Hey, this is what you voted for, Democrats and the deranged Never Trumpers. You happy with this? No, no, I don’t want to hear your complaints that you or your family members should get the vaccine before these foreigners, this is what you wanted with a China Joe presidency over Mr. Mean Tweets
Report: Foreign Nationals Traveling to U.S. to Get Coronavirus Vaccine Before Americans
Foreign nationals from a number of countries, but mostly Mexico, are flocking to the United States to get the vaccine for the Chinese coronavirus even as nearly 90 percent of Americans have yet to receive their first dose.
A report in the Washington Post detailed how likely thousands of foreign nationals are traveling to the U.S. to get the coronavirus vaccine, cutting in line before about 280 million Americans who have not yet been vaccinated.
The Post reports:
One of Mexico’s best-known TV hosts sat in a car, masked, looking straight ahead while a needle was plunged into his bare upper arm. Juan Jose “Pepillo†Origel was the latest Mexican national to get the coronavirus vaccine — by coming to the United States. [Emphasis added]
“I’ve known lots of Mexicans, thousands, who have gone to get the vaccine in the U.S.,†he added. “And nothing happened. In San Antonio, Laredo, all along the Mexican border, Mexicans are going to get the vaccine.â€Â [Emphasis added]
As noted by the Post, Center for Disease Control (CDC) officials have not set any guidelines on who is and is not eligible for coronavirus vaccination in terms of an individual’s immigration status. The policy, or lack of, has meant that likely thousands of illegal aliens in the U.S. have already received the vaccine.
Sounds great, right? Instead of your older mom and dad and grandparents getting it, illegal aliens and border crossers are getting it. Yes, I do think that those who are lawfully present in the U.S. at this time, those who have been here having come for work and/or school, should be eligible. Those who are just visiting? No. More from the Washington Post
California’s vaccination website explicitly states that residency is not a requirement for receiving the vaccine. Arizona acknowledges that it is probably vaccinating some border crossers along with the snowbirds it considers eligible.
California is probably thrilled to give it to illegals. The rich folk need vaccinated workers to do their lawns and clean their homes.
Behind the debate is the polarizing issue of immigration policy, now complicated by difficult health policy decisions during a pandemic emergency. The Biden administration and public health experts say anything that discourages the estimated 11 million undocumented immigrants in the United States from seeking vaccination — such as tightly enforced demands for proof of residency or legal status — would be self-defeating as the nation tries to reach herd immunity.
“It is a moral and public health imperative to ensure that all individuals residing in the United States have access to the vaccine,†the Department of Homeland Security said in a statement this month. “DHS encourages all individuals, regardless of immigration status, to receive the coronavirus vaccine once eligible under local distribution guidelines.
On this, yes, the illegals here should get the vaccine. In a proper, law abiding world they would then be deported toot sweet, but, we all know that won’t happen. As Steve Scalise points out, none of them should be jumping the line ahead of those who should be getting it first.
Some Mexican officials are openly recommending that their citizens seek vaccination in the U.S. The media are filled with what is being called “vaccine tourism.â€
“My recommendation is, go ahead, do it,†the health secretary of northern Nuevo Leon state, Manuel de la O, told a news conference in late January. “It’s an act of survival.â€
Hence, the need for strict control at the border.

In Kalifornia, Marijuana workers are now considered “essential” workers and will receive priority. I will not get a vaccination so it doesn’t really matter to me except for the point of showing just how crazy this state is.
The Reverend Kye, aged 70 years, and suffering from COPD, a natural born American citizen and United States Army veteran who served in combat in Vietnam, has been unable to get the vaccine in the Keystone State, where the Democrats in charge have totally f(ornicated) up the vaccine distribution, but we have Mexicans crossing the border and getting the shots?
A 70 yr old with COPD is at higher risk for serious illness from Covid-19.
Under that criteria one is eligible to receive the vaccine in PA depending on availability.
The Reverend Kye already told us all of this. yes, he’s Tier 1B eligible, but no one, seemingly, can tell him when he can actually get the vaccine.
I’m Tier 1C, because I’m 67, and even though I am “on the list,” the local health department cannot tell me when I will be scheduled.
I’m young and healthy and already had mine because the Biden administration set some aside for ” the right people” not under c0ntrol of the states. That’s what fair looks like under socialism.
Ignoring that conservatives think Covid is a hoax, the biggest problem with administering hundreds of millions of vaccines is the scarcity of vaccine. That’s why the program is triaged.
Missouri ranks last in the nation in vaccine distribution. Governor Mike Parsons (R-MO) thinks it’s a hoax, the State Health Dir is no better, and the MO House and Senate are controlled by extremist GOPhers. Sparsely populated red counties are getting vaccines while StL and KC get less.
Teach responds: On this, yes, the illegals here should get the vaccine. In a proper, law abiding world they would then be deported toot sweet, but, we all know that won’t happen.
Of course, if they knew they would be deported, they wouldn’t get the vaccine.
The Rev Kye ended up with health problems because of bad lifestyle choices
Plus he was always Telling us that Covid was fake news
As for being a combat veteran I can’t see thst helping much whenever he is at The pearly gates
All he really deserves is our prayers and condolences
I am sure those will help
“The Rev Kye ended up with health problems because of bad lifestyle choices”
I agree so does that mean I’m ineligible for a shot my taxes paid to develop and distribute?
“Plus he was always Telling us that Covid was fake news”
Another lie comrade Hairy? Show me one single time I claimed Red Wuhan was a hoax. Just one let alone “always”. The hoax was never the disease it was the politicization of it that was a hoax. but a better word would be a scam. From the fraudulent death count to the constant blaming of a disease on a person. It was always a scamdemic.
“As for being a combat veteran I can’t see thst helping much whenever he is at The pearly gates”
What exactly does this stupid incoherent statement mean?
“All he really deserves is our prayers and condolences”
That’s a laugh. Who the hell are you gonna pray to, Satan? One can’t be a true leftist and believe in anything higher than government so any god is out. You could pray to Allah, I guess. He’s a real gem too.
Rev Kye might consider returning to Vietnam
They have basically stopped their outbreak by doing all those things Trump should have done but didn’t
Well, it’s certainly true that Communist dictatorships can control things much more tightly. What I find interesting is that the Hirsute One thinks we should be Communist.
Hairy if you’re just ignorant we can excuse you but if you are deliberately lying there is no excuse. President Trump did exactly what any reasonable President would do: He followed the suggestions of the CDC, NIH, WHO and his expert advisors such as Fauci and Birx. He also went beyond their recommendations by sending US hospital ships to NYC and Cali as well as setting up basic MASH units in NYC parks. Both went basically unused as Cuomo sent the elderly to their death rather than admit Trump saved him. He also wanted ventilators, got 30,000(?) of them then shipped them elsewhere as he did not need them.
When Trump tried to close off travel from Red China the leftists (including you here) balked and called him a “racist” and “xenophobe” which is par for the course. Then your brilliant leftist leaders held outdoor, unmasked, non safe spaced parties to celebrate the Chinese New Year like it was our own. (Which if many of you commie leftists have your way may be soon enough). But that was okay because it was leftists doing it.
Trump held daily briefings until it became obvious they had devolved into a fuk Trump frenzy by leftists eager to blame an international pandemic, which began in Wuhan Red China on President Trump.
If you believe anything the government of Vietnam says you deserve what you get. There is no communist government on this earth that will admit the truth. If you don’t know that then you’re a first class ass. They are just like Demofascists in America, they will lie until they die!!!
Right now chairman Xiden is doing nothing more than President Trump did unless you consider calling for double and triple masking as some sort of panacea. He can’t. There’s nothing more to do. Trump got the vaccines on fast track and now they’re being dispensed (hopefully) in a logical and fair manner. That means Americans First.
You and your partisan comrades are exactly what we need to get rid of.
We as a nation are exactly where we were in 1770. Ashli Babbitt was our Crispus Attucks and now we Patriots have to pull together because the illegal chairman and his troops in Washington are about to do to us Patriots what the British tried to do to our Forefather Patriots. That’s why they have troops garrisoned in DC. They want to disarm us and they will kill us to do so.
Kye typed: We as a nation are exactly where we were in 1770. Ashli Babbitt was our Crispus Attucks and now we Patriots have to pull together because the illegal chairman and his troops in Washington are about to do to us Patriots what the British tried to do to our Forefather Patriots. That’s why they have troops garrisoned in DC. They want to disarm us and they will kill us to do so.
You’ve lost your mind.
Like your Messiah, DJT, you’re urging overthrowing the American government. You’re not a patriot at all, you’re a traitor.
Maybe because you’re an invalid you know you can’t participate in the rebellion, so maybe typing about it is all you can do.
It’s known that even with the infighting in the Proud Boys (P-Boys), neoNazis, Oathkeepers etc, they continue to make plans to attack America.
Good, John-so now you can finally tell us what Trump should have done. We are eagerly awaiting..
I see, J-as opposed to BLM and antifa already attacking America? You must be using the global warming method-what “might†happen in the future…
Right-wingers conflate protests, even violent protests, with an attack on the seat of the US Gov’t, that is, the US Capitol.
If the engineer of the Big Lie and the attempt to overturn the election had succeeded, the legally elected President would have not been inaugurated. That’s an attack on America.
See the difference between protests and an attempt to overthrow the US govt?
The overused word of the day:
You’re not very smart, Rimjob.
I’ve lost my mind? I’m “urging overthrowing the American government”?
News flash dipshit, it was already overthrown by an illegal corrupt election. I know because they barricaded themselves into an armed camp. Because they are shooting American citizens participating in protests about that fake election. We don’t have a president we have a senile dictator scratching out executive orders like he was Stalin.
I have no idea why you consider me an invalid because I have COPD but I’m still able to “participate” in any damn thing I want. You may be an invalid but I certainly am not.
You and your constant conspiracy theory and mythical “threat†of sinister White Supremacist Insurrectionists don’t hold water. It’s not us Patriots who rig elections then refuse to investigate. It’s not us Patriots that impeach the President over and over trying to convict him on spurious charges in show trials while closing our businesses and throwing our people out of work and compromising our energy production. It’s not us who censor views we don’t like and ruin careers because they say something not PC.
Nobody is attacking America but you commie/fascist leftists. Who burned the cities all summer long? The Proud Boys? No BLM and Antifa. Who looted and destroyed $5 billion in people’s property? NeoNazis? No BLM/Antifa. Who tore down statues of American heroes and destroyed art Oathkeepers? No Antifa/BLM.
In your sick mind the destruction of our country is okay but when Patriots rise up an say no you freak the fuk out. I could tear down a statue of Lincoln, burn and loot a Target as long as I’m a commie it’s okay in your book. But try and protest at the Capitol and you’ll be shot down by SS troops. Unarmed. They were all unarmed.
The difference between you and us Elwood is that we love America so we are fighting for the land we believe belongs to us. You OTOIH, being a self hating American, a self hating Caucasian, a non Christians and a non believer that we, White, Christian Men made this country and it should and will again belong to us.
We are not racists or White supremacists as you constantly allege. We are just stating the facts. All races and creeds are welcome here as long as they swear fealty to the Founding, hold our Principles and believe our Rights are from God. Communists can’t do that. Neither can fascists, atheists, anarchists or Muslims. Their loyalty belongs to something else, not America. Other than to visit we do not need them here. And even visits should be very limited.
You never loved America and you never will. Say you love America. Say we have American Exceptionalism. Say we’re the greatest country in the world. You can’t because you are the enemy.
Yes, you’ve lost your mind. No evidence was found to support the allegation that Mr Melania won the election except for fraud. None. Anyone who insists Biden didn’t win and in addition wants to overthrow the elected government is a traitor. It’s not that hard to understand. You’re a traitor.
Looting a Target or pulling down a statue of Robert E. Lee is criminal, but hardly a threat to the United States of America. Your boy from Mar-a-Lago tried every legal way and several illegal ways to overturn the vote of Americans. His coup de gross was to send a mob of violent thugs to the Capitol to halt the certification of the vote.
You live in an altered reality.
Kye typed: “…welcome here as long as they swear fealty to the Founding, hold our Principles and believe our Rights are from God”
So atheists, agnostics, Buddhists, Hindus, Muslims aren’t welcome in America? Only Christians are welcome?
How do you plan to go about restoring America? You’ve got to get President Biden and Vice-President Harris out. It’s clear the courts are not on your side even with your boy appointing one third of them. Even the Supreme Court has been little help.
Couldn’t the A-Team of Rudy, Big Syd and Linwood assemble all the “evidence” and sue the President? It could work its way through the courts all the way up to the far-right SCOTUS!
It sounds as if you are advocating armed conflict. How will that get you what you want?
Good, John-so now you can finally tell us what Trump should have done. We are eagerly awaiting..
They can have mine.
Somebody has to be the guinea pig. Better them than me or mine.
J-“see the difference between protests and attempt to overthrow the US government?†Now that’s interesting, because that’s not what you were talking about. You were alluding to “plans to attack Americaâ€, meaning of course it hadn’t happened as it was in the future. Do you have evidence of these planned “attacksâ€? Are they in the room with you now? Do you have evidence what happened at the Capital was an attempt to overthrow the US government? If the right-wingers that live in you head were going to attempt that they’d bring all those evil firearms they have instead of dressing up as a buffalo and sitting in Pelosi’s chair, don’t you think? But back to your original question, why yes, I do see a difference between 1 and 2 billion dollars in damages (and counting), 25 dead and over 700 police officers injured (and counting) and what happened at the Capital.