New Mexico voted 54-43 for China Joe. But, hey, mean Tweets, right?
President Joe Biden's 60-day moratorium on new oil and natural gas leases and drilling permits is prompting widespread concerns in New Mexico, where spending on education and other government programs hinges on the industry's success.
— The Associated Press (@AP) January 23, 2021
We all know that the 60 day moratorium will be more like four years, right? You can bet the leaders in New Mexico know it won’t end as long as Joe (or Kamala) is in office. From the link
President Joe Biden’s 60-day moratorium on new oil and natural gas leases and drilling permits is prompting widespread concerns in New Mexico, where spending on education and other public programs hinges on the industry’s success.
Top Republicans in the state as well as local leaders in communities that border the Permian Basin — one of the most productive regions in the U.S. — say any moves to make permanent the suspension would be economically devastating for the state. Half of New Mexico’s production happens on federal land and amounts to hundreds of millions of dollars in royalties each year.
Congressional members from other western states also are raising concerns, saying the ripple effects of the moratorium will hurt small businesses already struggling because of the pandemic.
“During his inauguration, President Biden spoke about bringing our nation together. Eliminating drilling on public lands will cost thousands of New Mexicans their jobs and destroy what’s left of our state’s economy,†Carlsbad Mayor Dale Janway told The Associated Press on Friday. “How does that bring us together? Environmental efforts should be fair and well-researched, not knee-jerk mandates that just hurt an already impoverished state.†(snip)
Industry groups said the order effectively brings all regulatory activity to a halt, from routine requests that arise during the normal course of business to requests for rights of way for new pipelines designed to gather more natural gas as part of efforts to reduce venting and flaring — practices that Democrats have targeted in their fight against climate change.
Yet, Joe is still using fossil fuels to travel around, as are all his appointees. As Jason Chaffetz notes
Hey, New Mexico, you voted for this. You get what you vote for. In this case, thousands and thousands of people will be out of a job. Biden’s pause on oil cause for big concern in New Mexico #BetYouMissTrumpNow
You get what you vote for. Mean tweets from Trump vs really bad policies for America and Americans from Biden.
As a side issue, it also makes you consider “why in the hell does the U.S. government own so much state land?” 34% of New Mexico is owned by the federal government. Over one third. There are certainly states much worse (Ca, Alaska, Oregon, Utah, Nevada, Idaho (yup, 61.6%)), but, Los Federales should not have that much power in a state in a Federal Republic.
Anyhow, when gas prices and energy prices (natural gas) start spiking, don’t blame Trump.

“Anyhow, when gas prices and energy prices (natural gas) start spiking, don’t blame Trump.”
That will be my only political satisfaction for the next (at least) 2 years, laughing at the idiots who can’t understand why everything’s getting more expensive and scarcer.
Joey is bound and determined to start another economic Great Depression.
His nominee Buttplug is already railing about doubling or tripling the federal tax on gasoline.
Less than a week in office and people are already sensing buyer’s remorse.
#Unity Motherf@ckers!

Bwaha! Lolgf
You were warned but you accepted the lies the left were telling you. Suffer for the next four years you stupid assholes.
Capitalists do not agre with the doom and gloom
The Dow is up 20% since the election
Capitalists like Biden!!
The next time anyone needs some financial advice be sure to check in with Johnnie Retard first.
#Unity Motherf@cker!
Bwaha! Lolgf
Actually, John-the Dow was about 26925 on Nov. 3rd and was 30,996 on Friday. That’s about 15% . When Trump was elected, the Dow was at 17,888, and finished at 26995 on Nov,3rd. That’s up 50%. Capitalists love Trump.
They wanted Joe Biden. They got Joe Biden. And now they own Joe Biden’s policies!
There’s more at the original, but this is no surprise at all to anyone who paid any attention. Mr Biden has done just what he promised to do! But the left have no flaming idea what life is really like for the working-class, nor do they care.
in Idaho we cherish the Wild Public Lands, yes they are “Federal”, but they’re free for all Americans to enjoy. Try changing that here and you are met with a fierce response…
Thanks Joey!
Bwaha! Lolgf
Amazing that China Joe doesn’t understand that fracking is what has allowed the US to decrease their CO2 emissions, for those that are scared of CO2. He obviously knows that even though 3 phases of Keystone have already been built and are up and running, this last phase will be the one to cause more bad weather…
Thanks Joey!
#Unity Motherf@ckers!