Was Gore refusing to concede for 37 days like Hitler? How about Stacy Abrams, who still hasn’t conceded the Georgia governor’s race?
A top Democrat on Capitol Hill has compared President Donald Trump’s refusal to concede to “what Hitler did in Germany†during a new interview as criticism grows over the president’s anti-Democratic attacks on the electoral process.
Rep. Jim Clyburn (D—SC) said on Tuesday night he was concerned the president was attempting to take on an authoritarian role despite losing to President-elect Joe Biden in the 2020 US elections and urged Americans to defend the results of the election.
Speaking to CNN’s Chris Cuomo, the House majority whip said: “I’m beginning to see what happened in Germany back in the 1930s. I never thought that could happen in this country.â€
“How do you elect a person president, then all of a sudden you’re going to give him the authority to be dictator?†He continued. “That’s what Hitler did in Germany.â€
Adolf Hitler was elected chancellor in Germany, as Mr Clyburn said on Tuesday, noting how he “successfully discredited the news media†in his quest to hold onto power and become a dictator.
“I cannot see that happening here,†the Democrat said. “If it did, that means that the American people are much more — or less, I should say, intelligent than I think they are.â€
Does that make all of us who support making sure there’s as little election fraud as possible and wanting recounts to only count legally cast votes Brownshirts? And being mean to a news media who is hostile to Republicans is like Hitler?
I’m still waiting for Democrats to tell us what freedoms Trump has taken away them. How he’s put the Government’s foot on their neck. Has he sicced the IRS on anyone like Obama did? Democrats say they want to “save Democracy” (yeah, I know), so, why not allow recounts to make sure things were on the up and up? Nothing is certified till the Electoral College meets in December.

Biden still leads in the state tally by 11,635 votes. The Associated Press and Fox on Nov. 4 projected Biden the winner of the state’s 11 electoral votes, and Decision Desk HQ projected a Biden win in the state Wednesday evening.
However there are about 30,000 ballots still to be counted and 40,000 provisional (DAY OF VOTING) Ballots to be counted. of the 30k Trump is winning 57 percent of those or in fact he will pick up another 4000-4500 votes.
But it is the provisional ballots that has the dems sweating. Day of voting was overwhelming in favor of Trump. But provisional ballots usually get tossed at a clip of about 25 percent. For arguments sake lets say they toss 50 percent of them leaving 20k ballots to count which should go for Trump by about 70-30. Thats 14k votes to 6k Votes or 8000 vote difference giving Trump the lead with NO VOTES LEFT TO COUNT.
In 12 voting districts there are extreme irregularities. In one county the vote totals for HRC was 242k and for Obama it was 256k.
For Biden it is 316k. In a county that is 50/50.
This pattern exists in 11 other counties in Wisconsin. No other counties just these 12.
Wisconsin annonced at EXACTLY the same time as Michigan and PA that voting would stop for the night. After everyone left…poll watchers…voting continued, with 100,000 vote dumps for Biden and zero for Trump IN ALL 3 STATES.
Will any of this matter? Probably not because those that deem it so hold all the power in our government. The supreme court will side with the Dems because if they don’t they just might get impeached.
Kavanaugh who was continually threatened with Impeachment has become the Next RBG for the Democrats. He sides with democrats 70 percent of the time. He and Roberts will side with the other 3 DEMS and voille, Trumps cases will be tossed.
Did the Dems cheat? 100 percent and they cheated big time. It is just not wide spread. It is in key states, in key cities. Our election is 95 percent secure and free of fraud, its just the Left does not have to cheat in every district. Just Milwaukee, Atlanta, Las Vegas, Phoenix??, Detroit, Philly and Pittsburgh.
Notice there was no effort made in NC and I honestly don’t think there was a major effort in Arizona. Some. A few thousand votes but Arizona has been trending blue anyways. But when it’s all over Trump I believe will win Arizona.
Why do they have to cheat in the rust Belt? Because when you look at the analytics these states are 86 percent White, 5 percent black and 9 percent Hispanic and other. The demographics here favor the GOP. Yet in Georgia, Arizona and even Texas the demographics are clearly trending to the Democrats.
So what you have is WI, MI, PA and Ohio all give you 63 electoral votes while Georgia, AZ and Texas give the Dems 65 electoral votes. So as you can see its a wash. Then it become a fight for Texas where the GOP demonstrated they can make serious inroads with Hispanics who do not want illegal immigrants to come and take their jobs.
Trends. Its what I do for a living.
President (for now) Trump and Rudy Ghouliani are doing their supporters a grave injustice by their blatant lies. When they pull the plug on their efforts to steal the election you will be let down, while Don and Rudy go on their respective grifting ways.
It’s really all a PR stunt.
Look at the efforts Trump takes to avoid humiliation, with no concern for the state of America.
Is there evidence/proof of systematic or widespread cheating in Philadelphia, Milwaukee, Detroit, Atlanta, Las Vegas, Phoenix(?) or is having a large minority presence evidence enough?
“…or is having a large minority presence evidence enough?”
The last refuge of the mental midgets: Cry RACISM!
Good, so you have evidence of cheating in those cities?
Yes, look at media outside of your liberal sites.
As a matter of fact, we do.
There’s a small army of programmers (you’ll hear the term pedes (as in centipedes)) volunteering to help Trump get to the bottom of the vote fraud. If you go this this web page https://thedonald.win/p/11Q8O2wesk/happening-calling-every-pede-to-/, you will see how many votes have been hijacked from each state.
Elwood, I lived in Philly and I watched my father fix elections for years. Yes, there is systematic corruption in Philly and has been for 60 years. Everybody in Philly knows the fix is in, Democrats and Republicans alike.
Cheating and corruption in our elections does not need to be systematic or widespread, it only needs to exist to delegitimatize the integrity of the vote and therefore elections. As a voter and as an American citizen YOU should be as interested in honest elections as we are. I realize since it’s almost always your side that cheats your natural propensity for partisanship may thwart your basic human dignity and moral call for integrity. It shouldn’t. Honest and fair elections are the cornerstone of the Republic and they are important to all sides.
Walking around calling Biden “president elect” when he isn’t, and creating a phony “Office of the President Elect”, or running around screaming “count ALL votes” (even the illegal ones) only adds to the charade of honesty. And Democommies like you adamantly denying vote fraud even as everyone including you can plainly see it is borderline psychotic.
Biden does not have 270 electoral votes nor has he been certified by Congress. He is NOT president elect. Period. If you think you can lie your way to victory you’re about to learn a harsh lesson.
One thing I do know is that when all is settled HONESTLY should Joe and the Hoe win you will not see Republicans, conservatives or what you would falsely label as racists and white supremacists rioting, burning down people’s businesses as well as their homes, raping and murdering as their protest. We go back to work doing the thing that make America work.
You can’t say that about your criminal, communist colleagues.
Joe and his Ho,
You once again slur your own father in support of Donald Trump. Cultish behavior.
Do you have evidence NOW to support that Philadelphia cheated? Gateway Pundit is not evidence. Rudy is not evidence. The Hammer Conspiracy Tale is not evidence. The Trump campaign is paying millions of your donated dollars to pay the most badass lawyers to scrounge up real evidence and they’re failing.
You know in your heart that Trump couldn’t lose, but that is not evidence, it’s cultish behavior.
President-elect Biden will become President Biden on Jan 20 at noon.
The states will systematically certify the votes despite Trump and Rudy’s delay tactics.
It is Donald J. Trump and his cult that are delegitimizing the most sacred of our democratic institutions, the vote.
You believe Trump’s lies, and the lies of Teach, of Rudy, of right-wing media.
President Trump lost the election, bigly. President-elect Biden won. Vice President-elect Harris won.
You and your Ho lost. Man up, pull on your big boy britches and donate some of what you received from the taxpayers to help the Georgia GOP keep the Senate.
Elwood, I did not “slur” my own father. I told the truth about what the Democrat Party has and still is doing in the large Blue cities. No, I don’t have evidence of anything but that’s irrelevant since suspicion is all I need to challenge a vote. I need evidence to prove my suspicions. You should be clamoring for an investigation since you believe (haha) there was no fraud just to get vindicated. I know I would if someone called me a cheat.
Talk about cults, talk about yourself. Your political party has become a neocommunist religion. And you’ve become so partisan you can’t handle the truth.
BTW, by your previous actions they could prove Joe and the Hoe stole 10 million votes and you clowns would still scream you won.
“We have put together I think the most extensive and inclusive voter fraud organization in the history of American politics.†Joe Biden 10/24/2020
The first honest thing that corrupt traitor ever said!
You once again slur your own father in support of Donald Trump. Cultish behavior.
Do you have evidence NOW to support that Philadelphia cheated? Gateway Pundit is not evidence. Rudy is not evidence. The Hammer Conspiracy Tale is not evidence. The Trump campaign is paying millions of your donated dollars to pay the most badass lawyers to scrounge up real evidence and they’re failing.
Telling the truth is not a slur (it’s been so long, he can’t distinguish).
Baghdad Bunny rides again. When people go off to jail, he’ll still say there’s no evidence. And Gateway cites its stories, so they point to the evidence.
You know in your heart that Trump couldn’t lose, but that is not evidence, it’s cultish behavior.
The only cult is yours. the cult of Karl Marx.
President-elect Biden will become President Biden on Jan 20 at noon.
Current EV count is Trump – 232; His Fraudulency – 226. Gropin;’ Joe ain’t goin’ nowhere.
The states will systematically certify the votes despite Trump and Rudy’s delay tactics.
They’ll certify because of what Rudy’s doing.
It is Donald J. Trump and his cult that are delegitimizing the most sacred of our democratic institutions, the vote.
You’ve been stealing them for years, you little hypocrite. This you got caught.
You believe Trump’s lies, and the lies of Teach, of Rudy, of right-wing media.
Which right-wing media is that?
President Trump lost the election, bigly. President-elect Biden won. Vice President-elect Harris won.
Not yet they haven’t.
You and your Ho lost. Man up, pull on your big boy britches and donate some of what you received from the taxpayers to help the Georgia GOP keep the Senate.
You’re the one with the Ho and the Senile Old White Man (that must really get you, Jim Clyburn looked all over the Democrtat parrty and counldn’t find a POC to run).
This is what is called flop sweat. Word is getting .
What about Hillary, who hasn’t conceded after 4 years?
Besides Sec Clinton reportedly calling Donald Trump the night of the election, we have this:
Hillary Clinton conceded the White House race to President-elect Donald Trump on Wednesday morning, saying she hoped “he will be a successful president for all Americans.”
“This is not the outcome we wanted or worked so hard for. I’m sorry we didn’t win this election for the values we share and the vision we hold for our country,” the Democratic nominee told supporters crowded into a small, nondescript ballroom at the New Yorker Hotel in Midtown Manhattan.
Transcript: Hillary Clinton Concedes To Donald Trump
Transcript: Hillary Clinton Concedes To Donald Trump
It was a much different venue than the first major party female presidential nominee had planned. She had hoped to deliver a victory speech instead Tuesday evening from the Javits Convention Center — on a stage shaped like the United States of America underneath a glass ceiling in a massive convention hall.
No, she did not. Show me the video.
You haven’t got a source for that.
It was a much different venue than the first major party female presidential nominee had planned. She had hoped to deliver a victory speech instead Tuesday evening from the Javits Convention Center — on a stage shaped like the United States of America underneath a glass ceiling in a massive convention hall.
But she was too drunk to stand.
Our politically incorrect host asked:
Why, didn’t you know? Accroding to the “Angry Grammarian” on The Philadephila Inquirer, the term “legal votes” is raaaaacist.
Jeffery wants evidence.
Full text of Trump lawsuit against MI, affadavits included.
AZ SecState can’t be trusted in vote count.
Report is 2.7 million votes deleted by Dominion. Anybody wanna bet that’s just an opening bid?
The fact is, concession is not and never has been required. We have a process for election our president. It will play out as it is intended to. The winner will take office or retain office on 20 January, just as the law requires. The lesson of bush v Gore is “never concede”. Count the votes. Raise challenges to frauds and irregularities. Then certify the results.
Commenter typed: I don’t have evidence of anything but that’s irrelevant since suspicion is all I need
The anti-democracy crowd has suspicions; that and their religious belief that Saint Donald of Trump could not possibly have lost the election. After all, everything they read and all their friends supported Saint Donald.
Ergo, the cities of Detroit, Milwaukee, Phoenix, Atlanta, Pennsylvania, Pittsburgh and Minneapolis MUST have cheated!!! It’s only logical since almost all Americans support Trump.
Why is it logical that the large cities cheated? What’s the characteristic that makes them cheaters, but not cities like Miami, Tampa, Dallas, Houston, San Antonio, Salt Lake City, New Orleans, Cincinnati, Cleveland, Indianapolis, Nashville, Louisville, Charlotte, St. Louis, Kansas City, OK City, Tulsa, Little Rock etc
Is it only cheating when the Dems win a state?
The anti-democracy crowd has suspicions; that and their religious belief that Saint Donald of Trump could not possibly have lost the election. After all, everything they read and all their friends supported Saint Donald.
They’ve already foun plenty of mathematical evience. An that isn’t subject to consensus
Ergo, the cities of Detroit, Milwaukee, Phoenix, Atlanta, Pennsylvania, Pittsburgh and Minneapolis MUST have cheated!!! It’s only logical since almost all Americans support Trump.
No, it’s because eyewitnesses have come forward and sworn under oath certain things have happene, backed up by pix, vids, and documents.
Why is it logical that the large cities cheated? What’s the characteristic that makes them cheaters, but not cities like Miami, Tampa, Dallas, Houston, San Antonio, Salt Lake City, New Orleans, Cincinnati, Cleveland, Indianapolis, Nashville, Louisville, Charlotte, St. Louis, Kansas City, OK City, Tulsa, Little Rock etc
For openers, most all of them are run by Democrats.
Is it only cheating when the Dems win a state?
Tweets are not evidence, even from OAN.
Lawsuits can contain evidence, e.g., affidavits (but only as reliable as the affidavits).
Trump lost by nearly 150,000 votes in Michigan.
No, he hasn’t. Not yet.
Twats convey information. That can be true or false, but it shows how scared Baghdad Bunny is.
It’s all going away no matter how hard he tries to eny it.
Elwood, you should be saddened to hear that in a ABC/CNN poll 146% of Americans think there was voter fraud. So your guys think Trump lost by 150,000 votes? How many have been certified? ZERO.
Democommie party experts:
And on the subject of what His Fraudulency says he won, Communwealth judge says PA must toss segregated ballots.
Court order here. I’d say that’s evidence.
What are the odds?
No evidence??
Yeah that’s the ticket.
The Don wins a court ruling!!! But certainly not evidence of fraud.
In her ruling, Commonwealth Court President Judge Mary Hannah Leavitt said that Secretary of State Kathy Boockvar extended the deadline for confirming those identifies until Nov. 12 without proper authority to do so.
“These ballots had been segregated pending the judge’s decision and have not yet been counted, so their disqualification will not affect the current vote count in Pennsylvania,†the Post-Gazette reported.
So the votes had never been counted, and won’t be. Maybe they were all for Trump. Anyway, Biden is up 50,000 votes in PA.
The Don wins a court ruling!!! But certainly not evidence of fraud.
Only in the world of Baghdad Bunny. Ballots received after closing that were going to be counted as valid? That’s fraud, by any yardstick in the book.
And it puts PA pretty much out of His Fraudulency’s grasp, so that’s then end of His Fraudulency-Elect.
In her ruling, Commonwealth Court President Judge Mary Hannah Leavitt said that Secretary of State Kathy Boockvar extended the deadline for confirming those identifies until Nov. 12 without proper authority to do so.And the judge said she can’t do that. Fraud.
So the votes had never been counted, and won’t be. Maybe they were all for Trump. Anyway, Biden is up 50,000 votes in PA.
According to whom?