Remember how they said we had to all reduce our carbon footprint (meaning you, not the people saying it), and that government should basically force people to do so. Well, that pretty much happened. Yet, atmospheric CO2 continued to rise, so, we’re still in the Making Excuses phase
Climate change: Covid pandemic has little impact on rise in CO2
The global response to the Covid-19 crisis has had little impact on the continued rise in atmospheric concentrations of CO2, says the World Meteorological Organization (WMO).
Carbon emissions fell dramatically in 2020 due to lockdowns that saw transport and industry grind to a halt.
But this has only marginally slowed down the overall rise in concentrations, the scientists say.
The details are published in the WMO’s annual greenhouse gas bulletin. (snip)
Thanks to lockdowns in early 2020, carbon emissions fell by 17% at their peak, but the overall effect on concentrations has been very small.
Preliminary estimates suggest that CO2 will continue to increase this year but that rise will be reduced by 0.08 to 0.23ppm.
So, if seeing a bigger reduction than Warmists were calling for (roughly 7-10% reduction) doesn’t actually change anything, might there be other forces at play? Like, oh, nature, and being in a typical Holocene Warm period caused mostly by nature?
This falls within the 1ppm natural variability that occurs from year to year.
“We breached the global threshold of 400 parts per million in 2015, and just four years later, we crossed 410 ppm, such a rate of increase has never been seen in the history of our records,” said WMO secretary general, Prof Petteri Taalas.
“The lockdown-related fall in emissions is just a tiny blip on the long-term graph. We need a sustained flattening of the curve,” he said.
And that’s the point, to lock everything down (for Other People) for years, if not decades. You’re OK with that, right?

2019 saw the USA carbon emissions decline by 2%
As old dirty coal plants were closed for good Despite Trump’s promises to save King Coal
Renewables supplied more power than coal last year with wind power exceeding hydro
Yes, carbon emissions declined in most part due to fracking, which China Joe does/doesn’t want to ban..
Since there is no measuring device to give an official single reading, these are all estimates and guesses. The margine of error is larger than the reported difference. Same for temperatures.
There are no actual carbon emmissions measurements.
Blackstone CEO Stephen Schwarzman, who donated to both President Trump and the Republican National Committee during the 2020 election, said Monday that he is “ready to help” President-elect Joe Biden and said the presidential election’s outcome is “certain.”
This is the trash that invests in politics. This guy supported Trump for the tax cuts and to make himself wealthy.
How do you punish a Billionaire who spends a little of his fortune to double it with his political contributions.
You do that by not allowing them to have a say. Biden and the Democrats took billions from these people. Now the few that helped Trump are now ready to jump feet first in with BIDEN. Principle? Bullshit. These people have no principle, all they have are really big bank accounts which they open up to make them even bigger depending on who is in power.
Does anyone really believe these billionaires really care who is in power? A few perhaps but not enough to matter. Bloomberg only wanted Trump gone so he could go back to making billions in China with his Bloomberg news. Hes not a democrat. Hes all about his own bottom line.
Anyone think these guys are going to let the Democrats turn this country socialist and give up their gravy train? No. They will be buying the election for the GOP if they even hint at going against their wishes.
In two years it will be the Democrats screaming Voter Fraud. Just as the democrats screamed in 2018 about these voting machines as being evil and costing them the senate. Anyone want to bet the GOP paid millions to keep a few key seats for the GOP?
This is the banana republic America has become folks. Take your time. You all will get there. It will just take a bit of time for most of you as you hold on to some misplaced desire that the GOP really gives a shit about anyone but themselves.
Carbon emission values are derived from amount of fossil fuel burned (and a few other added values – cement manufacturing, for example).
It is known how much CO2 is produced when a gallon of gasoline, a cubic foot of natural gas, a ton of coal is oxidized to CO2.
Measuring the concentration of CO2 in the atmosphere is not difficult. The annual cycle is readily apparent as well.
Carbon emission values are derived from amount of fossil fuel burned (and a few other added values – cement manufacturing, for example).
Measuring the concentration of CO2 in the atmosphere is not difficult. The annual cycle is readily apparent as well.
Too bad it’s not what you say it is.
Is Not shouts, “Is not!”.