Real concern or just looking for more reasons to continue controlling citizens around the world?
New COVID ‘Super Strains’ Could Disrupt Life Again
After 10 months of masks, social distancing, virtual school, fear for vulnerable loved ones, and loneliness, this is the news no one wanted to hear: The virus that causes COVID-19 has changed — once again — in ways that make it more contagious.
At least one new “super strain†of the virus is already in the U.S. Another highly contagious strain from South Africa could be on its way. As bad as things are now, experts believe these new strains are not responsible for the spike in cases seen in many states as people fall ill after holiday travel.
The strains are about 50% more contagious than the virus that has been most widely circulating in the United States, though it doesn’t seem to be more fatal for any one person who catches it.
While that may seem reassuring, it could be disastrous on a wider scale. One public health expert believes the virus is changing itself to adapt and infect more people.
Another, Adam Kucharski, PhD, an associate professor at the London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine who specializes in the math of infectious disease outbreaks, says the math shows the infectious strain will be more deadly.
So, what could happen?
Already, one new “super strain†of the virus is driving an alarming surge of COVID cases in Great Britain. On Monday, Prime Minister Boris Johnson — who had resisted tougher control measures for weeks — reluctantly ordered strict new lockdown measures in that country, following close behind similar moves in Scotland, Wales, and Northern Ireland.
Defending his actions against the economic harm they would cause, he said he had no choice but to lock down again as new cases threatened to overwhelm hospitals.
Once again, most children will stay home for school, and people have been asked not to leave home except to do a very limited number of essential tasks, like seeking health care or going grocery shopping.
What happens next? Time will tell. Could it be overblown, a conspiracy theory to think the bigwigs want to keep this going for their own purposes?
Garcetti says L.A. will keep using COVID-19 diagnostic tests that were subject of FDA advisory
Drive-thru and walk-up coronavirus testing sites in Los Angeles will continue using the same diagnostic tests after federal regulators earlier in the week issued a warning about their rate of false results, Mayor Eric Garcetti said.
The Curative oral swab tests used at L.A. city testing sites carry a risk of false negatives, especially when it’s used on people not experiencing symptoms, the U.S. Food and Drug Administration said in a safety communication Monday.
The FDA says the tests could lead to infected people having a false sense of security, increasing the risk of spread. People who don’t believe they’re sick could also be delayed in seeking treatment.
Why continue to use it, if it doesn’t really work well? But, see, Garcetti is using science “But in a COVID-19 briefing Thursday evening, Garcetti said he still trusts the tests “deeply.— See? Science.

In the Bluegrass State, Reichsstatthalter Andy Beshear (NSDAP-KY) was quick to impose all sorts of closings, including shutting down schools, when COVID-19 spiked last November, before Thanksgiving. Well, Kentucky set a new daily record on Wednesday, but the Reichs Governor did not renew his executive orders.
Why? Because the state legislature is now in session, and they are fast tracking bills which would restrict Herr Beshear’s dictatorial powers, and he hopes that he can persuade them not to revoke his rule by decree authority. If he went ahead and renewed his executive orders, it would just piss off the legislators even more.
The GOP has veto-proof majorities in both chambers of the General Assembly.
What the legislature is proposing is not that the Reichsstatthalter not have any emergency powers, but that they would be restricted to thirty days, unless the legislature approves an extension. Since the legislature is not in session year-round, the Reich Governor would have to call a special session to get an extension approved, something he explicitly said he would not do to get the legislature involved, because he knew they would not approve of everything he did.