It’s always something with these nutters. On the bright side, Ro actually worked in the private sector for many years. Of course, that was mostly as a lawyer for other people’s firms along with teaching, so, he really has no idea what it takes to actually run a small business (video at the link)
Dem Rep. Khanna: ‘We Don’t Want’ Small Businesses That Can’t Afford $15 Minimum Wage
Representative Ro Khanna (D-CA) declared Sunday on CNN’s “Inside Politics†that we should not want “low-wage businesses†when pressed on small businesses who would struggle under a federal mandate to pay employees $15 an hour.
The nonpartisan Congressional Budget Office predicted raising the federal minimum wage to $15 an hour by 2025 would cost 1.4 million Americans their jobs over the next four years.
Anchor Abby Phillip said, “I know that you feel very strongly like many progressives about the minimum wage issue. Right now, at the same time, businesses, both large and small, are struggling in this pandemic economy, more than 9 million jobs have been lost in the last year, and they still aren’t back, and the problem is particularly acute in industries like retail and foodservice, which are more likely to pay minimum wage. I think the question that a lot of Republicans are posing and perhaps some moderate Democrats is timing. Is now the right time to increase it to $15? I should say the bill has stages, of course, but immediately it would go up about 30% right now. Is now the right time to do that?â€
Khanna said, “Abby, it’s absolutely the right time to give working Americans a raise. Let’s look at the facts. Amazon raised their wage to $15 nationally, not regionally. They have more jobs today. It didn’t hurt job creation or business. Target followed. They also did it nationally, more jobs.â€
Well, it’s very easy to force Other People to spend more money, right? Perhaps all these yahoos should spend about a month watching what small business owners actually do, what they go through, what their operations look like, before they say “oh, it’s super easy to pay employees more.”
Phillip said, “Large businesses like Amazon and McDonald’s, for example, can and perhaps should pay more, but I’m wondering what is your plan for smaller businesses? How does this, in your view, affect mom and pop businesses who are just struggling to keep their doors open, keep workers on pate roll right now?â€
And that right there is one of the problems: these Leftists do not understand that there is a vast difference between Amazon and McDonald’s. McDonald’s locations are franchised, so, essentially a small business, not a business with hundreds or thousands of employees. Someone put their money on the line. They took out the loan and put their heart, sweat, and tears on the line.
Khanna said, “Well, they should be doing it by paying people low wages. We don’t want low-wage businesses. Most successful small businesses can pay a fair wage. If you look at the minimum wage, it increased with worker productivity until 1968, and that relationship was severed. If workers were actually getting paid for the value they were creating, it would be up to $23. I love small businesses, I’m all for it, but I don’t want small businesses that are underpaying employees. It’s fair for people to be making what they’re producing. I think $15 is very reasonable in this country.â€
What value are burger flippers creating? Or those who are working a register? Many are in commissionable positions, where they get paid somewhere between minimum wage and $15 an hour plus commissions/bonuses. You raise it to $15, and much of the commissions/bonuses go away and/or are reduced. In other areas, they can either raise prices, which reduces buying power of the min wage increase, or let people go. Reduce hours. Limit overtime. Moonbats like Khanna think they know what they’re talking about, but, don’t actually have to put their own businesses on the line. And most federally elected politicians, and goodly chunk of state ones, are utterly divorced from Economics 101 and what it takes to run a business.

In New York City where we have had $15 minimum for well over 1year a big mac costs $3.99
What does it cost in NC and what is your minimum wage
If the cost is the same it sure seems like our higher minimum wage hasn’t driven the price up
I just checked Doordash in New York City. As usual you lied. A Big Mac is $6.19 currently, a Bacon Quarter Pounder w/cheese $8.13 and a double $9.54.
Currently trying to find a small restaurant still in business in NYC is a lot more difficult than one year ago when the fascist murderer Cuomo in league with his commie partner shut down small businesses “for two weeks to flatten the curve”. More lies. About 1/3 of small restaurants in NYC have closed permanently. Within two years almost all are expected to switch to kiosks and automated systems. $15 and hour turns into $0 an hour when you’re out of work. But that’s what you fascists want, isn’t it? More low end workers depending on government handouts. More democommie voters. More despair, more crime, more hate. Fewer “first job” opportunities to help first time workers get experience. It takes zero experience to put your hand for a hand out.
The price of a Big Mac in NYC has increased 100% since 2018. Idiot.
Shame on you, Reverend Kye, actually looking it up and challenging the Hirsute One with things like facts!
Under capitalism small business suffers from economy of scale
Do you think Amazon should be paying mirwin taxes? I do
Do I think the super wealthy should pay more in taxes ?
I do
So you don’t believe in equality? You believe that people should be punished for being successful?
Secondly, who decides what is “super wealthy” or even “wealthy?” You? Someone who stays in their basement?
The left hates success.
Then again, all the left has is hate.
Liberals do not hate success, but we do recognize the many reasons to have progressive taxation. For example, progressive taxation works. Progressive taxation reduces the tax burden on the working classes and shifts more to the leisure class. Heaven forbid workers keep more of their earnings. How have the repeated tax cuts to the wealthy affected the national debt, or income/wealth inequality?
Empirically, progressive taxation makes for better societies.
It is absolutely a transfer of resources from the leisure class to the working classes. Good.
The right hates working class America, and wants to keep them as serfs to the lords.
Conservatives bring up fairness; that progressive taxation is unfair. Based on what criteria? Is a flat tax fair? How about the Walter Williams suggestion that every adult pay the same amount? Does every millionaire work harder than every mechanic? Do we ignore the role played by our shared institutions, family wealth, genetics and dumb luck? Kim Kardashian (for that matter, any Kardashian), Trump Jr, Paris Hilton and on and on. They would not be millionaires if they were born to a poor family in Pakistan.
The con argument is that the rich shouldn’t pay more than $750 a year in taxes because they want to keep it. Solid argument, there, chief.
Then again, all the gitarcarver has is a flawed “aphorism”.
“Liberals do not hate success, but we* do recognize the many reasons to have progressive taxation. For example, progressive taxation works.”
Just stating it works is not proof it does. Furthermore, in what way does it work? You say: “Progressive taxation reduces the tax burden on the working classes and shifts more to the leisure class.” but that’s not true. It’s the “working class” that pays the progressive taxes the more they earn PLUS the “leisure class” by definition does not work therefore pays no tax on wages which is what progressive taxation actually taxes. You didn’t know that , did you? Progressive taxation taxes wages progressively. IOW the harder one works, the more hours he puts in, the fewer vacations he takes and/or the more profitably he runs his business the more in percentage he is penalized for his success and determination. Great way to fuk up an economy which is exactly what it’s done here.
“Heaven forbid workers keep more of their earnings.” You say that yet want to tax more of their earnings away if they dare to make more! “How have the repeated tax cuts to the wealthy affected the national debt, or income/wealth inequality?” So who gave tax cuts “to the wealthy”? And how did they do that? I’ll tell you who: Congress, that’s who. If you Democommies would stop treating everyone differently judged by how much you “like” them there would be no difference. IOW, tax everybody the same and then there are no tax breaks for anybody, but once you clowns decide one person should pay zero tax and one 20% and another 50% then YOU CREATE discrimination and bigotry.
“Empirically, progressive taxation makes for better societies.” Empirically, that’s bull shit. What it does is it incites class hatred and you know it. It creates classes of haves and have nots. It creates envy of fellow citizens and creates the desire to “punish” them for their success like you are want to do.
“It is absolutely a transfer of resources from the leisure class to the working classes. Good.” It is not any such thing and if it were it would be just as immoral as you are. It is a transfer of money earned by one person to the Government, not to the working class who themselves are victims of income taxation. You thin that would be good because in your hateful, jealous heart the people who actually earn the money don’t deserve it unless you get it too. Soulless atheist.
“The right hates working class America, and wants to keep them as serfs to the lords.” I don’t know what country you’re living in douchebag but in America “the right” is the working class. Or do you think all those millionaire celebrities, talking heads and media liars are on the right? How about all those fascist leftists Billionaires who censor those they disagree with? Are those the folks on “the right” who wants to keep us as serfs? You’re the problem and you don’t even know it!!!
“Conservatives bring up fairness; that progressive taxation is unfair. Based on what criteria?” Based on the criteria that one man is penalized for success and that’s called stealing. Just because you have your government goons take my money does not mean you’re not stealing it. If YOU didn’t earn it it’s not yours to take.
“Does every millionaire work harder than every mechanic?” I don’t know and neither do you but we both know they work smarter.
” Do we ignore the role played by our shared institutions, family wealth, genetics and dumb luck? Kim Kardashian (for that matter, any Kardashian), Trump Jr, [Hunter Xiden the thief and traitor], Paris Hilton and on and on. They would not be millionaires if they were born to a poor family in Pakistan.” This has to be the single most stupid statement and dangerous you have yet made. There is NO WAY for society to “adjust” what you are saying through taxation. People are all different and therefore will succeed or fail at different levels. You are doing the newest leftist commie fantasy “Equity”. Making everyone, even poor Pakistanis equal in outcome. It’s stupid. If you can’t figure that out then you’re stupid too.
“They would not be millionaires if they were born to a poor family in Pakistan.” They also wouldn’t be as talented as Mel Gibson or Denzel Washington, nor as smart as Einstein or Salk, or as beautiful as drowningpuppies or me. Shit happens idiot and if you can’t accept and enjoy our differences for good or bad maybe you should consider the Kevorkian option.
“The con argument is that the rich shouldn’t pay more than $750 a year in taxes because they want to keep it. Solid argument, there, chief.” Once again you lie because you are completely bereft of a logical argument. Kindly reference and quote the con” who argued that the rich shouldn’t pay more than $750 a year in taxes. Name him. Come’on big mouth, name him! Shine the light of truth on any “con” who stated millionaires shouldn’t pay more than $750. You dog faced pony soldier.
As gitarcarver so eloquently says: All the left has is lies.
* In that first dumbass statement you included yourself as a “liberal”. You are not. You are a fascist/leftist. The USS Liberal sailed for you decades ago. No go get your fukin shoe shine box!
Teach typed:
Classic Republicanism! “Working People Suck!”
Do you really think fry cooks and register clerks occupy commissioned positions?
What value are salespersons of cars, insurance and cell phones creating? What value are day traders creating?
Kye assumes compensation is based on work. Dairy farmers work harder than Jared Kushner but make far less.
Last year the median household income was about $68,000. Should people making less than that pay federal taxes?
Rimjob is really into his whiny hypotheticals and false assumptions today.
As usual he doesn’t make any coherent arguments.
Which was higher than any year under Obama.
In fact, the median in 2017 under Trump was higher than any year under Obama.
The left hates economic success.
Then again, all the left has is hate.
It is axiomatic that the “power to tax is the power to destroy.” Liberals tax success because they want to destroy others who are successful.
No, it doesn’t.
So you admit that despite lip service to the contrary, liberals don’t want “equality” in all things. They want inequality.
Agreed. Heaven forbid that all people keep more of their earnings. Instead of working toward people keeping more of their own money, liberals want to take money from others.
Under Trump, the gap between the top 4 quintiles closed. The second quintile (the working class) grew in income. At the same time, the 1st quintile did not grow as much. The CBO concluded – as it always has – that the lack of growth is based on decisions people in the 1st quintile make and not the lack of economic opportunity.
Why should hard working people be responsible for the decisions that others make?
As for the national debt, tax income rose but spending did as well. It is not the income, but the spending.
So you applaud theft. You applaud treating people differently. It is not the left that wants to eliminate regulations that produce or protect nothing. It is the right. The left hates the working class so much they want to make working a burden.
The left argument is that people that make over $100K a year should be forced to divest of all their earnings and property.
Of course neither the statement I just made nor the statement you made is true.
We all get it. You hate successful people and won’t do anything in your own life to help the very people you continue to claim are “poor” or the “working class.”
The left hates success and wants to tax it to the point of killing.
Then again, all the left has is hate.
Again, all the gitarcarver has are pointless, flawed aphorisms.
How stupid and dishonest are you? Did you have ANOTHER stroke?? Taxation is not theft.
“Taxes are what we pay for a civilized society.”
The poor working man has little to protect but himself, whereas the idle wealthy man has millions to protect. He relies on police, the military, the courts, clean air, clean water, laws favoring him and his “businesses” – he has more to protect, and better protection – shouldn’t he pay more for it?
Our federal gov’t spends some 4 trillion a year; defense, healthcare, Social Security and interest mostly. We have some 125 million workers. Fair is fair. Each worker should pay $32,000 a year. That’s equality! That’s only $64,000 a year for a two-worker family, whether Wal-Mart clerks or Bill and Melinda Gates.
Why penalize the Gates for their success?
It is always projection and hate with liberals.
Unequal taxation is theft.
Charging people different rates for the same thing is wrong. Morally and ethically.
But you and your leftist buddies hate success and hate that people who work hard can make more than you do.
You follow that up with “punish success! Tax them more!”
Because you hate people and you hate the US worker.
All the left has is hate.
Rimjob word for the day:
And the US has one of the most progressive tax systems in the free world, but thanks.
“Repeated tax cuts to the rich†. You of course meant repeated tax cuts for almost everyone. Liberals somehow think basic math is unfair-one or two percent of a bigger number will result in a larger value than one or two percent of a smaller number. And they continue to ignore the fact that as tax rates lower, the “rich†, or top 1% end up paying a higher share of the total bill than with a higher rate. Must be white supremacy or something…
” Amazon raised their wage to $15 nationally, not regionally. They have more jobs today. It didn’t hurt job creation or business. Target followed. They also did it nationally, more jobs.—
That’s because these two entities were the biggest benefactors of the Red Chinese Plague and the lock downs. You’re incorrectly naming the cause. Idiot.
“Under capitalism small business suffers from economy of scale”
Economies of scale are not limited to “capitalist economies” which we do not have. We have a blended economy in case you failed to notice.
“Do you think Amazon should be paying mirwin taxes? I do”
Please explain what “mirwin taxes” are.
“Do I think the super wealthy should pay more in taxes ?
I do”
Do you think the super wealthy don’t pay more in taxes and if not who’s fault is that? Congress makes the tax laws. They have created the “wealth inequality” by taxing income and not spending. Democommies love to complain about the very system they created with their graduated tax and withholding tax on wage earners whilst allowing the high earners to hide their income and convert it into wealth.
You do realize taxing income has no effect on the wealthy, don’t you? It just cripples the hardest workers from achieving wealth but does nothing to tax the wealth once it’s earned. You commies are all stuck on stupid.
Same old class warfare drivel. Make the rich pay more, without any thought to how much is enough or what the right amount is. I have never met a “tax the rich more” person who could tell me what the “rich” already pay, or what a “fair” amount of taxes is. It’s always just, “MORE”.
All you do is repeat “falsisms”. Class warfare! No. Yes, make the rich pay more. Yes, take more burden off the working classes. Yes, give more benefits to the workers – healthcare, education, transportation, lower taxes…
As we continue to shift away from progresssive federal taxes and federal contributions to states and localities we see regressive local taxes being increased – you know, sales taxes, property taxes, fees. Since working class folks spend most of their income, this impacts them disproportionately.
No, it’s not just “more”. How much do the “rich” already pay? Some pay only $750 a year!
Economists estimate that a top marginal rate not be higher than 70%.
Well, those economists wouldn’t know what they’re talking about, as shown earlier. You want the rich as a group to pay more? Then lower the tax rates. It’s hard for liberals to understand that if you create more millionaires, then you have more millionaires paying the higher tax rates.
“Impacts them disproportionately†. So does Biden’s green plan that’s already made gas prices rise. Sorry, can’t have it both ways
Corporate executive pay has skyrocketed the past few decades and their companies are not going under or laying off executives.
Does this rule only apply to poor people?
Actually boards and number of executives has declined, which means more pay is available. (In addition, companies have gone under due to salaries, so that fact destroys your central point.)
However, most people would realize that there is a difference between an agreement for pay between two private parties (an employee and employer) is quite different than the government – at the point of the government sword – mandating pay.
But com’on Elwood. If the pay disparity bothers you so much, walk into your HR department and demand that your salary be cut to that of the lowest level in the building, and the savings to the company be distributed to those on that pay level.
We all know you won’t do that because while you attack the “working poor” in other companies, you want the lowest salary for workers in your company.
What poor people are you talking about? The federally proposed mandate to $15 costs jobs and perhaps most importantly, costs jobs for those entering the work place or working part time. Those jobs disappear and that affects that tax income that you keep screaming about.
In short, you hate the poor worker in that you want to end their jobs.
It’s not unexpected. After all, all the left has is hate.
The gitarcarver makes statements claiming they’re facts, but doesn’t cite any references.
Then he repeats his silly tagline.
It’s not unexpected. After all, all the gitarcarver has is bullshit.
As usual, Elwood projects his behavior onto others.
The left hates people who aren’t hypocrites like they are.
After all, all the left has is hate.
Rimjob should misuse the term aphorism more often.
So one can point and laugh.
After all, all the gitarcarver has is bullshit.
As an aside, do you know whose interests this Ro Khanna fella represents?
That’s right, Silicon Valley, home to the largest high tech corporations in the world.
Funny that.