Last time I checked, China Joe has not been inaugurated as POTUS yet. Heck, he won’t even be the president-elect till all the electoral college votes are cast in December. But, like most authoritarians, he expects you to comply
Joe Biden on Thanksgiving Gatherings: 5 People, 10 Maximum ‘Socially Distanced, Wearing Masks’
Former Vice President Joe Biden suggested that Americans limit their gatherings on Thanksgiving and adhere to coronavirus protocols in their private residences, citing experts who, according to the former vice president, recommend gatherings of “five people, maximum ten people†who are “socially distanced, wearing masks.â€
Biden, whom the media have declared president-elect, detailed his view on holiday gatherings during a Monday press conference in Wilmington, Delaware, urging Americans to adhere to the advice of “health experts.â€
“What is your message to people who are considering, for example, getting together with their families and others for Thanksgiving? Would you urge people to reconsider their plans?†a reporter asked.
“Here’s what I would do. Let me tell you what health experts have said to me,†Biden began.
“They strongly urge that, if, in fact, we’re going to have Thanksgiving with anyone, that we limit it to maximum, maximum, they suggest five people, maximum 10 people, socially distanced, wearing masks, and people who have quarantined,†he explained.
Mind your own business, Joe. But, Democrats think they know how to run our lives, and are happy to tell us how. And force us how.
“Save lives. Look, I just want to make sure that we’re able to be together next Thanksgiving. Next Christmas. I mean it is an international crisis. It’s an international health crisis,†he said, adding that the world is “at war†with the Chinese coronavirus.
Wait, it’s an international crisis? Huh. For all that we hear, this is all the fault of Donald Trump. Meanwhile
President-elect Biden calls on Congress to ‘pass a COVID relief package like the HEROES Act’
President-elect Joe Biden called on Congress to pass a stimulus bill in its lame-duck session, one that is similar in size and scope to legislation the Democratic-controlled House originally passed in May.
“Right now Congress should come together and pass a COVID relief package like the HEROES Act that the House passed six months ago,†Biden said at a press conference on Monday. “Once we shut down the virus and deliver economic meat to workers and businesses, then we can start to build back better than before.â€
Two versions of the HEROES Act have passed the House. The most recent $2.2 trillion version of the bill was passed in October and an earlier $3.4 trillion version was passed in May. Both were held up in the Republican-controlled Senate.
Both were so full of left-wing priorities, most of which had nothing to really do with COVID relief, so, yeah, they were not passed. Nor did the House take up what the Republicans in the Senate were offering. This is the reason it is super important to keep the Senate if Joe does get installed.

Go sniff yourself.
Following trump’s advice has left 250,000 dead Americans.
A colleague told me today that his daughter’s in-laws returned from 2 weeks in FL, both now with Covid. Just think if they were next to you on a flight!
Keep us updated. If they are like 99.9 percent of people they will have the sniffles and do just fine.
RUN!!!! Screams Elwood. We need to shut down America and destroy the worlds economy.
IF…IF…IF they were afraid to get infected why the hell were they on a plane and in Florida for heavens sakes?
Just think Elwood if they were next to me it is because I CHOSE to be on that flight knowing there was a risk.
And OMG Airlines make you WEAR A MASK so everyone was safe. Hmmm…I wonder how they got the virus if they even are aware of your existence I am sure they wore a mask to bed.
They thought Covid was a hoax. But no more.
No, they didn’t. When the media said nothing was being done about it when it first struck was what was called a hoax. Our boy John only took about 5 months of saying the same thing before he allegedly got it through his head….
When Covid-19 first hit it was Republicans who were screaming to do something. Democrats were NOTHING TO SEE HERE….were impeaching Trump so STFU about this flu thing.
Nancy Pelosi was in china town telling everyone it was just fine to love Asians while the pandemic was on the verge of exploding. BIDEN WAS CAMPAIGNING Thru MARCH ignoring the virus. Cuomo and De Blasio were telling NY’ers to go out and have fun, drink up, party, all is well with the world.
Then suddenly someone in the Demo party had a light bulb moment and SUDDENLY….COVID-19 is ALL TRUMPS FAULT.
From a certain point onward The LEFT WAS TERRIFIED OF THE VIRUS and the left realized the lock downs were designed to destroy peoples lives and the economy for POWER….that is when the flip flop happened.(The left are the ones to say…NEVER LET A CRISIS GO TO WASTE)
Cons always are cautious and prepared. WE ARE PREPPERS you are PREPPIES. We take shit serious until its not.
COVID-19 is NOT A HOAX. The HOAX is the lefts response to it. That is the HOAX. IF MASKS ACTUALLY WORKED Europe would have ended the Virus by now since they arrest people for being outdoors without a mask. I don’t care what people say. This virus is too fuking contagious to be prevented by a simple mask that is NOT an N-95 mask designed for CONTAGION.
That is another Hoax. Yeah It might slow the spread by 10 percent but I would be surprised if it is that high. No matter what Sir Dana and his esteemed wife say about masks because the masks we are wearing are not n-95’s but rather some cotton thrown together that is about as porous as a knitted sweater.
No, deaths are about 300.
And what were those people doing traveling? Don’t they know only state-approved travel papers are permitted?
Hear we’ve had the fewest deaths in 10 years?
Commenter: Hear we’ve had the fewest deaths in 10 years?
That claim is untrue. In fact deaths are up.
No, it’s true. CDC keeps several sets of books. One is for the rubes like you.
HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH…I am Joe Biden and I approve this message.
Go fuk yourself Americans. You can’t celebrate anything in a communist Utopia. Only celebrate black lives matter and ANTIFA THUGS SUCKER PUNCHING OLD MEN.
I heartily approve of my fellow Democrat canceling Thanksgiving in MICHIGAN while she herself will host a BONANZA. With Dancing and live bands giggling in glee that we pulled one over on those stupid Trump Voters.
I heartily approve of Mitch McConnell giving a speech on the need for more endless wars. We can send our boys to die from Bullets but GAWD DAMN that virus. Be afraid. Not of terrorists. Be afraid that Donald J. Trump developed a vaccine that we will not distribute for at least another year so by GAWD I can lock your asses down until you cry bankruptcy.
Then its A COMMUNIST BONANZA for us all!! HAHAHAHA….Mini Me! Wheres mini me? Oh Hunter….warm up the jet China is on the phone….buwahhhaaaaaahhhaaaaaa…..I hear they got another virus to turn lose on us as soon as we recover from this one. HAHAHAHAHAHAHA……..It’s Trump’s fault!!!
The vaccines were developed by three private companies. They will distribute them no matter who is president.
Teach, President-elect Biden cannot do anything about your Thanksgiving. He doesn’t become President until Jan 20, 2021.
He’s also not “president elect” you fukin liar.
We’re sooo sorry it bothers you so much, but President-elect Biden received greater than 270 electoral votes, 306 to be exact. States are in the process of certifying those votes.
We understand your undying loyalty to Deutsche Don, the Mango Messiah, but that doesn’t change reality.
Take it or leave it, but you need to come to grips with this new reality. You should be delighted. You received nearly $1 million from the taxpayers, didn’t contract Covid yourself, and the stock market is rising almost as rapidly as the spread of Covid. Rejoice!
Actually, no one has received any electoral votes, because the electors haven’t all been certified and the electoral college hasn’t voted.
It doesn’t matter if there was vote fraud in Pennsylvania, because the state, and the city of Philadelphia, are run by Democrats. The election will be certified, the electors will cast their ballots and Joe Biden will become the next President. Nevada and Michigan are also run by Democrats. Even if the two states with Republican governors, Arizona and Georgia, manage to overturn the results in their states, their 27 combined electoral votes are not enough to overturn the election.
But a Democratic President will be a disaster for this country. If the GOP wins the two Georgia Senate runoff elections, it will be less of a disaster. Republicans are left praying for the good health of Clarence Thomas and Joe Biden, to keep the conservative majority on thye Supreme Court, and keep Kamala Emhoff out of the White House.
250,000 American died from Covid-19 over the past 9 months, debt is soaring, working Americans are suffering and the sagacious Mr Dana thinks President Biden will be a disaster.
There’s has been NO CREDIBLE evidence presented to support the trump loyalists’ claim of a fraudulent election. Shanghai Don’s cadre of well-compensated attorneys are 1 for 25 so far in court.
On the other hand Trump’s fund-raising is going well! What a coincidence!
Suckers!! Listen. Trump, like any immature celebrity, will always appreciate your public adoration.
No lie you tell bothers me any more. I have come to the realization that it’s your nature to lie. I just figured maybe you thought more of yourself than to foster a lie for no reason. But how could a person like you completely bereft of moral character possibly care about truth or accuracy? You are the hemorrhoid on the ass hole of the Democommie party and the position fits you like a glove. Sadly the Democommie party is full of hemorrhoids so you have plenty of company.
Former Vice President Biden would love to limit our Thanksgiving, and doubtlessly Christmas, holidays, but all he can do is ask; he’s still a private citizen.
The problem will arise that the Democratic governors who are still in power will issue their own Führerbefehle attempting to restrict our constitutional rights of freedom of religion and peaceable assembly.
Thing is, I’m old enough to remember when it was the left who insisted that our constitutional rights were absolute, and that any attempts to restrict them was fascist. Now that the left are trying to restrict our rights, why it is that purported fascist, Donald Trump, who resisted, and us evil reich-wingers who resist.
While Teach frets about Thanksgiving and college girls in Uganda, Petty Tyrant Shanghai Don fired the well-respected Chris Krebs, Director of the Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency, who had the audacity to claim that the election was fair. Maybe now Russia can finally hack the election systems and move votes to Shanghai Don.
Maybe it’s time to run Shanghai Donnie out of DC on a rail before he weakens America even more. He’s clearly mentally unfit for office and rapidly deteriorating.
Should Shanghai Donnie appoint Rudy Ghouliani to the post to save the preezy? Or Sid Powell?
Did you see all the GOP Senators congratulating Vice President-elect Kamala Harris on her return to the Senate? It’s almost as if they think she won.
While Teach frets about Thanksgiving and college girls in Uganda, Petty Tyrant Shanghai Don fired the well-respected Chris Krebs, Director of the Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency, who had the audacity to claim that the election was fair. Maybe now Russia can finally hack the election systems and move votes to Shanghai Don.
shanghai Don? He’s fought the Red Chinese at every turn, but I see how you have to come up with something, however lame, to answer China Joe.
As for Krebs, he was a flop at his job and, with all the evidence available, claimed it was fair.
Maybe it’s time to run Shanghai Donnie out of DC on a rail before he weakens America even more. He’s clearly mentally unfit for office and rapidly deteriorating.
At least a million people might give to a fight on that, but I detect a not of impatience. Are you worried Trump will pull through?
The mentally unfit part is His Fraudulency. Projection, thy name is Jeffery.
Should Shanghai Donnie appoint Rudy Ghouliani to the post to save the preezy? Or Sid Powell?
Non sequitur. I think Jeffery really is losing it.
Did you see all the GOP Senators congratulating Vice President-elect Kamala Harris on her return to the Senate? It’s almost as if they think she won.
All? How many is all? Maybe they were just being gentlemen. It’s a white thing.
You wouldn’t understasnd.
I mentioned Elwood’s complete loss of self awareness and sanity a few days ago. He’s scared shitless that Joe and the Hoe actually do cheat their way to success they will actually have to perform. He’s been driven insane buy four years of hate for his fellow Americans and lies by his communist allies. The man is now a bona fide fruitcake.
These communist governors even want to cancel Thanksgiving (and most likely have plans for Christmas) because as communists Christian based holidays scare the shit out of them It means people believe in a higher power than illegitimate government edicts and fiefdoms.
Welcome to Thanksgiving under the new Marxist order:
250,000 American died from Covid-19 over the past 9 months, debt is soaring, working Americans are suffering and the sagacious Mr Dana thinks President Biden will be a disaster.
Only because he will and the lies Jeffery has to tell to justify it are the proof.
has been NO CREDIBLE evidence presented to support the trump loyalists’ claim of a fraudulent election. Shanghai Don’s cadre of well-compensated attorneys are 1 for 25 so far in court.
Pay no attention to that man behind the curtain.
Photographs, eyewitnesses, videos, documents mean nothing, right?
On the other hand Trump’s fund-raising is going well! What a coincidence!
Because the American people are outraged about the Steal.
Suckers!! Listen. Trump, like any immature celebrity, will always appreciate your public adoration.
The only suckers are people like you. You actually believe there’s a dacha with your name on it.
There’s something with your name on it, but it ain’t no dacha.
250,000 Americans were murdered by Red Chinese attack according to the now established insane Elwood yet at the same time 500,000 Americans were murdered by Democrat Mengele’s in abortion clinics across our nation but those deaths mean nothing to this fool. Maybe if he could blame Trump he’d realize what a monster he is.
Kye is confused about legal abortions and murder. If he actually thought abortion was murder he’d take his AR-15 and stand athwart the entrance to an abortion clinic to keep children from being murdered. That he doesn’t can only by explained by 1) he knows abortion isn’t murder or 2) he’s a coward who allows children to be murdered.
Is capital punishment murder? Is killing enemy soldiers murder? These are both examples of the state-sanctioned killing of other humans.
There is no evidence that China attacked the US with the SARS-CoV-2 virus. In contrast, it’s a fact that 250,000 Americans have died from Covid since last March.
Kye is confused about legal abortions and murder. If he actually thought abortion was murder he’d take his AR-15 and stand athwart the entrance to an abortion clinic to keep children from being murdered. That he doesn’t can only by explained by 1) he knows abortion isn’t murder or 2) he’s a coward who allows children to be murdered.
The only one confused is Jeffery. Abortion takes a life. Real simple. And if he did it, Jeffery would be going berserk over how Kye wants to kill all the Lefties. Lefties hide behind a lot of bad law created in the 60s and 70s. Be interesting to see what happens if all that bad law was repealed and it was open season.
Is capital punishment murder? Is killing enemy soldiers murder? These are both examples of the state-sanctioned killing of other humans.
Those are in defense of society.. Be interesting, though, if abortion gets to be outlawed and people like Jeffery go up against the wall.
There is no evidence that China attacked the US with the SARS-CoV-2 virus. In contrast, it’s a fact that 250,000 Americans have died from Covid since last March.
they purposely sent sickies here. Your unending whine about no evidence gets more ludicrous each time you use it. Kind of like your idea science runs on consensus.
I bet you really thought GWB was murdering people. If you thought it was murder in Iraq why were you not standing in front of those Mulims with your flintlock protecting them?
Although I opposed the Iraq war, why was I not killing American troops because they were ordered to invade and occupy Iraq?
Legal does not make it moral and if you don’t know that then you ain’t black. At almost 70 years old, using 5LPM of oxygen 24/7 and unable to travel very far without a wheelchair my “standing athwart” days are over. Killing innocent people deliberately and with malice aforethought is murder. You tell me why killing innocent babies isn’t. Who’s the coward here the person who fights against an evil with whatever meager ability he has or the person who surrenders to mass murder because he believes a lie? The only reason for abortion as birth control is to allow MEN to walk away from the broads they impregnate and refuse to be responsible for. They leave these (mostly) sad and broken girls all on their own because they had their fun so the hell with them and the kids. Most of these abandoned young girls end up depressed in life because they rightfully think they murdered their baby for their boyfriends.
How many chicks did you make get an abortion Elwood? You’re a boomer surely you must have knocked up a couple girls and now use the ruse of “it’s their body” to ease your evil black soul.
There is all the evidence in the world the Red Chinese attacked the United States simply by the fact the virus was released and allowed to be sent to America before we we even aware it existed. I know you will defend your comrades the Red Chinese with all your strength because YOU HATE AMERICA. We know it and you know it.
The FACT is 250,000 Americans have died WITH but NOT FROM Wuhan Flu . That’s the facts jack. and about 10% of that figure died FROM the flu. Another one of your lies you keep repeating to convince yourself you’re better than everyone else. Keep working for the Red Chinese you traitor.
The exit strategy for the Covid hoax is the worthless vaccines. They are claiming 95% effectiveness, which is nonsense. Flu shots, for example, are about 40% effective. Polio is 99% effective and exactly no one thinks we understand Covid as well as polio or that coronaviruses are as easily handled as polio. The poliovirus is widely regarded as the simplest significant virus.
Since the risk of Covid is well below that 5% threshold, they can write-off those cases to the 5% for whom the magic virus is not effective. This is why the vaccine will be mandatory. Otherwise, the story does not hold up. Once everyone gets the fake vaccine and is required to get a shot every year, the great climb down from the panic moves ahead full speed.
The corporate state has more power and lost of connected people get rich. Build back better!
Although I opposed the Iraq war, why was I not killing American troops because they were ordered to invade and occupy Iraq?
Because you’re a gutless, hypocritical creep?