Pope Francis has been deep in the Cult of Climastrology camp since he took his position, spending more time yapping about ‘climate change’ than seemingly stuff that supports the beliefs of the Catholic church and the Bible. Now, like so many high ranking poobahs in the CoC, he is linking COVID and ‘climate change’, because, let’s face it, unlike the peons he doesn’t have to worry about having his own life negatively effected by the policies
Pope Francis Calls for ‘Net-Zero Emissions’ Plan to Beat Climate Change
Pope Francis tied together the coronavirus pandemic and climate change Saturday, insisting that both crises have ethical, social, economic, and political relevance.
In a video message for Saturday’s “High Level Virtual Climate Ambition Summit,†organized by the United Nations, Great Britain, and France, in collaboration with Chile and Italy, to commemorate the fifth anniversary of the adoption of the Paris Climate Accord, the pontiff reiterated his summons for greater efforts to combat global warming.
There are a number of “measures that cannot be put off any longer,†the pope said, including “a net-zero emissions strategy.â€
“The current pandemic and climate change, which have not only an environmental relevance, but also an ethical, social, economic, and political relevance, have an impact, above all, on the lives of the poorest and most fragile,†Francis said, in an address delivered in his native Spanish.
The pope articulated the commitment of the Vatican on two levels, one for the Vatican City State itself and one for the Holy See in its role as global teacher.
“The Vatican City State commits to reducing net emissions to zero by 2050,†he said, “by intensifying ongoing environmental management efforts that have been in place for some years to enable the rational use of natural resources such as water and energy, energy efficiency, sustainable mobility, reforestation, and the circular economy also in waste management.â€
Secondly, “the Holy See is committed to promoting education for comprehensive ecology,†Francis said. “Political and technical measures must be linked to an educational process that promotes a cultural model of development and sustainability focused on fraternity and the alliance between human beings and the environment.â€
Secondly, sounds like the ClimaPope wants indoctrination into CoC beliefs. First, why is he waiting till 2050 for the Vatican City State to go net zero? Start doing it hardcore right now. He could
- Fully embrace solar power, and get power from nothing else but solar and wind (in fairness, the city/state has been called the greenest state)
- Restrict the use of all fossil fueled vehicles in the city starting now. All deliveries must be by non-fossil fueled vehicles, no PopeMobile, no scooters, no bringing in anything or anyone by fossil fueled vehicle. Which still leaves the problem of fossil fuels used to the gates of the Vatican city
- Tell people to stop taking long, fossil fueled flights to Italy to visit the Vatican
- No meat being available anywhere in the city
- Start sending a huge chunk of money to the UN
- Pope France and everyone who lives in Vatican City should no longer take fossil fueled flights around the world.
Like most nations, the Vatican has plans for 30 years down the road, because they want Other People to be forced to live the Cult’s life, not themselves.

Teach typed: he (Pope Francis) doesn’t have to worry about having his own life negatively effected by the policies
Neither does he have to worry about abortion, the death penalty, adultery or coveting his neighbor’s wife or house.
Just because Teach falsely claims that global warming is a scam doesn’t suggest that leaders shouldn’t lead.
Is there any Lost Cause that NuCons such as Teach won’t adopt? Global warming is a scam! The Covid-19 pandemic is a hoax! Requiring masks is unconstitutional! Trump actually won the election! Biden is a Chinese communist plant!
America can’t survive 70 million citizens detached from reality.
Teach always believes his political opponents Are hypocrites if tgey can not achieve 100% compliance
He himself why preaching for tge war in terror chose not to enlist himself
And while he bemoans baby killing has he ever physically tried to stop it ?
Teach why is it ok for you to talk the talk but not walk the walk, and not others ?
Good thing I took my long, fossil-fueled flight to Italy to visit the Vatican in 2016!
I was surprised that Pope Frank didn’t come out to greet me.
The Hirsute one wrote:
He hasn’t said anything like that, but it would be nice if the warmunists would show some effort to practice what they preach.
I’m one of those evil reich-wingers who do not support the cockamamie policy prescriptions of the left, but I am the one who installed, and use, our solar-and-wind powered clothes dryer!
Photo from just two days ago. Do you do even that much?
Those pants make you look fat !
I’m not obese, but I could stand to lose a few kilograms. At 6’2″ tall and 220 lb, I’m not a small man.
Your a goddamn commie if you don’t hear your house with coal
Why would I hear my house with coal, rather than my ears?
My previous house was heated with diesel, in the form of heating oil, with a wood stove for supplemental heat, and a couple of electric baseboard heaters in the kitchen. My current house is heated with an electric heat pump — not my first choice, but that was what was there when we bought it — and a propane fireplace. Of course, around here, our sparktricity comes from a coal-burning power plant!
I do not criticize anybody for their heat source choices; I believe in the free market and individual choice for everybody.
Well of course not ALL “warmists†are able to live up to the unreasonable expectations of all of the climate change deniers
But we are making progress.
In only the last 6 years the percent of power generated by coal has dropped in half, from 40% to 20%
I think that is excellent progress, but Teach seems to expect perfection immediately
Renewables now generate more power than dirty coal
The hirsute one wrote:
But what reasonable expectations have you met? What have you changed, what have you sacrificed in your own personal life?
There are many things you could do. You could improve the insulation in your home, you could install insulated windows, you could have upgraded your HVAC and your appliances to more efficient models. Other than the HVAC, given that I have the same heating and cooling system as when we bought the place, I have done all of those things.
It wasn’t because I am a warmunist, but because I’ve been remodeling our eastern Kentucky fixer-upper. I gutted an old, dilapidated kitchen, stripped it down to nothing, and rebuilt it completely. That meant new windows, double paned and insulated, new insulation in the ceiling, insulation in the previously uninsulated walls, and new appliances. I have insulated previously uninsulated walls in the living room, and replaced one window with two newer, insulated ones. That’s a lot of work, and it isn’t finished yet, but my question to you is: what have you done?
For which you can thank hydraulic fracturing, something the left seem to hate, which made natural gas less expensive than coal.
This statement is untrue. In 2019, 23.4% of total power generation came from coal, while total renewables contributed 17.6%. Included in that number is 7.0% from hydroelectric generation, something that has been in use for generations.
At 19.6%, we get more sparktricity from nuclear power plants, something the left hate, than total renewables.
Glad you brought up renewables, John. This is behind a paywall, but you’ll get the message. Funny, they couldn’t even get this thing to work in sunny, dry, Nevada. https://www.wsj.com/articles/another-green-subsidy-bust-11607730090?mod=opinion_lead_pos3&fbclid=IwAR2dEIzV7kaO6DAMGQX8Szbhm6bMTUB1nPPC8Y0P83EmxmJCR96KRHwyZ7U