Monthly Archives: January 2021

Climate Crisis (scam) Suit Heads To The Supreme Court

It’d be really funny if SCOTUS told Baltimore to stop using fossil fuels if they care so much Fight to make Big Oil pay for climate change heads to Supreme Court Baltimore may be a continent away from San Francisco, but the coastal cities have at least one thing in common: rising seas. Both are […]

If All You See…

…are horrible fossil fueled vehicles causing heat snow, you might just be a Warmist The blog of the day is A View From The Beach, with a post on building that wall.

China Joe Rejects Trump Getting Rid Of Travel Bans Joe Was Against

Joe was against travel bans before he was for them (Twitchy) The Washington Post declared travel bans are a ”mistake”, but it gets worse. Politico suggested the ban would be ”antagonizing Chinese leaders, as well as stigmatizing people of Asian descent.” The New York Times asserted the ban from Chinese travel would be stoking hatred. Democrats were against the China […]

Climate Cult Still Pushing For Green COVID Recovery

Democrats do not even know how to do a regular recovery, based on the state of their states and cities, and are often no allowing any sort of economic recovery to occur, locking people and businesses down all over the place, yet, they want a “green recovery” New research suggests 1.5C climate target will be […]

Democratic Ideas: Shutting Down Free Speech, Creating A Domestic Spy Agency

There have been plenty of hot takes from Democrats and #NeverTrumpers on what to do about “extremism” (but not from their lunatics, of course) since the mostly peaceful D.C. protest. Not that they haven’t looked to restrict free speech from political opponents for a long time, but, now they are really ramping it up Violence […]

UN Demands Money For Paris Agreement, China Joe Ready To Comply

Non-first world nations and small island nations loved the Paris Climate Agreement, as it created lots of redistributed climate cash to them, with no strings attached, because the 1st World nations “owed” it. China Joe will surely send it, because, lord knows, American citizens don’t need it right now, eh? U.N. Demands Payments for Climate […]

If All You See…

…are wonderful carbon sucking trees, you might just be a Warmist The blog of the day is Blazing Cat Fur, with a post on ice cream from China contaminated with Bat Soup Virus.

Who’s Up For Social Distancing Dog Collars?

I’m not sure how I’m supposed to feel about this High Decibel Social Distancing ‘Dog Collars’ for Factory Workers Deployed A Swedish manufacturer in France has been accused of treating their employees like dogs after the company asked its workers to wear a social distancing device that emits a high decibel sound if employees are […]

The Earth Is Dying Faster Than We Thought Or Something

We can solve this with a tax, you know The planet is dying faster than we thought Humanity is barreling toward a “ghastly future” of mass extinctions, health crises and constant climate-induced disruptions to society — one that can only be prevented if world leaders start taking environmental threats seriously, scientists warn in a new […]

Who’s Up For Some MACA (Make America California Again)?

A bold move by China Joe and The Los Angeles Times Make America California Again? That’s Biden’s plan After four years of being relentlessly targeted by a Republican president who worked overtime to bait, punish and marginalize California and everything it represents, the state is suddenly center stage again in Washington’s policy arena. Huh what? Targeted? That was California’s Xavier […]

Pirate's Cove