…is an evil assault weapon, which are always carried by climate deniers, you might just be a Warmist
The blog of the day is Bustednuckles, with a post on WordPress deplatforming more blogs.

…is an evil assault weapon, which are always carried by climate deniers, you might just be a Warmist
The blog of the day is Bustednuckles, with a post on WordPress deplatforming more blogs.
Bwaha! Lolgf
Wait, what? You posted a picture of a girl with a gun? On Inauguration Day! Your site hosting service is going to deplatform you.
They’re not as easy to murder.
Good question.
Bwaha! Lolgf
Can you see it?
The spirit of the Biden inaugural is breaking out on empty streets, avenues and alleys all across America.
Bwaha! Lolgf
74,000,000 Americans are mentally ill to various extents. How do we “cure” so many who believe that Trump won the election by way of a conspiracy that involved the FBI, DOJ, Attorney General, every county, state and federal judge on the bench, every state election official and poll worker. This is flat Earth wackadoodle. Can these Americans recognize the wackadoodleness of this belief?
Many of the 74 million were taken in by a the QAnon conspiracy believing the Democrats ran a global pedophile/cannibal ring that Mr Trump was ordained to break up, arresting the Clintons, the Obamas, Comey, the Bidens and executing them.
Most of the 74 million believe that the Covid pandemic was intentionally created and released by the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) to weaken Trump in his mission to destroy the pedophile/cannibal cabal, or just to destroy the rest of the world. Many believe that Covid is a hoax.
Many believe that it’s planned that Mr Biden will be quickly replaced by VP Harris and communism will become the new policy of America. Surprisingly, Rep Greene is part of this conspiracy promising to submit articles of impeachment by tomorrow.
Whatever the reason, we are in a civil war. Even your lord , Biden, acknowledged that fact.
Thanks to the steal, we will have an environment similar to Ireland around 1920. I am sure you are happy, we will change that.
Are you helping to form the equivalent of the IRA here to fight the US Armed Forces or do you think the US military will join your band?
Will it start out as terrorist attacks on government buildings, schools and businesses?
Our civil unrest is because willfully ignorant trumpists want things their way, like at Burger King.
You hate, detest, loathe, abhor, despise the diversification of America. Blacks and Mexicans and Gays, Oh my! You feel/believe that non-white, non-straight, non-christian Americans aren’t as “patriotic” as you and will be the destruction of America, the nation that gave you such an easy life.
The predictions that trump would overturn the election were false. The belief that trump appointed judges would award him the election was false. The belief that trump would smite the interlopers at the last minute was false. Turns out trump is not a god but was just a bad president.
We suspect your belief that an uprising of AR-15 toting nuCons will seize the reins of government from our democratic Republic will also turn out to be false. But we understand why you say such things.
That is some meaningless rant, none founded in reality.
I thought you saved your hate for this site. But then found your stupid comment on surber and other conservative areas. You really are nuts.
“You hate, detest, loathe, abhor, despise the diversification of America. Blacks and Mexicans and Gays, Oh my! You feel/believe that non-white, non-straight, non-christian Americans aren’t as “patriotic†as you and will be the destruction of America, the nation that gave you such an easy life.”
Do they have trees on your planet? What color is the sky? I thought liberals were OPPOSED to stereotyping. Apparently, I was incorrect.
Are you yourself ready to pick up a weapon and begin fighting in this civil war? Teach? What about you? Ready to walk the walk ?
“74,000,000 Americans are mentally ill to various extents. How do we “cure†so many who believe that Trump won the election by way of a conspiracy that involved the FBI, DOJ, Attorney General, every county, state and federal judge on the bench, every state election official and poll worker.”
74 million Democrats? Could be that many.
Nice strawman there, Jeffty. The fraud did not require all the people you name, just enough in the right positions.
Do you have a single piece of reliable evidence to support your charges? Trump’s $millions and collection of lawyers couldn’t find any.
They couldn’t find any judges to view their “evidence” as credible.
Trump lost. Biden won. It wasn’t that close.
What is your evidence that trump won? Cardboard on windows? Mysterious food trucks? Hearsay? Rumors? How did the cheaters know where Rudy G would file his cases?
What other crazy conspiracies drive your madness, anal?
Jeffty, I find your distortion of my screen name disturbing, since it apparently reminds you on your favorite activity. Sorry; I don’t swing that way. Maybe you should confide your fantasies to your boyfriends.
As far as the evidence, there’s quite a bit of it out there, but since you close your eyes and clap your hand over your eyes, you can’t perceive it.
How about analysis from people who actually know something about numbers?
Or the fact that those who signed affidavits that they say irregularities, who had a lot to lose (I’m guessing they’re all looking for lobs now) versus those who knew they’d lose nothing?
You sound exactly like a religious fundamentalist – “The Bible said it, I believe it, that settles it.” Just substitute “The State” for “The Bible”.
Again, sorry I can’t help you with your backdoor fantasies.
Trump’s letter to Biden revealed:
Bwaha! Lolgf
Unlikely. The Don will be busy trying to stay out of prison, and President Biden may be the only help he has.
Will our communist leader EVER pick a real American for any post? What could possibly go wrong. Well, at least Farting Swalwell has a new comrade. As the junta fills posts with perverts and commies they still can’t get Trump out of their brains. Elwood is still yammering. Winning isn’t good enough for these fascists, now Elwood is playing the Trump goes to prison blues. I am unaware of any crimes he’s committed since there are none but as usual the fascist always have a crime waiting in the wings. You know, show me the man and I’ll show you the crime type of commie shit. I guess we should be thankful Elwood hasn’t decided to have Trump (and us) executed yet. Many of his comrades in the media and in Hollywood have suggested Trump be murdered but that’s to be expected. After all they won so now they have to do the fascist “retribution & revenge” stuff. Winning alone is no good without a stack of bodies.
Bill Burns – Joe Biden’s pick to lead the Central Intelligence Agency – serves as the President of the Carnegie Endowment for International Peace which has over a decade-long relationship with the China-United States Exchange Foundation and other Chinese Communist Party-linked groups.
Burns has served as President of the think tank since 2014, overseeing its involvement with the China-United States Exchange Foundation (CUSEF) which dates back to at least 2009.
CUSEF – part of the Chinese Communist Party’s United Front effort that seeks to “co-opt and neutralize sources of potential opposition†and encourage foreign actors to “adopt positions supportive of Beijing’s preferred policies†– has sponsored trips for Chinese Communist Party officials to speak at the Carnegie Endowment for International Peace.
In 2009, the think tank hosted former Shanghai Mayor and Vice Chairman of the Chinese Communist Party’s Political Consultative Conference for a“keynote speech†on a trip paid for by CUSEF.
Weren’t youse guys talking about locking up Hillary Clinton, the Obamas, Bill C and on and on.
Remember “Lock them up!” “Lock her up!”. Trump led those chants himself. “Lock ’em up. Lock ’em all up” he said at a rally.
It’s unlikely that President Biden will allow the DOJ to pursue trump over his many obstruction of justice cases. It’s unclear what the NY investigations of Trump and Trump Inc will reveal.
William Burns became President of Carnegie Endowment for International Peace on Feb 4, 2015, not in 2014 as asserted by whomever you copied and pasted word for word.
“William Burns became President of Carnegie Endowment for International Peace on Feb 4, 2015, not in 2014 as asserted by whomever you copied and pasted word for word.”
And the error of the exact date affects the fact he’s a fukin commie how?
I can see how Chairman Xiden is going to “unite us” already. With zealots of the Church of Fascism like Elwood unity of any kind is not possible.
If the author fudged the date, what else did they fudge?
Much of what conservatives believe to be true, is not.
There is no evidence supporting your claim that Mr Burns is a “fukin commie”.
On the other hand the Tangelo Messiah, through Trump International Hotels Management, paid $188,561 in taxes in China while pursuing licensing deals there from 2013 to 2015. Ivanka had trademarks awarded by China just after daddy became Prez. Sounds to me as if Donald and his daughter-wife Ivanka may be “fukin commies”.
Much of what conservatives believe to be true, is not.
News flash at 11:00! Simply repeating what people who value the truth always knew… But with libs, this will probably go right over their heads anyway-can’t mess with the false narrative… Hope they send a copy to Mitch McChina…https://pjmedia.com/news-and-politics/matt-margolis/2021/01/20/now-the-washington-post-admits-trump-did-not-incite-the-capitol-riot-n1398722
Yikes, tough talk from the National Review’s Kevin Williamson:
You Trumpish Republicans sneered that Joe Biden was too corrupt and too senescent to win a presidential campaign, that he was one part mafioso and one part turnip.
That turnip kicked your dumb asses from Delaware to D.C.
So you rioted. Real smart move, Cletus.
Five Americans are dead. Barricades have been erected around the Capitol. Thousands of federal troops have been deployed to the streets of Washington. State capitols have been obliged to prepare for siege. Americans blame you for this — and they are not wrong.
“Trust the plan,†the QAnon cultists say. Is this what you were planning? I know you are stupid, but you are not that stupid.
“Oh, but he fights!†you’ll say — over and over and over. He didn’t fight — he tweeted. He’s ten feet tall on social media and a pushover in real life. Trade deficit: up. Unemployment rate: rising. Abortion rate: rising. Beijing: rising. The coronavirus body-count: rising.
But he sure did tweet a lot!
And he pardoned Roger Stone — at least he took care of that pressing national priority.
“But the judges!†you protest. Fair point: Trump’s absurd attempts to overturn the election through specious legal challenges were laughed out of court by the very men and women he appointed to the bench. Even his judges think he’s a joke.
Everybody has figured that out. Except you.