Let’s face it, it really is over unless Team Trump can provide rock-solid proof that cheating occurred in multiple states that would provide enough votes for Trump to win. Just getting Georgia and /or Pennsylvania wouldn’t make a difference. They will have to show election “irregularities” in Michigan, Wisconsin, Arizona, perhaps Virginia (which was trending Trump heavily while still being called for Biden for some reason), and even in swing states that Trump won. It has to be convincing, and it needs to be soon, because even many Trump supporters are moving on
Sidney Powell: ‘Biblical’ Lawsuit Coming, Accuses Ga. Gov. Kemp of Deal With Dominion
Levying explosive claims of widespread voter fraud specifically tied to Dominion Voting Systems and potentially a pay-for-play scheme with GOP Gov. Brian Kemp, Trump campaign lawyer Sidney Powell on Newsmax TV vowed to deliver a “biblical” voter fraud case this week.
“We’ve got tons of evidence; it’s so much, it’s hard to pull it all together,” Powell told Saturday night’s “The Count” co-hosted by Rob Schmitt and Mark Halperin, teasing the explosive allegation of the Georgia governor in a contested and key battleground state.
“Hopefully this week we will get it ready to file, and it will be biblical.”
“It’s a massive project to pull this fraud claim together with the evidence that I want to put in,” she added.
There’s no doubt it is quite a bit of information, and digging deep into it will be some serious work. But, it has to be quick, and it has to be convincing
- Joe Biden votes being “weighted” at 1.25 times and President Donald Trump votes being parsed at 3/4.
- Algorithms that gave Democrats 35,000 extra votes.
- Modifications made to voting machines after statuatory cutoff dates for changes.
- Past election victories, including Hillary Clinton’s primary victory over Sen. Bernie Sanders, I-Vt., being forced decided by Dominion Voting Systems.
- Alleged pay-for-play kick backs to public officials, potentially even Georgia GOP Gov. Kemp for a late grant to use Dominion Voting Systems.
They’re going to have to prove this. And they’re going to have to prove that it actually happened, and happened in multiple states. And they’re going to have to show that it happened quickly. If they can prove these claims for at least one state by the end of Tuesday, this could be huge. Publishing Wednesday-Saturday would just be missed, with Thanksgiving and such. Otherwise, next Monday. It must be 100% conclusive, not just allegations. Something that the media will not be able to dispute.
And this doesn’t even get into the other “irregularities” that Rudy Giulliani is looking into. Most of us know that there was cheating that could very well have changed the outcome, things we are not seeing in the deep Democrat states or super deep Republican states. Suspicion, correlations, and even Dems admitting they cheated are not the proof, though. Team Trump really has to provide that evidence by December 5th or so.

The largest volume of vote fraud that actually affected the outcome of the election came through software run by a foreign agent.
The left has no problem with a foreign agent involved in our election as long as it benefits them.
However that aside. This software as with all the good viruses and ransomware is designed to run, do its thing and then wipe every trace that it ever existed in the system. The ability to prove this is going to be extremely hard in order to cause the supreme court to overturn the election.
However vague reports of seized servers in Germany related to the election and a mysterious seizure of NORWAYS servers sends up red flags all over the world in the intel community.
The Court did not tell PA or others to segregate ballots till Friday after the election. By this time almost all were counted and thrown into the mix and even if they rule they should be tossed, there is no way to figure out which of these ballots among 10 million ballots were late comers.
The supreme court will not rule in favor of Trump on this matter because the powers that be knew what they were doing. It is why there is tons of evidence of workers being instructed exactly what to do and how to do it. And no not every worker. Only select workers.
Ballots in Florida came to the residents with a D or R in their code. Just so happens the registered D had a D on his ballot and the registered R had an R on her ballot. Election officials did not deny this but rather gave a lame excuse that the post office would not have time to throw out R ballots. However that was never the question. It was the poll workers who could easily go through these ballots for WEEKS segregating them by D and R and then tossing several thousand. No sign this happened but it could very easily happen.
Amy Kloubechar and Eliz Warren both said in late 2019 that Dominion could not be trusted. The left complained about these machines in 2018 claiming these machines cost the Democrats the senate.
PERHAPS THEY DID!!!!!!!And if they did then the GOP is wrong and we need to find out. This software is for sale. The leader of the company is a known sympathizer with ANTIFA tweeting not to worry that Biden was going to win and to stop rioting.
Biblical? In one regard. This election will change the elections of the future. Trump is shining a light on blatant cheating paid for by billionaires who are willing to give this company 200 million bucks to ensure A GOP senator or Dem senator gets elected to congress so they can then lobby for their interests.
In this case, there was only one apparent Senator that seemed to have benefited from this software. The Dem in Michigan who defeated a tough challenge from the GOP. Keep in mind the powers that be are deep staters who have a vested interest in the MIC and Big Pharma and Wall Street and Free Trade and Globalism.
This is precisely why you have seen almost ZERO support for Trump from the established GOP. It is only the down ballot House of REPS that have shown any backbone.
Trump wants to win. Make no mistake but for years he has claimed the elections are rigged. Perhaps he spent 200 million to Buy his election in 2016. I doubt it, but perhaps. The problem is this.
Without full faith in our election by both sides there will never be an uncontested election again and no president will ever be considered OUR president no matter which side of the aisle you live.
And Right now 73 million people do not consider Biden their president. That is bad for this country in more ways than any of us can imagine. We just spent four years of hell living with the Trump Resisters. Be ready for four years of hell by the Harris/BIDEN resistance.
Do not forget a disdained Tea Party took 50 seats from the Democrats in 2010 after they were laughed at by the LEFT. but almost 18 months of non stop protesting took its toll on the Democrats and already I can promise one thing:
A couple very strong things are going to emerge from this election if Trump loses which I am sure he will barring some Earth shattering irrefutable evidence that clearly can show 100’s of thousands of votes were switched.
And we all believe this the case but belief does not translate to evidence.
The first thing that is going to happen is a hard, serious look at our voter integrity. It will be very difficult for the left to claim there is no voter fraud when a 100 thousand affidavits punishable by prison claim otherwise. Legions of Dead voting. People voting without even living in the states. Etc.
Secondly and even more damaging for the left will be the rise of 2 years of resistance which will see the house swept away by the GOP and then possibly but I doubt that the impeachment of Biden/Harris begins and the committee’s begin just like the Russia gate hearings.
Trump and a couple other rich people begin buying up social media and starting their own conservative social media. Say good bye to Cable news people. The die has been cast on them for a long time with the rise of the internet. Fox news or rather what is left of it, will certainly be sold to ABC.
Great claims require great proofs
Trump has no rock solid proof of irregularities that woukd effect the outcome of the election
All including right wing polls showed Biden leading Before the election
All of the wagering before the election showed Biden winning
And now the trump fanatics are surprised ?
2000 Americans dying everyday and Trump goes golfing
Anyone think that is what he should be doing at this time??
The individual states control their responses to the pandemic, John-as you should know. But tell us- what should be done seeing as the potential vaccine is in the FDA’s hands? If he didn’t golf, would the process go quicker? People with brains want to know….
He should lead.
83,000 Americans are hospitalized with Covid.
Are you sure? 90% of all tests are false positive.
Does Sibley Shithead know any facts? Any at all? The Pickaway Shithead has lost all touch with reality. How do you function?
No, 90% of Covid tests are not false positive.
Trump has checked out. He golfs and twitters; that’s it. Throughout his life “smoke and mirrors” trump has projected himself as a “winner”, even after bankrupting 6 businesses, even after bilking students of millions, even after running a corrupt charity and even after being accused of sundry rapes and sexual assaults. His land of misfit lawyers have failed in state after state, but the money to pay them (and pay down trump’s campaign debts!) is coming in.
President-elect Biden will be inaugurated. Even if Big Sid and Ghouliani prevail, the trump “administration” should work with the Biden transition team now.
Trump has checked out. He golfs and twitters; that’s it. Throughout his life “smoke and mirrors†trump has projected himself as a “winnerâ€, even after bankrupting 6 businesses, even after bilking students of millions, even after running a corrupt charity and even after being accused of sundry rapes and sexual assaults. His land of misfit lawyers have failed in state after state, but the money to pay them (and pay down trump’s campaign debts!) is coming in.
Nobody’s failed yet, but it’s interesting how you spend your Saturday nights typing up drivel to try to discourage people.
President-elect Biden will be inaugurated. Even if Big Sid and Ghouliani prevail, the trump “administration†should work with the Biden transition team now.
His Fraudulency is only going back to his basement. Chlamydia isn’t resigning her Senate seat. Why work with a pack of crooks?
Teach exclaimed: Most of us know that there was cheating that could very well have changed the outcome
In that case it should be easy to prove. Trump has America’s prosecutor, Rudy Ghouliani, who’s dyeing to show all his evidence in court. Yet, not one of Rudy’s A-Team of America’s best legal minds, Sid Powell, Joe DiGenova, Jenna Ellis, Victoria Toensing et al has claimed IN COURT that election fraud was committed. (Note: lawyers can’t lie in court).
Although Ghouliani’s press conferences appear to persuade trump supporters, the courts have been unimpressed with the “evidence”.
The trump team is now demanding a third count in Georgia, having lost the first two. Michigan and Georgia have certified their votes. PA will certify tomorrow.
Here are the state by state certification dates. Can Rudy’s team overturn the election after the certifications?
If it’s illegal, of course they can.
Teach exclaimed: Most of us know that there was cheating that could very well have changed the outcome
In that case it should be easy to prove. Trump has America’s prosecutor, Rudy Ghouliani, who’s dyeing to show all his evidence in court. Yet, not one of Rudy’s A-Team of America’s best legal minds, Sid Powell, Joe DiGenova, Jenna Ellis, Victoria Toensing et al has claimed IN COURT that election fraud was committed. (Note: lawyers can’t lie in court).
Ther Rules of Evidence are pretty specific (as a felon, you should know that). It took 5 weeks to over turn the ’00 election.
Although Ghouliani’s press conferences appear to persuade trump supporters, the courts have been unimpressed with the “evidenceâ€.
State courts, part of the Demo maching.
Jeffery pushes his usual FUD, knowing it’s all bull, the way he has for 5 years.
The trump team is now demanding a third count in Georgia, having lost the first two. Michigan and Georgia have certified their votes. PA will certify tomorrow.
A crooked count is a crooked count.
The hopelessly lost, ex-con, Sibley (Pickaway) Shithead comes to the defense of his Mango Messiah’s crazy once again. Lil Sib may be the looniest of the trumptilians, not able to accept that his god-king was rejected, bigly.
State courts, our ass. It was a conservative federal judge who blasted Ghouliani in PA.
There is no evidence that a cabal of Venezuelan dictators (dead and alive), German computer engineers, the Democratic Party, Trump’s own cybersecurity team (Chris Krebs) and disloyal Republican governors were/are part of a vast conspiracy to evict an unpopular president. Trump lost, bigly. He will be dragged out of the White House on January 20, 2021. Trump lost the popular vote by nearly 3 million votes in 2016 and by over 6 million this year.
It’s hard to imagine that anyone can believe this sort of idiocy.
It’s time for sane Republicans (are there any left?) to refute the trumptilians. Are there any real patriotic conservatives left or have they all pledged fealty to the unpatriotic, unAmerican, anti-democracy Trump?
Is there evidence that the hand recount in Georgia was crooked? The Trump is still down by 12,000 votes.
We understand trumptilians belief in miracles, including your prayers that the Supreme Court steps in and just says “Enough! Trump is president-for-life!”. The United States of America ends on the day that that happens, which is OK with trump.
The hopelessly lost, ex-con, Sibley (Pickaway) Shithead comes to the defense of his Mango Messiah’s crazy once again. Lil Sib may be the looniest of the trumptilians, not able to accept that his god-king was rejected, bigly.
State courts, our ass. It was a Conservative federal judge who blasted Ghouliani in PA.
Excrement, it was a judge appointed by the darky diversity hire. And the state courts have been all over this.
There is no evidence that a cabal of Venezuelan dictators (dead and alive), German computer engineers, the Democratic Party, Trump’s own cybersecurity team (Chris Krebs) and disloyal Republican governors were/are part of a vast conspiracy to evict an unpopular president. Trump lost, bigly. He will be dragged out of the White House on January 20, 2021. Trump lost the popular vote by nearly 3 million votes in 2016 and by over 6 million this year.
Lots of evidence, just the same as you’ve been singing, “La la la la, I can’t hear you”, for years.
It’s hard to imagine that anyone can believe this sort of idiocy.
Harder to believe you’re stupid enough to think anyone will believe you.
It’s time for sane Republicans (are there any left?) to refute the Trumptilians. Are there any real patriotic Conservatives left or have they all pledged fealty to the unpatriotic, unAmerican, anti-democracy Trump?
you were warned for years you’d need Trump voters on your side to win.
You didn’t wan’t ’em and now you have ’em dug in against you.
Is there evidence that the hand recount in Georgia was crooked? The Trump is still down by 12,000 votes.
Last I looked, they were still looking.
We understand Trumptilians belief in miracles, including your prayers that the Supreme Court steps in and just says “Enough! Trump is president-for-life!â€. The United States of America ends on the day that that happens, which is OK with Trump.
OK with a lot of us, too. Maybe then we can finally start sending people like you to Victorville for 20 to life.
Shithead, that lying sack of smegma, is caught in another lie. He now denies that Judge Brann is a federal judge. Brann is a lifelong Republican, former Republican official… way back when, real Presidents like Mr. Obama nominated judges based on legal experience and judgement, not on their partisan loyalty.
Brann spent years as a Republican Party official in Pennsylvania and was active in the Federalist Society and National Rifle Association.
Sid (Vicious) Powell is gone, their PA case was kicked, mocked and ridiculed by a Federal judge with a Federalist Society pedigree. Punkinhead Don is in retreat.
Is their any reality that you recognize?
Pure crazy from Ghouliani and Big Sid… It’s hard to imagine that federal judges have not found these “arguments” persuasive. Actually these are not legal arguments at all but are unsubstantiated claims and accusations aimed not at the courts but at trump followers.
“You couldn’t possibly believe that the company owning this election machinery was an ally of Hugo Chavez, is an ally of Nicolas Maduro, and an ally of George Soros. What do we have to do to get you to the truth?†said Mr Giuliani.
“This is real. It is not made up. There is no one here who engages in fantasy. I know crimes – I can smell them.â€
He said the votes in Michigan were “being counted in Germany, by a Venezuelan company. Owned by people who are allies of Maduro, and Chavez.â€
Thousands of social media users have been sharing posts which claim that software from Dominion Voting Systems, a company that supplies election technology, is used in the same six states where Mr Trump is filing lawsuits in connection with the presidential election, suggesting that Dominion Voting is responsible for election fraud.
Dominion Voting systems were used in at least 24 states.
Mr Giuliani’s colleague Sidney Powell, the lawyer who pioneered the theory of a “deep state†of Obama-era officials set to thwart Mr Trump, insisted that Hugo Chavez, who died in March 2013, had approved Smartmatic’s systems.
“We have evidence that this came from Venezuela, from Nicolas Maduro, from Hugo Chavez, from Cuba, and from China which has significant interests in Venezuela.â€
She added: “We have no idea how many Democratic officials paid to have the election rigged in their favor. This is a massive, well-coordinated effort. It is the 1775 of our generation and beyond.â€
Pure crazy from Ghouliani and Big Sid… It’s hard to imagine that federal judges have not found these “arguments†persuasive. Actually these are not legal arguments at all but are unsubstantiated claims and accusations aimed not at the courts but at trump followers.
And yet the public believes it. Maybe the people are smarter than the Lefties think.
Thousands of social media users have been sharing posts which claim that software from Dominion Voting Systems, a company that supplies election technology, is used in the same six states where Mr Trump is filing lawsuits in connection with the presidential election, suggesting that Dominion Voting is responsible for election fraud.
Dominion Voting systems were used in at least 24 states.
30, nitwit. But it’s interesting he brings up Venezuela, the poster child for why socialism is a bad idea.
Jeffery passes along whatever his massas at Troll Central provide him. I’m waiting for the screaming fit he throws when he loses.
Big Sib, the Desperate Sibley Shithead stumbles again. Rudely Ghouliani and Sid (Boog) Powell brought up Venezuela.
Shithead, the the term from the story was “at least 24 states”. That would include “30”, even if we believe another of your lies.
Sweetie, the Mango Messiah has already lost, bigly, and no lies from Ghouliani or Punkinhead Don will change that.
You can’t just say something. You have to keep stepping in the Jeffery.
You’re obviously getting madder and madder because you’re losing and your usual vulgarity is coming out.
When the bear suit comes on, the real facts, as Jeffery is forced to acknowledge them, b ecome obvious.
Sibley Shithead just has to type!
Keep counting down to Jan 20 and you’ll be put out of your misery. After having a taste of trumpism this loss probably hurts more than the elections of the Black guy.
Ivanka threw daddy under the bus, saying she wasn’t involved in his tax avoidance schemes. She was an officer of Trump Inc, and owned a consulting firm on the side and received consulting fees from Trump Inc which Trump Inc deducted. Did daddy’s little girl pay taxes on that extra income? NY will find out.
Dershowitz said on FOX that the Trump team has a constitutional path forward, but only with evidence. And the only useful evidence would be proving the voting machines turned trump vote into Biden votes. He also said when the electoral vote is certified it’s over. The only constitutional provision for removing a president is impeachment and conviction.
It’s not “the public”, but the lizard-brained trumptilians that believe the conspiracies concocted by Ghouliani and Big Sid Powell.
Said Powell: “We have evidence that this came from Venezuela, from Nicolas Maduro, from Hugo Chavez, from Cuba, and from China which has significant interests in Venezuela.â€
Of course Hugo Chavez died over 7 years ago.
75% of Rs 40% of Indies, 20% of Ds say the election was stolen. I think that’s a low-ball estimate.
And Venezuela was stolen in the same fashion back in ’04, moron.
“The Nov. 13-17 opinion poll showed that Trump’s open defiance of Biden’s victory in both the popular vote and Electoral College appears to be affecting the public’s confidence in American democracy, especially among Republicans.
Altogether, 73% of those polled agreed that Biden won the election while 5% thought Trump won. But when asked specifically whether Biden had “rightfully won,†Republicans showed they were suspicious about how Biden’s victory was obtained.
Fifty-two percent of Republicans said that Trump “rightfully won,†while only 29% said that Biden had rightfully won.”
It’s not surprising that the trumptilian brain believes the lies of trump and Ghouliani. After all, trumptilians think trump is a god-king sent to save us.
Different poll, ninny.
I try to avoid Roto-Reuters.
Sibley Shithead didn’t cite his poll, did he, McIninny.
Sibley Shithead just has to type!
Keep counting down to Jan 20 and you’ll be put out of your misery. After having a taste of trumpism this loss probably hurts more than the elections of the Black guy.
he stole his, too. With the same people.
Ivanka threw daddy under the bus, saying she wasn’t involved in his tax avoidance schemes. She was an officer of Trump Inc, and owned a consulting firm on the side and received consulting fees from Trump Inc which Trump Inc deducted. Did daddy’s little girl pay taxes on that extra income? NY will find out.
You keep hoping one of your little fairy tales (and tales for a fairy they are) will pan out.
Dershowitz said on FOX that the Trump team has a constitutional path forward, but only with evidence. And the only useful evidence would be proving the voting machines turned Trump vote into Biden votes. He also said when the electoral vote is certified it’s over. The only constitutional provision for removing a president is impeachment and conviction.
This assumes it’s a legitimate vote. That is under contention.
Jeffery keeps spreading his half truths, FUD, and Jeffery every time he types.
Why he keeps pushing the Kung Flu, I can’t imagine.
The world is in revolt against the poobahs telling us how to live; from LA to Buffalo, from Britain where they want to cancel Christmas to Germany where Angie Merkel is sending the Stasi against critics (we’re talking real scientists, not guys who go by consensus) of the lockdown.
Did you know they’re having pro-Trump rallies in Japan?
You’re losing and you know you’re losing.
Trump has the the goods and all you’ve got is some old guy running around in his Depends.
Sibley keeps on typing…
Just look forward to noon, Jan 20, 2021. 59 days.
Everyone knows that Punkinhead Don plans ahead no more than a day at a time, so what’s his plan for when he’s no longer president? Do you think it’s likely that President Biden would pardon him? If not, Punkinhead would be subject to federal charges! Regardless, the great state of New York, the scene of many of Punkinhead’s crimes, will be waiting.
To play it safe, he’ll likely resign and have Pence pardon him of all federal offenses. 59 days.
America loses more each minute that Donald Trump is in office. 59 days.
Just look forward to noon, Jan 20, 2021. 59 days.Donald Trump is sworn into his second term.
Everyone knows that Punkinhead Don plans ahead no more than a day at a time, so what’s his plan for when he’s no longer president? Do you think it’s likely that President Biden would pardon him? If not, Punkinhead would be subject to federal charges! Regardless, the great state of New York, the scene of many of Punkinhead’s crimes, will be waiting.
His Fraudulency will be back in his basement by then. And when is Chlamydia going to resign her Senate seat.
I thought it was the SDNY, which is Federal, not the state. You need to make up your mind what. exactly, is going on. You’ve been babbling about all of this.
To play it safe, he’ll likely resign and have Pence pardon him of all federal offenses. 59 days.
You’ve been saying this for 5 years, too. You’re still full of Jeffery.
America loses more each minute that Donald Trump is in office. 59 days.
America loses only if the bad guys have their way. Trump is what stands in their way. It’s why you hate him.
Oh, wow. Da ticking crock! Just like Kim Jong Il in Team America. You’re about as scary as a nursery rhyme.
5 years and Jeffery can’t come up with anything more original than the same old, same old.
You need to go back to the minors.
Pickaway Sibley Shithead typed: You need to go back to the minors.
Did not your actions with minors get you in trouble in the first place?
Excrement, that’s you, rusty trombone.
Sibley Shithead didn’t cite his poll, did he, McIninny.
I’ve cited it several times. You’re just to ignorant to take note.
Of course you did you lying sack of smegma.
Such a mouth. Of course, all it means is he’s losing and he can’t get over it.
Wether Trumps team can prove a case for enough fraud to turn the election will not be known till next week. What we do know is that numerous irregularities occurred that it makes the result of the election suspect and definitely fraudulent in the minds of over 70 million voters who like Trump and definitely do not desire the idiotic political goals of what used to be the Democratic Party. I do hope Trump wins, but irrespective of the outcome, this country is deeply divided with no common ground. Only war will rectify the divide, I do not see any other option.
Rudy Ghouliani announced today that Sidney Powell was NOT part of the A-Team and NOT an attorney for trump.
(Reuters) – U.S. President Donald Trump’s election campaign issued a statement on Sunday distancing itself from Sidney Powell, a lawyer who made baseless allegations of voter fraud at a campaign press conference on Thursday.
“Sidney Powell is practicing law on her own,” Trump campaign lawyers Rudy Giuliani and Jenna Ellis said in the statement. “She is not a member of the Trump Legal Team. She is also not a lawyer for the President in his personal capacity.”
Perhaps her ridiculous conspiracy tales were too much for even Rudy. Venezuela, China and Cuba and Venezuela’s long dead dictator, with help from German servers, stole the election for President-elect Biden.
This, of course, is from Roto-Reuters. Consider the source.
What ever her capacity, she’s appeared with Rudy several times and is performing yeoman service. The Lefty media is desperate to sow as much FUD as possible, so most of us know better than to believe it.
Venezuela, China and Cuba and Venezuela’s long dead dictator, with help from German servers, stole the election for President-elect Biden.
The giant flapping prolapse anus finally gets one right.
Sibley Shithead calls trump and ghouliani liars. They are, but not this time.
Is there nothing The Stinking Shithead won’t lie about. Deny, shout “Is not!”, stamp your little feet.
All you do is lie and deny. Poor, poor pitiable creature.
Trump legal team shuns Sidney Powell as insiders and national security officials see no evidence supporting her voting machine claims
by Jerry Dunleavy, Justice Department Reporter | | November 22, 2020 05:54 PM
| Updated Nov 22, 2020, 08:14 PM
With Trump-allied insiders distancing themselves from massive and unproven election fraud allegations being made by Sidney Powell, the president’s legal team announced on Sunday that the attorney has no direct role in their efforts.
Sources close to the president told the Washington Examiner neither the White House nor the Trump campaign have seen any of the evidence she claims to have related to assertions about voting machines switching millions of votes from President Trump to President-elect Joe Biden. They argued that her claims overshadowed what they see as legitimate concerns about the mail-in ballot process.
Even national security officials within the Trump administration said they have seen no evidence of Powell’s claims.
“Sidney has made these claims, but she has not shown, to my knowledge, evidence to support them — not to the campaign and not to the White House. … I don’t know anyone who has seen the evidence,” one senior administration official told the Washington Examiner. “Where is that evidence? The more she goes out there, the more it overshadows the legitimate problems. … The problem with this stuff is that you got so over-the-top, and you overshadow the illegitimate improper things that were done.â€
President Donald Trump’s campaign has disavowed attorney Sidney Powell, who as part of its post-election legal team has pushed some of the most extreme conspiracy theories around the vote.
The statement was released by the campaign on behalf of Trump lawyers Rudy Giuliani and Jenna Ellis, and was the latest twist for an evolving cast of advisers who’ve been waging Trump’s legal fight in the aftermath of the election.
Does Sibley Shithead know any facts? Any at all? The Pickaway Shithead has lost all touch with reality. How do you function?
No, 90% of Covid tests are not false positive.
Excrement. Yes, they are, and associating yourself with the phony disease puts you on the wrong side of history.
Notice the panic in Excrement. He can’t make his point and everybody hates him.
This was supposed to be easy. The media crowned His Fraudulency and Trump would fold.
Too bad Trump made a bargain with the American people and he will keep it.
OK, Shithead. Put up or shut up. Can you support the 90% false positive rate you claim?
No, 90% of Covid tests are not false positive. It’s another of your lies unless you back it up.
Sidney Powell, a former member of President Donald Trump’s legal team who claimed she would “blow up” Georgia with a “biblical” voter fraud lawsuit, undermined top Republicans ahead of two key Senate runoff races in the state by peddling baseless conspiracy theories.
The lawyer, who was cut loose by the Trump campaign on Sunday, claimed that the Republican Georgia Governor Brian Kemp and Secretary of State Brad Raffensperger were paid to be involved in an alleged conspiracy around the use of Dominion Voting Systems.
“Georgia’s probably going to be the first state I’m gonna blow up,” Powell told the conservative network Newsmax TV yesterday.
“There’s no telling how many congressional candidates should have won that lost by the addition of… the algorithm that they were running against whoever they wanted,” Powell later added.
She also made the unfounded claim on Newsmax that Rep. Doug Collins would have beaten Republican Sen. Kelly Loeffler in the special election for her seat, were it not for the alleged conspiracy.
Remember so long ago… perhaps a week… when Big Sid and The Don were releasing the Kracker?
Now she’s fired for accusing Sen Loeffler of being in cahoots with Hugo Chavez and Gov Brian Kemp, conspiring to beat Rep Doug Collins in the Senate primary. Clearly, Venezuelan dictator Chavez was playing the long game, having died in 2013.
Read on:
Attorney Sidney Powell, who has been at the vanguard of absolute election nonsense since election night, on Thursday declared that she had found the real villains behind Trump’s election defeat: billionaire Soros and deceased Venezuelan president Hugo Chavez. In Powell’s telling, Chavez had been pulling the strings on American voting software this whole time.
“The Dominion Voting Systems, the Smartmatic technology software, and the software that goes in other computerized voting systems here as well, not just Dominion, were created in Venezuela at the direction of Hugo Chavez,†Powell declared.
On Tuesday, allied attorney Lin Wood released “the kraken†— a heavily redacted affidavit from an anonymous former Venezuelan military official who saw Chavez many years ago playing around with a supposedly rigged Smartmatic machine.
Powell has focused on the fact that Dominion bought a company called Sequoia Voting Systems from Smartmatic in 2010. The implication is that, somehow, Smartmatic installed its Hugo Chavez code in Sequoia machines, which then went on to infect Dominion’s owner systems with this crazed election-stealing ten years later.
US forces in Germany seized the server used by dominion voting machines which contains the raw data and shows vote switches that occurred in 29 states.
Tucker Carlson and the press demand the evidence. It is not the responsibility of Trump to put out all the evidence so they can mount a legal defense for Biden before a judge even gets to hear or see the evidence.
Sidney Powell shocked me and the world when she said that several very public officials took huge kick backs from Dominion to install the machines 8 months before the election in GA. Most likely as a former federal attorney she has the evidence that this did happen but you don’t make these claims until indictments are handed down which will NEVER EVER HAPPEN IN THE MOST CORRUPT GOVERNMENT ON THE FACE OF THE PLANET. We just keep it hidden better than the rest of the world.
The US Army denies Sidney Powell’s claim regarding a German server. In any event, if Mr. Trump’s Army has the server with all the data it should be easy for the A-Team to access the evidence.
There is no evidence at all, other than Powell’s claim, that such a server exists or existed.
Powell claimed Georgia Republicans, including Sen Loeffler, Gov Kemp, Sec of State Raffensperger took payoffs to tilt the election to Biden, all at the behest of Venezuelan dictators Chavez and Maduro. Now, President Trump has fired Powell.
Sounds like Mr Trump is in on the conspiracy too, with George Soros and Hugo Chavez. Sidney Powell’s revelations must have hit too close to Trump. President-elect Biden just said he will NOT seek any charges against President Trump after the inauguration.
What kind of deal did Trump, Biden, Soros, Chavez, Kemp, Loeffler, Raffensperger and the Germans agree to 7 years ago? This is a deeper conspiracy than pizzagate, Astrosgate, the Kennedy assassination, the faked moon landing, Twenty-One-gate and the Deep State combined!
And Rimjob would certainly know all about the Army.
Snicker. Snort.
Bwaha! Lolgfy
The US Army denies Sidney Powell’s claim regarding a German server. In any event, if Mr. Trump’s Army has the server with all the data it should be easy for the A-Team to access the evidence.
Actually, a lot of people made the same claim. Or is this like your big revelation of yesterday that only turned out to be whether Mrs Powell was under retainer which turned out to be a big nothing.
Much like yourself.
And ICYMI the Army is quite good at keeping its mouth shut about such things.
There is no evidence at all, other than Powell’s claim, that such a server exists or existed.
So we know there’s plenty of evidence.
Powell claimed Georgia Republicans, including Sen Loeffler, Gov Kemp, Sec of State Raffensperger took payoffs to tilt the election to Biden, all at the behest of Venezuelan dictators Chavez and Maduro. Now, President Trump has fired Powell.
He has? When was this? How can you firee somebody who was never your employee. And Raffensberger is acting in defiance of the governor, so you can bet somebody’s paying him off.
Sounds like Mr Trump is in on the conspiracy too, with George Soros and Hugo Chavez. Sidney Powell’s revelations must have hit too close to Trump. President-elect Biden just said he will NOT seek any charges against President Trump after the inauguration.
Since His Fraudulency won’t be pardoning anybody from his basement, Jeffery’s statement reaches new highs in stupid.
Even for him.
What kind of deal did Trump, Biden, Soros, Chavez, Kemp, Loeffler, Raffensperger and the Germans agree to 7 years ago? This is a deeper conspiracy than pizzagate, Astrosgate, the Kennedy assassination, the faked moon landing, Twenty-One-gate and the Deep State combined!
Read that (trying as hard as you can to keep from ROTFL) and ask yourself if out little pile of Jeffery is flailing wildly and the truth is about come out.
The truth has already come out. The kraken has spoken. The “Biblical” response is “Rudy wept”.
It’s hard to imagine that anyone would take seriously a proposed conspiracy between Chavez, Maduro, Kemp, Loeffler, Raffensperger etc. Powell can salvage what little reputation she has left by showing her evidence.
Bid Sid Powell was on the President’s A-Team, now she isn’t.
President-elect Biden becomes President Biden on Jan 20.
It’s hard to imagine that anyone would take seriously a proposed conspiracy between Chavez, Maduro, Kemp, Loeffler, Raffensperger etc. Powell can salvage what little reputation she has left by showing her evidence.
The facts, as already known, indicate just what Mrs Powell has said is true.
The flop sweat on Jeffery is starting to stink.
Bid Sid Powell was on the President’s A-Team, now she isn’t.
Somebody tried to make a tempest in a teapot over whether she was on retainer. Only people as lame as Jeffery think this actually means something.
President-elect Biden becomes President Biden on Jan 20.
No, he just goes back to his basement. Maybe Jeffery will go with him to provide the proper adulation.
Another of Rimjob’s uncontrollable compulsion towards mythomania.
He can’t help it.
Desperation time.
Sibley Shithead denies reality once again. Trump’s A-Team dumped Big Sid Powell.
There’s more evidence for global warming than for Powell’s conspiracy.
One of his problem’s is that he accepts hoftbro opinion as fact. “Trump won GA in 2016 so how could he lose the state in 2020???” That, of course, is not evidence. “Trump was ahead early but lost when they counted all the votes!!”
Evidence, boys. That’s what it takes, evidence. President Donald Trump has the FBI, CIA, DHS, the US intelligence apparatus, Army, Navy, Air Force and Marines, and DOJ at his disposal. And the A-Team!! He has Republican legislatures in multiple battleground states, even some Republican Governors and Secretaries of State. He has hundreds of millions of donor money for lawyers and investigators. Yet they can’t find evidence of massive fraud. “Just cancel the inauguration and give us more time”, they whine.
They did nothing of the sort.
You just shot off your big fat stupid mouth without getting the facts.
As always.
There’s more evidence for global warming than for Powell’s conspiracy.
You should live so long.
One of his problem’s is that he accepts hoftbro opinion as fact. “Trump won GA in 2016 so how could he lose the state in 2020???†That, of course, is not evidence. “Trump was ahead early but lost when they counted all the votes!!â€
Too bad they’ve been following the money. His Fraudulency is going to grow very old in his basement waiting to hear Hail To The Chief. Plenty of evidence, but you don’t believe anything until your massas at Troll Central tell you.
BTW, for somebody who rejects Gateway, you sure seem to spend a lot of time there.
Evidence, boys. That’s what it takes, evidence. President Donald Trump has the FBI, CIA, DHS, the US intelligence apparatus, Army, Navy, Air Force and Marines, and DOJ at his disposal. And the A-Team!! He has Republican legislatures in multiple battleground states, even some Republican Governors and Secretaries of State. He has hundreds of millions of donor money for lawyers and investigators. Yet they can’t find evidence of massive fraud. “Just cancel the inauguration and give us more timeâ€, they whine.
Blah blah, blah blah.
The Shithead of Sibley keeps talking about the evidence yet never presents even one iota. But then he also claims 90% of Covid tests are false positives without a shred of evidence.
Come to think of it, that’s the M.O. of The Shithead, claims without evidence.
Can you lead us to the evidence supporting your false claims? Thanks.
I’ve presented plenty, but what good does it do to present to an ideological apparatchik who says there is no evidence. And there’s lots of evidence the Wu Flu tests are unreliable, but you don’t want to hear that, either..
Come to think of it, that’s the M.O. of The Shithead, claims without evidence.
That’s why I’ve kicked your ass factually so many times.
Can you lead us to the evidence supporting your false claims? Thanks.
Just look at the vids of people wheeling in ballot boxes after hours. I’d pick up a baseball bat and apply it to what is supposed to be your head, but your not worth a jail sentence.
Is Not once again claims he supplied information that he didn’t. That’s how chronic liars operate.
Oh, an empty threat from the big pussy. I’d like to see you try something.
The contraction for ‘you are’ is you’re, not your, moron.
Jeffery thinks all this deny is going to get his cause anything.
We know he lies. We know he denies in the face to facts.
Troll Central must be desperate to keep him going at $15/hr.
Trump is getting ready to fold up the tent. Canned Big Sid. Authorized transition funds. Sees the states ready to certify his loss. Pocketed millions from suckers.
Shithead will feel abandoned when Trump drops him like a bad habit.
Turn out the lights, the party’s over…
Trump is getting ready to fold up the tent. Canned Big Sid. Authorized transition funds. Sees the states ready to certify his loss. Pocketed millions from suckers.
I thought he was supposed to have resigned by now.
Like all your other predictions, just another crock.
Shithead will feel abandoned when Trump drops him like a bad habit.
If you’re winning, why is the bear suit still on?
Turn out the lights, the party’s over…
Democrat party, that is.
Is Not once again claims he supplied information that he didn’t. That’s how chronic liars operate.
Of course I have. And nobody knows more about how chronic liars operate than you.
Oh, an empty threat from the big pussy. I’d like to see you try something.how chronic liars operate.
No empty threat. Just speculation on what it would take to penetrate that Lefty skull and insert the truth. Actually, I wouldn’t soil my hands. If we’re talking empty threats, what about all those empty threats to all the people here who’ve brought up you’re criminal record.
And I know the difference between a contraction and possessive.
You still seem to be learning.
The contraction for ‘you are’ is you’re, not your, moron.
My criminal record? Liar. You and Porter Good’s lapdoggie are the only ones making false accusations, and you haven’t been threatened, liar. Yet.
We’ve read here that you’re an ex-con and registered sex offender. And you didn’t deny it, moron.
Engle wood know better.