Well, no
Republicans aren’t fleeing Trump or Trumpism. That’s the tragedy of Biden’s limited win.
The silence is deafening.
Days after vote counts and media projections declaring Joe Biden the president-elect, only a few Republicans have stepped forward with congratulations and offers to work with the soon-to-be 46th president.
Former president George W. Bush said he thanked Biden “for his patriotic message.” Maryland Gov. Larry Hogan, no fan of President Donald Trump, wrote a gracious column in the Wall Street Journal. Utah Sen. Mitt Romney, the 2012 GOP nominee, praised Biden and Vice President-elect Kamala Harris as “people of good will and admirable character.†Alaska Sen. Lisa Murkowski said she’ll be “ready to work with their administration when it takes office.”
But the top Senate Republican, majority leader Mitch McConnell of Kentucky, declined to acknowledge Biden’s win in a floor speech Monday and defended Trump’s legal fights. Trump is “100% within his rights to look into allegations of irregularities and weigh his legal options,” he said. Senate Judiciary chairman Lindsey Graham, R-S.C., pledged to investigate voting irregularities and misconduct. (snip)
Trump’s on the way out. He’s got 10 weeks left. Why are Republicans sticking by this one-term washout and refusing to acknowledge that we’re about to have a new president?
There are over 71 million reasons why. That’s the number of Americans who voted for Trump, and that total will rise as votes continue to be counted. We’re in a second wave of the pandemic — the worst public health crisis in a century. Nearly a quarter-million people have died, over 11 million are unemployed, families are shattered. And yet the president who presided over this grotesque calamity, downplayed it, said it would go away quickly, still got more than 71 million votes.
If we were ready to abandon him, even with faults (hey, who doesn’t have faults? Which president didn’t?), why did 71 million vote for him? Why are most refusing to concede? We know that it is a long shot to retain the White House with the cheating, because the media is excusing the cheating. But, we aren’t giving up and moving on. Yes, we’d like Trump to tone it down a bit, stop the friendly fire, and tell us more of the good conservative things he’s done. Also, try and cut the spending. Really, who thought this NY liberal would be, in action, one of the most Conservative presidents ever? He’ll never be Ronald Reagan, but The Gipper would be proud of Trump’s actual record.
Of course, this article is written by Paul Brandus, the founder and White House bureau chief of West Wing Reports and a member of USA TODAY’s Board of Contributors, so, as usual a so-called reporter who does opinion
Trump’s a loser, thank God. But even in defeat, his hold on voters is impressive. This means that while Trump himself will soon be gone, Trumpism — and all the destructiveness the term conveys — will endure. Republicans have 71 million reasons not to break free of his toxic spell. That’s a tragedy. And a warning for the future.
You know what Trumpism is? Fighting back and enacting Conservative policy. Again, Trump turns that amp up to 11 too often, but, other Republicans could learn something, name, to stand firm and fight back.

First, don’t trust anything coming from Al Neuharth without independent verification.
Second, for good or ill, some wanted to see which way the wind was really blowing because they know how the Demos love payback. That said, Cruz, Cotton, Hawley, and, yes, Grahamnesty did step up. It took another day, but so did Cocaine Mitch.
Now it’s clear this was a full-blown coup attempt and Trump does need to come down with both feet on the Left. He also needs to make sure he gets the electoral votes and popular vote of every state he can so he doesn’t have to hear the Demos whining, “He only won by just a little*!!!! He didn’t get the popular vote!!!!”.
And then he needs to make sure every prominent Democrat involved in this goes to jail for a long time. A lot of people will call it treason, but, technically, it’s not. It is, however, intended as a death blow to the American system and needs to be treated as such.
* If you look, Fake News only gave Gropin’ Joe 290, so he would have won (if it had been honest) by only one state.
Trump lost in the election and he lost in court
He is a loser
That USPS worker who said his supervisor told him to post date ballots, remember him from Project Veritas ??? He has now recanted says it never happened
However he is still planning on keeping all of the 13500O+ dollars from his go fund me campaign
Jail for the Democrats ??? Puhleeeeze when has that ever happened
Most people now just giggle when you say “lock them up!!!â€
You are literally killing poor Kye with all of this false hope
It’s like you really believe QAnon and The Storm is coming
Actually my friend Hairy. A postal worker in Pennsylvania who said the postmaster in Erie, Pa., instructed employees to backdate ballots mailed after election day has recanted his story, The Washington Post reported Tuesday, citing three officials briefed on the case.
***But the postal worker has said in a YouTube posting he has not recanted.***
The MSM is NO different today than blog commenters who make shit up to prove a point. Like you just did Hairy.
I thought you were all about love and peace and harmony Hairy. You know heal the nation and stuff. Your words don’t sound too soothing from my chair. In fact why are you even here? You won right?
Hirsute wrote:
So, he was either lying in the beginning, or he’s lying now. Which one is it? Given that he has a supervisor at the Post Orifice, it is just as possible that he was threatened with losing his job if he didn’t recant, and, given that the postal workers’ unions supported Joe Biden, it’s quite probable that his union let him know that they would not protect him if the USPS tried to fire him.
But we know that the left will be chanting “Lock them up” when it comes to Trump Administration officials, and Mr Trump himself. Your philosophical brother, Mr Elwood P Dowd, claimed that “trump will be indicted the moment he is no longer president, unless he cuts a deal.”
The amnesic Mr Dana believes investigations of Mr Trump’s potential financial crimes is inappropriate, but that chants and Presidential calls for locking up Obama, Biden, Clinton, McCabe, Comey, Whitmer are appropriate.
I’m still working on the article, but whether President Trump loses in the end or not — and I think he will — the rest of the Republican Party did pretty well. Unless we lose both Georgia run off elections, we will retain control of the Senate, enabling the GOP to stymie much of the socialist agenda. More, while the GOP won’t take over the House, an expected 10 to 15 seat loss has turned into a gain in seats for the GOP, the final number not yet known , but possibly 13.
Not one House Republican incumbent lost, and 28 of the 29 seats Nate Silver declared to be competitive were won by Republicans. Three state legislative chambers flipped from Democratic to Republican control, and in my own home state, the GOP now has veto-proof majorities in both houses of the General Assembly.
There are some outstanding ballots in Arizona, where the Democrats still have a chance to flip one of both chambers.
Did the voters want to get rid of President Trump personally but have Republicans in power to stop the Democrats socialist agenda? Perhaps? It it a result of the Democrats’ votes being too heavily concentrated in inner cities? But going into redistricting following the 2020 census, the GOP will be in position to strengthen its position for the 2022 elections.
I don’t see having an incumbent lose the White House by the biggest popular vote percentage since FDR and being 17 seats down in the House as a great victory
Redistributing/gerrymandering has been curtailed by the courts but good luck with that
Hairy I thought you were all about healing the nation not debating bullshit. 17 seats down.
Remind me hairy of the numbers again. The Senate and the House was supposed to flip in a blue wave landslide like in 2018. Why is that hairy? Because the MSM lies and makes shit up like pollsters.
In fact the gop has picked up seats in the house. The house is coming after Pelosi. There is infighting. The TYT Cenk Uygar wrote an op-ed in the Wall Street Journal telling the House to let Progressives lead and yet.
All your funding came from Wall Street, Big Business, Big Pharma and Billionaires. Do you actually think those people are gonna let you turn this country socialist? Not happening. No way Wall Street, Big Business and Billionaires and especially Big Pharma lets you have anything more than a moral victory.
The Jokes on you Hairy for taking all that money from people who now own you and hate the leftist agenda.(Remember when everyone dropped out to throw their support behind Biden against the socialist Bernie Sanders?) See when your in power and they put you there with their money. Your side gets to do nothing without their approval.
Why do you think the left fought the right on everything but DEFENSE spending. Trump got huge, HUGE dollars for Defense? Why is that Hairy. It had to be approved by the HOUSE that you owned. Why that would be because the typical Democratic congressman/woman is too naive to realize the 1 million dollar check from Wall Street to get him/her elected came with strings.
Fund our projects or face our wrath… The jokes on you Hairy. Trump was the only one standing against all of this for YOU, assuming YOU is a little guy with a cell phone to type his uninformed comments on a blog somewhere.
Remind me again how sleepy joe
Hands joe
Had the highest percentage of the popular vote against an incumbent since socialist FDR won in 1932
Remind me again how the Dems easily won the House again
Remind me again why that part of Congress is called The People’s House
Remind me again how disappointing it must be to have gained to lock up†even one Dem in the last year
Trump and the GOP did badly this election usually the incumbent wins easily.
Overall I am rather pleased so far I won 2 of my 3 bets that I made on Predictit
I may bet again on when/if trump gets indicted
Also now that Ghislaine Maxwell knows the outcome of the election do you think that outcome might job her memory of the relationship beteeen Epstein and Trump?
TEACH typed: this article is written by Paul Brandus, the founder and White House bureau chief of West Wing Reports and a member of USA TODAY’s Board of Contributors, so, as usual a so-called reporter who does opinion
The piece was labeled as opinion and Mr Brandus was labeled as an opinion writer.
trumpism is white nationalism, isolationism, protectionism, corporatism, anti-scientism, sexism… with the thinnest veneer of conservatism. Unless today’s conservatism is defined as white nationalism, isolationism…
On Jan 20 President-elect Biden will become President Biden. Trump knows it, every Republican official knows it, even 59% of Republican voters know it.
Nuconservatives and trumptilians are enraptured by trump’s bravado, his “pwning the libs”, his open bigotry; so nuconservative fervor is NOT based on policy (although some actions benefit conservatives), but IS based on his personality. Current Republican officials, especially Sens Loeffler and Perdue, are still afraid of trump’s cult-like hold on the base. One tweet accusing Loeffler and/or Perdue of disloyalty could spell defeat in GA.
On Jan 20 President-elect Biden will become President Biden. Trump knows it, every Republican official knows it, even 59% of Republican voters know it.
Nope. The Peacock called NC and AK for Trump. That puts His Fraudulency at 272 electoral votes. Only one more state (any state) need to flip and he loses.
NuConservatives and Trumptilians are enraptured by trump’s bravado, his “pwning the libsâ€, his open bigotry; so nuConservative fervor is NOT based on policy (although some actions benefit conservatives), but IS based on his personality. Current Republican officials, especially Sens Loeffler and Perdue, are still afraid of Trump’s cult-like hold on the base. One tweet accusing Loeffler and/or Perdue of disloyalty could spell defeat in GA.
It’s over, moron, you lost.
But be of good cheer. Trump has indicated he wants all states checked for vote fraud. We could end up with a repeat of ’84.
Bidenism is Black Lives Matter anti white racism, interventionalism, political/international and corporate graft and corruption, fake science, baby genocide, communist ideology and anti male sexism with no exceptions. bIdenists are anti American and anti white sprinkled with plenty of antisemitism. They don’t believe in personal liberty but only in “human rights” which are whatever they define them to be at the time, a usual commie ploy. They don’t believe in Free Speech unless they approve of that speech but they can spot “hate speech” whatever they define that to be, a mile away.
They hate America, they hate whites and they hate Christians. All bIenistas have is hate.
Breaking News! Attorneys receiving millions from the Trump campaign claim that the election was stolen!!! They are looking under every rock for evidence.
The postal worker who claimed he was ordered to backdate ballots recanted his story to investigators and then recanted his recantation!! Solid. But if you can’t trust James O’Keefe, who can you trust? Is he still on probation for his previous crimes?
No, he says he never recanted.
This is what you get for having the WaPo read to you.
Lest you forget: On Jan 20, 2021 President Trump will become citizen Trump.
This is going to happen. It’s the law.
Not going to happen.
He won.
Demos broke the law.
After the press conference at Four Seasons Landscaping, Rudy made clear he plans to challenge this all the way to the Supreme Courtyard by Marriott!
Then you’re supposed to say, “I’m here all week”.
The flop sweat is starting to stink. Go take a shower.
PS You hid all day yesterday just to get drivel like this from Troll Central?
Odds of Trump winning are up 3 times what they were.
What you hear out of Jeffery is flop sweat.
RNC chair says they have 500 affadavits of vote fraud.
Sidney Powell says tons of evidence that hundreds of thousands of ballots are going to have to be discarded and they’re all for His Fraudulency.
Fun, huh?
Looks like all the election news is turning people against the Democrats.
Trump really does have coattails. UT flip and one in CA
Say, “Good night”, Nancy.
President Trump will be reduced to a common citizen, indictable even, on Jan 20, 2021.
He may try to pardon himself before, or even resign and be immediately pardoned for federal offenses by then President Pence.
We suspect President Biden will insist his new DOJ NOT pursue any federal charges against citizen Trump.
Trump is misleading his loyal but hapless supporters in thinking he won the election and will stay in office.
His Fraudulency is going nowhere but back to the basement and even you know it. Trump is staying in the White House.
You OTOH may be going up in front of a Federal judge for your part in all this.
Jan 20, 2021 is President Trump’s last day, by law. Perhaps he plans to use the military to stay in power.
The idea that Biden voters will be taken to court is a conservatard wet dream. LOL!!!