge.
Biden is jealous of Obamalamadingdong and wants to kill more Muslims then his black brudder did.
From Day 1 President Trump considered Democrats and liberals as enemies of the state, ignoring that more Americans voted for his opponent than for him.
President-elect Biden and Vice President-elect Harris are reaching out to the 70 million or so of Americans who voted for President Trump.
There will always be political fighting. But if the opposition is to be considered enemies of the state who need to be executed or exiled we have no path forward.
Compromise and cooperation are not signs of weakness or surrender.
“With malice toward none, with charity for all, with firmness in the right as God gives us to see the right, let us strive on to finish the work we are in, to bind up the nation’s wounds, to care for him who shall have borne the battle and for his widow and his orphan, to do all which may achieve and cherish a just and lasting peace among ourselves and with all nations.†– A. Lincoln 2nd Inaugural with the end of the Civil War imminent.
Fuk you Elwood. Your first line was a fukin lie. Trump DID NOT consider Democrats and liberals(?) enemies of the state. He said the Fake Media was and he is right, they are. Any media that conspires to elect a candidate and stop another from getting his voice out is corrupt and an enemy of the state. Nobody “ignored” how many voted for and against Trump. How could they you’ve reminded us every fukin day for four fukin years. We just disagree and you can’t live with people who disagree with you.
“President-elect Biden and Vice President-elect Harris are reaching out to the 70 million or so of Americans who voted for President Trump.” Being ignorant and stubborn at the same time fits you well, Elwood as it does all you commies. Neither of those two commie conspirators you named are “elect” whether you or your dumbass CNN like it or not. They are ZERO until declared victors by the Electoral College. You now know the facts, continuing to call these two pretenders “elect” merely shows your malicious stupidity and wanton disregard for the TRUTH. But we knew that.
“There will always be political fighting. But if the opposition is to be considered enemies of the state who need to be executed or exiled we have no path forward.”
And yet it’s YOUR people making enemies lists, advocating doxxing and refusing to allow Trump supporters to work and earn a living and more communist style absurdities.
You lie (as usual) all you have is hate for America, Trump and all of us 71 million Americans who disagree with your Marxist designs.
From Day 1 President Trump considered Democrats and liberals as enemies of the state, ignoring that more Americans voted for his opponent than for him.
To quote his predecessor, “I won”.
President-elect Biden and Vice President-elect Harris are reaching out to the 70 million or so of Americans who voted for President Trump.
Just like you’ve been all weekend, right?
There will always be political fighting. But if the opposition is to be considered enemies of the state who need to be executed or exiled we have no path forward.
You need to talk to Occasional Cortex about that.
Compromise and cooperation are not signs of weakness or surrender.
Except in this case.
“With malice toward none, with charity for all, with firmness in the right as God gives us to see the right, let us strive on to finish the work we are in, to bind up the nation’s wounds, to care for him who shall have borne the battle and for his widow and his orphan, to do all which may achieve and cherish a just and lasting peace among ourselves and with all nations.†– A. Lincoln 2nd Inaugural with the end of the Civil War imminent.
Tell it to the people in Georgia and the Carolinas – WT Sherman 1865
The gleeful Mr Dowd wrote:
Uhhh, Democrats and liberals are enemies of the state!
They might be saying that, but their policies are not anything which will reach out to their opponents.
President Trump’s policies were, at bottom, to leave American citizens and legal immigrants alone. He didn’t push or get passed a single thing which would try to take control of my life.
Mr Biden, on the other hand, wants to stick his nose into my business. He wants to tell me what kind of vehicle I must drive, he wants to take more money out of my pocket, he wants to force me to pay for abortions, and he wants to force me to accept the mental illness of other people as normal. Not just no, but Hell no!
The inscrutable Mr Dana feels Democrats and liberals, who make up half of all Americans are enemies of the state.
He feels disagreeing with his political opinions is treasonous, punishable by death.
Perhaps in his final days of rule your Orange Messiah can declare martial law and make your wishes come true! Mass hangings, gas in aircraft hangars, machine gunning in ditches… what’s your preference? How about just nuking every American city over 250,000 people?
You are already limited in your choices of vehicles, aren’t you? Taxes are the price of civilization, but it’s possible if we re-institute a progressive tax policy YOUR taxes could go down!! Are you sure President-elect Biden wants you to pay for abortions? You cannot be forced to accept anyone as normal. You can hate and avoid gays, Blacks, transgendered, Asians, liberals, Muslims, Buddhists, Jews, Arabs etc all you want! I dislike hateful conservatives (i.e., you trumptilians) but no one is forcing me to accept their mental illness as normal.
We get it. You’re angry and were already seething with hatred, so now the real Mr Dana and other commenters come out of the closet. After all, men such as you and The Don are “entitled” to rule the land that you “built”, aren’t you?
Commenter said: He didn’t push or get passed a single thing which would try to take control of my life.
But your life as a straight (presumably), white Christian (presumably) male wasn’t as challenging as for many Americans without your preferences and privileges, was it. That’s not to say your life was easy, just it could have been more trying if you’re weren’t from the privileged class. We understand how much you disagree with that truth, but your feelings don’t make it any less true. On the other hand, to some extent, Trump’s efforts hurt nearly everyone NOT a privileged straight white male. We hope you are grateful for your privileges.
The inscrutable Mr Dana feels Democrats and liberals, who make up half of all Americans are enemies of the state.
Hardly half, more lie a fifth.
He feels disagreeing with his political opinions is treasonous, punishable by death.
Well, that’s how you described Trump and his supporters for 4 years, so you’re no better.
Perhaps in his final days of rule your Orange Messiah can declare martial law and make your wishes come true! Mass hangings, gas in aircraft hangars, machine gunning in ditches… what’s your preference? How about just nuking every American city over 250,000 people?
More like what Occasional Cortex and her crowd wants, although you may want to watch your back.
Your kind is always first to go to the wall.
You are already limited in your choices of vehicles, aren’t you? Taxes are the price of civilization, but it’s possible if we re-institute a progressive tax policy YOUR taxes could go down!! Are you sure President-elect Biden wants you to pay for abortions? You cannot be forced to accept anyone as normal. You can hate and avoid gays, Blacks, transgendered, Asians, liberals, Muslims, Buddhists, Jews, Arabs etc all you want! I dislike hateful conservatives (i.e., you Trumptilians) but no one is forcing me to accept their mental illness as normal.
Trumptilians, ah, yes, unity is on the march.
And taxes go up for everybody. You raise taxes, people pass them on. And, yes, His Fraudulency (more accurately, His Flatulency), the cafeteria Catholic, will expect everybody to pay for abortions. Don’t you remember he’s going to bring back IdiotCare?
We get it. You’re angry and were already seething with hatred, so now the real Mr Dana and other commenters come out of the closet. After all, men such as you and The Don are “entitled†to rule the land that you “builtâ€, aren’t you?
We’re only mad because you tried to steal the election.
Too bad you got sloppy. Too bad people have smartphones that can record things. Too bad eyewitnesses are coming forward. Too bad Trump has the best lawyers in America.
But your life as a straight (presumably), white Christian (presumably) male wasn’t as challenging as for many Americans without your preferences and privileges, was it. That’s not to say your life was easy, just it could have been more trying if you’re weren’t from the privileged class. We understand how much you disagree with that truth, but your feelings don’t make it any less true. On the other hand, to some extent, Trump’s efforts hurt nearly everyone NOT a privileged straight white male. We hope you are grateful for your privileges.
No, they didn’t. That’s why they re-elected him.
liberals as enemies of the state
You wrong. Liberals are not enemies of the state. Progressives are. Big difference there muffin man.
Reaching out to 70 million Trump voters
And what be he saying. I aint got no text message from him. All I see is a guy gonna hide all his corruption, tax the shit outta everyone and rape the economy while he pays of them fancy pants on wall street.
Where be my email, or phone call. I am expecting an apology any minute from the most corrupt bastard on the planet. He even said it himself in his demented state. “I gots the most awesome voter fraud organization in history.”
He wernt shittin
You are getting desperate. Biden lost, get over it. But as to your concerns, it matters not who is president, I can not live in the same country as scum like you, so that is going to have to be resolved at some point.
Now, as to Lincoln, he is fortunate that Zippy came along as he is now not the worse president. Lincolns great lines usually came from the last play that he saw before he wrote them, yes, even the Gettysburg address. And, Lincoln and the Yankees were not entirely sure that the Civil War would be over anytime soon. And it wasn’t, it is still going on. Look at the Irish war for independence as a model.
So you’re leaving the US? Best wishes.
davey, your world revolves around “Lost Causes”, The South’s Rise and Trump’s Win!
So until President Obama, Abraham Lincoln was America’s worst president? Pray tell, what makes President Lincoln so horrible?
The Emancipation Proclamation? Stopping the secession of the Confederacy? Winning the war against the rebels?
As usual, Jeffery reminds us he can’t read. david, much like Patrick Henry, merely signaled his defiance.
So until President Obama, Abraham Lincoln was America’s worst president? Pray tell, what makes President Lincoln so horrible?
He started a civil war that could have been avoided?
And he didn’t stop secession. The South seceded in 1861.
And the worst Preezy was James Buchanan, who was also the actual first Gay Preezy, so Zippy was just building on the record of another Democrat.
We have a couple more of Jeffery’s ROLCON’s with us. Welcome Biden Is A Fake Prez and Beijing Biden.
Please give them a rousing Bronx cheer.
It begins. If you remember the post-Shah Iran, with which Gropin’ Joe wants to make kissy face, you’ll remember the war between the fanatics and the Socialists. You can also you back to the French Revolution.
It seems Antifa trashed the Democrat party office in Portland. Gropin’ Joe might want to stay in his basement.
Ruh roh.
Somebody found where VA took 170,000 votes off the count.
20,000 votes literally transferred from Trump to Joe and the Ho at 5 am in PA.
And Lin Wood (the guy representing Nick Sandmann) has joined the Trumpinators. Rudy, Sidney Powell and now this.
We’re talking the 1st Ranger Battalion of lawyers.
s/b You can also go back
We already have a “National Day of Freedom”.
It’s called “The 4th of July” — and the Left hates it.