…is the US flag, which is now a great country because it rejoined the Paris Climate agreement, you might just be a Warmist
The blog of the day is The Other McCain, with a post on buyer’s remorse.

…is the US flag, which is now a great country because it rejoined the Paris Climate agreement, you might just be a Warmist
The blog of the day is The Other McCain, with a post on buyer’s remorse.
Ironical ain’t it…
Bwaha! Lolgf
Its all a shell game for the left and the RIGHT. Both sides do it.
Liz Chenny of Wyoming already has a Primary opponent who has raised 250,000 in one week.
Good Ole Lucy from SC. She suked Trumps dik while he was prez and he worked hard at campaigning for her and got her elected defeating a heavily favored DEM INCUMBENT>
She just signed her political death warrant by throwing Trump under the Bus and saying only reason I didnt vote to impeach him was cause they were rushing it.
LOL….She forgot you have to be their 6 years to get that premium lifetime benefits package. NOT TWO.
So President Trump, in his efforts to steal GA, had enlisted Jeffrey Clark, acting chief of DOJ civil division, in Trump’s idea to fire Jeffrey Rosen, the acting Attorney General, so that Clark could lead the charge in pressuring the GA officials to overturn Biden’s victory there. Representative Scott Perry (R-PA), a far-right Freedom Caucus member, coordinated much of the conspiracy.
“Department officials were startled to learn that the president had called Mr. Clark directly on multiple occasions and that the two had met in person without alerting Mr. Rosen, those officials said. Justice Department policy stipulates that the president initially communicates with the attorney general or the deputy attorney general on all matters, and then a lower-level official if authorized.”
DOJ Inspector General, Michael “Horowitz, has already opened an investigation into whether Trump administration officials improperly pressured Byung J. Pak, who abruptly resigned this month as the U.S. attorney in Atlanta after being pressed to take actions related to the election.”
The man is no longer President yet still lives rent free in Rimjob’s head.
#Unity Motherf@ckers!
Bwaha! Lolgf
Hopefully for both sides Trump goes to prison. The left will believe he had Putin hiding in the white house under the bed for four years if some one reports it. The right will never believe anything the federal government says again.
I mean you can show the left video of GA officials counting the same votes over and over all night long and they DON”T BELIEVE it.
So what makes you think anyone is going to believe your reporting by a clearly biased MSN, Elwood??
When they put Trump on trial for Doing EVERYTHING EVERY OTHER PRESIDENT HAS EVER DONE….well why the hell not. Its time for a good old fashioned civil war.
And the intellectual left is trying to disband the police and the MILITARY while staring down the barrel of a civil war. BRILLIANT!!!!!!
We realize all the left cares about is revenge because all they have is hate but it’s a very bad precedent to start jailing former presidents and making their income taxes public records.
We realize the frustration felt by malcontents and misanthropes like Elwood by not being able to imprison or execute both Trump and all his supporters as these feelings have been stated by several leftists as of late. Of course that’s not inciting murder and insurrection like Trump did. That’s unity you dog faced pony soldier.
Even former Presidents are not above the law. For decades all other Presidents have made their income tax documents public. We pay federal taxes, so should Presidents.
Trump’s actions the last two months border on sedition, and he may have crossed the border. His just revealed meddling within the DOJ is highly troubling. As a nation we can’t let this happen again.
It’s not revenge, it’s protection.
We understand your disappointment that your idol turns out to have feet of clay. In reality you knew this already but accepted his failings, even celebrated his failings.
President Biden is now focused on 1) addressing the pandemic and 2) helping Americans harmed by the pandemic. We need to coordinate our federal/state partnerships in delivering the vaccine. While millionaires and corporations received over 1 trillion, it’s now time for working class Americans to be helped. Biden doesn’t give two shits about Donald Trump.
Rimjob back to same old boring copy&paste.
But like Rimjob I repeat myself.
#Unity Motherf@ckers!
Bwaha! Lolgf
“Even former Presidents are not above the law. For decades all other Presidents have made their income tax documents public. We pay federal taxes, so should Presidents.”
Elwood, even a moron like you would know if a high profile guy like Trump didn’t pay his taxes he would have been crucified by the IRS like Leona Helmsely or any others who thought they were “above the law”. And all other Presidents were quite welcome to make their income tax documents public, OR NOT!!! There is no law requiring it, nor should there be because of people like you who would use such information to destroy innocent people for the crime of taking legal deductions, banking off shore or doing business with someone you personally hate. It’s a fascist witch hunt and that’s all it is. You’re trying to scare future Trump partners or associates from dealing with him because they may be investigated for political reasons disguised as legal investigations. BTW, President Trump did pay his taxes or he’d be in prison for tax evasion. Or don’t you think the IRS is competent enough to audit him?
The only sedition going on around here are the fascists that cheat at elections.
And it it revenge because it “protects” no one from anything. It’s an illegal attempt by fascists to find out Trumps total worth, where it’s located and who his business partners are. The first two are so they can steal his wealth with some TRUMPED UP phony charge like you just did. The last is so the fascists can show the world if you deal with a non-elite they can hurt you too. Everything you fascists do is designed to HURT SOMBODY, be it Whites, Christians, Patriots, the oil industry or any other person or entity you have decided are “seditious” or in some anti fascist way illegal.
“We understand your disappointment that your idol turns out to have feet of clay.”
Really, how so? We understand your hatred is so ingrained for Trump and White Patriots you are disappointed we cannot all be shot. You would imprison or kill us all if you could. We also understand your Senile Messiah had to cheat to win but even with all the evidence you can’t accept he’s illegitimate. A phony illegal, corrupt president and a whore vice president (president in waiting).
What chairman Xiden is concentrating on is not pissing in his Depends and keeping his corrupt drug addict son out of prison along with his corrupt grifter of a brother. Xiden may not “give two shits about Trump” but you are just as obsessed with him now as you were when he was in office. You are really fuked up in the head Elwood, you suffer from PTDS (Post Trump Derangement Syndrome). You got it bad you old Nazi, really bad.
[…] It Over Yet? The Pirate’s Cove […]
The man is single-handedly trying to cause an economic depression.
And he’s just getting started.
#Unity Motherf@ckers!
Here is Biden’s 3-day “accomplishment list”:
â— Biden ordered border wall stopped
â— Biden ordered all illegal aliens released
â— Biden is promoting mass amnesty
â— Biden kills thousands of American and Canadian jobs by cancelling Keystone XL pipeline
â— Biden cancels oil and gas drilling permits on federal land
â— Biden cancels fracking on federal land
â— Biden swaps Churchill’s bust for Cesar Chavez’
â— Biden forced National Guard to sleep in parking garage
â— Biden freezes Trump’s life saving medications affordability
â— Biden cancels “1776 Project” to teach American history
â— Biden revokes Trump’s China ban on U.S. power grid
â— Biden re-joins Paris Climate Accord that sends money to polluting countries to pollute more
â— Biden orders vaccine distribution levels that Trump had already achieved
â— Biden neglects to wear mask after signing federal property mask mandate
â— Biden kills girls’ sports by forcing competition with biological boys
â— Biden prepares to end Trump’s cancellation of federally funded abortions
â— Iran restarts uranium fuel production and calls for unconditional lift of U.S. sanctions.
â— ISIS reforms, kills 32 in Baghdad bombing, and will be “reestablishing diplomatic relations” with the Biden administration
â— North Korea unveils ballistic-missile-capable submarine
â— Russia exits Open Skies Treaty after Biden calls Russia #1 threat
â— US military convoy has entered northeast Sytria
â— “Preferred pronouns” added to government website
Here is Biden’s 3-day “accomplishment listâ€:
â— Biden ordered border wall stopped – good! A waste of money and effort.
â— Biden ordered all illegal aliens released – No, that’s just a dumb lie, sucker.
â— Biden is promoting mass amnesty – As comprehensive immigration reform. But up to Congress.
â— Biden kills thousands of American and Canadian jobs by cancelling Keystone XL pipeline – good! Canadian jobs? LOL.
â— Biden cancels oil and gas drilling permits on federal land – No, another lie. Only NEW permits.
â— Biden cancels fracking on federal land – No, another lie. Stopped NEW permits on federal land.
â— Biden swaps Churchill’s bust for Cesar Chavez’ – No. Many busts were replaced, but Mr Chavez was a great American citizen, Churchill was not.
â— Biden forced National Guard to sleep in parking garage – untrue
â— Biden freezes Trump’s life saving medications affordability – Trump’s EO applied to only 2 drugs and wasn’t in effect until Mar 2021. Biden’s team has a better, more universal plan.
â— Biden cancels “1776 Project†to teach American history – good!
â— Biden revokes Trump’s China ban on U.S. power grid – Trump instituted the policy AFTER his loss
â— Biden re-joins Paris Climate Accord that sends money to polluting countries to pollute more – good!
â— Biden orders vaccine distribution levels that Trump had already achieved – No.
â— Biden neglects to wear mask after signing federal property mask mandate – big deal
â— Biden kills girls’ sports by forcing competition with biological boys – Not mentioned in the EO.
â— Biden prepares to end Trump’s cancellation of federally funded abortions – good!
â— Iran restarts uranium fuel production and calls for unconditional lift of U.S. sanctions – under Trump
â— ISIS reforms, kills 32 in Baghdad bombing, and will be “reestablishing diplomatic relations†with the Biden administration – from the Babylon Bee, a conservative Christian news satire website
â— North Korea unveils ballistic-missile-capable submarine – developed while Trump was Prez
â— Russia exits Open Skies Treaty after Biden calls Russia #1 threat – Trump withdrew in May 2020
â— US military convoy has entered northeast Syria – No. Another lie. Same supply lines continue as under Trump.
◠“Preferred pronouns†added to government website – good!
Please don’t believe everything printed on conservative websites.
Much of what conservatives take as gospel, is not.
Stop, cancel, revoke…
Thanks Joey.
#Unity Motherf@ckers!
Bwaha! Lolgf
We realize all the left cares about is revenge because all they have is hate but it’s a very bad precedent to start jailing former presidents and making their income taxes public records.
We realize the frustration felt by malcontents and misanthropes like Elwood by not being able to imprison or execute both Trump and all his supporters as these feelings have been stated by several leftists as of late. Of course that’s not inciting murder and insurrection like Trump did. That’s unity you dog faced pony soldier.
It WAS conservatives calling to “Lock Them Up!” and trump who said “Lock ’em up, lock ’em all up.”
It was conservatives storming the Capitol screaming “Hang Mike Pence!”, even having a makeshift gallows outside.
Qanon and followers were enthralled with the plot that the omnipotent Trump would declare martial law, swoop in arrest and execute the Obamas, Clintons, Bidens, many other Dems and libs, you know, The Storm that Ms Babbitt referenced. How disappointed were the Stormers when Trump didn’t rescue them when they ransacked the Capitol?
Kye, when you attribute your own hatreds and desired actions to your opponents, it’s called “projection”. You know that.
With conservatives, it’s always projection. We never forget that maxim.
So Rimjob, shouldn’t you be ratting out all your neighbors that voted for Trump?
#Unity Motherf@ckers!

Bwaha! Lolgfy
The Lil Crotchsniffer makes less sense than usual.
We fully understand that anyone who voted for Trump is to be pitied, but it’s clearly not illegal to vote for a crook, even a traitor such as trump. Who would one tell that their neighbors voted for trump, you silly lil pervert, you. And as far as I know, none of them Stormed the Capitol in hopes to “Hang Mike Pence!” BTW, do you believe VP Pence was disloyal to your messiah?
On the other hand Trump may have used the presidency to launder money, enrich his company and family, and negotiate business deals at the expense of national security. As a nation we need to take steps to not enable the election of someone as corrupt as The Don.
Oh I see.
No evidence after 5 years of investigation of the former President but plenty of documented evidence against Joey.
Check the videotapes and Hunter’s laptop.
Speak of corruption will ya.
Bwaha! You’re stupid.
#Unity Motherf@cker!
Mr Est,
By all means please release the credible video that shows the same ballots being counted over and over again. The problem is that no one has been able to do that. Mr Biden won the election. It was not stolen from you or Trump, it’s just that more people voted for Biden than Trump. Even under our arcane Electoral College system which counts a Wyoming vote as more valuable than a California vote, Mr Biden won decisively.
Not every President has attempted to overturn an election, at least not in my lifetime. Mr Gore lost by 537 votes in FL in the contested 2000 election but conceded when the Supreme Court made their decision. There were no reports of him trying to enlist Mr Obama’s DOJ the put their thumb on the scales. In fact, it was Mr Gore who certified the Congressional vote!! Ms Clinton won the popular vote in 2016 but conceded the next day. Why would Gore and Clinton do that? Because they valued America over personal gain or party.
Confederate flags, Swastikas and MAGA, symbols of defeated Lost Causes. You talk a good game but do you really want a civil war?
I’ve given more time than you warrant.