Whatever happened to “wear a mask for 100 days to stop the virus”? Maybe he should take his own advice and stop taking it off while inside giving brief talking points
Biden tells Americans to keep wearing masks ‘until everyone is, in fact, vaccinated’
President Biden wants Americans to wear face masks to prevent the spread of coronavirus “until everyone is, in fact, vaccinated,” he said on Monday.
“I urge all local docs and ministers and priests to talk about why, why it’s important to get that vaccine and even after that, until everyone is, in fact, vaccinated, to wear this mask,” Biden said after giving an address on his $1.9 trillion American Rescue Plan.
After his inauguration in Janury, Biden urged citizens to “mask up” for the next 100 days as federal and state governments work to make vaccines available. (snip)
Biden said in February that the U.S. will have enough supply of the COVID-19 vaccine by the end of the summer to inoculate 300 million Americans. However, he has also said that Americans should expect to continue to wearing masks into 2022.
When does Government wanting you to wear a mask flip from safeguarding citizens to wanting compliance for the sake of compliance so you’ll comply with more burdensome things later? What if lots of people refuse to be vaccinated? They can throw blame at Trump supporters, but, when you talk to people you realize how many who refuse to take the vaccine are bipartisan.
And, will people continue to wear the masks? When you look around, who is playing games with leaving their noses uncovered inside? Who’s pulling it just to their lips, down over their mouths, or leaving their faces completely uncovered? It darned sure isn’t just Trump supporters. I can confidently say, at least in my area, that at least 50% are Democratic Party voters.

It’s simple: if we must wear masks until everyone is vaccinated, it means that vaccination must be forcible, because there will always be some who will decline if given the choice, or we will all be under a mask mandate forf(ornicating)ever.
Remember that we were s’posed to wear masks until we achieved ‘herd immunity’? That was supposed to be, depending upon the ever-fluctuating numbers, somewhere between 70 to 90% immunized? Now President Biden wants masks until “everyone is, in fact, vaccinated.” Last time I looked, “everyone” means 100%.
I think we’re getting close to “show me your papers” and/or “you social credit score says…”
[…] wire and National Guard troops to defend against non-existent threats, but ignore actual deaths! The Democrats want to worry that some people might not always wear facemasks, but don’t give a damn about virtually deliberately infecting a notably vulnerable population […]
[…] the left not wanting a “forever quarantine” is laid a bit hollow by President Biden wanting everyone to wear masks until “everyone is, in fact, vaccinated,” and well into 2022. That people might protest […]