I wonder how this is working in all the states and cities and countries with mask mandates?
The best way to make masks work against Covid-19
What over eight months of navigating the novel coronavirus pandemic has taught us is that a mask is one of the most valuable tools currently available to mitigate the spread of the virus.
A recent report produced by the Institute for Health Metrics and Evaluation at the University of Washington found that if 95% of Americans wore masks, we could save nearly 70,000 lives that would otherwise be lost to Covid-19 by March 1. Additional research has shown that wearing face masks reduces the spread of Covid-19. But while infection rates are rising in all 50 states, only 34 states and the District of Columbia require face covering in public. In cities and counties with masking mandates, Covid-19 cases have tended to decline compared to municipalities without such rules. Indeed, according to the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, seven studies have confirmed significant declines in coronavirus infections in communities after universal masking orders were implemented.
Yet, more than 30% of the US population does not use them on a daily basis, according to the Institute for Health Metrics and Evaluation.
As the United States faces a tsunami of Covid-19 infections, with 2,200 daily deaths projected by mid-January, a national masking mandate is long overdue as part of a federal strategy to prevent further spread of the virus.
30% seems a bit high, doesn’t it? Most private businesses in those 34 states and D.C. don’t want to cause waves and they go and enforce the mandate for customers. In nations around the world they enforce the mandates even harder. Yet, COVID is again rising. Michigan has had one of the most restrictive COVID responses, and
Gov. Gretchen Whitmer Locks Down Michigan Again https://t.co/JnGYuXsChp pic.twitter.com/nJ4hZhU4EU
— Daily Wire (@realDailyWire) November 16, 2020
She could now be facing impeachment for violating state law and Michigan Supreme Court rulings. Many other restrictive areas, like California and NY City, are moving restrictions back to hardcore. We’re seeing the same, again, in Europe. Why? Most people comply.
President-elect Joe Biden has made implementing this critical public health intervention a top priority. He will call on governors to enact masking orders in their states and ask local authorities to buttress these actions by making them mandatory in their municipalities.
What will China Joe do if people refuse to comply? Police?
We would never dream of sending our country’s soldiers into combat without state-of-the-art helmets, armor and weapons. In this battle against Covid-19, all Americans need the best personal protection possible to fight back.
Consumers need an easy to use rating system: just as the US requires package content and labeling for tobacco and food products, masks should be rated for the percent of viral particles filtered by the mask.
Meaning that you will only be allowed to wear certain masks, ones approved by Government. Which mostly means big big companies who donate to lawmakers.
With a new administration in January 2021 an executive order by the President or guidance from the White House Coronavirus Task Force requiring masks to be worn on federal property could be issued as well as examining other governmental authorities for requiring face coverings to be used in public settings across states.
They really do just want to control citizens.

I went in my local gun range. Very crowded and not one mask. Sheriff and other cops came in and did not require the mask. I wonder why?
In the Bluegrass State, Governor Andy Beshear (D-KY), put the state and local health departments in charge of enforcing the mandatory mask mandate. While I can’t read his mind, it wouldn’t surprise me if his rationale was that giving the enforcement to 120 local county sheriffs would result in zero enforcement.
Trump Aide Promises ‘very Professional Transition’ to Biden
OKay then they print a story on their website:
© Copyright 2020 The Associated Press. All rights reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten or redistributed.
Which says?
in an interview broadcast Monday, even as Trump continues to falsely claim he won the November election.
Since losing, Trump has made unsubstantiated claims about the election on Twitter. There is no evidence of widespread fraud in the vote.
The federal Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency also says: “The November 3rd election was the most secure in American history.â€
WTF NEWSMAX. Do you just cut and paste shit on your website for shits and giggles? All those Fox People will end up at OANN if your not careful here. Your fuking website is starting to look like FOX NEWS ALL OVER AGAIN.
Teach opined: 30% seems a bit high, doesn’t it? (for mask haters).
Over 70 million Americans voted for Donald Trump, most would find masks part of commie totalitarianism. While that was a great turnout many mask haters stay home.
30% is probably too low.
Recall that Mr Trump and most of his followers believe masks CAUSE Covid.
More lies and hate filled speech intended to illicit an emotional response.
I do not believe anyone believes masks cause Covid. Show me the evidence of a study suggesting this.
Explain why the huge spike in Europe where everyone is required to wear masks and lock downs have been a regularity. Explain please why Covid is rebounding all over the world. Is that Trumps fault too?
Moderna announces their new VACCINE is 94.5 percent effective against COVID. Developed on Trumps watch with operation light speed. If Trump is a denier of Covid why did he authorize Light speed, suspend regulations and allow drugs to go straight to testing instead of spend years in Bureaucratic red tape.
Explain that please Elwood. Is a world wide spike in Covid-19 Because Trump held rallies in Wisconsin? Or Rioters looting Portland? Or Trump partisans don’t like to wear masks?
Over 70 million Americans voted for Donald Trump, most would find masks part of commie totalitarianism. While that was a great turnout many mask haters stay home.
No, many had their votes stolen.
Recall that Mr Trump and most of his followers believe masks CAUSE Covid.
Would you care to back that up?
Teach confuses the desire to control a pandemic with a desire to control citizens.
That’s moronic.
250,000 Americans have died so far (Connies deny this, of course). Another 200,000 may die before we have this under control. It could be you, your spouse, a parent, a child, niece or nephew, a friend or coworker. Would you let your friend die because of your false belief that it’s a commie plot?
Put on a fooking mask and find something else to lie/whine about for a while.
And you lie when you claim a simple mask can prevent covid-19.
What you are claiming is that wearing a mask will end Covid-19?
Mar 20, 2020 · Can wearing a face mask protect you from the coronavirus (COVID-19)? Face masks can play a role in preventing the infection, but that role is limited. A healthy individual in a normal situation does not need to wear a mask, as per CDC recommendations.
Apr 07, 2020 · Face masks cannot stop healthy people getting Covid-19, says WHO
DIY masks may not protect you from COVID-19. But here’s …
Then https://www.nytimes.com/2020/07/27/health/coronavirus-mask-protection.html
Jul 28, 2020 · Masks alone aren’t a substitute for other public health measures like physical distancing and good hygiene.
Jul 28, 2020 · In the case of the novel coronavirus and COVID-19, the CDC. Trusted Source. notes that simple face coverings or masks ************can reduce its spread.***********
No where can I find evidence that a face mask prevents you from getting Covid-19.
Please show me where Everyone including the CDC and WHO are wrong.
Masks reduce the spread of Covid-19. Do you not understand what “reduce the spread” means?
Are you suggesting that surgeons stop wearing masks during surgery?
Your own citations refute your argument.
Wear a mask. Social distance. Wash your hands. Only necessary travel. Avoid indoor gatherings.
Masks reduce the spread of Covid-19. Do you not understand what “reduce the spread†means?
Not according to CDC. 95% of people who caught it wore masks all the time.
Are you suggesting that surgeons stop wearing masks during surgery?
Are you suggesting an operating room is the same as general society?
Your own citations refute your argument.
You never cite, so your arguments are that much more fallacious.
Wear a mask. Social distance. Wash your hands. Only necessary travel. Avoid indoor gatherings.
IOW crawl in a hole and die. I keep saying the Left is a death cult.
No, the CDC did not report that 95% who caught Covid wore masks all the time.
Don’t deflect Elwood.
Your the one saying Trump killed 250000 people because he said not to wear masks. Your claiming masks are the be all end all.
I pointed out and even highlighted the CDC and WHO told us NOT TO WEAR MASKS and Trump said okay dont wear masks and then even later their own websites said they only REDUCE THE SPREAD.
MASKS DO NOT STOP YOU FROM GETTING COVID. I understand what reduce the spread means.
AGAIN I ask why is all of EUROPE SPIKING critically when they are mandatory mask wearing and in lock downs if MASKS are the BE ALL END ALL for the crazed left.
Explain please.
Teach confuses the desire to control a pandemic with a desire to control citizens.
He’s not confused. That’s exactly what’s happening.
That’s moronic.
You certainly are.
250,000 Americans have died so far (Connies deny this, of course). Another 200,000 may die before we have this under control. It could be you, your spouse, a parent, a child, niece or nephew, a friend or coworker. Would you let your friend die because of your false belief that it’s a commie plot?
No, WHO denies it. One eighth of 1% of deaths attributed to Shy Knees Blight are actually caused by the disease.
And it is a Commie plot. Straight from Red China.
Put on a fooking mask and find something else to lie/whine about for a while.
I suppose you like the masks because you can’t show your face in public.
You’ll not ice surgeons only wear a mask DURING SURGERY, not ALL THE TIME!!! Surgical masks are used to stop blood from shooting into the mouth of surgeons and their spit from dropping in open wounds, NOT to stop or “reduce the spread” of disease. You will not surgeons don’t where their masks when not in surgery. PLUS, surgical masks are not what civilians are wearing, they’re wearing a piece of crappy paper or thin cloth.
I see no reason why you can’t wear a mask any damn time you want Elwood but why are you so determined not to give the same choice to us? If you’re wearing your mask according to you you are protected from the Chink Flu so what does it matter what I do?
So far the commie/Nazi element of the Democommie party has tried lockdowns of everybody, then lockdowns of non-essential people (except themselves and their friends), the closing of small businesses while Walmart and Target remained open killing the small businessman, unemploying those worthless non-essential employees until they were impoverished, closed schools even though it is well known people under 50 have resistance to Wuhan, forced “social distancing”, forced face diaper wearing and spreading fear and panic all over America.
In 1918 an estimated 70,000 Americans died and guess what? When herd immunity was realized the disease died off. Wow, it’s a fukin miracle. Elwood all you want is to blame Trump for an international scamdemic because you’re full of hate. Trump did everything the CDC and WHO recommended even when they were changing their “expert” minds every other day. The same as any other man would do as President. But you try and propagandize on a disease. Your are a gore, a villain and a ghoul. Oh, and a commie. You are hoping for millions to die so you can run around screaming Trump killed them. You’re a liar once again.
Nobody believes a word you say anymore Elwood. Except perhaps your puppy Hairy. The two of you sound like psychos.
COVID LIES *** Elwood do not watch!!
None of that has worked obviously since Elwood is still stricken with fear so why not try opening the country the hell up, not requiring masks unless in close quarters or around elderly and/or ill people and quarantining those same elderly and/or ill but not the entire country?
You don’t have to wear a mask all the time either! Just when there’s a good chance you’ll either contract or spread Covid.
If your governor quarantined you (do not leave the house for one month) would you consider that unconstitutional?
Trump could have encouraged masks, social distancing, hand washing, discouraged superspeader events, and NOT attack governors and local public servants working to keep their people safe. He didn’t have to undercut his own Covid task force. He didn’t have to downplay the seriousness of the disease from the beginning. Trump used the pandemic as a shillelagh to pound his political enemies, Dr. Fauci, Dem governors, China…
Fortunately, we only have to worry about Trump until Jan 20, 2021.
You don’t have to wear a mask all the time either! Just when there’s a good chance you’ll either contract or spread Covid.
That’s not what His Fraudulency says.
If your governor quarantined you (do not leave the house for one month) would you consider that unconstitutional?
Since it’s political of course.
Trump could have encouraged masks, social distancing, hand washing, discouraged superspeader events, and NOT attack governors and local public servants working to keep their people safe. He didn’t have to undercut his own Covid task force. He didn’t have to downplay the seriousness of the disease from the beginning. Trump used the pandemic as a shillelagh to pound his political enemies, Dr. Fauci, Dem governors, China…
Trump has better sense than you. He did his homework.
The only superspreaders are people like you. And it was the Demo governors that sent the sickies into the nursing homes, not Trump.
And the Deep State Dwarf, like all Lefties, wants to tell everybody how he thinks they should live, with the power of a police state to enforce it.
Fortunately, we only have to worry about Trump until Jan 20, 2021.
No, that’s when he begins his second term.
The esteemed Mr Dowd asked President-elect Kye:
I would certainly consider that unconstitutional, and, were it me, I would not obey, and I would file suit against the governor.
Fortunately, here in my rural county, the sheriff would never enforce such an order.
It was Kye who suggested the answer was to quarantine old and ill folks. He is both.
Also includes you.
United States cases
Updated Nov 16 at 2:38 PM local
Yay! The connies broke the quarter million barrier! Maybe Trump killed his own voters and it cost him the election!! And 50-60 thousand voters were hospitalized on election day – mostly conservatives who refused to wear masks and who would only vote on election day! Hoist by his own petard!
90% false positives.
1/8 of 1%.
And Jeffery is a jerk.
No, the CDC did not report that 95% who caught Covid wore masks all the time.
Yes, they did.
Hospitals in urban America are being flooded by rural Americans who think that masks are worthless. Rurals now need their lives saved by the elites.
In addition across America rural hospitals are being closed in states that blocked Medicaid expansion.
You have data on this?
Last I remember, hospital that had geared up for lots of patients in March were like ghost towns.
I hate it when lie so obviously.
Rurals now need their lives saved by the elites.
Noblesse oblige?. Not what made America great.
But it did show a lot of Euros freedom across the pond was better.
You want an elite, go to the 1st Ranger Battalion.
In addition across America rural hospitals are being closed in states that blocked Medicaid expansion.
Again unsubstantiated. Couldn’t have anything to do with the kids moving where the jobs (y’know, that 3 letter word) are.
Scientific American of course also jumped on the global warming bandwagon..*Science*. https://realclimatescience.com/2020/11/science-based-targets/