…is an area flooded from carbon pollution driven extreme rain, you might just be a Warmist
The blog of the day is Legal Insurrection, with a post on Biden pushing tax increases.

…is an area flooded from carbon pollution driven extreme rain, you might just be a Warmist
The blog of the day is Legal Insurrection, with a post on Biden pushing tax increases.
Bwaha! Lolgf
But it really was Trump’s fault that Teaunte Bailey, 26, a career criminal out on parole was arrested Tuesday evening in Oakland, and is being held without bail at Santa Rita Jail on suspicion of robbery and other charges.
Bwaha! Lolgf
Mr Long’s tagline on Instagram: “Pizza, guns, drums, music, family, and God.” Long is suspected in all the attacks.
6 of the 8 dead were Asian women.
Russia and Iran targeted election infrastructure during the 2020 U.S. vote but did not compromise any of the results, the departments of Homeland Security and Justice said Tuesday.
“Broad Russian and Iranian campaigns targeting multiple critical infrastructure sectors did compromise the security of several networks that managed some election functions,” the government agencies said in a joint report.
“But they did not materially affect the integrity of voter data, the ability to vote, the tabulation of votes, or the timely transmission of election results.”
Russian, Iranian and *************Chinese************ government-affiliated actors also “materially impacted” the security of networks associated with American political organizations, candidates, and campaigns, the report said.
But of course Trump’s Homeland security and DOJ and FBI was on the ball and prevented any vote tampering.
BLAH, BLAH, BLAH. Liars must lie. The deep state must remain deep and sell YOU OUT to CHINA for cash. Hell the democrats sleep with Chinese spies and sit on security committees. No wonder China can go bring 5th generation fighters to market when it took the USA 80 years to do the same.
Throughout the week, demonstrators interrupted the hearing with emotional outbursts of “Vote no on Justice Kavanaugh!†and “Save Roe, vote no!†leading police to subsequently escort many of them out of the room in the Hart Senate Office Building.
Nearly 600 protesters at Women’s March arrested on Capitol Hill
Capitol Police arrested almost 600 people protesting immigration policy. ABC NEWS
Women protesting Kavanaugh flood Capitol Hill to tell personal stories of abortion
Hundreds of protesters from around the country have flooded Capitol Hill.
Democratic Congresswomen rallied on the steps of the U.S. Capitol to highlight International Women’s Day and A Day Without Women, putting Donald Trump and the GOP on notice that they would not be backing down in the struggle for equal rights…….working the crowd into storming into the capitol.
On and on and on it goes. If the Democrats do it, its a peaceful protest.
Blm and Antifa have burnt down town after town and half the national forests west of the MS but thats okay. They are still setting up Free zones in Portland and Wisconsin and that’s okay.
Remember Elwood the instigator who seems to have forgotten history.
1954: Four Puerto Rican nationalists enter the House chamber and fire on lawmakers from the visitors gallery. Five congressmen are injured.
1971: The left-wing Weather Underground detonates a bomb in a Senate men’s room, after telephoning a 30-minute warning to the Capitol switchboard….BARAK OBAMA’s BUDDY DID THAT.
1983: A bomb explodes in a Senate corridor, after a warning phone call. Six members of the Resistance Conspiracy, which opposed U.S. actions in Grenada and Lebanon, later are arrested for a bombing campaign against government buildings.
1998: A gunman breaches a Capitol security checkpoint and kills two police officers, Jacob Chestnut Jr. and Detective John Gibson.
NOT ONE GUN WAS USED in 2021 by the idiots who did what they did on Jan 6th. Forgive me if I don’t go all mushy on you Elwood. Your side has been invading the capitol for decades AND HALTING THE CONSTITUTIONAL PROCESS.
1954: Four Puerto Rican nationalists enter the House chamber and fire on lawmakers from the visitors gallery. Five congressmen are injured. The terrorists were “fighting” for Puerto Rican independence. 3 Dems and 2 Republicans were injured. President Eisenhower did not urge the terrorists to attack.
1971: The left-wing Weather Underground detonates a bomb in a Senate men’s room, after telephoning a 30-minute warning to the Capitol switchboard….BARAK OBAMA’s BUDDY DID THAT. True! The Weather Underground terrorists opposed the US involvement in SouthEast Asia. President Nixon did not urge the terrorists to bomb the building.
1983: A bomb explodes in a Senate corridor, after a warning phone call. Six members of the Resistance Conspiracy, which opposed U.S. actions in Grenada and Lebanon, later are arrested for a bombing campaign against government buildings. True! President Reagan did not encourage the terrorists to bomb the building.
1998: A gunman breaches a Capitol security checkpoint and kills two police officers, Jacob Chestnut Jr. and Detective John Gibson. The shooter was a diagnosed paranoid schizophrenic, anti-government zealot, gun nut and loner who lived in Montana. President Clinton did not urge the gunman to shoot the officers.
Mumbling, bumbling, stumbling, fumbling trying to make some kind of point.
Go Rimjob go!
Bwaha! Lolgf
2021: About 200 American citizens went into the Capitol building during a protest over a national election. It could have been avoided two months earlier simply by investigating observed irregularities and accusations of voter fraud as was done previously in 2016. But rather than address the people’s complaints arrogant leftists refused to even consider recounts or investigation. Sadly one young Patriot retired Air Force veteran and mother of two was murdered during the overblown event by government goons. No other deaths were proved directly attributed to the event. Noting at the Capitol was burned or blown up by bombs. No government officials were killed or severely harmed during the protest. President Trump (the last elected president) had told followers to “go and peacefully protest” and was not present. Leftist radical, communists and fascists immediately seized upon the incident calling the protest an “insurrection” and thereby making protest illegal and using the protest as an excuse to build walls around DC and move armed troops into DC as a sign of failed government leadership, anti American policy and pure hate for the working class.
Nice narrative but largely untrue. There is still no credible of significant voter fraud in trump’s 2020 defeat.
You say the storming of the US Capitol by trump supporters is the fault of state Republicans who certified the votes in their states instead of stopping the election and conducting investigations based on spurious charges lodged by the trump campaign even BEFORE the election! The storming of the US Capitol is ultimately the fault of those grownup Americans who attacked the police and broke into the building. They were urged on by trump and GOP scoundrels such as Josh Hawley, Mo Brooks and Marjorie Greene. You act as if the attackers had no choice in their behavior.
Protest is not illegal is it. The recent relief package over the outrage of every federal Republican makes a lie of your point about pure hate for the working class, unless you think the working class is fully represented by those under arrest for attacking the US Capitol building.
You’re angry because trump was soundly defeated.
Nice BlueAnon narrative but totally untrue.
Bwaha! Lolgf
“You say the storming of the US Capitol by trump supporters is the fault of state Republicans who certified the votes in their states instead of stopping the election and conducting investigations based on spurious charges lodged by the trump campaign even BEFORE the election! “
That’s not what I said at all. Where do you get that?
“The storming of the US Capitol is ultimately the fault of those grownup Americans who attacked the police and broke into the building. They were urged on by trump and GOP scoundrels such as Josh Hawley, Mo Brooks and Marjorie Greene. You act as if the attackers had no choice in their behavior.”
The US Capitol was not “stormed”. If it were there would have been dozens dead maybe hundreds. The Capitol building was invaded by people WHO THE CAPITOL POLICE LET IN to begin with. I know, my son was there. You are spreading the Junta’s lies. No one was “urged on” to attack, insurrect or kill, bomb or set fire to anything by any one. Trump said “peacefully protest” the video of his speech is available even to prejudiced bigots like yourself on line.
Similarly, I am not condoning any attacking of any property be it federal, public or private nor the assault on any people be they cops, shop owners or citizens. You seem to be hysterical over one small riot which was over within a couple hours when we have been inundated with riots, burning, bombing, looting, beating, raping and murdering for MONTHS all fukin summer by leftist fascists and communists named Antifa and BLM. Why is that because they aren’t Junta supporters? Or because you know you cheated and don’t want the light of truth shown on you?
“Protest is not illegal is it. The recent relief package over the outrage of every federal Republican makes a lie of your point about pure hate for the working class, unless you think the working class is fully represented by those under arrest for attacking the US Capitol building.”
The “relief package” as you call it relieved mostly millionaire and billionaire donors and supporters of the illegal Junta currently looting the US treasury and plundering our energy sector. (% went to “working men” like us. The liar in the white house said we’d get $2000 just today I received $2,800 for my wife and me. I don’t do the leftist math but that ain’t $2000 each. Besides, giving the working people like us back a taste of our own money is not generosity or “relief”. It’s fake just like the election..
“You’re angry because trump was soundly defeated.”
We’re angry for the same reason we’ve stated for four months now: We believe the election was stolen and therefore everything being done is illegal. What part of that do you morons not understand? A hundred million Americans feel fuked by the Democrat cheaters and all you do is call us names rather than meet us half way and investigate the election. If the election was honest what have you to fear? Shit, you fools still bitch Trump stole the 2016 election even after a 3 year $40 million investigation that found he didn’t. Talk about bullshit liars there is no end to you guys.
Did you see that a white christian spree-killer murdered a number of Korean-Americans in Atlanta yesterday?
It’s unclear if he did it out of anti-Asian hatred or a conservative-religion driven hatred of massage parlors.
Doesn’t quite fit the leftist narrative. Can you guess why?
Bwaha! Lolgf
I would love to lick and squeeze her titties.