Considering how much debt so many kids accrued in obtaining their mostly worthless degrees, how does this help?
Joe Biden supports ‘immediately’ canceling some student loan debt, penalizing American taxpayers
Former Vice President Joe Biden declared Monday that, as president, he would move to ensure that Americans with student loans have some of their debt “immediately” — by magic, apparently — wiped away.
Outstanding student loan debt currently stands at more than $1.5 trillion.
Biden was asked by a reporter on Monday whether student loan forgiveness is part of his economic agenda. Biden responded affirmatively, no doubt pleasing the Democratic Party’s far-left members.
“It’s holding people up,” Biden said of student loan debt, the New York Times reported. “They’re in real trouble. They’re having to make choices between paying their student loans and paying their rent, those kinds of decisions. It should be done immediately.”
Biden voiced support for a proposal from House Democrats that would forgive $10,000 of student loan debt per borrower.
“Immediate $10,000 forgiveness of student loans, helping people up there in real trouble,” Biden said, Fox News reported.
I guess that would be nice, but, what of the idiots who accrued $50K or more to get a degree in something ending in Studies or 5th Century Art or something? Let’s not forget that Democrats run most colleges and mostly set the costs of colleges. They’re they ones charging $200 for a text book that’s a quarter the size of a Steven King book which costs $30. And the ones teaching at colleges, pushing the kids into Victimhood for the loans they voluntarily signed, instead of working to pay for the degree or getting a scholarship.
House Democrats originally proposed forgiving $10,000 of student loan debt per borrower as part of their proposal for a second COVID-19 relief bill, which had a price tag of $3 trillion, making it the most expensive bill in history. The legislation was never considered in the Republican-controlled Senate because of its cost.
They scaled that back to only those who were “economically distressed” on the day before Trump declared the COVID emergency on March 12th, but, either way, is it any wonder that Republicans would not take the measure up?
Contrary to what progressives like Ocasio-Cortez claim, “canceling debt” is not something that actually exists. Lawmakers could remove a borrower’s liability for re-paying the debt, but the debt will be shifted onto someone.
In the case of federal student loans, the burden would be further shifted onto taxpayers.
Let’s not forget that the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act, ie, Obamacare, made the federal government as the backers of all student loans, at which point the student debt exploded. So, if they “forgive” the debt, the federal government is on the hook, which means taxpayers are on the hook. Where will the money come from? And what happens next? What of the people who are in college now, who will demand forgiveness? And you can bet that homeowners, car owners, boat owners, people with credit card debt, etc, will demand the same thing. Some might be tongue in cheek, some might be real.

Observers in the ongoing vote recount in Georgia found a major mistake in the ballot-counting process. On Wednesday, Georgia GOP said 9,256 votes in Dekalb County were erroneously given to Joe Biden.
They refuse to give Trump the votes. Biden got 9256 votes and trump got 13 in the county. Uh yeah. A red county. This is North korea and Venezuela Numbers.
Witnesses signing affidavits that numerous counters were running the same ballot thru the machine over and over again and even gave the table number and the workers name in GA. The response. A shoulder shrug.
America is quickly devloving into a third world republic.
This is an 18,500 vote swing to Trump and gives him Georgia. The left is blocking this. The recounters are telling the GOP to go to hell. The NEVER TRUMPER SEC of STATE is telling Trump to go to hell.
The MSM is telling the GOP to go to hell. China is telling Trump to go to hell. HRC is telling Trump to go to hell. The left will not be denied. The deep state will not be denied.
Trump is the Tiddy Bowl Man of the Swamp. He must be expunged.
The cheating keeps on going. If they lose now their entire party goes into the shitter. The Democommies MUST win this election and simultaneously camouflage their corrupt vote fraud or they are finished as a party. Their corruption runs so deep they even defraud the recounts!
Here’s how they did it, the drop and roll:
I need to go back to school and run up some “student loan” debts. About $10,000 worth should do it. I am thinking an independent track “study abroad” would be just the thing to round out my education experience. Caribbean or South Pacific?
No wonder Joe is screaming for Trump to concede.
There’s money to be made.
And Hunter’s bastard child support payments ain’t going away.
Trump and the A-Team are sounding very confident this morning. Maybe that’s why all those R Senators greeted Chlamydia. she hasn’t resigned her Senate seat.
Like maybe she knows something.
PS Roto Reuters ran a poll and could only get 55% to say the election was legit and this with a light sample and heavily skewed.
Looks like you really can’t fool all of the people all of the time.
Mediterranean is awfully nice. Spain. A bit expensive but I find it one of the nicest places in Europe to Live.
Almunecar in the South of Spain is crazy beautiful. Life is slow and quiet. 2 hour Siestas every day from noon to 2pm. Bond fire parties on the beach.
Rent or buying can be expensive but if your retired 2200-2600(Rent in a secure gated community) USA dollars will get you a 6 bedroom, 4 bath with swimming pool and the amazing thing about most houses is we have nearly 180 degrees of covered veranda’s overlooking the pool and the ocean about 1 mile in the distance.
Because it is not a bay that is heavily affected by tides, you do not get the foul stench of fish when the tide goes out. No matter where you plan to go I highly recommend staying away from any sort of inlet, cove or bay that is affected by Tides. The smell can be overwhelming to non lifetime residents.
Having lived out of a suitcase nearly my entire life, I highly recommend it. Elwood would even enjoy it.
Is he planning fleeing the country?
And here is why they are sounding confident.
Guiliani said that in Michigan there were 300,000 fraudulent ballots. Furthermore, ballots were run through THREE times for Joe Biden.
If you count the lawful votes, Trump won in Wisconsin. If you count the legal votes, Trump wins Pennsylvania by 300,000 votes.
Rudy went on to say 60,000 ballots in Milwaukee County and 40,000 ballots in Dane County should be thrown out.
He is also calling for 682,770 ballots to be thrown out in Pennsylvania due to voter fraud.
Philadelphia officials BLOCKED GOP election observers from observing the counting of ballots after election day.
Democrats were able to “find†one million ballots in the next 48 hours!
Sidney Powell accused leftist operatives of rigging an election for Joe Biden using computer algorithms via the Dominion and Smartmatic voting machines.
An algorighm was plugged In to steal votes from Trump during the election.
So Rudy and the GOP awards Michigan, Wisconsin, Arizona, Georgia and PA for The Don… giving Donnie a 305-233 win!!
Ghouliani delivers for Trump!
All hail President Trump!
I hear you’re leaving the country.
Recalled to Pudong.
You were a lousy troll.
For those interested, here’s a summary of how the big steal went down.
I can see where Jeffery is just bummed out because we’re stealing back his stolen election.
As he likes to say, “Well, BOO-FRICKIN’-HOO”. Like all the Lefties, he loves to dish it out, but cries when he has to take it.
Poor widdle Shithead, another of Trump’s and the odious jimhoft’s suckers.
Don’t forget that on Jan 20 President-elect Joseph Robinette Biden and Vice President-elect Kamala Devi Harris will become our new President and Vice President, and Donald Trump will become just another crook one step ahead of the authorities.
The Big Sid and Ghouliani Show held a press conference to boast of how they lost 30 of 31 lawsuits. Let’s hope they don’t get arrested for tampering with an election! This is what you do when your legal plan collapses. This is now a political and PR campaign. BTW, Rudy’s hair dye was running down his face.
Excrement must have been told to put up his usual big front. The Lefties were rejected massively by the American public. Must be a bitch to have to live with that.
Don’t forget that on Jan 20 President-elect Joseph Robinette Biden and Vice President-elect Kamala Devi Harris will become our new President and Vice President, and Donald Trump will become just another crook one step ahead of the authorities.
Kamala Devi? They named her after the actress?
And the only one being inuagurated will be Donald Trump. Chlamydia hasn’t even resigned her Senate seat. Kind of like she knows she better stick with the job she’s got?
The Big Sid and Ghouliani Show held a press conference to boast of how they lost 30 of 31 lawsuits.
All state judges. All part of the machine. That’s what it took to win in ’00.
Let’s hope they don’t get arrested for tampering with an election! This is what you do when your legal plan collapses. This is now a political and PR campaign. BTW, Rudy’s hair dye was running down his face.
That’s the big taunt, isn’t it? What happens when His Fraudulency’s Depends break and all the Jeffery comes oozing out the pants leg.
and it’s the Demos who get busted. Can’t wait to see you frog-marched.
I agree, if Jeff thought his team had won he would be far more obnoxious. He does seem dispirit.
Needless to say, the bear suit is out.
He knows he’s losing.
The amazing thing is that the NYT printed all the data that PROVES the computerized files were manipulated!! Votes intended for Trump went to Biden!!!!
Curiously, the FBI couldn’t sort it out, but anonymous internet prowlers saved us! Why can’t the legal A-Team get any judge anywhere to believe them????
Now we find out the US Army seized Dominion servers in Germany although only the Trump team knows about it. Big Sid confirmed it.
Trump lost the hand count in Georgia too, but there were lots of Black people counting the ballots, so… Biden beat Trump in Georgia by more than Trump beat Clinton in Michigan in 2016.