You remember John Kerry, right, and his private jet? Well, he now says we only have 9 years left
.@JohnKerry: "We have nine years left” to “avert climate catastrophe … There’s no room for B.S. anymore”
CBS: "The clock is ticking"
— Tom Elliott (@tomselliott) February 19, 2021
Here’s a CBS article on this idiocy
The wild winter weather this week has been called historic and unprecedented, and John Kerry, U.S. special presidential envoy for climate, wants to stop it from becoming typical.
“Obviously we want to prevent this from becoming the new normal to the degree that we can,” Kerry told CBS News’ Ben Tracy.
Many people wrongly believe that climate change only relates to temperatures increasing, not decreasing.
Kerry said it threatens all weather patterns.
“I think it’s a very appropriate way to think of it, so it is directly related to the warming, even though your instinct is to say, wait a minute, this is the new Ice Age. But it’s not,” Kerry said. “It is coming from the global warming and it threatens all the normal weather patterns.”
Yes, he did just blame the winter weather on Someone Else taking fossil fueled flights
Kerry said we have only a few years left to avoid a climate catastrophe.
“Well, the scientists told us three years ago we had 12 years to avert the worst consequences of climate crisis. We are now three years gone, so we have nine years left,” he said.
We’ve had 50 years of failed eco prognostications, many of those along the lines of “we only have X years left or Dooooooooom!” At least John was able to get his math correct.

Apparently Teach is unconcerned about Texas homeowners being hit with monthly electric Bill’s as high as $17000
Texas deregulated electricity left it up to the “free market”
And suddenly little Johnnie Retard is faux concerned about those right wing Texas homeowners and their cost of electricity.
Touching it is.
So, come February 19, 2030, we won’t have to listen to this stupidity anymore?
And here I thought we’d passed the tipping points several times already.
The Earth continues to warm as predicted.
The uninformed and uneducated make me cringe. The Earth is going thru yet another Holocene period, one of many, many that occurred in the past… and survived, along with it’s myriad lifeforms.
If you had paid attention in school, you would know this. But, bless your heart, you may not be totally to blame. You may have successfully made your way through college or university and was even rewarded a PHD for your compliance and still be uneducated in uninformed. I don’t know. But it does look that way.
But know this. Because of Earth’s wobble and it’s eccentric orbit around our sun, these warming – and then cooling – periods will continue. Learn about the precession of the equinoxes and how it affects our climate.
He certainly does not have a PHD. Maybe a master but I doubt.
That’s good-“as predicted†. They fail to note other failures from their Godfather, not to mention various “Arctic ice gone†predictions.
So in 9 years can we give up completely on anything climate connected as “futile”?
And how many years does John Kerry have left? About 9? Funny how that works.