Well, see, it is OK for grand poobahs in the Cult of Climastrology to take fossil fueled trips, because they are just trying to Save The Eart
He called for unity in the face of the challenges threatening the world.
“We must stand alongside each other in determined defence of the future we owe our children and our grandchildren.
“The challenges to that future are manifest, whether from this dreadful pandemic or from the existential threat to our planet and our way of life from climate change.”
Charles’ appeal during a visit to Berlin to attend Germany’s traditional day of remembrance was part of Britain’s diplomatic outreach to Europe’s biggest economy, days before a deadline to strike a post-Brexit deal with the EU.
Hey, remember this?
Prince Charles: 100 months to save the world
Prince Charles will say that the need to tackle global warming is more urgent than ever before and that, even in a global recession, the world must not lose sight of the “bigger picture”.
Aides believe it will echo one he gave in Sao Paulo in 1991 at the start of the last recession, when he warned that caring for the world’s long term welfare must not become a “luxury”.
The intervention will help to put the environment at the top of the political agenda ahead of the meeting of G20 leaders in London next month.
The Prince starts a ten-day tour of South America today during which he will be playing an elevated role as an international statesman working on behalf of the Government to support British interests on key issues.
In Thursday’s speech, the Prince will warn that a failure to act in the next eight years will have catastrophic effects for the planet.
That was March, 2009, and it was nice of him to make the prognostication right before he took a long fossil fueled trip, right? We, and the planet, seem to have survived quite fine. If it’s so existential, one would think just one prognostication of doom would come true, right? Instead of always being replaced with a new “doom’s coming!” prognostication.
Oh, and back to the first article
Charles, 72, was exempt due to the diplomatic nature of his trip from Germany’s rules requiring him to go into quarantine on arrival from Britain. The prince has himself recovered from a coronavirus infection in March.
The elites always get privilege.

Fortunately for His Royal Highness, the Prince of Wales, the succession is specified by law, and when Her Majesty, the Queen, goes to her eternal reward, the crown will pass to Charles rather than his far more deserving son, the Duke of Cambridge.
100 months from March of 2009 would have been July of 2017, so we’re doomed, we’re all doomed.
The useful idiots in the CoC have yet to make one single correct prognostication since they started this nonsense on “Earth Day” 1970 led by the communist, thief, liar and murderer Ira Einhorn. oh, did I mention he was also a Democrat?
Lies and hate is all they have.
Kye and his ho claims no correct prediction, ignoring the prediction that as CO2 accumulated, the mean surface temperature increased.
Prediction is not fact.
Except you’re ignoring there are several periods in earth’s history where CO2 accumulated and the temp went down.
Charles is still alive? How is he immune to Covid?