And Republicans are saying “no thanks”, which has made the NY Times very upset. Remember how the NY Times gave Trump a chance?
Biden Asked Republicans to Give Him a Chance. They’re Not Interested.
The change at the Sunday prayer service was so subtle it went unnoticed by several congregants. Tucked in between calls for divine health and wisdom, the Rev. Fred Krebs of St. Paul Lutheran Church, who rarely brings up politics, fleetingly mentioned this month’s presidential election.
“We pray for a peaceful transition,†he told his congregation of 50 people. The carefully chosen words underscored the political reality in Mason, Texas — a rural, conservative town of roughly 2,000 people — after Joe Biden’s victory over President Donald Trump.
Not everyone thought the election was over, and not everyone said they would respect the results.
“My Democratic friends think Biden is going to heal everything and unify everyone,†said Jeanie Smith, who attends the more conservative Spring Street Gospel Church in Mason, which is about 100 miles west of Austin. “They are deceived.
“Now you want healing,†she added. “Now you want to come together. You have not earned it.â€
That line is putting it nicely. What Democrats have really earned is complete and utter resistance, even coming out with lots of theories and Senate investigations of Joe Biden for what he did while he was Vice President and the years since he left that office. They did it to Trump with no evidence, so it would be fair to do it to Biden, right?
On Monday in Dallas, hundreds of Trump’s supporters gathered outside the city’s election office in a “Stop the Steal†protest promoted by the state Republican Party. The message from speakers and attendees went further than expressing fears of election fraud, amounting to a wholesale rejection of a Biden presidency and of the Republican elected officials who acknowledged it. One speaker said of the Republican lawmakers who had called Biden the president-elect, “Remember who they are when you go to the polls next.â€
“This is contempt of half of the country by the other half of the country,†said Paul Feeser, 61, who attended the protest in Dallas. “So if the conclusion was for Biden, I would look at it as illegitimate, and I and many others expect to be part of the so-called resistance — as Trump resisted.â€
And that’s the Times’ big point going forward, that any resistance because of the election irregularities is wrong-headed. Now, if the roles were reversed, the Times’ would be assigning dozens of reporters to investigate.
(Washington Times) Although Mr. Biden has gone back on his word not to claim victory until the election is certified, and has created an “Office of the President-Elect,†complete with an official looking seal, he has at least issued the standard call to unite the country. Can’t fault him for that.
But, more than 70 million Americans who voted for President Trump might be forgiven for asking, “Really?†In 2016, Democrats not only refused to accept Hillary Clinton’s loss but have engaged in a four-year coup attempt to remove Mr. Trump and smear his supporters as racists.
“The bitter 2016 battle for the White House is turning into a forever war with Hillary Clinton’s tormented team vowing a four-year insurgency against Donald Trump,†reported Politico on Dec. 3, 2016. “People in her orbit … are plotting an anti-Trump resistance and venting with a fury.â€
This included FBI treachery, the Russian collusion hoax spun by the Clinton machine, an impeachment over a phone call, months of rioting in Democratic cities by Black Lives Matter and Antifa, a massive media coverup of the Biden family’s China and Ukraine scandals, and severe COVID-19 lockdowns in Democrat-run jurisdictions that crippled Mr. Trump’s roaring economy.
The people behind this now want us all to go along and “suck it up,†as Whoopi Goldberg angrily yelled repeatedly on ABC’s “The View.â€
Guess we’ll have to forget Nancy Pelosi’s referring to Republican opponents as “enemies of the state.†Or former first lady Michelle Obama opining that “tens of millions of people voted for the status quo, even when it meant supporting lies, hate, chaos, and division.â€
Most Trump voters won’t forget this if Biden is installed come the end of January, and we won’t forget any Republican elected officials who work with Trump on big things that go to Democrat priorities. And the media like the NY Times can go suck it when they whine about Republicans being mean and not unifying behind China Joe.

After stealing the election?
Screw that. And him.
Joe Biden’s cancer charity spent more than $3 million on salaries and zero on cancer research and grants during a two-year period, according to tax filings reviewed by the New York Post….
It ain’t us sucker. Its Kamala Harris and the Democrats who are going to 25th amendment your ass you gotta worry about.
Watch this 2 minute video. This expresses in video the sentiments on the right better than I could write a book.
From Ben Shapiro the never trumper who voted for Trump in 2020.
The GOP said no thanks to President Obama for 8 years.
Trump and the GOPhers said “Our way or the highway” for 4 years.
Listen, we’ve known for decades that the GOP is incapable of governance, although they seem quite talented at obstruction and graft.
The nuGOP has become an albatross around America’s neck. Time to cast this dead bird overboard.
Quitter Governor Sarah Palin is upset that President Obama linked her to the nuGOP becoming the party of ignorance. Boohoo. Truth hurts, Tea Party. When the going got tough, Palin got going.
Once President-elect Biden and Vice President-elect Harris are inaugurated we’ll see what respect the nuGOPhers have for America and Americans. They can continue their destruction of the nation or they can pitch in and help.
A quarter million dead under the nuGOPhers watch. You’re part of a death cult, filled with insecurity and hate.
The GOP said no thanks to President Obama for 8 years.
Of course, he was a disaster.
Listen, we’ve known for decades that the GOP is incapable of governance, although they seem quite talented at obstruction and graft.
he was looking in the mirror when he said this.
The nuGOP has become an albatross around America’s neck. Time to cast this dead bird overboard.
Million people who marched in DC disagree, as do all the people who voted R in the last election.
Quitter Governor Sarah Palin is upset that President Obama linked her to the nuGOP becoming the party of ignorance. Boohoo. Truth hurts, Tea Party. When the going got tough, Palin got going.
Unlike Zippy, she had to rely on her salary to fend off a lot of frivolous lawsuits.
Of course, Zippy just pouted because we weren’t worthy of him. As for ignorance, let me count the ways.
Intercontinental Railroad, corpseman, English Embassy, hands over his junk instead of saluting the flag.
Once President-elect Biden and Vice President-elect Harris are inaugurated we’ll see what respect the nuGOPhers have for America and Americans. They can continue their destruction of the nation or they can pitch in and help.
You’ll have to wait until ’24 for that. And, last I looked, it wasn’t the Trumplicans raising Hell, it was His Fraudulency’s voters.
A quarter million dead under the nuGOPhers watch. You’re part of a death cult, filled with insecurity and hate.
More like 300. Did you know we’ve had the lowest number of deaths in 10 years?
And we’re not the people who want to kill babies, born and unborn, old people, and Conservatives.
Forgot one. When Paul Ryan wanted to discuss a particular issue with His Pomposity, Zippy, said, “I won”. End of discussion. So much for civility.
In the end, the Republicans will treat Mr Biden with more respect than the left treated President Trump, simply because conservatives are more respectful and more mature people.
Mr Dowd un-self-awarely wrote:
Did the fine gentleman commenter on The Pirate’s Cove, the one who kept calling the President of the United States “tRump” for the last four years, try to lecture us on respect?
What Mr Dowd does not realize, or at least refuses to accept, is that conservatives recognize that it is the left, the liberal mindset, which is dragging America down. Did he notice that big cities were boarding up stores to protect property from election violence in case President trump was re-elected? No one expected conservatives to riot and loot and burn and destroy if Mr Biden won, and they didn’t.
Of course, we all know that, if the President’s legal team were to uncover sufficient evidence of election fraud to turn the election his way, the left would riot in our cities so violently that it would make this past Summer of Hate look like a elementary school picnic.
You see, Mr Dowd, conservatives, libertarians and Republicans do have respect for America and Americans. We do not have respect for the policies of the left which would destroy our great country.
Still lying and still using voter fraud by calling Citizen Biden and citizen BJ “president and vice-president elect”? Sooooo knowing the truth, that they are not “elect” of anything you still insist upon repeating the lie and expect us to believe any-fukin-thing you say? Boy, what a maroon.
Your above rant is unhinged showing psychosis of some sort. You’re rambling and incoherent. You sound insane. Are you insane liar? Or do you just lie out of frustration?
I can’t wat to see Trump “certified” and watch you loonies go apeshit crazy…er.
Again there are no quarter million dead and the President can’t stop a disease. Moron.
Lies and hate. You gonna put me on one of your commie “lists” because I will never accept a senile, corrupt, cheating commie as president. Never and neither will 71 million of my fellow Patriots.
You all repeat the same lies and bullshit over and over and only convince yourselves and your weak of mind followers. Here’s some more info for you to ignore and remain in your ignorant state of mind, Asshole.
Kye and his mate, BJ, are triggered again.
The election results and the courts disagree with trump and his followers about the inauguration on Jan 20. President-elect Biden will be our new President.
By what mechanism do you think trump will steal the election he’s clearly lost? Will the judges appointed and confirmed by trump and Mitch overrule the voters? If so that will be the end of America.
Actually there are 10s of thousands of dead Americans not included the count that contribute to the excess deaths seen from Covid.
Con boyz seem to have a hard time with facts. Much of what you believe is just false.
Well the Democrats tried to Railroad Reagan to prison over Iran/Contra you know like Reagan wanted to fight Communism in Central America but the Democrats said no….so for several years they went after Reagan.
Then the GOP returned the favor going after Clinton.
Then the Democrats did the same thing with Bush claiming he was a NAZI for Eight Years and OPPOSING THE WARS IN THE MIDDLE EAST.
Then the GOP went after Obama claiming he was not born in the USA and SHOUTING Hallelujah FOR MORE WARS OBAMA STARTED IN THE MIDDLE EAST.
Now the Dems have gone after Trump Impeaching him over made up stuff and OPPOSING HIM FOR TRYING TO END WARS IN THE MIDDLE EAST and bypass the PLO to bring peace in the ME.
So NOW YOU WANT US TO SAY OKAY WE LOVE BIDEN? The Creep who should register as a Foreign Agent for China. The Right and the GOP are the resistance Elwood. Get used to it. However one thing you can be assured is that when the GOP wins back the house in two years after a disastrous 2 years under Harris, the GOP will not impeach anyone. They are too cowardly to fight for Truth and Justice and the constitution.
Remember Flynn went to prison for lying to the FBI. McCabe, Strock, Page and a whole litany of fired FBI lied to the FBI and NOTHING. They are still free and doing stints on MSNBC and CNN.
Remember who really runs America. Its not Democrats or Republicans. Its unelected people in government that do the biding of Billionaires, Massive corporations and Deep States and the Pentagon.
Go ahead and defend them because we all know the enemy of the people is the friend of the left. Nothing screams that more than the party who screamed bloody murder over Citizens United then took 7 billion dollars from Billionaires, Wall Street, Big Business and Big Pharma to keep the perpetual wars going for another 20 years.
Wow what a hate filled, antagonistic war speech.
Talk about the your way or the highway.
Sarah Palin? 2008 Sarah Palin. What does she even have to do with anything? In that case lets talk about the Democrat with a freezer full of government money meant for Hurricane Katrina victims.
Pitch in and help what? Help you start Truth and Reconciliation panels to confess our sins? To Squeal on our family memebers who voted for Trump like they are encouraged to do in China so they can be reeducated?
73 million Americans. White, Black, Hispanic, Gays and Lesbians. Women and Men are an Albatross around the neck of America? Oh and those 73 million all got children so your basically wanting to kill half of America. Make no mistake Elwood your words are the same that were spoken in 1858-1860. Your spoiling for a fight aren’t you?
Hate after hate after hate spills from your mouth as you mouth leftist talking points and you want us to pitch in and help do what exactly?
Incapable of governance says the people who think the solution to every real or imagined problem, foreign and domestic, is found by pulling more and more cash out the American taxpayer’s paycheck; and that leadership is staying bunkered in the basement and passing the buck.
Don’t think so, look at Biden and every “protest†city across America. America chose mobs over jobs, so let everyone get a big dose of it. Biden was known as the laughingstock of the Senate for 40 years because he’s such a moron, and then top his admin off with someone that slept her way into politics and has also never held a real job. My only consolation is that the parasites that voted these twats into office will be the ones that suffer the most.
“You’re part of a death cult, filled with insecurity and hate.†That folks, is some world-class projection.
We understand how hurt you must feel. It’s difficult to imagine anyone thinking Trump would win but connies don’t always have a close relationship with reality.
So have a good cry. Buy yourself a new gun. Listen to some sad country songs. Try “I’m So Lonesome I Could Cry” by the great Hank Williams. Or Willie Nelson’s “Blue Eyes Crying in the Rain”. “If We Make it Through December”, Merle Haggard. Dolly singing “I Will Always Love You”. “Good Time Charlie’s Got the Blues”, Danny O’Keefe.
Then pick yourselves up and rejoin the battle.