…is a horrible carbon pollution infused beer causing rivers to rise, you might just be a Warmist
The blog of the day is Jihad Watch, with a post on a convicted Canadian ISIS jihadi now allowed to go skiing with his girlfriend.

…is a horrible carbon pollution infused beer causing rivers to rise, you might just be a Warmist
The blog of the day is Jihad Watch, with a post on a convicted Canadian ISIS jihadi now allowed to go skiing with his girlfriend.
Fishing in Canada is like a sore wang, you just can’t beat it.
Jeffery wants us to believe he’s an outdoor guy. The only thing he does outdoors is run inside.
Hey Shithead,
Have you ever been fishing in Ontario? It’s awesome. But be careful, if you get pushed into a lake they may never find your body.
Maybe I’d find your arsenal of shotguns down there.
Funny how the bear suit comes on. The fact Trump isn’t letting the Demos get away with their attempted hijacking of the election must be getting to him.
Not to mention a million people came out to show their support of him. The only thing His Fraudulency ever drew by the milllion was flies.
Hey Shithead,
Georgia Secretary of State Republican Brad Raffensperger said Sen. Lindsey O. Graham (R-SC) asked Raffensberger to question the validity of legally cast absentee ballots in an effort to reverse President Trump’s narrow loss in the state.
A million people came out to see a game show host! Whoopee. Did Trump supply the count?
On Jan 20, 2021, President-elect Joseph Biden will be inaugurated. And Trump will slink away as a loser.
Sometimes we just have to thank liberals for being so stupid… https://pjmedia.com/vodkapundit/2020/11/16/sublime-gun-control-support-collapses-10-points-as-relentless-antifa-blm-violence-continues-n1150299
Sydney Powell a very respected Attorney for Trump says they have Evidence and that it is pouring in like a firehose and not a trickle that the Dominion Software used to foil elections around the world was used to foil America’s election.
Including the software programmer who programed the software to flip votes from Biden to Trump. Busted. She would not be lying this is a statement made by a lawyer who could lose her license for making shit up.
Several states refused to use Dominion and Even three major Senators for the Democrats told us how suspect Dominion was in 2019 and the software was highly suspect in the 2018 election.
In Georgia. A high turnout RED COUNTY voting was halted for 6 hours because of a computer glitch driving 1000’s of voters out of the line and leaving for the night. Just the votes they needed to turn the state Blue.
A glitch turned red to blue and the states blamed it on the software and Dominion said Bullshit. There was no update needed…..The presses response. Nothing to see here…move along. Biden wins the red county in a landslide.
Flip votes from Trump to Biden. Not a single. ZERO. ZIP. NADA instance of the software flipping votes from BIDEN TO TRUMP.
At 445 am in the morning in two states Biden received a 100,000 vote dump to ZERO for Trump.
ON CNN while they were looking live at the board, the board reduced Trump votes by 20k and increased Bidens by 20k in PA. As we watched.
This must be investigated. I do not believe it was a fair election and 73 million voters do not believe it and if it was. Investigate it and prove to America it was flawless so we can Trust our fuking government because right now you got 73 million Americans ready to go ANTIFA on this country.
Wow. Violent threats if Trump loses. Not surprising.
Why are these tales not making inroads in the courts? Are Trump’s lawyers not very good? Or are the courts in on the rigging?
Local judges are the product of local machines.
Really? A lawyer paid hundreds of thousands by Trump’s donors defends her job? Surprise! Suprise! Surprise!
Powell, cooperating with Trump and Barr, is trying to get Michael Flynn off after he pleaded guilty to perjury for his playing footsie with the Russians.
We’re certain that Ms. Powell will share the evidence pouring in as from a firehose with the courts in due time.
Until then it’s just more claims and suspicions.
This is interesting:
President-elect Joe Biden fared about the same in Philadelphia, Detroit and Milwaukee as Democratic nominee Hillary Clinton did in 2016. Trump actually won more votes in Philadelphia and Detroit than he did four years ago!
Instead, Biden narrowly carried Pennsylvania, Michigan and Wisconsin by widening support in what’s become a new Democratic stronghold: the suburbs and exurbs around cities.
Did the Dominion crooks program to cheat only in the suburbs? The cities were better for Trump than in 2016!
I love how Jeffery tries to set up little Socratic dialogues between he and his sock puppets.
Trying to lie away what happened is a fool’s errand (and we’ve certainly fond the fool). The fact you have to go into one of your big explanations usually reserved for your version of science says you know it’s a crock.
My experience with the leftists like Elwood and Hairy in my life is that they are immoral and incompetent and they hate and fear the superior person who is both of those things and want to create a world where they feel Superior. They do it best through fraud, corruption and lies. Oh, and cheating.
I had hoped that as massive fraud came to light Elwood would join us to demand a true count. I hoped wrong. Truth and justice are only used by him as hammers to pound his political opponents. He has no use for them in any other way.
Why haven’t GOPhers found all the obvious fraud? Trump and his DOJ have unlimited resources for investigating.
Republican officials in battleground disagree with Trump’s claims that they rigged the vote.
His lawyers are chewing through the money donated by followers so far for naught.
Trump lawyers have been asked if they’re claiming fraud and they say “no”. If they lie in court they get in trouble.
Are the Dems so smart that they easily outwitted the GOPhers?
Another day, another Dominion “glitch”.
Trump gains 1600 votes in Fulton County GA.
Excrement (you can tell Jeffery knows he’s losing)
Georgia Secretary of State Republican Brad Raffensperger said Sen. Lindsey O. Graham (R-SC) asked Raffensberger to question the validity of legally cast absentee ballots in an effort to reverse President Trump’s narrow loss in the state.
It’s why Lin Wood’s brought suit against Raffensberger for collision with FJB Marc Elias. More to the poit, Raffensberger fired the election worker who fixed the “glitch” giving back 6000 votes to Trump, so I don’t think Raffensberger is the hill on which you want to die.
Also GA election worker saw ballots marked Trump credited to His Fraudulency.
No loss, not yet.
A million people came out to see a game show host! Whoopee. Did Trump supply the count?
DC Police. And that’s a lot more than ever came out to see an over-the-hill politician and paranoid.
On Jan 20, 2021, President-elect Joseph Biden will be inaugurated. And Trump will slink away as a loser.
On Jan 20, 2021, President Donald Trump will be inaugurated. And His Fraudulency will slink away as a loser.
Just like he’s always been.
A million people came out to see a game show host! Whoopee. Did Trump supply the count?
On Jan 20, 2021, President-elect Joseph Biden will be inaugurated. And Trump will slink away as a loser.