…are uniforms of consumerism causing extra winter precipitation, you might just be a Warmist
The blog of the day is Raised On Hoecakes, with a post on frozen cherry pie regulations.

…are uniforms of consumerism causing extra winter precipitation, you might just be a Warmist
The blog of the day is Raised On Hoecakes, with a post on frozen cherry pie regulations.
I’m like the guy in the article, I love cherry pie. ANY cherry pie, frozen, fresh baked, day old even little Tastycake Cherry Pies. Like the guy said, I like other pies but my go to is cherry. I didn’t know they had rules about frozen cherry pies either but I guess “if it moves regulate it” comes into play here.
PE Kye and I agree on cherry-pie! Although blackberry (Ozarks staple) and raspberry cobbler (Cascade mtns) are close.
TastyKakes weren’t always available in the midwest. A deer hunting buddy (Marine, Vietnam vet, since deceased) was a sales rep for TastyKakes and would bring a huge case of various products each year to “the lodge”. One of the built-in deerstands is known as the TastyKake Stand ’cause a nephew, while eating a TastyKake, shot a buck. The mount is referred to as the TaskyKake buck.
Televangelist and Trump-super-supporter Pat Robertson on Donald Trump:
“With all his talent, and the ability to raise money and draw large crowds, the President still lives in an alternate reality. He really does. People say, ‘Well he lies about this, that and the other.’ But he isn’t lying. To him, that’s the truth.”
Rather than even considering that god-king Donald Trump could lose the election, trumpists choose instead to believe that the Supreme Court, DOJ, state Republicans, the FBI, state and federal courts and on and on are conspiring to give Trump the boot. The President isn’t the only one living in an alternate reality.
Do trumpists think it possible that Trump is pressing his phony voter fraud gambit to keep raising money?
He’s raised nearly half a BILLION since October!!
He’s already a billionaire; he doesn’t need the money.
But what you are seeing is a campaign to delegitimize Joe Biden, to make his presidency more difficult, and to increase the resistance to the Democrats. Given that you supported the left doing just that to President Trump, you have no complaint.
Grifters gotta grift. It’s a DNA thang.
Why did the “billionaire” bilk students out of millions via Trump “University”?
He peddles cheap wine, meat, water, Chinese shirts and neckties, liquor, dog collars, coffee mugs, candles, soap, bathrobes etc etc and so forth.
Trump Inc profits while in office are a few hundred million a year. The PAC has generated nearly $500 million in a mere quarter.
If you don’t think a man who peddles $20 bottle openers won’t grab an easy $500 million you’re nuts.
Joe Biden laughs when Fox News’ Peter Doocy asks if he still thinks the allegations against Hunter Biden are Russian disinformation: “Yes, yes, yes. God love you, man. You’re a one horse pony.”
Ain’t he a hoot!
Bwaha! Lolgf
That photo is raaaaacist! There are no Negresses pictures!
Oh, wait, there are no Caucasians in the photo, either. Have we no #WhitePrivilege?
And no Honkesses!
All I see are potential Chinese Communist Spies.
This is interesting…. https://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2020/12/will-wisconsin-republicans-reassign-current-wisconsin-electoral-college-votes-trump-judge-rules-200000-biden-votes-illegitimate/
Well, libs will be libs… https://twitter.com/cernovich/status/1337848347420282881?s=12
More “no evidence of voter fraud . https://twitter.com/realdonaldtrump/status/1341551177146757121?s=12
More “no evidence of voter fraud”, Nevada this time. This is getting interesting. Have the courts taken this evidence into consideration?