Would this mean that Joe, Chuck, and the rest of the unhinged climate cultists in the US government would be forced to practice what they preach?
Schumer calls for Biden to declare climate emergency
Senate Majority Leader Charles Schumer (D-N.Y.) said on Monday night that President Biden should consider declaring an emergency when it comes to the climate.
“It might be a good idea for President Biden to call a climate emergency,” Schumer told MSNBC’s Rachel Maddow.
Schumer appeared to be referencing Biden making a national emergency declaration, with the Senate leader noting that former President Trump used it for the border wall.
“He can do many, many things under the emergency powers … that he could do without legislation,” Schumer added about what authority Biden would have if he used his emergency powers.
“Trump used this emergency for a stupid wall, which wasn’t an emergency. But if there ever was an emergency, climate is one,” Schumer added.
The wall was authorized by numerous duly passed pieces of legislation signed into law by previous presidents. Under what authority given by the Constitution and/or Legislative Branch would Joe be able to do this? Rachel didn’t ask, and you can bet almost no reporter will ask
Declaring a national emergency would give Biden more leeway on combating climate change, including being able to direct additional funding.
In other words, it will give Los Federales more power over the private sector, including you. Meanwhile, these same climate cultists like Chuck and Joe will continue to travel around in fossil fueled vehicles and planes, use lots and lots of electricity, and just be climahypocrites.
Though legislation typically needs 60 votes to clear the Senate, Schumer told MSNBC that Democrats were also studying ways that they could include climate change legislation and parts of Biden’s Build Back Better plan under reconciliation.
The budget tactic allows some spending-related bills to pass the Senate with only a simple majority. But Democrats are limited in how frequently they could use it.
Schumer noted that the first reconciliation bill was likely to go toward coronavirus relief because Democrats want to move quickly and Biden’s $1.9 trillion relief proposal has gotten GOP pushback.
Reconciliation can only be used 3 times a year. Right here the Dems are showing that they are going to jam through their agenda. Yes, things are going to get ugly. And Democrats still won’t practice what they preach, though they’ll happily force you to practice what they preach.

Teach who says that others must be 100% pure in their actions to what they preach
Himself was only a cheerleader in the War on Terrir After 9/11 he had the chance to enlist but chose not to do that
He claims abortion is really murder but is never doing any physical actions to stop it
I don’t believe I ever heard Biden say tgat everyone must immediately stop the use of all fossil fuels.
Teach if he did you you please cite it?
“Give it to Joey, he’ll sign it”.
#Unity Motherf@ckers!
Bwaha! Lolgf
Translation: the Majority Leader wants the President to do by executive order what he does not believe he can passed by legislation.
At least the Reichstag had to pass the Ermächtigungsgesetz to give der Führer the power to rule by decree. The Distinguished Gentleman from New York doesn’t even see that step as necessary.
“At least the Reichstag had to pass the Ermächtigungsgesetz to give der Führer the power to rule by decree.”
That’s exactly what this is, “rule by decree”. It’s The Great Reset. We are no longer citizens, we are subjects.
Funny, it’s been a “climate emergency†for about 20 years…
Meanwhile, Grandpa Earpiece is already sticking it to the poor and middle class…https://twitter.com/tony__heller/status/1353718503467966464?s=21
Nope. They are our betters and they believe that.
They will fly about, drive in luxurious Limos, run their mansions at 64 degrees on hot summer nights and at 72 degrees on the coldest days. They don’t care about the price of heating oil, gasoline or electricity because they have so much wealth from their “lucky” investments and speaking fees.
Their biggest fear is being voted out of office and loosing all their perks.