This is the same military that is cool with allowing transgenders, who tend to have serious mental health issues, to join, and even offered to pay for sex change operations. The same military which allowed gang members to join, and had a hard problem getting rid of them. The same military which has often put Social Justice Warrioring and Virtue Signaling above the mission of protecting the United States. One thing I’ve said many times is that Progressives have very long term plans, and work to take sectors over. I won’t go into the whole thing again, but, in the 1970’s they hated the military, and wanted to eliminate it. Since they couldn’t they infiltrated the military to change it from the inside
Joe Biden’s Pentagon Pick Lloyd Austin Vows to Rid Military Ranks of ‘Racists and Extremists’
Lloyd Austin, President-elect Joe Biden’s nominee for defense secretary, said Tuesday during his confirmation hearing that he would work to rid the military of “racists and extremists.â€
During his opening remarks, Lloyd Austin stated:
We also owe our people a working environment free of discrimination, hate and harassment. If confirmed, I will fight hard to stamp out sexual assault, to rid our ranks of racists and extremists, and to create a climate where everyone fit and willing has the opportunity to serve this country with dignity. The job of the Department of Defense is to keep America safe from our enemies. But we can’t do that if some of those enemies lie within our own ranks.
Democrats in recent days have sounded the alarm over the prospect of extremists in the military, after veterans and active-duty members of the military were identified attending a pro-Trump protest at the Capitol on January 6, with some breaching the Capitol building. (snip)
He said that a 2019 Military Times analysis found that 36 percent of active duty service members have seen evidence of white supremacist and racist ideologies in the military and asked Austin what kind of training he would suggest for service members to lead to a military “immune from superstition and not so gullible as to fall for these false ideologies.â€
Austin said leaders need to be trained to be in touch with their troops to understand “who they are, what they are doing, what they are reading,†and be aware of signs that could indicate something is going in the wrong direction.
What he means is that the military, which typically votes around 59-41 for Republicans, will see purges of Republican voters. They will find excuses to get rid of them as extremists and raaaaacists. Which might find the military, and Austin, being sued for violation of the 1st Amendment Rights of those military members. And, will keep a lot of people from joining the military, along with significantly reducing retention rates.
“I will want the leaders of all the services and all of the departments to make sure that they’re doing the right things to set the right example and to create the right climate that discourages and eliminates that type of behavior,†he said.
“And this is not something we can be passive on. This is something I think we have to be active on and we have to lean into it and make sure we’re doing the right things to create the right climate,†he said.
Basically, the US military is going to become the Peace Corps, rather than a hardcore fighting machine protecting the nation. You soon won’t be able to distinguish it from most left wing organizations, other than the guns and stuff. At that point, would it be a conspiracy theory to think that the US military would side with those support the Constitution? That they would be used to snuff out freedoms at home rather than protect them?

Any military member who is eligible to process out, should do so when their enlistment is up. Any member who is set to retire, should put in for it immediately.
Our esteemed host began:
Actually, no. President Obysmal allowed the mentally ill into the military, but President Trump banned transgenders. The problem is that the [shudder!] incoming President has already said that he’s going to reverse President Trump’s orders on that.
It makes no sense at all! Mr Biden is inviting in those people who want expensive medical procedures, which will cost the government money and make those ‘people’ non-deployable for extended periods of time.
Male to ‘female’ transgenders have many weeks of post-operative recovery and care, and their fake vaginas require daily douching and ‘dilation,’ to keep them from becoming infected and from closing up. After all, the fake vagina is not a natural organ, but an open wound in a biological male, and the body tries to heal itself, and close up such a wound.
And Joe Biden is going to send such ‘soldiers’ to Afghanistan? While female soldiers are not in combat, in such a place combat can occur, and we have sent language trained female soldiers out on local missions to interact with the civilians.
To be nasty about it, I’ve got a mental picture of a ‘transgender’ soldier telling his captors to pardon him, but he needs to dilate his pussy. That’s going to go over well with the Taliban!
Transgender ‘soldiers’ are simply not deployable, and are just not fit for military duty.
But, what do you expect from an incoming President who thinks that this is a chick!
But we know it’s hate and bigotry that sustains the American right…
Insecure “men” such as Mr dana and trump get an ego boost mocking others. They prefer doing it in the embrace of their own tribe, (band of monkeys), hooting their approval!
With no self-awareness in the least, Mr dana, Mr Kye and Mr TEACH all post their photos! LOL.
In two hours your Messiah will be a footnote of history.*
* Presidential Rankings: Abraham Lincoln (1) … James Buchanan (42), Andrew Johnson (43), Donald Trump (44), until 2025 when trump drops another rung.
OK, Mr Settled Science: do you believe that Richard Levine, a person born with a penis and testicles, a person with XY chromosomes, a person who fathered two children¹, is actually a female, actually a woman?
Take your time answering; we’ll wait.
Well, that’s true, because we aren’t ashamed of who we are, and don’t hide it. I even know Kye’s real name, though he chooses not to use it. I even have, in my Twitter profile, “If you can’t guess my pronouns from my picture, you aren’t too bright.”
You, on the other hand, do hide who you are; what do you have to hide?
¹ – Well, allegedly; the mama’s baby, papa’s maybe factor does exist!
Perhaps the incoming Secretary of Defense can come up with an Oath for soldiers to make sure they aren’t raaaaacists or evil reich-wing extremists. I suggest this one:
Oops! I messed up a formatting tag. Adding this to close tags.
Nothing new. The US military has been against racism since at least the Nixon administration. They have had special anti-racism officers at every level of command. We can always count on the biden administration to pretend they are full of new ideas.
Actually since President Truman.
Despite his racist upbringing, the racist Truman (read his letters!) integrated the Armed Forces (EO 9981) and federal workforce (EO 9980) by executive order.
Has racism (or sexism) been eliminated from our military? No. So the efforts continue. Did trump take actions against racism in the military? No.
Interestingly, TEACH equates racism with Republican voters.
Not all Republicans are racists but most racists vote Republican (if they vote at all).
Why does TEACH want to protect racists and reactionary extremists in the military? Why does he take a shot at transgendered military members, who volunteered to protect America?
Then TEACH denigrates the men and women of the military yet to be!!
But then hate is what sustains the American right…
I guess that Mr Dowd — at least, I assume he’s Mr Dowd; unwilling to post his own photo, I guess he could be Miss Dowd — thinks that the men in the military are women yet to be.
Rimjob has always been hot for chicks with sticks and underage boys.
Bwaha! Lolgf
Soon the junta will be installed behind a wall and surrounded by a division on US troops. Seems apropos for an illegal leader to be so well protected. I see the fascists fear the NG will turn on them because they’re mostly white and voted Trump. I just don’t want my boy caught in the crossfire. My youngest foster son is in DC to protest if they can without being slaughtered by the fascist stazi. He’s there with several other guys. He’s the only black guy in the group.
I can’t remember who, maybe Joe Sobran, made the comment about the left’s “mating and migratory habits†being the same as the KKK. They’re currently flocking to areas like Tennessee and Texas.
This video will KILL Elwood. Hahahaha (if I can get it to work)
And to those who voted for Biden
Buh bye, former president Trump.
Former Vice President represented the past administration in the peaceful transfer of power in the world’s greatest democracy.
Trump, petulant to the very end, refused to attend the inauguration.
GOP House and Senate leaders, who will need to work with the administration and the Dem control of Congress, attended the inauguration and not Trump’s sad departure.
And to those that voted for Trump and even supported overturning the election, and even supported the overthrow of American Democracy, welcome back.
Mr Dowd lies through his scummy teeth:
Would this be the same Mr Dowd who posted:
Somehow, your words ring hollow.
But, that’s OK. The left has told us, for the past 4¼ years, that dissent is noble, that resistance is honorable, that working to overturn the results of the last election is patriotic. Well then, color me noble, honorable and patriotic!
Rimjob called us racists and conspiracy theorists that believe nothing but lies and then calls for “unity”.
Bwaha! Lolgf
You ARE racists and conspiracists that believe nothing but lies, but all is forgiven if you wish to rejoin America.
If you want to continue your BS, then LOLGF!
So much for the faux concern for unity.
That didn’t take long.
Bwaha! Lolgf
We won’t lie about the the kind of animal you are but you’re welcome back into the fold of decent America if you can behave.
America doesn’t need the support of losers such as yourself, but you’re welcomed none the less.
Or you continue to be an outcast.
The only outcast loser around here is the lyin’ denyin’ kiddie diddlin’ little pussy affectionately known as Rimjob.
Ask the others if you’re unsure.
Bwaha! Lolgf
Of course, the American nuRight is sustained by hatred and bigotry. But even so, give up your childish ways and welcome back to America. If you can’t relinquish your childish things…
Dissent IS noble. Insurrection is not. Perhaps the peeved Mr dana doesn’t understand the difference.
By all means work your ample ass off to overturn the election, but please do it legally and not by the antics exhibited by former president trump and his mutineers. You can impeach Mr Biden, you can persuade his cabinet to relieve him or you 2nd Amendment him (the nuCon favorite, but illegal). Or you can vote him out Nov 2024.
The esteemed Mr Dowd attempted to misrepresent what I said. I wrote:
But Mr Dowd replied:
Note that I used dissent, resistance and working to overturn the results of the last election; I did not use insurrection
However, we saw insurrection, all summer long, in the antifa and Black Lives Matter riots, yet I fail to recall the esteemed Mr Dowd calling those insurrections. The insurrectionists in Seattle even created the “Capitol Hill Autonomous Zone,” denying access to law enforcement. How was that not insurrection?
It appears that Mr Dowd has little problem with insurrection, with rebellion, with burning and beating and looting, when those things are done in support of the causes of which he approves.
“Of course, the American nuRight is sustained by hatred and bigotry.”
If you and people like you actually believe that bigoted, racist and completely inaccurate broad stereotype only believed by the ignorant and themselves hateful then there is no need for further discussion.
We understand your hate when you identify our dissent as insurrection and not noble while claiming the high ground on the ashes of 20 burned cities and at least 26 dead innocent bodies whilst claiming that was not insurrection but “basically peaceful” protest. If you can’t be honest with yourself you’ll never be honest with us.
I guess the unwarranted murder of innocent Ashli Babbitt makes your count 27 and means nothing.
BTW, how many people will Chairman Xiden let die today from Red Chinese Democommie Flu? Now they’re his numbers. If he can’t miraculously stop the Flu why did you expect Trump to?
You seem to be under the mistaken impression that I’m concerned about you feelings. Trump is gone, your rebellion failed, now go and sin no more.
Did you not get the memo on Covid from your masters? It’s now called the “CCP Flu”. It’s on all the right-wing blogs suddenly.