…are trees that were killed by too much carbon pollution, you might just be a Warmist
The blog of the day is A View From The Beach, with a post wondering about foreign interference in election 2020.

…are trees that were killed by too much carbon pollution, you might just be a Warmist
The blog of the day is A View From The Beach, with a post wondering about foreign interference in election 2020.
And even with all this testimony and preliminary evidence I know two clucks here who won’t even consider the POSSABILITY of voter fraud and election fixing. They’re too far gone down that partisan propaganda pit to even think about it.
We’ve seen CLAIMS, not evidence. The “evidence” was not convincing in 59 court cases and counting. If Trump-appointed judges don’t buy the evidence, why should anyone else?
It was claimed that no candidate has won Ohio and Florida and lost the presidency. That court claim was false, but even if true is not evidence.
It was claimed that no candidate had carried some 19 “bellwether” counties and lost. But so what? That is not evidence of fraud.
Trump is hoping freshman Sen Tommy Tumorville (R-AL) will lead a Congressional revolt against Mr Biden’s inauguration. Trump is a liar, a con man and a traitor. President Obama let George W. Bush and Big Dick Cheney off the hook for their lies and war crimes. President Biden shouldn’t be so forgiving, otherwise the next GOPher Prezzy will be even more dishonest.
Pfizer reports they have millions of doses of vaccine waiting for shipping orders from the administration…
Maybe if the administration was still functioning this wouldn’t be an issue. But the administration is all in on Trump’s coup.
“Pfizer reports they have millions of doses of vaccine waiting for shipping orders from the administration…”
Since when is the administration Pfizer’s logistic supervisor. Pfizer’s been in the medicine business for decades they don’t need the administration to tell them anything.
Nonsense, Kye. The US gov’t is in charge of distribution. Army General Gustave Perna is in charge.
Interesting, Elwood. I really wasn’t aware that America has gone so far communist we now have generals in charge of medicine distribution. There’s another win for your team. Would that make Perna “Commissar” Perna now? Or Maybe the new Medicine Distribution Czar? You commies think of everything. Cause you know, when the government does it it is ALWAYS done right.
I hate to break this to ya Elwood, but oftentimes life doesn’t offer a perfect solution. Certainly, government almost never does.
I’m surprised you weren’t aware of Trump’s appointment of General Perna to lead the US distribution process. Is Trump a communist? Is General Perna a communist? My guess is we’ll find out that someone in Trump’s orbit is shorting supplies to Blue States. Kushner?
FOX, OAN and Teach don’t tell you everything.
Where’s Donnie? The Covid-19 pandemic is raging worse than ever and Russia has attacked the US computer infrastructure in a hack termed the worst ever, and we have no President.
Speaking of our military, several high profile Trump supporters are now urging Trump to declare martial law or to invoke The Insurrection Act and have our military enforce his edicts. General Flynn, General McInerney, lawyers Sid Powell and Lin Wood, the Proud Boys, “Q”,
some state Repub reps, various MAGAts, Roger Stone, Alex Jones, The Epoch Times, drunken Judge Jeanine… They believe the US military, National Guard units, local police, and self-proclaimed militias will suppress any objection to President for Life Trump.
At Saturday’s “Let the Church ROAR†rally, “Stop the Steal†activist Ali Alexander told the crowd that Alabama Rep. Mo Brooks has agreed to object to the House certifying the votes, and he warned that if no senator is willing to join Brooks, “We will burn the Republican Party down.â€
Do you oppose the current US President using the US military to stay in power?
Nah, no voting fraud. None at all.