…is the need to build homes high up for when the seas rise dozens of feet, you might just be a Warmist
The blog of the day is America’s Watchtower, with a post on the draconian gun registration bill introduced by nutty Sheila Jackson-Lee.

…is the need to build homes high up for when the seas rise dozens of feet, you might just be a Warmist
The blog of the day is America’s Watchtower, with a post on the draconian gun registration bill introduced by nutty Sheila Jackson-Lee.
According to this medical essay, I’ve been wrong in labeling conspiracists as “delusional”. My apologies. Conspiracists are usually NOT mentally ill, but are persuaded by events or perceived events and can be “talked down” based on correct information. Delusional people cannot be persuaded with evidence.
The beliefs of conspiracists are usually false but not always. No so with those that are clinically deluded.
This may explain why so many QAnon conspiracists now realize their beliefs were false and are willing to give them up. Many Republicans tacitly agreed that the election was stolen, but now recognize it was not. Those with delusions rarely if ever lose their delusions because of new evidence.
Marjorie Taylor Greene was an ardent QAnon conspiracist but now claims she was misled by online literature, especially facebook.
Rimjob proves that with every comment.
Since Rimjob brought up the subject of delusion.
Thank the Lord for fossil fuels!
In January of 2018, we got slammed with an ice storm, and the sparktricity was out for 4½ days. The house was all electric, so that meant no light, no heat, no cooking and no hot water.
But, as we are remodeling, we added a propane hot water heater, a propane range, and a propane fireplace. If we lose power in this storm, fossil fuels will keep us comfortable, clean and warm.
Elwood P Dowd hurt worst.
In other news
It doesn’t matter. Only Republican Presidents obey judges orders. Democrats are above the law. no prosecutor will bring changes. No judge will hear the case. No jury will convict. That’s what above the law looks like.
Gorgeous looking chick.
The World Health Organization investigation concluded that the SARS-CoV-2 virus likely originated from an animal not the virology lab in Wuhan.
We know, we know, WHO is made up of “foreigners” not to be trusted.
But they repeatedly stated they’re not really sure.
Rimjob can’t be trusted.
If you watched Trump’s defense attorney yesterday you heard him say:
America spoke and Mr Biden won the election,
the Justice Department can arrest Mr Trump and charge him.
How do rabid tRumpublicans continue when tRump won’t defend himself? He sent his lawyer to the Capitol to admit tRump lost the election and to throw himself on mercy of the DOJ and federal prosecutions.
tRump was reportedly livid watching the first day of his trial, clearly dominated by the prosecution with little push-back from the tRump defense (who admitted trump lost the election and that the Senate didn’t have the right to prosecute trump but the DOJ did!).
We think Mr Trump needs to take charge and defend himself on the floor of the Senate. (Oh please, oh please…).