As much as China Joe wants to preach healing and unity, which is really about his voters lowering their moonbattery way down, those he’s preaching too aren’t particularly enthused to do so
No, I Will Not Be ‘Reaching Out’ To Trump Voters, Now Or Ever. Here’s Why.
When Donald Trump was elected in 2016, like millions of other Americans, I was horrified. He had campaigned on a platform of hate, pledging to ban Muslims from entering the United States and build a literal wall to keep Latinos out of the country. He stoked anti-Semitism, mocked a disabled reporter and had a history of misogyny.
Once Trump actually became president, he called white supremacists “very fine people,†locked children in cages and systematically sought to dismantle the Affordable Care Act, disregarding the millions of Americans who would be left without access to health care if he were successful.
Yeah, I’m not going to bother debunking and arguing the reality, because, what’s the point? Y’all on the right have already made the arguments in your head, and those on the left are too brainwashed to think for themselves.
As a Jew, an atheist, a woman and the mother of a disabled child, I have watched as my communities have been threatened repeatedly. The day the 2020 election was called with Joe Biden projected to be our next president, I danced in the streets at Black Lives Matter Plaza along with thousands of others who finally felt like this long nightmare was coming to an end.
You cannot be a Jew and an atheist. And, why were you in the streets? Isn’t that against COVID orders?
But almost immediately, we began to hear calls to reach out to Trump supporters to mend fences. Pop star Katy Perry encouraged fans to follow her lead and tell family members who voted for Trump that they are “here for them.â€Â Political scientist Ian Bremmer encouraged Biden voters to reach out to Trump supporters to show empathy. Former Sen. Rick Santorum, who compared same-sex marriage to bestiailty while holding office, urged Biden supporters to give Trump and his voters “space†to work through their feelings. These suggestions enraged me.
These calls for unity come from a place of privilege, and they’re coming from mostly straight, white, cisgender people who are financially secure. They may not have liked some of Trump’s policies, but they were not actively harmed by them. They likely never feared for their safety or well-being in Trump’s America.
There’s lots and lots of hate in Jamie Davis Smith’s heart, and lots more whining, ending with
Through all of this, my communities have come together in solidarity with one another to fight against Trump’s hateful acts. We are allies to one another, even when not directly under attack. Those who supported Trump, and those who still do, lack the compassion and the basic decency to recognize that every life has value. I have no need for them in my life and no desire to now pretend that I can accept their views, that any of this was ever OK.
This level of hate cannot be good for the mental health of Biden voters, but, good mental health left the train station for them in November 2016. Well, really, when Bush 43 was elected. It’s just gotten worse. The next 4 years should be fun if China Joe is inaugurated.

The Demos needed the Deplorables to win, but they all wanted to be like Jeffery, so they ended up having to manufacture fake ballots on an epic scale.
Interesting graphic tweeted by Gen Flynn.
Note the line at the top about 50 state impact, something I’ve been saying all along.
Now that looks more like what we know occurred. This is one obvious attempt at a coup by the Dems. Only thing. Best estimate on Biden is 213 electoral votes.
How do you “know” what occurred? Hope? Suspicion? Why even have elections if you know the Republican should always win?
President-elect Biden will be inaugurated Jan 20 and Trump will be a plain citizen again.
Do you think all the judges that Trump and McConnell appointed are in on the coup as well?
If there is a coup attempt, davey, it’s being perpetrated by Rudy Ghouliani and trump as they try to overturn the results of the election?
What makes those mind numbed commie assholes think we want to be reached out to? We don’t, and we don’t care about you and we are trying to figure a way to separate from you without killing each other. That’s what you should be doing. We cannot live together so we need to find out how to live apart.
Don’t vote us in to a situation we have to shoot our way out of. Remember this:
Teach claims: You cannot be a Jew and an atheist.
Why not?
Jews are a people, most who practice Judaism.
And, of course, you are an expert on Judaism.
And the Jews are Semites, along with several other Middle East people.
What separates them is their religion.
Judaism is a religion, moron. If you call yourself a Jew you can’t be an atheist. You can be a German, a Swede or black or Chinese but not an atheist, a Catholic or a mooslem.
You really don’t know anything do you?
When you say something as stupid as “Jews are a people” your lack of social education shines. What exactly are “a people”?
I agree with Kye. Trumptilians, at least that most hateful strain as seen here and in the White House, are not worth approaching.
Every time you think Jeffery couldn’t get any more stupid, he proves you wrong.
The level of fraud seen in this election raises the legitimate question, how long has it been since Democrats have fairly won anything? Do they really even “own” such places as California and New York? I am certain that there are a significant number of people who habitually vote democratic party. I am also certain that EVERY democratic candidate has participated in election fraud, even when they didn’t need to.
The only solution to ensure fair voting in the USA is to turn back to paper ballots, cast in person by people showing valid ID, and dipping their fingers into purple ink to prevent them from voting a second time…. just like all those other countries do when they need a process that is resistant to political corruption.
It’s a shame the national news media sold their credibility for magic beans decades ago. It would be useful to have someone who could be trusted to tell us what was really happening in our own country.
I’ll take 1960 for 10,000, Alec.
perfesser hell decries the electoral fraud perpetrated by the Democrats without offering evidence. When you existence is based on feelings and beliefs, or suspicions as one comment claimed, facts don’t matter.
NuCons are highly susceptible to falsehoods and conspiracies. We get it. It seems impossible that someone as popular in your circle as trump could lose. Their was so much enthusiasm from his supporters! But a fervent trump voter still counts as one vote. Be proud. Your enthusiasm and turnout made what should have been a Dem blowout a close race.
You have until Jan 20 to sing hosannas to the king.
As a matter of policy, I tend to ignore you and other trolls, but I make an exception here.
You really NEED evidence of electoral fraud? Seriously? There has always been electoral fraud. ALWAYS. And always perpetrated by democrats in democrat safe districts. Everyone knows this. It’s not even a disputable secret. You seriously want to claim it isn’t true after decades of facts to the contrary? OK. Not much to work with there. The real argument has always been about how much fraud and has it been enough to change the outcome.
I will concede that at least 40% of the eligible voters in the USA would rather vote for a Yellow dog (or a man with obvious mental impairment) than any Republican. That should not in itself be enough to win an election to the highest office in the land.
Yes, we need evidence of election fraud. Do you really think that the white peoples part is entitled to run the show? Pathetic. Just pathetic.
Much of what connies swear to be true is actually false.
You have lost your mind.
perfesser hell decries the electoral fraud perpetrated by the Democrats without offering evidence. When you existence is based on feelings and beliefs, or suspicions as one comment claimed, facts don’t matter.
Lots of evidence, but Baghdad Bunny isn’t interested.
NuCons are highly susceptible to falsehoods and conspiracies. We get it. It seems impossible that someone as popular in your circle as Trump could lose. Their was so much enthusiasm from his supporters! But a fervent trump voter still counts as one vote. Be proud. Your enthusiasm and turnout made what should have been a Dem blowout a close race.
First, he hasn’t lost. Second, nice of you to concede the Trump supporters are allowed a vote.
And the blowout is Trump’s. All we have to do is prove it.
You have until Jan 20 to sing hosannas to the king.
Not really. If there are valid challenges, it may go on longer.
Sore losers! Sore losers, everywhere!!
It’s over. Trump lost. President-elect Biden and Vice President-elect Harris won. Judge after judge have told the Trump lawyers to pound sand. The firm representing Trump in PA said “enough”… buh bye.
States are preparing to certify their votes.
It’s time for Mr Trump to accept his defeat. The nation has rebuilding to start.
He spoke this afternoon regarding the state of the vaccine approval. He seemed quiet and at one point referred to the next administration, whoever it might be.
So, you really oppose fair and free elections. Got it. Typical communist. Only results matter.
Do you have evidence that this was not a free and fair election? Didn’t think so.
Sour grapes, lads. Sour grapes.
Should America take your word for it and award the Presidency back to Trump?
Sore losers! Sore losers, everywhere!!
Not only did you lose the White House, but Congress and a lot of state Houses.
It’s over. Trump lost. President-elect Biden and Vice President-elect Harris won. Judge after judge have told the Trump lawyers to pound sand. The firm representing Trump in PA said “enoughâ€â€¦ buh bye.
Nobody’s lost His Fraudulency only has 226 electoral votes. And there are lots of law firms in PA.
It’s time for Mr Trump to accept his defeat. The nation has rebuilding to start.
We’ve been rebuilding for 4 years and we’re not going to stop now.
He spoke this afternoon regarding the state of the vaccine approval. He seemed quiet and at one point referred to the next administration, whoever it might be.
Anybody who fires his Defense Secretary isn’t tgoing anywhere for a while.
Idiot lies again. Turns out they were getting a lot of flak from Lefties
Funny how Lefties always talk about rights and democracy, but the only mean it for them.
Kell Sir Prise.
Whoa, fat…
Funny I don’t remember Biden promising lockdowns. I remember him promising that he, personally, would wear a mask. And that he’d do all the things Trump was already doing.
Bwaha! Lolgf
Yo, Jeff,
Lets do this. I invite you to my place in Virginia. BBQ and beer. On me. Just us guys being real, no political shennanigans. We don’t always have to obey the overlords.