…are palm trees which will soon grow in far northern areas due to carbon pollution, you might just be a Warmist
The blog of the day is Jo Nova, with a post on a duty of care to keep electricity cheap and teach kids real science.

…are palm trees which will soon grow in far northern areas due to carbon pollution, you might just be a Warmist
The blog of the day is Jo Nova, with a post on a duty of care to keep electricity cheap and teach kids real science.
The liars list of doomsday predictions compiled for The Elwood and his sidekick Hairy:
1967: Dire Famine Forecast By 1975
1969: Everyone Will Disappear In a Cloud Of Blue Steam By 1989 (1969)
1970: Ice Age By 2000
1970: America Subject to Water Rationing By 1974 and Food Rationing By 1980
1971: New Ice Age Coming By 2020 or 2030
1972: New Ice Age By 2070
1974: Space Satellites Show New Ice Age Coming Fast
1974: Another Ice Age?
1974: Ozone Depletion a ‘Great Peril to Life
1976: Scientific Consensus Planet Cooling, Famines imminent
1980: Acid Rain Kills Life In Lakes
1978: No End in Sight to 30-Year Cooling Trend
1988: Regional Droughts (that never happened) in 1990s
1988: Temperatures in DC Will Hit Record Highs
1988: Maldive Islands will Be Underwater by 2018 (they’re not)
1989: Rising Sea Levels will Obliterate Nations if Nothing Done by 2000
1989: New York City’s West Side Highway Underwater by 2019 (it’s not)
2000: Children Won’t Know what Snow Is
2002: Famine In 10 Years If We Don’t Give Up Eating Fish, Meat, and Dairy
2004: Britain will Be Siberia by 2024
2008: Arctic will Be Ice Free by 2018
2008: Climate Genius Al Gore Predicts Ice-Free Arctic by 2013
2009: Climate Genius Prince Charles Says we Have 96 Months to Save World
2009: UK Prime Minister Says 50 Days to ‘Save The Planet From Catastrophe’
2009: Climate Genius Al Gore Moves 2013 Prediction of Ice-Free Arctic to 2014
2013: Arctic Ice-Free by 2015
2014: Only 500 Days Before ‘Climate Chaos’
1968: Overpopulation Will Spread Worldwide
1970: World Will Use Up All its Natural Resources
1966: Oil Gone in Ten Years
1972: Oil Depleted in 20 Years
1977: Department of Energy Says Oil will Peak in 90s
1980: Peak Oil In 2000
1996: Peak Oil in 2020
2002: Peak Oil in 2010
2006: Super Hurricanes!
2005 : Manhattan Underwater by 2015
1970: Urban Citizens Will Require Gas Masks by 1985
1970: Nitrogen buildup Will Make All Land Unusable
1970: Decaying Pollution Will Kill all the Fish
1970: Killer Bees!
Here is the List I saw the other day:
“For those that missed it, let’s Recap:
1966: Oil Gone in Ten Years
1967: Dire Famine Forecast By 1975
1968: Overpopulation Will Spread Worldwide
1969: Everyone Will Disappear In a Cloud Of Blue Steam By 1989
1970: World Will Use Up All its Natural Resources by 2000
1970: Urban Citizens Will Require Gas Masks by 1985
1970: Nitrogen buildup Will Make All Land Unusable
1970: Decaying Pollution Will Kill all the Fish
1970s: Killer Bees!
1970: Ice Age By 2000
1970: America Subject to Water Rationing by 1974 and Food Rationing By 1980
1971: New Ice Age Coming By 2020 or 2030
1972: New Ice Age By 2070
1972: Oil Depleted in 20 Years
1974: Space Satellites Show New Ice Age Coming Fast
1974: Another Ice Age?
1974: Ozone Depletion a ‘Great Peril to Life
1976: Scientific Consensus Planet Cooling, Famines imminent
1977: Department of Energy Says Oil will Peak in 90s
1978: No End in Sight to 30-Year Cooling Trend
1980: Acid Rain Kills Life In Lakes
1980: Peak Oil In 2000
1988: Regional Droughts (that never happened) in 1990s
1988: Temperatures in DC Will Hit Record Highs
1988: Maldives Islands will Be Underwater by 2018 (they’re not)
1989: Rising Sea Levels will Obliterate Nations if Nothing Done by 2000
1989: New York City’s West Side Highway Underwater by 2019 (it’s not)
1996: Peak Oil in 2020
2000: Children Won’t Know what Snow Is
2002: Famine In 10 Years If We Don’t Give Up Eating Fish, Meat, and Dairy
2002: Peak Oil in 2010
2004: Britain will Be Siberia by 2024
2005: Manhattan Underwater by 2015
2006: Super Hurricanes!
2008: Arctic will Be Ice Free by 2018
2008: Climate Genius Al Gore Predicts Ice-Free Arctic by 2013
2009: Climate Genius Prince Charles Says we Have 96 Months to Save World
2009: UK Prime Minister Says 50 Days to ‘Save The Planet From Catastrophe’
2009: Climate Genius Al Gore Moves 2013 Prediction of Ice-Free Arctic to 2014
2013: Arctic Ice-Free by 2015
2014: Only 500 Days Before ‘Climate Chaos
2019: Hey Greta, we need you to convince them it’s really going to happen this time”
But…but…. consensus!
So what happened to the big coup that Rimjob predicted would take place today?

Bwaha! Lolgf
Smegma’s lack of reading comprehension strikes again.
Obsession, by Smegma.
Once again you can’t argue the topic because you were so fukin wrong you needed to smear the commenter drowningpuppies.
You claimed, as did all your communist and fascist media “experts” that Nazi Pelousey just had to keep the occupation forces in the Capitol and keep the “green area” to protect those valiant Congresscritters like Tits McHorseteeth from being a-scared of The Elwood’s favorite invisible boogey men Qanon and those Proud Boys and all those “White supremacists” he’s always masturbating in his basement about.
Now what will be the new excuse to keep the once powerful Capitol of the Free World locked down? The Boy Scouts? The Little Sisters of the Poor (who previously terrified the butchering bastards of the left), or maybe they will be there for double and triple mask enforcement. If the left does not poison them with salmonella or metal filings before hand. Right, The Elwood? So what’s the next target date? I bet it’s right after they announce gun control!
From The Duffle Blog:
More than 20,000 national guardsmen are expected to deploy to the nation’s capital to provide additional security during President-elect Joe Biden’s inauguration on Jan. 20, but critics warn the National Guard appears to lack an exit strategy.
“We have no metric for what success looks like,†said one high ranking officer. “Is it an hour after the man is sworn in? Is it when the protesters have all left? We just don’t know.â€
The ongoing military campaigns in Afghanistan and Iraq have left many questioning if this deployment to Washington has a defined objective or could be instead a so-called “Forever Civil War.â€
Meanwhile, Army Civil Affairs leaders recently outlined a plan to improve local roads and schools in the Washington area to better military relations with local civilians. The plan was ultimately rejected since are no National Guard Civil Affairs units.
“We are here to train and assist until the members of Congress can fight on their own,†a National Guard Bureau official said. “We will be here until we reach that goal, not until we reach some arbitrary date. And we are confident we are about to turn that corner.—
Evidently the precautions worked!!
You QAnoners, white supremacists, KKKers, Proud Boys et al were scared off!
Rimjob and the media were so afraid and it didn’t happen.

You’re not very smart.
Bwaha! Lolgfy
QAnon Theorists Switch Date to March 20 After No Trump Inauguration, Call the 4th ‘False Flag’
You goofy QAnoners thought trump Almighty was coming back. LOL
Then hide under the bed for 2 more weeks, Rimjob.

Such a little pussy.
Bwaha! Lolgf
The planet is warming.
However the AGW doomsday people try to convince you this is a bad thing when a warmer planet is much more amenable to life as we know it.
Right now Several billionaires are investing in carbon Capture technology that uses atmospheric scrubbers.
The idea is to then sell this technology wholesale to governments who will spend trillions in the next coming two decades to scrub 3 or 4 molecules of CO2 from the atmosphere. Perhaps as much as 10.
The real choice is carbon sequestration before the co2 gets in the air in the first place but again the billionaires have a new scam they are going to throw at the world. Building billion dollar plants and making trillions selling this to nation after nation who will build them like sign posts all over FLYOVER COUNTRY.
Pretty Soon Wyoming and Nebraska will be so full of carbon scrubbers, windmills and solar panels that the people will all be forced to live in high rises in the few cities left on the planet.
You want a doomsday scenario? Just ask Elon Musk or George Soros or Bill Gates how much they are going to make scaming the world of their money to build ginormous carbon scrubbers for insane profits.
They have a name for FAKE KARATE EXPERTS …….BULLSHITO.
Well I call AGW the ultimate BULLSHITO.