Monthly Archives: February 2021

Climate Cultists Getting Arrested Is “White Middle Class Activity”

And that’s one of the reasons that “people of color” do not want to get involved with the nutty and unhinged protests put on by Extinction Rebellion Climate activists say ‘shock’ protests need to evolve to get people of colour involved It’s the year of the landmark COP26 climate conference and a big year for […]

Surprise: China Joe’s Moving On Without GOP On COVID Bill

When Joe Biden met with some GOP Senators the other day, I wondered just how long it would be till he blew them off and moved on. The answer is “a couple days” Days after talks with GOP senators, Biden signals he’ll move ahead without them on COVID-19 relief bill Days after an Oval Office […]

Climahypocrite John Kerry Getting Called Out All Over The Place

You remember John Kerry, right? He served in Vietnam, and was also a Senator (damn, that’s an old joke from 2004, eh?) Well, he’s a grand high poobah in China Joe’s climate cult sect, as you know ‘For God’s Sake, Man!’: Rick Perry Calls John Kerry To Get Off The Private Jet If He Cares […]

If All You See…

…is an area flooded by extreme rain from fossil fueled vehicles, you might just be a Warmist The blog of the day is Climate Change Dispatch, with a post on China Joe wanting to kill 80% of America’s energy.

China Joe’s COVID “Relief” Plan Could Shrink GDP Long Term

Relief is in quotes because Joe’s plan is less about helping middle America and more about hooking up Democrat states and cities, along with teacher’s unions, while killing off jobs in his attempt to placate the idiotic Fight For $15 folks (who’ll be the first ones on the pink slip line) Biden’s COVID relief plan […]

French Court Rules France Not Respecting Its Climate Crisis (scam) Goals

The French government should immediately turn around and turn off the power to the French court, restrict foods on the property to meatless ones, restrict the court’s usage of fossil fuels, right? Court rules France failed to respect its climate change goal A court on Wednesday ruled that the French state failed to take sufficient […]

China Joe To Reopen Illegal Alien Concentration Camps, Er, Overflow Centers

I’m sure the media will be concerned over kids in cages, like they were for the previous four years, right? Will AOC take the Biden admin to task? Will she demand to be allowed in to inspect one? Cry crocodile tears in an expensive outfit? Biden administration to open overflow shelter for migrant children […]

In Order To Solve The Climate Crisis (scam) We Need More Diverse Boardrooms Or Something

Remember, this is all about science. No, stop rolling your eyes, I saw that. Science! We need more diverse boardrooms to address the climate crisis In recent years, national governments have strengthened their commitment to addressing the climate crisis. The UK has said it will reach net-zero emissions by 2050. President Xi Jinping has pledged China will do the […]

If All You See…

…is an evil fossil fueled vehicle, you might just be a Warmist The blog of the day is Bunkerville, with a post on the Harris/Biden move against Joe Manchin having little success

Looney Anto-Vaxxers Could Get Their Own Free Speech Zones In Los Angeles

Suddenly, restricting people to “free speech zones”, ie, areas where they are allowed to protest, and if they get out of them they get arrested, are fashionable again ‘Anti-vax’ protesters could get free-speech area to prevent them from blocking COVD-19 vaccine distribution Los Angeles officials on Monday expressed anger at anti-vaccine protesters who temporarily blocked the […]

Pirate's Cove