In Democrat World, the word bipartisanship is a word, not an action. Not a piece of legislation
In Stimulus Push, Biden Calls for Setting Partisanship Aside
As Joe Biden presses his case for Republicans to set partisanship aside and support his Covid-19 relief bill in Congress this week, the President reminded Americans of his own history working across the aisle with his visit Saturday evening to his ailing friend Bob Dole.
The friendship between Biden and Dole, the former Senate Republican leader who recently revealed that he has been diagnosed with stage four lung cancer, was forged over the many years that the two men served together in the Senate. Biden often speaks with nostalgia about his working relationships with GOP leaders during that less polarizing time when negotiation was the rule rather than the exception.
Having a friendship with someone on the other side of the aisle is about friendship, not about passing legislation that goes against political beliefs. Reagan and Tip O’Neill could go out and have a beer after a day of thundering at each other. Because, with politics, they used to say this was not personal. And the personal was mostly left out. There’s an old saying about politics, that it’s a dirty, nasty business with a veneer of civility. Democrats eliminated that veneer, and not only have to destroy their opponents politically, but personally.
The new President’s desire to create more consensus in Washington will clearly be on his mind as he tries to steer his $1.9 trillion stimulus package through the US House this week and prepares for the legislation’s more difficult path through the US Senate. The Senate will also take up more of his nominees this week as he looks to fill out his Cabinet. But not all of them have full Democratic support. He’ll need GOP votes, for example, to get Office of Management and Budget director nominee Neera Tanden confirmed.
Who remembers when Joe and his House and Senate Comrades never bothered talking about forging a bipartisan bill, but, rather immediately going the reconciliation route the moment they heard they won the redo elections in Georgia?
But on the pandemic, at least, he is leaning in with the limited political capital he has in a narrowly divided Congress, while taking his case for the package directly to the American people as he tries to overcome Republican opposition.
So, he’s not going to bother going the bipartisan route, but, attempt to browbeat Republicans who aren’t interested in passing his silly, chock full of leftist garbage, raising the minimum wage and killing jobs package? Which, BTW, still doesn’t have the $2,000 Joe promised. No, his promise was not for an additional $1,400 to add to the $600. It was $2,000.
In this first glimpse of Biden’s presidential salesmanship, he has not been shy about calling out Republicans who are wary of supporting his American Rescue Plan, despite its popularity — urging them to offer their ideas for potential compromise. On Friday, at a Pfizer plant in Michigan manufacturing vaccines, he made an impassioned case for the bill while pushing back on Republican critics who have said it is too big and too expensive.
“Let me ask them: What would they have me cut? What would they have me leave out?” Biden asked. “Should we not invest $20 billion to vaccinate the nation? Should we not invest $290 (billion) to extend unemployment insurance for the 11 million Americans who are unemployed so they can get by while they get back to work? Should we not invest $50 billion to help small businesses stay open, when tens of thousands have had to close permanently? … Should we not invest $130 (billion) to help schools across the nation open safely?”
So, calling out, not calling on. What to cut? Start with the $15 minimum wage, which is unrelated to COVID. Cut everything unrelated. Cut the school spending, it’s unnecessary, schools have plenty of money. Cut local and state money, it’s mostly unnecessary. How about cutting $91 million for outreach to student loan borrowers? $135 million for the NEA and $135 million for the National Endowment for Humanities, railroad bailout money, and so much more?
Anyhow, the article cannot mention anything bipartisan in the bill, cannot mention Joe actually working the phones and meeting in person to woo Republicans. If the GOP was smart and went on the offensive (most have already forgotten the Trump Lesson, that you have to attack and sustain that attack), they’d use Joe’s own words about what to cut and say exactly what to cut, along with saying that the $1,400 should be voted on separately and that the rest could be negotiated on.

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Polls show 70% of Americans, including 40% of Republicans support the aid bill. Republicans such as Scalise are lying about the bill.
Here’s what’s in the bill…
The debate is over the proposed hike in the federal minimum wage to $15/hr.
Over the past 4 years, at a time when the economy was often described as the best ever, we Americans added $7.8 TRILLION to the national debt.
Even dead, Rush Limbaugh is still full of shit.
It’s shocking that so many “dittoheads” thought he offered genuine insight, but in reality he merely voiced hatred toward the same groups you hate.
Yeah, that’s why we should heed the words of lyin’denyin’ little pussy like Rimjob.
BTW where’s your successful radio show?
Where’s your own successful blog?
And you wonder why the dems now are in such a hurry.
The trashy Limbaugh made hundreds of millions of dollars saying outrageous things on the radio, degrading America in the process. He was an entertainer, not unlike a pornographer. He sold advertising.
Again for the trashy little lyin’denyin’ pussy Rimjob, where’s your successful radio show or blog?
Maybe you could point us to anything, anything successful that you’ve accomplished.
BWAHA! Just kidding…
LOL. You first, ShitLips. You first.
You the one belittling and berating the great Rush Limbaugh and now you want to weasel out of touting your own accomplishments?
Typical Rimjob.
Let Rush defend himself. Oh, that’s right, he’s dead. Typical ShitLips.
OK, ShitLips. I’ve never been a drug addict and never “received about 2,000 painkillers, prescribed by four doctors in six months, at a pharmacy” near my home. Never sent my housekeeper to pick up my illegal oxy. Rush escaped with a slap on the wrist but did lose his 2nd Amendment rights for 18 mos. His doctor said his opioid addiction likely contributed to his deafness. Rush graduated high school but flunked out of Southeast Missouri State U in Cape Girardeau, MO. He was driven by ambition, not any commitment to service.
I still have a couple dozen rifles, shotguns and pistols and after decades of shooting still hear OK. I’ve been married once, for decades, not four times, like Rush. I was never caught returning from a pedophilia paradise with illegal Viagra. I have successful children and wonderful grandchildren. Rush, nope. I’ve never smoked, therefore much less likely to die young from lung cancer like Rush. But Rush was an obviously an addictive personality, opioids, sex, tobacco and attention. He faked christianist ideology to con his audience, the evangelical conservative, white nationalist movement.
Anyone who believes Rush Hudson Limbaugh III contributed positively to American society is a fool. He was a racist, sexist, homophobic, xenophobic, vile con man who coarsened America. That’s some resume, Rush, some resume… He was the Kardashian of radio. America is better off without him.
Bwaha! Rimjob proves again what a pitiful little troll he is. Cannot name anything good he’s ever accomplished to help his fellow man.
Such a nasty little Rimjob.
Describes Rush and Rimjob to a tee.
When you make such a provably wrong statement like “degrading America in the process” you show how small and full of hate you are. The man was Pro-America to the core and like Reagan and Trump he was an America Firster. That’s why you hate him, because he loved our country and you hate it. Projection as usual. You fascists hate guys like Rush, Trump or any of us who love America and are not afraid to say it. Meantime, you just love Joy Reid, BLM, Antifa, Maxine Waters, AOC, all those mooslem Congresscritters and anyone who disparages America. The same reason you hate straight men, White people, Christians, Jews and any pro American group from the Boy Scouts to the US Army.
All you fascists have is hate.
In other words, Elwood is a:
Rush, now dead, was pro white, christian, conservative, European-ancestored straight male America. Like “that former guy”, he pretended to love America and Americans for fame and fortune. You know that. We fully understand your reluctance to admit you were conned.
He was an extremely talented con man. He hated the same people you hate, and importantly, normalized your hate. At the time Rush became popular America was transitioning to a culture where racist, sexist, xenophobic and homophobic public pronouncements were not acceptable.
What is your fuking problem with being pro White, Christian, conservative, European-ancestored straight male America? Do you deny those people their heritage? I just don’t understand why you deny our heritage and hate us so much. You don’t hate mooslems for loving Iraq. You don’t hate Asians for loving Japan. You don’t hate blacks for loving Somalia. You don’t hate Hispanics for loving Mexico. But if we love America we are full of hate. You’re a racist and a bigot. And if anybody around here hates, it’s you.
The reason for Jeff and people like him hating us is that he/ they hate themselves, intensely. Consider this, why do people who seem to have intelligence consider themselves liberals. It boils down to the fact that they consider themselves very intelligent by calling themselves liberal and democrat or communist, they even discuss this amongst themselves. I am sure Jeff thinks his farts smell like sandalwood. By and large they are deeply neurotic, but with Jeff he almost carries it to a psychosis.
The issue is being solely pro white, christian, conservative, European-ancestored straight male.
Limbaugh was racist, sexist etc.
To a “man”, youse guys parrot Rush Limbaugh, now dead. You parrot his racism, sexism, homophobia, xenophobia, nationalism and faux patriotism.
To you, anyone who disagrees with the current alt-right movement “hates America” and is a “commie”.
Any and all criticism of Republican policies or ideas was “un-American”, “anti-American”, “un-patriotic” and “hateful”. The right was the victim of left-wing hate. Waah!! Rush persuaded conservatives that the left hated them and that the right should hate the libs too! He made great money with this schtick. And hurt the US in the process.
Rush at CPAC:
Although the quote was actually from the Declaration of Independence (some scholar was Rush and CPACkers) his point was clear, only conservatives loved America and could protect “Life, Liberty and Freedom. And the pursuit of happiness”. And youse guys ate it up.
He reinforced and normalized your hatreds. He manipulated your fears and hatreds to make himself rich and infamous.
So Rimjob, about the only thing denied here is your outrageous unsubstantiated vitriolic lies.
How’s your blog doing, you little parasite?
Poor lil ShitLips. How’s your blog doing?
Did you ever supply your list of accomplishments, ShitLips?
The odious jimhoft, the Gateway Pudendum, is infamous and notorious, much like other loudmouth asswipes and trolls with a right-wing following.
Why is Teach reluctant to link to GP? Does he know something about the lying jimhoft that you don’t?
“You parrot his racism, homophobia, sexism, xenophobia, nationalism….†. Have proof of that?
Dr. Makary may be right. Although the number of new cases/day has dropped some 75% since January, we still see at least 60,000 new confirmed cases per day.
He also notes the valid concern over novel variants that could evade the current immunities (natural and vaccinations). But both he and Dr. Scott Gottleib (former FDA commissioner) agree that we should be able to stay ahead of the variants with new vaccines.
The proposed bill is not to combat disease spread but to help ordinary (not millionaire) Americans to repair the lives and to avert future damage (e.g., evictions, bankruptcies, state and local deficiencies, school system collapse etc). And although Republicans only favor fiscal stimulus under GOP presidents, adding a trillion dollars to the economy will boost the recovery. Remember, the previous administration added $7.8 TRILLION to the national debt to boost the economy.
You are wrong about Jeff. He has already stated that he cured cancer. Amazing that he could do that just being a pharmacist. Also, you will note that Jeff has a great ability to lie and bend the truth. That comes in handy with his job which is writing articles for throw away journals and putting doctors name on the publication so the doctor gets credit. Publications are a big deal with certain classes of doctors who compete for drug money and the get and maintain academic credentials.
Plus, Jeff indicated he was working off community credit hours at a soup kitchen. He spent most of the day talking to a Muslim woman, and now he feels he is an expert on Islam.
But when he doxed himself I looked up his accompli sameness and no evidence of even a hint of helping others, even black people for whom he constantly talks of their poor lives.
You’ve done nothing but lie you smelly old liar, you.
Didn’t claim to have cured cancer, not a pharmacist, do not write journal articles for fake doctors like you (but you’ve admitted to faking data for pay from drug companies), never claimed to work off community credit hours at a soup kitchen, but did talk with a Muslim women while volunteering.
You also admitting to taking Medicare and Medicaid payments, you smelly old socialist.
Keep on sucking you old queen you! LOL.
You boiz are a riot. I live rent free in your feeble brains. LOL.
You exist only because of me. LOL.
Davud, a personal favorite was when he made the tough guy boast of signing up for the Army back in 1971 during Vietnam ya know.
He is really getting weird. He has not posted a truthful statement in several years and he has upped his game n calling people names and displaying his virtue. You would think he would be happy after the steal. But first and foremost he is a coward as you point out, and with people beginning to fight back against the liberal corruption, well he has the vapors.
Elwood P. Dowd says:
February 21, 2021 at 6:02 pm
The issue is being solely pro white, christian, conservative, European-ancestored straight male.
Limbaugh was racist, sexist etc.
No, the issue is hating White people, Christians (so much you try to insult them by not capitalizing the word which just proves your ignorance), conservatives and European ancestored straight males. That’s the issue. You don’t deny any other comparable groups the right to show pride for their traits EXCEPT those groups which as you know comprise all of Western Culture . So you MUST hat Western culture. I ask again WHY?
And BTW, Limbaugh was not any racist as you would know had you actually listened to him and certainly no sexist. Stop smearing people just because you disagree with them. That’s the shit that starts wars when you dehumanize and demonize your opponents.
Limbaugh’ best friend and producer for decades is James Golden aka Bo Snerdley who is blacker than your hateful heart Elwood. They were very dear friends. Not bad for a racist. But then you think I’m a racist and White supremacist even though you know I have a Korean wife and two black foster sons.
I’m sure you hate Bo Snerdley too as he’s a Republican. Should be unemployable and not permitted in proper society. Maybe even purged?
You have a very nasty streak that goes right through and into your writing which I think indicates a dark and evil soul. Not surprised as I have yet to see a communist/fascist/atheist who even has a soul.
BTW, you are now so terrified of President Trump (the last lawfully elected President) that you can’t even type his name let alone say it. Hahahaha. What a turd.
You’re an idiot. First you whine that tRump is all anyone talks about, now you whine that people don’t. Make up your mind.
One cannot know what is in the heart of those like Limbaugh, “that former guy”, or even you, but what we do know is what they say and do.
Show pride in your inherited traits all you wish, just don’t pretend that your inherited traits are superior to other’s. That’s the basis of white supremacy. And you’ll be criticized. You don’t mind being labeled do you? It’s only words.
If Reagan went out for a beer with a Dhimmierat you can be sure he made the Dhimmie taste Reagan’s beer first, then Reagan would dump it just to be sure.