…are rocks covered with carbon pollution residual, you might just be a Warmist
The blog of the day is Cold Fury, with a post on shutting up and taking it.

…are rocks covered with carbon pollution residual, you might just be a Warmist
The blog of the day is Cold Fury, with a post on shutting up and taking it.
Yeah, just shut up and take it.
— Theodore Dalrymple
Why is Russia Donald so desperate to overturn the American election?
‘Hours before he was scheduled to hold a rally in Georgia on behalf of the state’s two GOP senators, Trump pressed Kemp to call a special session of the state legislature to get lawmakers to override the results and appoint electors that would back him, according to a person familiar with the conversation who spoke on the condition of anonymity to describe the private call.’
Aren’t trump followers abjectly humiliated by his anti-American actions? Remember when trumptilians whined that the Constitutional impeachment of Russia Don was a coup? Good times. Now Russia Don is actually attempting a bloodless coup to overturn a certified election. GOPhers and NuCons are either silent or supportive of Russia Don.
An overwhelming majority of congressional Republicans won’t acknowledge Joe Biden as the President-Elect, according to a Washington Post survey.
The survey was taken the morning after President Donald Trump posted a 46-minute video claiming he’d won the election and alleged “corrupt forces” were trying to steal his victory. Just 25 out of 222 Republicans acknowledged Biden’s win.
Just as the cancel culture has the left terrified.
MAGA is finally making a dent in the GOP.
We are coming for the cancel culture NEXT. Get ready TARGET. YOU ARE NEXT.
Conmentor: An overwhelming majority of congressional Republicans won’t acknowledge Joe Biden as the President-Elect,
So what? Mr Biden won and trump lost.
Trump Has 258,000 Watching His Rally on RSBN — Or 258 Times More Viewers than Joe Biden’s Thanksgiving Speech – The Most Popular Democrat In Universal History BUT THEY KEEP TELLING US TRUMP LOST1111
We’ve had it, man. You leftists with help of the corrupt and censoring social and fake news media have spent 5 years doing nothing but lying to America. We no longer believe your bullshit. #STOPTHESTEAL
Whoopee! trump held another super-spreader klan rally but lost the election. It’s the vote that counts, not the rallies, not the polls.
Trump’s own DOJ and AG Bill Barr found no evidence of significant election fraud. The campaign lawyers, despite releasing the Kraken, have yet to persuade courts to cancel the election.
Trump can’t understand why Republican governors, Republican state legislators and his own judges can’t just declare him the winner.
Mr Biden will be inaugurated on Jan 20. Trump will continue to raise millions for “his defense”, all with which can legally be claimed by trump.
Anyone – why does trump’s loyal lieutenant Barr not support trump’s accusations?
Why have US courts repeatedly rejected trump’s attempts to overthrow the election in multiple states? It’s almost as if the “evidence” accepted by trump worshipers is not persuasive to unbiased analysis.
trump campaign lawyers have lost nearly 50 decisions, mostly for lack of “credible evidence’ in Russia Don’s ongoing campaign to reverse the election results (like any effective tyrant would try).
Why do you think the judges are blind to what is obvious to trump and his rabid followers?
Why are you worried Elwood.
Could it be because Arizona, Georgia and Nevada have ordered an forensic audit?
Could it be the video of democrats in GA pulling out ballots hidden under a table and then counted them for 3 hours while no one watched.
Could it be because you are losing a fraudulent election in which the GOP smashed the Democrats and Trump Smashed Biden only to see massive fraud.
NAH it cant be because PA is going to be over turned or that the PA legislature REFUSES to certify the electors.
Lets see that gives Trump 290 votes or so.
Nah. Nothing to fear over at MSNBC Elwood. Nothing at all.
I’m worried for my country.
And when the “so called” forensic audits fail to elect trump, what’s next?
‘‘Trump held another super spreader klan rally…it’s the vote that counts..â€. Ok, so how many voters there were members of the klan (this should be good), or is this just another instance of you making assertions without proof? Why of course it is…
First off “any effective tyrant” wouldn’t have an election and if he did he would fix it in his favor….like the Democommies did.
I just want a fair election Elwood, but all you want is Trump out even if it’s stolen with fraud. It’s like you don’t mind if an innocent man is imprisoned as long as you don’t like him it’s okay. You are an immoral, cruel, corrupt liar.
And you hate America.
Simple questions: Why has every judge who’s examined trump’s “evidence” said no dice? Are they all in on the conspiracy? Even those appointed by trump?
Traitor Trump is destroying Americans’ confidence in their electoral process and humiliating the nation in the eyes of every other nation.
Please explain why every judge has rejected every argument (~ 50 lawsuits) made by the trump team?
trump has raised over $207 million for his PAC, ostensibly to support the lawsuits. He has spent less than $9 million. He can pocket the rest. He’s taking his donors to the cleaners.
Please explain why every judge has rejected every argument (~ 50 lawsuits) made by the trump team?
Maybe Rimjob should keep in mind that the Bush legal team in 2000, in the Bush vs Gore democratical-attempted theft of a presidential election multiple proceedings, lost every court case right up until… the last one.
And if memory serves, that last one seems rather large in historical terms…
But history seems a rather vague notion in Rimjob’s world.
Bwaha! Lolgfy
As you continue to ask questions of others, why not respond to the ones asked of you? So how many klan voters were at the rally, and how do you know they’re clan members? Liberals keep looking in the mirror and believe it’s their opponents….
trump is a wannabe tyrant. If he can overturn the election he’ll be a real tyrant! Or maybe if he has the balls to invoke the Insurrection Act and cancel the election.
And he’ll certainly have 70 million tyrant-followers.
What do you think should happen to the trump opposition? Should the new AG (Don Jr?) go after Obama, Romney, Kemp (R-GA), Barr, Wray, Fauci, Mueller, Pelosi, Schiff, Clintons, Birx, Scarborough all those RINOs in statehouses who wouldn’t defend him against his loss?
Who engineered all the voter fraud that no one has been able to find? Should they be hanged if they are found?
If you haven’t seen any voter fraud you’re a blind fool and if you keep lying about everything from the Red Chinese Flu to the election being stolen by Traitor Biden no one will believe another comment you make. It’s almost impossible to believe anything you say now but saying you don’t see voter fraud when it’s all over the news (reluctantly and falsely reported) is ignorant as well as lying.
I told you before we want Trump to win but we demand a fair and free election. You only care that Joe and the Hoe win but don’t care about the voter fraud. 140,000 all Biden votes don’t rationally appear all at once in the wee hours without help. WTF ? How can anyone say there is no fraud when fraud and the potential for fraud and witnesses to fraud are all around you ?
We are begging your party to please not make America another one of your failed banana republics.
At this point between 55 and 70% of aa American voters believe there was vote tampering and that number can’t be all Republicans. Some say 35% of Dems think there was shenanigan’s also.
Why are the Democommies so afraid to do an open count of the votes?
The same people who are now fuking with the election and using Wuhan to lock down the country are the same ones who want to control your family’s health care. Think about that. Pathological liars deciding if Trump supporters “deserve” a heart operation. Sound good to ya? See above where Elwood refers to us as “70 million tyrant-followers”. Do you believe people like him in power will help you, or seek to kill you?
Why have the courts rejected all of tRump’s “evidence”?
Isn’t that a reasonable question?
Since Kye refuses to even address the question can anyone explain why America’s court systems, state and federal, have rejected the Trump campaign arguments in some 50 lawsuits?
If you have so little knowledge of the court system how would it help to explain the issues. Just keep acting the fool, you do such a great job.
Hi dave,
You can’t even begin to explain why the courts have rejected the trump entreaties?
Doesn’t it strike you as strange that the courts reject the suits?
I mean, it could be the court system is part of the Deep State conspiracy to “get” trump, or maybe the lawsuits are poorly presented, or just maybe the evidence is unconvincing.
In your little pea of a brain, any explanation or justification that I make is gaslight ing and you win whatever silly girl game you are playing. Get a lawyer to explain the issue.
Rimjob has illusions of relevance.
It’s an easy, easy question. Why have US courts rejected all the cases from trump attorneys?
The fraud and crimes that seem so obvious to trump supporters wishing to overturn the election are not at all obvious to impartial observers.
BTW, trump has appointed 25% of federal appellate judges, no doubt Federalist Society approved. He’s appointed 33% of Supreme Court justices! Being what trump is, he just can’t understand how supposed allies such as Barr, “his” judges, Republican Governors, Secretaries of State, and GOP state legislatures stand on principle instead of loyalty.
It’s an easy, easy question. Why have US courts rejected all the cases from Trump attorneys?
Because they’re crooked state courts?
The fraud and crimes that seem so obvious to Trump supporters wishing to overturn the election are not at all obvious to impartial observers.
Find some impartial observers.
BTW, Trump has appointed 25% of federal appellate judges, no doubt Federalist Society approved. He’s appointed 33% of Supreme Court justices! Being what Trump is, he just can’t understand how supposed allies such as Barr, “his†judges, Republican Governors, Secretaries of State, and GOP state legislatures stand on principle instead of loyalty.
BTW 1/3 and 1/4 is hardly everybody. I know math eludes you as much as science, but try to grasp the concept.
As for “Republican” Governors, Secretaries of State, NeverTrumper crooks are still crooks and Republican State legislatures, especially PA and MI, have stood with Trump. As for Barr, he gave Durham the same mandate Mule Ears had, so Sniffie gets investigated regardless.
PS Cases don’t get to SCUS overnight.