What was that old saying about Obama, something about every promise having an expiration date? Who was in the Executive Office with him?
You idiots fell for it https://t.co/vvjTyltXY2 pic.twitter.com/LNEeH9ld86
— The Dank Knight ???? (@capeandcowell) March 17, 2021
And here we go
Psaki said at her daily press briefing that the proposed $400,000 threshold for tax increases applies to “families†rather than individuals.
The clarification significantly lowers the tax-hike threshold announced by Biden in an ABC News interview that aired Wednesday.
Biden’s interview statement appeared to indicate the cutoff would be $400,000 in individual income.
How soon till it drops to $100K? Then $50? Lower?
Of course, all his climate apocalypse scam stuff will raise everyone’s taxes.

So Joey lied.
Bwaha! Lolgf
So if it does turn out to be a lie, will Twitter ban him if he has an account? Remember, they don’t tolerate “misinformation†…
Sorry Jl, did you say “if”? That’s all that grifting usurper knows is LIES. In his case just being there in the Junta is a lie.
Silly trumpets !!!
Don’t you remember Trumps tax cuts ? The tax cuts on the middle and lower class (which wasn’t much) were only for one year . This year your tax is already scheduled to go up. The trillion dollar tax cuts for the elites will continue for 10 years
If you have forgotten it could be a sign of early Alzheimer’s
Maybe use your socialistic Medicare for an evaluation
No, John, it’s not. Personal income tax rates don’t change till 2025, and that’s for all brackets. https://www.investopedia.com/taxes/trumps-tax-reform-plan-explained/
I’m still trying to figure out where the usurper got the $1.9 trillion for the latest bail out/ excuse me, payoff. Can’t be from taxes since in 2020 due to the Demofascist shut downs of businesses combined with the burning of cities and destruction of the tax infrastructure the deficit was $3.1 trillion. Now with income from all sources of $3.5 trillion where oh where did this extra $1.9 trillion come from?
I suggest it came from pushing a button on the Federal Reserves computer and magically making it appear. IOW, it’s all a fuking lie. The money is there because the Junta says it’s there. Period. Fake president, fake money. Fake Virus, fake News, Fake “insurrection” fake occupation. I’m seeing a pattern. A $1.9 trillion Covid relief bill about 9% of which actually went to Covid relief and the rest going to all those 1%’ers in bed with the kleptocratic fascist Junta. We need a reckoning not a revolution.
A failing system needs scapegoats, as The Elwood. Those ham-fisted efforts to restore order will increasingly be directed at yours truly. They’ve already locked up 200+ Patriots for a 2 hour protest at the Capitol. They want our blood.
Look at the administrations obsession with White nationalists and domestic terrorists. They’re laying the groundwork for blaming us White people for everything that goes wrong.
The Kye may not understand how economics works.
Where did Russia Don get the nearly $4 TRILLION he gave to you and other millionaires?
The over 300 arrested for the violent attack on the American Capitol are hardly “patriots”.
Under the previous president the GOP went all in as the party of white nationalism.
The Kye has gone all in for ultra-right conspiracies.
Good one-“the violent attack on the Capital…â€. As opposed to the 10 month continuing attacks on police stations and businesses from the peaceful BLM folks?
White nationalists conflate the attack on our Democracy with the other protests and riots.
The BLM protests with stop when Blacks lives matter. The insurrection will stop when white nationalists are put in charge of America.
What white nationalists, J? The ones that you can never prove exist?
And sorry, attacks on police stations and businesses and 25 killed are “attacks on our democracyâ€.
“Are you arguing the Jan. 6th attack wasn’t violentâ€? Let me see…that’s a tough one..uh, when compared to billions in damages, over 700 police officers injured (hmm-would that be an attack on democracy?) and 25 killed, there’s no comparison..
Are you arguing that the attack on the US Capitol on Jan 6 wasn’t violent?
The gas attack by Assad on Syrians was worse. Does that excuse the Jan 6 insurrection?
It certainly was – on the part of the Capitol Police. They’re the only ones who shot anybody.
You’re the only one talking conspiracies, I’m asking questions. Once again if it had been a violent attack, dozens would be dead. Like this past year when the blacks and fascists burned and looted our cities murdering dozens of American citizens and even police. That is an attack. Moron.
Anybody right of Pol Pot is “ultra right” to you numbnuts. Once again you can’t converse without accusing people you don’t even have any contact with names. Ya hate America this bad? Why?
You still haven’t explained why you hate Christians like a plague.
“Where did Russia Don get the nearly $4 TRILLION he gave to you and other millionaires?”
The Great President Donald J. Trump gave no one anything. They are SBA loans asshole. Where did YOU get the number $4 trillion?
What’s wrong with White nationalism? You hate Whites? Are Asians allowed to have Asian nationalism? How about BLM who support black nationalism, is that approved by The Elwood? Only White nationalism in a country discovered, settled and founded by Whites is somehow bad? You are one insane clown.
Rimjob is BlueAnon.
BlueAnon is Rimjob.
Are we clear?
Bwaha! Lolgf
In 4 years national debt went up $7.7 TRILLION under the former administration. Where did they get the $7.7 TRILLION? And all this debt with the “best economy evuh”.
The Kye asks what’s wrong with white nationalism. Seriously? White nationalism places us palefaces above the non-pale. This is unAmerican and unPatriotic. WHITE nationalism assumes the US is a nation for Caucasians. WHITE Christian nationalism presupposes that the US is a nation for Christian Caucasians! We can all agree that although that was the original intent at the nation’s founding centuries ago but times have changed. Is that what you want? An America where Blacks, Muslims, immigrants of all stripes, atheists, Hispanics, gays, Korean-Americans and Jews “know their place” and are grateful that you let them live here?
trump signed $2.3 TRILLION in Dec 2020. He signed the CARES Act Mar 2020 for $2.2 TRILLION. So I was wrong, he added $4.5 TRILLION to debt, not $4 TRILLION as I originally said.
So $4.5 TRILLION was OK (since you got a whopping amount) but $1.9 TRILLION for workers is suddenly unacceptable? What changed?
I’ll try not to call you names such as moron, asshole, numbnuts, fascists etc.
I don’t hate christians. They’re just like everyone else. They certainly don’t deserve any special considerations, do they? Personally, I find no evidence to support the existence of gods, demons, angels, an afterlife or miracles, but that’s just me. Anyone who claims a supernatural being controls the United States has a different opinion than I. Do you have more allegiance to a supernatural being than to the USA?
To quote YOU:
Yet you are arguing that because Trump signed COVID bills that he shouldn’t have, it’s OK for Biden to screw up as well. The logic is identical.
We realize you aren’t very bright. You can stop proving it now.
“I don’t hate christians. ” That’s funny on its face. Even my spellchech is showing you spelled Christians wrong by not capitalizing. You are a bigot. That’s not “name calling” if it’s true. The way you spell Christian as opposed to: ” An America where Blacks, Muslims, immigrants of all stripes, atheists, Hispanics, gays, Korean-Americans and Jews “know their place†and are grateful that you let them live here?” proves it.
You hate Christians so much you probably wont screw in the missionary position.
You seem to know a lot (or think you know a lot) about White nationalism. But you don’t. You admit that “WHITE Christian (see how you just added Christian) nationalism presupposes that the US is a nation for Christian Caucasians! We can all agree that although that was the original intent at the nation’s founding centuries ago but times have changed. ” Actually Whites have changed and it is my right (written in the law by White Christians) to disagree. The ONLY reason America is America is because of your hated and ridiculed White, Christian Founders who fought and died to make it that way. And Whites are still the majority and their rights and their heritage which is the heritage of the United States need to be recognized and not belittled as White supremacy or racism. If it’s okay for blacks, Asians and Hispanics to revere their heritage then it is fine for Whites to do the same but when we do anti American bigots like yourself act as if we’re criminals.
As you admitted, America was founded as a White nation (not so much Christian as religiously Free as the establishment clause states). Perhaps if we had acted like Japan or Korea or China and refused to allow any people here but our own we’d be better off but we let anyone and everyone in even sworn enemies (which is not only suicidal but plain stupid). Even now as that senile douche in the WH trips up the steps to AF One to steal a ride after stealing an election he has allowed thousands of POC to illegally enter America. If we are so fuking racist why are all these black and brown and yellow people killing each other to get here? Obviously they like a country run by Whitey.
As I’ve said before and you’ve done nothing to change my opinion, you can hate Christians all you want, you can hate all the non-fascists, you can hate all the men but to hate your own country and above all your own Race is nihilistic and suicidal.
BTW, about the $4 trillion. It wasn’t about the number. I obviously didn’t make my point. It was the fact that America brings in #3.5 trillion and the government keeps passing massive spending bills for $2 trillion we don’t have. It’s magic. They press a button and POOF! $1400 appears in you bank account.
Just so you can freak out more it looks like my wife will get another $1.25 million on 3/24. They chopped her request but it’s better than we were originally told. She’s out as we speak looking for another location. I assume you don’t like the idea of her building a new place, employing more people, paying more taxes and getting free money from the White man.
You constantly go on about what white people think and how they are superior. Yet, you are white and clearly lack in ability to be superior to anyone. It is estimated that the number of white supremacist in the US is some where less than 30,000. Now, it is clear that not all people and races are the same. Asians and Jews have qualities that are lacking in the majority of what you call white people. But you are a clear example of the falsify of this generalization. So separating people on the basis of skin color is stupid.
Now, you and John claim to be superior liberals. But both of you are severely bigoted and racist. This seems to be a trait of most liberals. In addition, of all the people who comment here, the two of you rarely if ever recount any efforts to help out thos less fortunate other than bitching about any slight, real or imagined.
As to religion, I have said your god is CO2. You worship it and give it all encompassing properties. What you consider to be science is actually religion due to your lack of evidence and proofs.
As to the demonstration at the Capitol, who cares?? The US officially ended Nov. 3, 2020 with the obvious steal of the election by the Dems. and the elimination of our Constitution. The Capitol should be turned into a museum as it is representative of a country gone by.