Thank, dudes and dudettes. Instead of taking that fossil fueled trip to that burger joint, you could have given up your own fossil fueled lifestyle, gone Net Zero, and paid a carbon tax. Because you didn’t
What has climate change led to? Riots, uprising and tyranny
In ‘Fossil Free’, Sumant Sinha writes about the social and economic impacts of climate change, especially in oil-producing countries.
Dirty coal and oil are the main contributors towards global warming and climate change. They are also the main sources of energy for the rich, industrialized countries. The need for their cheap and reliable availability and transportation is perhaps the largest cause for war and conflict across the world.
The outcomes: riots, uprisings and tyranny.
The Arab Spring (2010–11) was, as one news headline put it, ‘A revolution of the hungry’. I would say that it was not just ‘a revolution of the hungry’ but also a revolution of the thirsty, a good example of the energy-food-water nexus.
Our history books tell us that the Fertile Crescent, the area that stretches from the Egyptian Nile to the mouth of the Tigris and Euphrates, is where agriculture began—where wheat, lentils, chickpeas, olives and even sheep and goats were first cultivated. Today, the states in and around that region are the world’s largest net importers of food and depend on North America, Europe and Central Asia for the same. Food is expensive, people are poor, and repressive regimes rely on imported wheat financed through foreign aid.
Get the F out of here. This was people rising up, starting in Iran with the Green Revolution, against heavy handed, tyrannical regimes, mostly based on Islamism. But, climate cultists live in their own little worlds where they do not accept what really happened and make up their own Reasons.
Venezuela is said to hold the world’s largest supply of crude oil and natural gas—what once seemed like a perennial cash cow for the petro-state. However, today the country is running out of food, its currency (the bolivar) has plunged, inflation has soared, and its hospitals are overcrowded. Contributing in no small measure is the political crisis that has taken the nation into endless riots and killings. So what caused Venezuela’s rapid descent into chaos? Opinions are divided on possible reasons, including misgovernance, subsidy-based state welfarism and even US-sponsored stoppage of technology transfer. But the consensus points towards the plunging price of oil, Venezuela’s main revenue earner.
Again, idiotic. Glenn Beck just went through this today. In 1992 Venezuela was one of the richest nations on the planet. Then they decided to elect a hardcore socialist, who was going to give them everything free. Then they started cracking down on their people, shooting them in the streets, and people couldn’t get beer, toilet paper, or food. They were eating zoo animals. That’s not climate change, that’s Modern Socialism, the very thing Warmists want to install around the world.
The vicious circle of the land-climate-water-food-energy-pollution nexus is upon us. In other words, the declining sources of energy and water supplies, coupled with pollution and climate change, are leading to food shortages that lead to political problems, that lead to energy inflation, that lead to food inflation, and eventually social upheaval and misery.
Piss off. Pure cult. I’ve really lost patience with these nuts.

Sumant Sinha Wrote:
From the Center for Strategic and International Studies:
Let’s be blunt here: the thankfully late President Chavez nationalized the petroleum industry and American workers who actually knew what they were doing left. Venezuelan workers, who lacked expertise, took their places, and production steadily declined. Management positions were assigned based on political loyalty. This is what socialism does for you!
Then President Chavez goes to
Hellhis eternal reward, and the just as incompetent but far less charismatic Nikolas Maduro takes over, and things only get worse. It’s not oil prices — and prices for Venezuela’s ‘heavy’ crude are not as high as those for light, sweet crude which is less expensive to refine — but the fact that the socialist workers of the country can’t even meet the far more modest production goals.Señor Chavez understood one thing: you can vote your way into socialism, which Venezuela did, but when it goes bad, you have to shoot your way out of it. That’s why the country banned the private ownership of firearms in 2012.
Wow!! I sure am glad I don’t live there!
We should get rid of all of our traces of socialism like social security, free public education, free public roads and Medicare or else who knows what will happen ????? We might end Up having to eat zoo animals
And those damn money losing national parks lets just sell them all off to for profit corporations
“Traces of socialism” does not a socialist country make, Hairy. SS is a socialist style program but it’s supported by the people who receive the benefits and a basically capitalist economy. “Free” public education is not free and you know it. It’s paid for with tax dollars earned in a basically capitalist economy. The same for “free” public roads. Medicare is a health insurance plan for the elderly paid for by workers taxes as they work in a basically capitalist economy and by the retired Medicare recipients with monthly premiums.
Like most radical socialists (in your case most likely a communist) your lack of economic knowledge surfaces each time to try to show how wonderful socialism is. There is not one socialist country on earth as successful as those with free and open economies and there never has been. Even the great Red China was a vast wasteland of opportunity and humanity until they decided to adopt capitalist economic principles. Whereas the described Venezuela, once a capitalist market economy has gone down the shitter by adopting socialism.
Phonies like you should be exiled to Venezuela. It would raise the IQ’s of both our nations. Oh, and take Elwood with you.
Here’s one of your pinko experts:
Dr. Michael Osterholm, a quack coronavirus advisor to President-elect Poseur-n-Cheat Joe Biden, said a nationwide lockdown would help bring the virus under control in the U.S.
Not to worry about mass unemployment and poverty it would bring. He said the government could “borrow enough money” to pay for a package that would cover lost income for individuals and governments (especially failed blue state governments) during a shutdown.
Oh, and while we’re locked down picking our navel lint, the economy will magically come roaring back:
“We could really watch ourselves cruising into the vaccine availability in the first and second quarter of next year while bringing back the economy long before that,†he said.…
This is the caliber of “expert” morons a Harris-Biden administration would rely on to thrust us into mass slavery and render us destitute waiting for our government cheese. If it wasn’t a serious possibility, it would be a gut buster.