…is a wonderful carbon sucking tree, you might just be a Warmist
The blog of the day is a rare link for The Gateway Pundit, with a post on 2060 dead people votes in one county in Michigan.

…is a wonderful carbon sucking tree, you might just be a Warmist
The blog of the day is a rare link for The Gateway Pundit, with a post on 2060 dead people votes in one county in Michigan.
Trump A-Team lawyer said: “And that’s ultimately at the end of the day, as long as I know that I’m pursuing truth and I’m doing the right thing for God and my country, that’s all that matters…”
She has Covid-19 and attended a big WH party earlier. Maybe she made God mad.
Do Not pray for an easy life. Pray for the strength to endure a difficult one….Bruce Lee.
The Best Argument against Democracy is a five minute conversation with a voter or Elwood…..Winston Churchill
Does everyone who tests positive for Red Commie Flu make God mad? Or just Republicans? Whites? Christians? Conservatives? Patriots?
BTW, testing positive means you were exposed to Red Commie Flu, not that you’ve got a full blown case of it. She may never get a sniffle or she may get sick as a dog. Remember, the more they test the more positives they will get but all those people aren’t sick. In fact that’s how we build up Herd Immunity.
Here’s a little deat chart for you Elwood, should make you smile. Not a very deadly “plague” is it?
If Ellis was doing God’s work as she claimed, why would God afflict her (and Rudy) with Covid?
St Peter was doing God’s work . . . and he was crucified for it. Many of the apostles were martyred.
Would’ve been nice to know this stuff before the election. Swalwell needs to resign along with other Cali democrats…
Seems China is chomping at the bit to get cozy with the Xiden administration.
They couldn’t control Trump.
Xiden’s a traitor.
The Great Reset is no joking matter. The world is scheduled to adopt the Chinese model of economy.
Wall Street has been bought and paid for. So has big business. Our deep state refuses to do anything to rock the boat because their wheels have already been greased.
This is not new stuff. I have seen video’s of high ranking officials of China bragging about how they raped the USA. Elwoods and Hairy’s think that the Democrats are an independent thinking group of leftists who will make life grand.
They won’t. They will make life a fascist state in which massive regulation and the destruction of the middle class, IE small businesses has been their goal. Trump was not supposed to win. The Great reset was put on hold.
None of this is even a secret and the people planning this don’t even try to hide their agenda because the MSM has been bought and paid for. Its been a slow walk. A slow crawl to the point that they are ready to act.
I suspect even you guys understand that trump lost. Are you so anxious to kill your political opponents that you’d trump up these crazy charges? You want civil war so badly that you’ll abandon democracy?
How will you go about it? Random murder of those you suspect of being communists? Assassinations of Dem politicians and judges who ruled against your desires? Blowing up bridges, airplanes, gov’t buildings, facebook, Google, etc?
So Justice Samuel Alito turned down the PA case. Is Alito now a Deep State commie?