Yes, it is a holiday, so, of course a climate cultist has to attack it, and the bigger the holiday the bigger the attack
What Thanksgiving and the Coronavirus Pandemic Share: As Seen from Boston
Perhaps more than any other day, Thanksgiving embodies the underlying embrace of endless growth and voracious consumption: normally the year’s biggest travel day, its reliance on massive amounts of fossil fuel makes the holiday a climate changing event.
This year’s Thanksgiving has not turned out as many had hoped. As made clear by the Center for Disease Control and Prevention’s plea that everyone avoid travel and not spend Thanksgiving with people outside their household, COVID-19 has thrown a wrench in many holiday plans. But we can learn from this misfortune. The lesson is a tragically ironic one: both the holiday’s development and epidemiological reasons for its present-day decline are rooted in a settler colonial project centered on the pursuit of wealth and ecological exploitation.
As many Native intellectuals and activists as well as historians have long argued, the depiction of Indians and Pilgrims breaking bread together at the first Thanksgiving in 1621 is inaccurate. It obscures a more complicated, and violent, history. It is one of war, literal and figurative, against the area’s indigenous population and the environment. (complaints continue for a few paragraphs)
The victory of colonial forces in 1676 ended major resistance to the settler project in what is today Massachusetts. It also facilitated far-reaching ecological destruction that characterizes contemporary Greater Boston and much of the wider world. Perhaps more than any other day, Thanksgiving embodies the underlying embrace of endless growth and voracious consumption: normally the year’s biggest travel day, its reliance on massive amounts of fossil fuel makes the holiday a climate changing event.
This lifestyle’s high costs are all around us. Here in eastern Massachusetts where Thanksgiving was born, rising sea levels threaten many waterfront communities. Boston, for example, already has more sunny-day flooding than almost any other U.S. municipality. According to various studies, a large share of the housing stock in Boston and nearby cities such as Cambridge and Revere are at risk of permanent inundation or chronic flooding by the end of the century if greenhouse gas emissions continue to climb. Moreover, the health of many of the area’s forests is under great threat, largely due to air pollution and climate change. And toxic algae now ravage freshwater ponds throughout Cape Cod because of warming temperatures and pollution.
See? Because some people held Thanksgiving hundreds of years ago, you take a fossil fueled trip to eat copious amounts of food with others who took fossil fueled trips as well, while watching football which uses huge amounts of fossil fuels and energy. And this causes sea rise in Boston!!!!!
The relative sea level trend is 2.86 millimeters/year with a 95% confidence
interval of +/-Â 0.15Â mm/yr based on monthly mean sea level data from
1921 to 2019 which is equivalent to a change of 0.94 feet in 100 years.
Huh. It should be quite a bit more during a Holocene warm period. This is not much more than average, which is what you get from the warm and cool periods. Anyhow, Thanksgiving allows climate cultists to mix their cult with colonialism, raaaaacism, capitalism, Mankind bad, food bad, everything bad. They are such negative nellies, aren’t they?

Teach as tge Sun has been decreasing in solar radiance (power) for the last 5O years what is causing our temps to keep increasing ?
Had the brave Pilgrims on the Mayflower not made it here, and conquered the Indians, I would not be here. Had the European settlers not come to the New World, the author of that ridiculous piece almost certainly would not be here. In fact, it’s virtually certain that none of the readers of this fine site would be here had the European settlers not conquered this continent.
We are all the beneficiaries of that conquest; we are all the beneficiaries of the expulsion of the Indians from the southeast, we are all the beneficiaries of slavery. Black Americans are the beneficiaries of slavery; without it, they wouldn’t be here.
The citizens of every nation on earth are the beneficiaries of conquest, because every land on earth, save someplace totally isolated like Iceland or the Amazon rain forests, the people who are there now are the descendants of those who swept in and conquered the people who were there previously.
Ahhh, but when white people conquer it’s called white supremacy and racism. How many times has Elwood called me a racist or a white supremacist, 100? How many times has he ridiculed my belief of the FACTS that white people discovered, explored and settled America? Oh, and by America I mean the entire Western hemisphere.
How many times has Elwood try to belittle me because my ancestors arrived here from Prussia in 1752? He thinks I, and by extension we, have no just claim to the land we conquered. Admittedly my ancestor originally came to the New World to claim land, kill Indians and Frenchmen and gain rank in the British army. It’s how things were done.
Then when there were no more Indians and French to kill his sons formed their own company and joined Washington and the Revolution to get rid of the last vestiges of European power and create their own New Nation, The United States of America.
And our family has built businesses, created farms, taught others and killed and bled in every conflict since the Revolution. So don’t tell me I’m not entitled to my heritage and my country and it’s now my duty to turn it over to BLM or any other domestic enemy that needs killing. And don’t tell me we’re supposed to bring in millions of dependents who offer nothing toward the future of America except a Democrat voting block.
Happy Thanksgiving. Brought to you by the White Christians who were the first to bleed for what leftists take for granted. You should be grateful, not hateful for all the good this country and it’s Founders did for you and the World.
“And yet there’s a huge chunk of America seemingly determined to suppress, disenfranchise, and even harm us. Save your gaslighting, hacks, I’m on Twitter, and every day I see people threatening us with, on the mild end, “reeducation†to “truth and reconciliation commissions†to outright murder.
I will not be reeducated or reconciled, and if you propose to murder me, I suggest you get your affairs in order.
In a situation like we are in today, with America polarized and the Establishment and its serfs dedicated to an agenda of oppression aimed directly at the patriot faction – oddly, the people who are so eager to RULE this country also tend to HATE this country – can we even survive as a nation? Should we?”
Kurt Schlichter
Conquerors conquer; that’s what they are supposed to do.
Now the great great great great great grandchildren of the men and women who tames a wilderness continent are just so upset that we weren’t nice to the Indians, without realizing that they wouldn’t even be here if we had left the continent to the Indians.
I have more respect for Elwood P Dowd than the mindless woke.
Kye and Dana,
Perhaps the point is to recognize and acknowledge these actions, the conquering, the slavery, accurately and historically. This doesn’t make caucasians genetically evil or superior, anymore than non-whites are inferior or weak.
Kye, you have every right to stay angry, miserable and intent on inflicting discomfort on others. We understand how proud you are of your family, but please understand that other Americans are proud of their families as well – even the the granddaughter of a slave. And for someone who claims to be devoted to personal freedoms, please recognize that Africans brought to America rarely did so of their own accord. Native Americans rarely gave up their freedoms willingly. Making excuses for the behaviors of enslaving and conquering is wrong. We can’t change history but it doesn’t hurt to be honest about it.
Is it human nature to take what you want from others, by force if necessary? Perhaps. Other species certainly do that. Human civilizations started making rules thousands of years ago that restricted the freedom of bullies to take what they want, and we’ve been fighting those animal urges ever since.
The United States of America has become the world’s beacon for freedom, but we’re not perfect. And certainly we Americans can withstand a little criticism. Don’t take it personally.
“Kye, you have every right to stay angry, miserable and intent on inflicting discomfort on others. We understand how proud you are of your family, but please understand that other Americans are proud of their families as well – even the the granddaughter of a slave.”
Elwood, I am angry because instead of my fellow Americans like you being hateful toward people like me you really should be thankful. We really did create this nation and it is our principals, blood and religion behind our Founding Documents and our laws as well as our ability to admit when we’re wrong. Hell, 700,000 Americans died because we were wrong. When is the debt paid? When will Whites be given credit for dying to right the wrong? Who benefited more the millions of African Americans descended from slaves or the millions of African blacks living in disease, poverty and tyranny in Africa?
Once again you either accuse me of a fallacy or you’re projecting, one or the other because I’m not miserable nor do I “INFLICT DISCOMFORT” on anyone! That’s ridiculous. I don’t go around burning cities, attacking people on the street, shooting cops, burning peoples livelihood down, closing small businesses and putting low and middle class workers out of jobs while Amazon and Walmart make billions off lockdowns. You and your lying party claim to be for the working guy while most of the billionaires and multi-millionaires are on your team. How’s that work out? How do these billionaires united with government help anyone but themselves? How are you going to stop “income inequality” when it’s your people who create it?
Conquest is conquest Elwood, and you may hate Whites because they are historically very successful conquers but YOU’RE STILL WHITE.
Since you don’t believe in God and therefore have no one to thank today perhaps you should thank all the White people who came before you and created this Great Nation so you cloud spend your life hating them and the country they founded.
I’ll tell you what I really do hate, Elwood: What I hate is that the entire charade makes me hate people that I don’t even know.
Its easy to hate some faceless bureaucracy or the pudgy, greasy face of my gay-pedo governor, but now I find myself with a level of disgust and disdain for many of my fellow citizens that I have never had before. And I lived in big leftist cities. Many people deserve to be hated these days, but the problem is many is rapidly approaching most.
That’s a big part of the evil in the commie “systemâ€: it is inherently dehumanizing. The infinite rules and their arbitrary nature breaks our faith in each other. And for good reason. The absurd contradictions of the serpentine regulations of clownworld end up being a million ways to divide us and pit us in constant, ruthless competitions, the spoils of which are often even more pointless. Plus the way our “betters” never apply those rules to themselves.
All at the whims of bureaucrats and sadists. All while we know full well it is a scam and those in charge are weak and defective.
Don’t let the guy get to you. He intentionally pulls strings to make you upset. Imagine what a loathsome creature he is to get his kicks by making others upset. He has zero knowledge of slavery or any other issue for that matter. Think of this, we have a great reckoning coming in this country that has now been precipitated by this stolen election. And we know where Jeff lives.
dave typed: And we know where Jeff lives.
Sounds like a threat. Stop whining and claiming the election was stolen. Mr Biden whupped trump and will be the next President.
Your guy lost and now you want civil war.
You guys are so angry and full of hate.
Who gives a damn what you think.
Kye typed: Elwood, I am angry because instead of my fellow Americans like you being hateful toward people like me you really should be thankful. … We really did create this nation and it is our principals (sic), blood and religion behind our Founding Documents and our laws as well as our ability to admit when we’re wrong.
So Kye is angry because we lesser people don’t laud his building of America.
He is a white supremacist. Period. He expresses that position repeatedly.
So you can’t prove me wrong and in typical leftist fashion you start slinging the White supremacist shit. You’re beyond predictable, you’re pathetic.
Today at my house I made Thanksgiving dinner for my Asian wife and three of her friends, my two black foster sons and their wives and kids just to prove my White supremacy.
Just pointing out the historical truth makes me a racist. I guess I can’t beat that twisted logic. David7124, I’m not upset, I’m revolted by a person who could hate that deeply even when he sees the Truth. It’s like talking to a retarded two year old. Nothing sinks in.
I hope you had a wonderful day. Stay safe.