…is a wonderful green space perfect for a wind turbine, you might just be a Warmist
The blog of the day is Green Jihad, with a post on the social media purges.
Doubleshot below the fold, check out Victory Girls Blog, with a post on social media becoming 21st Century Pravda.

It’s interesting that “patriots” will fight to protect confederate statues but fight to destroy the United States of America Capitol Building.
Why is that?
It is interesting that the left will burn building, attack police, vandalize federal, state and local properties, and tear down statutes of people who fought against slavery suddenly think that the same thing happening to one building is wrong.
That’s the type of hypocrisy the left gets from its hate.
After all, hate is all the left has.
You may have missed it, but Trump supporters attacked the US Capitol, the seat of democracy, killing a Capitol Police Officer in the process. What were the protesting? That Donald Trump lost the election. Their goal in attacking was to stop the official confirmation of the electoral vote count as required by the Constitution.
Why did they ransack the Capitol Building? Trump, Cruz, Trump Jr, Hawley and Giuliani instructed them to. Trump’s “plan” (plot?) was to disrupt/delay the confirmation of the electoral college vote by a joint session as required by the Constitution.
EVERY right-wing rebel that can talk or type has excused the insurrection by claiming that Black Lives Matter made them do it.
We understand how you hateful white supremacists need to divert attention from what all of America saw Wednesday – Red Hats crawling up the walls and steps of the Capitol like the zombies in “I Am Legend”, breaking down doors and windows and screaming “Hang Mike Pence!”.
All the right-wing white supremacists have left is your conspiracies.
Your hate and lies define you.
Why is Mr Trump allowing his “patriots” to be arrested????
They did exactly what he wanted, now he’s prosecuting them.
Wait! You were for riots before you were against them as I recall. I guess it’s only when blacks and commies riot that it’s okay.
New images of Trump supporters bombing a limo in DC this week.
Capitol Police Officer Brian D. Sicknick was apparently murdered during the insurrection. Sicknick was a Trump supporter but was a professional with a job to do. For his efforts he was struck in head by the rioters and died later in the hospital from a blood clot on his brain.
Officer Sicknick, 42, was a veteran serving two tours in the Middle East, and had been with the Capitol Police for 12 years.
15 officers were hospitalized as a result of resisting the mob. A total of 50 officers were injured.
Now do a eulogy on Ashli Babbit. You’re so good at it when it suits your narrative.
Ms Babbitt’s killing was tragic and unnecessary. If she had stayed outside she’d be alive. If she hadn’t been pushed/crawled through that window into the Chamber she’d be alive. If she was mentally sound she would be alive.
Babbitt was “a 14-year veteran, who served four tours with the US Air Force, and was a high level security official throughout her time in service.â€
Babbitt was the “Owner/Operator at Fowlers Pool Service and Supply Inc.†She lived in San Diego, was from San Diego and was married.
She had gone “all in” in her evangelical-like support of Trump, and later QAnon conspiracies. Like many Trump supporters during the year of corona, she was braised in the internet stockpot of conspiracies – the Covid conspiracy, the STOP THE STEAL! conspiracy, QAnon conspiracies – becoming an extremist intent on overthrowing America. At rallies and online, garden variety trumpists are exposed to white nationalists, neo-Nazis (Jews Won’t Replace Us!), insurrectionists, QAnoners, prepping for The Storm, and conspiracy tale after conspiracy tale. Lie after lie.
“I will be in DC on the 6th! God bless America and WWG1WGA,†she wrote on Twitter, making a QAnon reference. She wrote that the California governor had instituted “commie rule.†She responded to a tweet criticizing Nancy Pelosi’s $600 stimulus check support, writing, “It is a smack to the gut for everyone of us…you think ppl are waking up yet?… THEY DONT GIVE A F*** ABOUT US…all they want is power and money …. we must unite!†(WWG1WGA is the QAnon slogan, “Where We Go One, We Go All”, but you already knew that, didn’t you?)
In September, she wrote, “Trump 2020 landslide! Let freedom ring!†In December, she wrote, “COVID IS A F****** JOKE!â€
Babbitt responded on December 20, “We are not their ppl… they are owned-bought, paid for, enslaved… you can’t sell your soul to devil without a price. They chose, so have we. Dark to light! Let freedom ring and god bless America! God knows, god sees and he is incoming! Nothing can stop what is happening.â€
Wednesday a mob tried to break into the chamber while members of Congress, staffers and press were inside. Regrettably, Ms Babbitt was at the forefront of the mob, no doubt caught up in the reactionary fervor of her confederates pounding and breaking down the doors! Gun! Gun! Someone on her side shouted. Perhaps she felt they wouldn’t shoot. Perhaps she felt she had something to prove. Her confederates hoisted her up through the window, breaching the inner chamber of the House. A single shot rang out. Perhaps the lone officer protecting the House from the hundreds of screaming, violent was frightened for his or her life. Perhaps the officer was driven by the responsibility to protect elected officials from a murderous mob screaming “Hang Mike Pence!”
We assume you watched the complete video of the violent surge that led to Ms Babbitt’s death. Trump’s DOJ can investigate the killing.
We fully understand right-wingers wanting to use her death to fuel the next round of trumpist/QAnon/STOP THE STEAL/anti-American insurrection, likely at President-elect Biden’s inauguration. Good luck. Will you be there to protest? Bunker Trump says he will hide out during the Inauguration (as he did after he incited the riot, Wednesday). We suspect this time the US government will be better prepared for the violent mob that plans to assemble. Will you be there to protest? Will TEACH? Or are you better at cheerleading others? You have millions of heavily-armed anti-American insurgents at the ready. Are YOU willing to risk YOUR life for “FREEDOM”? Is TEACH? Is Trump? Don Jr?
Still the murderer has not been identified.
Wonder if he is black?
Suck my balls – Big Black Johnson
While internet white supremacy reactionaries are busy constructing the hagiography of the tragic Ms Babbitt, they are hoping against hope that the Capitol Officer who shot her was Black, Hispanic, Jewish or at least LGBTQ.
Of course, for the conspiracy-fueled American far-right, truth is a commodity so the Capitol Officer’s true background is irrelevant. Make it up. It will spread.
The mob at the gates breached by Ms Babbitt were screaming “Hang Mike Pence!”. If they had found VP Pence would they have lynched him? What was Mr Pence’s crime? He followed his Constitutional duty. Would the traitorous anti-American mob lynch VP Mike Pence if they had found him? What about Speaker Pelosi, Minority Leader Schumer, Senator Lyndsay Graham (who betrayed trump)? If the mob murdered the pro-trump Mr Sicknick with a fire extinguisher how would they murder the hated Pence, Pelosi, Schumer and Graham?
Sadly, the shooting of the tragic Ms Babbitt by the officer may have defended the lives of many Representatives. Her “friends” scattered like roaches when the shot rang out.
Difficult for even our most die hard Trumpets to spin Trump saying the people with whom he SAID. He would match (but then chickened our) should be prosecuted to the full extent of the law
Arrest count now up to 82!!
Plus they are DNAing all the feces they left behind
This doesn’t help the little pussy Rimjob anti-Trump narrative.
Suck balls you traitorous little pussy, Crotchsniffer.
Is it really your contention that it was the fault of the Capitol Police that the mob of cretins ransacked the US Capitol Building? Is the presence of overwhelming force all that keep you treasonous cretins from committing heinous crimes?
So far, you right-wingers have blamed BLM and now the Capitol Police for your traitorous acts. Does the band of violent Trump supporters bear any responsibility? Does Trump?
You’re all a bunch of fuking cowards without honor.
All you have left is your conspiracies based on alternate reality.
That little pussy Rimjob just keeps oozing the pus.
From the little pussy who lied about joining the US Army during the Vietnam war until he was called on it…
Bwaha! Lolgfy
Since we know you’re a fuking coward without honor, what will YOU do to further America’s Second Revolution, America’s Second Civil War? Your admitted sacrificing of dogs (how weird is that?) hasn’t worked.
Grab your gun and head to the front lines! Do you think typings that few read will overthrow the “commies”?
What did you do during the war, karen? “I typed like a man!”, you answer.
At least I wouldn’t continue to lie about serving my country in the US Army like a little pus oozing Rimjob.
Bwaha! Lolgfy
Barack Obama has an Oscar, a Grammy, a Nobel Peace Prize, two terms, 0 impeachments AND a twitter account!
And the lying commie earned none of it.
Interesting that “journalists†tell us that the Capital Hill fiasco was sedition, but trying to burn down a federal courthouse in Portland, incinerating a police station in Minneapolis and pointing lasers at the eyes of federal officers is “a mostly peaceful protestâ€
The trump-inspired insurrectionists attacked the US Capitol Building, the seat of American, if not the the world’s democracy.
Their objective was to halt the Constitutionally required certification of the Presidential election. It’s criminal that Trump, Giuliani, Mo Brooks, Senators Cruz and Hawley triggered the violence that resulted in over 50 injured officers defending the institution. There have been 6 deaths so far.
The trump-inspired insurrectionists attacked the US Capitol Building, the seat of American, if not the the world’s democracy.
This is different from the BLM protests and riots. This was an attack on America.
The trump-inspired insurrectionists attacked the US Capitol Building, the seat of American, if not the the world’s democracy.
What will YOU do to take back America? Should millions of armed “citizens” flood Washington and capture the levers of government by “any means necessary”? Or do you think the insurrection will be forced into localized terrorist attacks? Storm state Capitols or kidnap and execute governors on video? Do you think your rebellion can co-opt the US military to turn your insurrection into a junta? Or is your role to type?
The little pussy Rimjob oozes out his squeakhole.
Bwaha! Lolgfy
Poor little Jeffery.
The public speaks and he doesn’t like it. All those working class types a million strong came to DC to protest the theft of their country, their votes, their President, and their freedom.
And it scares little twigs like Jeffery out of their minds.
The Whigs won’t be able to get them to make nice anymore because the Whigs have shown themselves to be part of the ruling Communist party paid for by the Red Chinese. Arguably treason.
And Jeffery is one of them.
Give it to him, pups.
Poor Jeffery. He asks a question that he knows has an answer.
“When in the Course of human events, it becomes necessary for one people to dissolve the political bands which have connected them with another, and to assume among the powers of the earth, the separate and equal station to which the Laws of Nature and of Nature’s God entitle them, a decent respect to the opinions of mankind requires that they should declare the causes which impel them to the separation.
We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.–That to secure these rights, Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed,–That whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new Government, laying its foundation on such principles and organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their Safety and Happiness. Prudence, indeed, will dictate that Governments long established should not be changed for light and transient causes; and accordingly all experience hath shewn, that mankind are more disposed to suffer, while evils are sufferable, than to right themselves by abolishing the forms to which they are accustomed. But when a long train of abuses and usurpations, pursuing invariably the same Object evinces a design to reduce them under absolute Despotism, it is their right, it is their duty, to throw off such Government, and to provide new Guards for their future security.”
True now as it was 225 years ago.
And we’re coming to get YOU.
And, for the record, Jeffery and his Commie pals used any means necessary to get here.
Is afraid of what the American people will do to take it back?
He better be. He got the merest taste last Wednesday.
Suck balls you cowardly traitor.
Poor little ESD the cowardly traitor is back.
Here to crow and cackle about an attack by right-wing traitors on America.
How would Putin and Kim handle a cowardly attack on by traitors on Russia or North Korea?
Now he calls on Rodney the Doxxer to “give it to” me.
You, TEACH, Rodney, Kye, gitar, jil, dana are all cowardly traitors trying to topple America and replace it with a fascist tyranny.
America will fight back. The initial insurrection engineered by trump, Fox, OAN, Gateway, QAnon and traitors such as you failed. When you strike at America you must kill her! You did not.
Did you traitors think that decent Americans would stand by and let you tear down the nation?
It’s not me you traitors must worry about. If you think your pretend soldiers in their Amazon.com uniforms and their AR-15s, IEDs and molotov cocktails will overrun America you are sadly mistaken.
You’re coming to get me are you? Molon labe, mother fukker, molon labe.
Under the definition of “frauds†we see pictures of liberals…. https://twitter.com/loganclarkhall/status/1346954013065895936?s=21
Suck my balls – Big Black Johnson
While internet white supremacy reactionaries are busy constructing the hagiography of the tragic Ms Babbitt, they are hoping against hope that the Capitol Officer who shot her was Black, Hispanic, Jewish or at least LGBTQ.
Of course, for the conspiracy-fueled American far-right, truth is a commodity so the Capitol Officer’s true background is irrelevant. Make it up. It will spread.
The mob at the gates breached by Ms Babbitt were screaming “Hang Mike Pence!â€. If they had found VP Pence would they have lynched him? What was Mr Pence’s crime? He followed his Constitutional duty. Would the traitorous anti-American mob lynch VP Mike Pence if they had found him? What about Speaker Pelosi, Minority Leader Schumer, Senator Lyndsay Graham (who betrayed trump)? If the mob murdered the pro-trump Mr Sicknick with a fire extinguisher how would they murder the hated Pence, Pelosi, Schumer and Graham?
Sadly, the shooting of the tragic Ms Babbitt by the officer may have defended the lives of many Representatives. Her “friends†scattered like roaches when the shot rang out.
Jeffery, classy as always.
Feeling just a tad inferior, are we?
And the usual, unsupported lies.
The murder of Miss Babbitt gets the usual Jeffery bigotry and racism. She was an innocent bystander. How about Floyd, who died from drugs up his ass? Or the Gentle Giant attacking a cop? Or Saint Skittles?
All were doing evil, but they get a pass.
Edward Sibley Du? Is that you?
Edward Sibley typed: xxxxxxx, classy as always.
Right, you cowardly traitor. You attacked America. So stop whining you little bitch.
America must make it clear to the traitor class that their next domestic terror attack will be dealt with swiftly and conclusively.