Big cities tend to lean heavily Left, which means they are chock full of climate cultists, always yammering for Someone Else to be burdened with taxes, fees, and restrictions. Yet, so few of these cultists want anything done to their own lives. Perhaps it’s time for them to be forced to practice what they preach, because we need experimental groups, right?
Cities must actively shape development to combat climate change
We are in a critical decade, with a last shot to avoid the worst consequences of crises such as climate change and biodiversity loss. A recent report from the United Nations concluded that the world has failed to meet a single target on stopping biodiversity loss since targets were agreed upon in 2010. Forty percent of the world’s plants are under threat of extinction, and humanity has wiped out over 60 percent of the population of vertebrate species since 1970. When it comes to climate change, we are crossing tipping points at an alarming rate. Wildfires and storms are ravaging large parts of the world as Greenland’s melting ice sheet has passed the “point of no return” and may be destined to disappear. Forty percent of the Amazon rainforest is on the brink of shifting from rainforest to savanna.
We’ve been told that Doom is coming for 30 years. So far? Nothing
The COVID pandemic is testing us in unprecedented ways, giving us a more tangible understanding of the importance of resilience, and of the scale of challenges we need to address as a society. We no longer can ignore our collective responsibility to change things. The time to act is now — for all of us.
Fortunately, many of us are in a position to have real impact just because of where we live. Do you live in a city? So does 55 percent of the world’s population — and urbanization continues to increase worldwide. This is significant, because cities are the main driver of many impacts described above. In our linear economy, cities act as global resource drains — devouring materials and energy from the hinterlands and spewing out waste and emissions. Although cities only occupy 3 percent of the earth’s land surface, they consume 75 percent of global resources and are responsible for 70 percent of greenhouse gas emissions.
Cities are what we call a “leverage point” — a place in the system where positive change can have a disproportionately beneficial impact. If we redesign our cities to be circular, regenerative and equitable, not only can we eliminate most of the impact humanity is causing globally — we also can create a future to look forward to.
This Green Utopia yammering continues on for a while, but, yes, these leftist cities should be forced to change. Let’s see how they like having their fossil fueled travel taken away. The loss of revenue from doing away with airports and visitor centers and visitors. Running museums and such with solar panels. Have fun walking up 20 flights or more of stairs because elevators are unreliable. And heat and AC will barely be usable. Working on your laptop by candlelight. Skyrocketing prices and taxes.
And these people who vote for this will not be allowed to leave for areas that are not doing this. They seemed to like losing their freedom during COVID lockdowns, so, they can just deal with lockdowns for the climate crisis (scam).
Cities are no longer one-way sinks for resources. All valuable resources that enter the city — from building materials to food to products — are collected and reused or remanufactured into new, high-value goods within the city’s borders. Cities are producers instead of just consumers, with new green industries flourishing and serving as the basis for resilient, regional economies.
Well, good luck growing your own food, making clothes, etc, in these big big cities.
Hundreds of cities around the world already have made the pledge to become circular, carbon neutral and resilient. But city governments can’t achieve this alone — they need the involvement and participation of citizens to make it a reality. We all need to become “city makers” and do our part to evolve our cities toward visions such as these.
It’s real easy to make pledges, right? Keeping ones like this? Not so easy. Why do all these Warmists not want to do this stuff in their own backyards?

Where do you spend most of your waking hours ?
People have been fleeing rural areas for the benefits of city life for decades Especially younger people cities are growing rural areas shrinking
And of course cities are the heart of our economy
Or were until The Trump virus devastated our economy
This is as bad as the end of the last term of a GOP President
Tge Dems always have to clean up
This certainly falls in line with the concept that by 2050 the left wants no property ownership there Hairy. You will be happier if you do not own property and therefore are a servant to the state.
Somewhere in life you must have felt cheated because you failed to own anything and therefore want this same failure to fall on the rest of us. Your a 70 year old truck driver still driving because you can’t afford to live in the big city and yet you still live in the big city.
You should get out more. I’m not saying drive by smaller cities on the interstate though I know your not that kind of Truck Driver but actually visit those smaller cities you so disdain.
In those small cities there is no urban crime problem. No roving gangs. No drive by shooting. The worst crimes are usually domestic violence because human beings are human beings. The air is clean, their is no pollution. The drive times are short. The stores are not sardine factories. The pace is slow.
People own 2.5 acre homesteads. Others live in mini versions of suburbs. When you run into someone in the streets they usually know someone you know. Yet you want to destroy all of this and you wonder why those of us who have chosen to live far away from big cities are so opposed to what you have to offer us.
A high rise apartment where the police do not come and when they do they usually end up shooting some crazed lunatic. You offer depression and hopelessness all in the name of income equality. The problem is that your income equality will drop the average wage in this country to 3 bucks an hour and put us all in third world country status.
But we will have health care. Seriously? You might believe in these things but most do not.
that is why their are 31 states with RED legislatures. Hell Wisconsin, MI and PA all have RED LEGISLATURES as Does GEORGIA AND ARIZONA. And yet as the great Biden wave swept across the country your side lost 13 house seats and failed to take the senate while stealing an election from Trump because of sinister forces that have the ability to do so.
No thanks. It is why Civil war is coming. Both sides feel the other needs to be expunged. Political victories are not enough anymore. The left and right both believe the other side wants to oppose harsh restrictions on the other.
There is no middle ground any longer and Civil War is no longer an Option. This is not my take. This is the take of dozens and dozens of Professors and “”””SMART”””” people who have even written books and magazine articles and tv interviews in the last 5-6 years.
I tell everyone to be ready. That is why there was a humongous increase in gun sales in the past year. 40 percent of those were first time gun owners. The die is cast. AOC is the most dangerous person on the planet right now. Uninformed and ill-advised as she is, she still somehow carries tremendous sway despite the fact that her twitter followers are all ANTIFA THUGS for the most part.
The following is my OPINION and is not based in any quantifiable knowledge.
Anyone realize that China has had almost no problems with Covid-19 after March? Anyone know that the state of CHINA has been testing the entire populations of cities with NASAL SWABS?
China found a way to run all journalists out of the country and remain shrouded in more secrecy than ever.
China was not stupid. They were willing to kill XXX number of people to scare the bejesus out of the world. They then started a massive testing of their own citizens to supposedly find every positive case of Covid-19. They were not looking for Covid-19 they were Vaccinating against the COVID-19 THEY CREATED.
Load up a swab with vaccine, shove it down peoples nose and tell them it is a test.
The results of testing entire cities netted a dozen cases. Of course it did as they set up hospitals all over rural regions of China. China had a vaccine in place before they unleashed this on the world.
I fear China has another Corona Virus type pandemic ready to be released once this one has been cured which it is on the verge of being expunged with yet a third vaccine announcing it is ready.
Can you imagine the effects on the world economy with another year long lock down around the world while China once again vaccinates their people against yet another virus they release on the world? And we Voted China Joe into office(WEll China did by cheating using software) but thats another story. Beijing Biden will do nothing but what his Chinese puppet masters tell him to do. For our sake I hope Harris 25th amendments his ass. One Day one.
It’s the end of the world as we know it and I feel fine.
“It’s the end of the world as we know it, and I feel fine.”
Good reference, great song.
The world is changing. The pandemic will result in permanent shifts in the way we work and live. Global warming is real and will have to be addressed. In the US, economic inequality is reaching a breaking point and necessitates fundamental changes in the distribution of resources. The Greatest Generation is dying, the Boomers are slipping and being replaced by younger generations. The last four years revealed a strain of nativism that had been largely cloaked for decades – again, not Trump’s fault – but exposed by Trump.
On one side of the divide are white Americans terrified of demographic shifts plus wealthy Americans demanding maintenance of the status quo. On the other side is everyone else.
Idiot wants us to think this is the Black Death. More like the Yellow Sweat. The Lefties would love for this to be their ticket to absolute global power, but, even in Canuckistan, it’s being denounced as a crock.
The Greatest Generation is dying, the Boomers are slipping and being replaced by younger generations.
And those younger generations went against the Demos.
On one side of the divide are white Americans terrified of demographic shifts plus wealthy Americans demanding maintenance of the status quo. On the other side is everyone else.
If all the white people voted for Trumnp, where did all the votes for His Fraudulency come from?
God, what an idiot.
“People have been fleeing rural areas for the benefits of city life for decades Especially younger people cities are growing rural areas shrinking”
Really? Where do you spend most of your waking hours? Do you ever read how people are leaving big Blue cities for suburban and rural areas? There is no big blue city including NYC that does not currently have a negative population growth.
The leftists have ruined big cities and many of the states they’re in and there is a huge movement out of those areas. You really got to read more than Vox, Hairy.
Some warmunist wrote:
Cities already exist. Does the author mean, by “redesign,” that we must level the old cities which built up haphazardly, designed according to geography, geology and topography, need to be torn down and rebuilt?
And what the f(ornicate) does he mean by “equitable”?
Equitable means “dealing fairly and equally with all concerned”.
Try again.
fair and impartial.
Teach types: Big cities tend to lean heavily Left, which means they are chock full of climate cultists, always yammering for Someone Else to be burdened with taxes, fees, and restrictions.
Of course big cities PAY most of the taxes, fees and has to tolerate the restrictions that they support.
Teach’s imaginary Someone Else, while a rhetorical flourish, doesn’t exist.