Joe is laying out his COVID response, and plans on doing….things that are already being done
President-elect Joe Biden on Tuesday laid out a three-point plan to begin defeating the coronavirus pandemic during his first 100 days in office, saying he will sign an executive order the day he is sworn in to require Americans to wear masks on buses and trains crossing state lines, as well as in federal buildings.
Biden also pledged to distribute “at least 100 million covid vaccine shots†during that time, singling out educators, who he said should get shots “as soon as possible†after they are given first to health workers and people who live and work in long-term-care facilities under current plans. He did not specify whether he meant 100 million doses or vaccinating that many people; the two vaccines nearing approval both require two doses.
The other goal of his 100-day plan, Biden said, is to enable “the majority of our schools†to reopen within that time and to remain open. He called on Congress to devote the funding needed to make it safe for students and teachers to return to classrooms.
Yeah, masks are already required on Amtrak, Greyhound, the trains, buses, and even boats going between New Jersey and NYC. And most that are in-state and in-city. It’s like Joe is unaware of what’s been going on for a goodly chunk of the last year.
As far as COVID shots, perhaps those 55 and older should be prioritized over teachers, so many of whom are sticking with their unions in not wanting to have to go back to class, happy to do virtual learning. Is Joe aware of unions resisting the calls to go back to the classroom? Of course, for lots of teacher’s, you can’t blame them, since so many schools in Democratic Party run cities are hellholes of violence.
Biden has said often and urgently that Americans should wear masks, and he reiterated Tuesday that he would work with mayors and governors, encouraging them to impose mandates for face coverings in their jurisdictions. But his remarks were the first time he committed to signing an executive order to require masks “wherever possible†in venues under federal authority.
Um, this has all been happening. Just try going into a federal building without one. 31 states, D.C., and Puerto Rico have mask mandates. In the states without one, cities have no authority, in most cases, to go above state requirements and mandate face masks.
Kinda strange that the Washington Post didn’t mention anything about all this. It’s almost like they’re cheerleaders. You can bet if it was Trump saying this stuff they would have resisted.

Yes “most†city buses require the masks but now ALLwill or risk federal funding
Much like Reagan did when he forced ALL states to mandate seatbelts even though “mostâ€states already did
Teach any idea why tge pentagon reprTedly refused the requests by both VA and MD to call up their national guards to help end the Trump riot ?
Who rubs the pentagon? Isn’t it Trump ?
Last Wednesday President Trump invited thousands of citizens into the US Capitol Building and few wore masks as they toured the facilities.
No doubt some of the tourists were Covid positive and likely left the virus on the thousands of artifacts and materials they handled.
There were reports that some of the tourists were confused regarding restrooms and ended up urinating on the floor.
And,like magic, COVID-19 will be gone, (from the media at least), and considered cured by our New Improved Lord and Savior, Joseph Robinette Biden after 100 days.
People will still die, but they’ll go back to dying of heart disease, cancer and the seasonal flu.
Another prediction from the far, far-right that will be proven false. That it would disappear November 4 after the election? It’s worse now than ever.
Americans are still dying of heart disease (800,000/year) and cancer (600,000), but fewer of influenza. There were some 300,000 additional American deaths in 2020 compared to previous years. We understand that conservatives don’t grok arithmetic but since there are 800,000 heart disease deaths per year and 600,000 cancer deaths per year in America how can all these deaths be included in the Covid deaths? We’d have 1.4 million Covid deaths instead of 370,000. Doesn’t add up.
Influenza is interesting. The US usually sees 20,000-50,000 flu deaths a year but are seeing many fewer cases and deaths this year. It seems likely that Covid is more contagious than influenza and the safeguards (masks, social distancing, increased vaccines, hand washing, stay at home) has greatly reduced the spread of the flu. Good to know. This season saw a record number of flu vaccinations. The flu season in the Southern Hemisphere occurs earlier than our flu season and was nearly non-existent this year. It’s possible the safeguards work better against the flu than Covid. The Northern Hemisphere catches the flu from the Southern Hemisphere each year.
Masks are for obedience training.
And, importantly, to prevent the spread of disease.
But have they prevented the spread of disease? We’re seeing the highest numbers yet, when almost everybody is wearing the masks.
I went to Kroger yesterday, in Richmond, Kentucky, and everybody I saw was wearing a mask . . . and Madison County was most definitely Trump country! Lexington, the Commonwealth’s second largest, and second most Democratic, city is having record numbers of positive tests, and everyone there is masked.
I’m sure that you will make the argument that it would have been much, much worse without the masks, but there’s no control group to prove that; it’s an unprovable assumption.
Masks are basically bullshit. If they actually worked people who wore them would not get the Red Chinese Democommie Flu but they do. If lockdowns worked the scamdemic would be over. The numbers are faked and the idiots who repeat them are lying cowards afraid to face the Truth: The “experts” lied! Or at best were frequently mistaken. But then they couldn’t blame a disease on the President.
Everything they say and support are LIES!!!! Stop listening. That’s why they cut off people’s Tweets and such. They are afraid of you hearing the TRUTH.
There is sooooo much you don’t understand.
1. Trump lost
2. Covid pandemic is real
3. Earth is warming from CO2 we’re adding to the atmosphere
4. QAnon conspiracy is false
5. Masks work, but they’re not absolute protection
How difficult is that to understand? Your belief in lies and conspiracies can’t be healthy. And since so many trumpians belief falsehoods it’s not good for the nation (as proved Wednesday).
We understand that you’re angry and filled with hate. You think your perfect trump world is falling apart. But we’ll survive the time of trump and can begin to heal once he’s put out to pasture.
Our esteemed host wrote:
Under the ‘tier’ system, those 70 and over are tier 1B, with 60 and over being 1C. But there are already problems in tier 1A:
The vaccines were rushed to the market. They may well be perfectly safe, but no one can know the long term effects because there has been no long-term testing on vaccines developed just a few months ago.
My wife got her first dose on Tuesday, and Wednesday was a rough day for her, but she did get over it in a day. She has said that a bunch of her co-workers have said that they won’t take it, because of the testing unknowns.
Me? I’m over sixty, so I’m tier 1C. I have no idea when it will be available to me, though I would guess by the beginning of February. I will go ahead and take the vile concoction, because, by then, millions of guinea pigs will have been inoculated ahead of me, so if there are any bad short-term effects, we’ll know it by then.
There is no lack of demand for the vaccines, so let those who want them get them. Those that don’t, don’t. If you refuse the vaccine and subsequently contract Covid you are last in line for treatment. Freedom!
“Joe is laying out his COVID response, and plans on doing….things that are already being done”
Just think of it as a different form of plagiarism. We know he’s good at that.