Interestingly, we’re getting all sorts of headlines like this
Spring breakers descend on Texas amid fears of superspreader event
But, not for stuff like this
Climate change activists restart Fridays For Future protests across the world
Climate change activists are taking to the streets worldwide as the Fridays For Future protests restart.
The weekly protests were put on hold due to the ongoing pandemic but activists from more than 60 countries, including India, Russia, Germany and Australia, have taken to the streets demanding the climate crisis be treated as an emergency.
Greta Thunberg, the Swedish climate change activist, announced the return of the in-person strikes under COVID-19 guidelines to her followers on Twitter, writing: “School strike week 135. Today is the global strike! We’re striking in shifts to avoid big crowds and keep our numbers as low as possible.”
Video at the link shows a large group marching while not socially distanced
(The Salt Lake Tribune) A group of Utah teens marched to the Utah Capitol on Friday, shouting in an effort to show their concern for global climate change.
Some 80 marchers — mostly teens, with a few adults — walked from Salt Lake City Hall up State Street to the Capitol, in a local version of a “global climate strike.â€
Co-organizers Natalie Roberts and Melanie Van Hook, both eighth graders at Salt Lake Arts Academy, led the march, carrying a banner that read “Invest in our future — not climate change.â€
So, they’ll be giving up getting driven everywhere by mom and dad, right? And that’s a lot of people gathered closely together
Climate protesters gather in person and online for Fridays for Future
Campaigners target Standard Chartered, urging bank to stop funding coal in emerging markets
Story by @RobynVinter in @guardiannews @guardianeco
— Rafiqul Montu ???????? (@ri_montu) March 20, 2021
Large group not really socially distanced. Besides being climanuts, isn’t this a superspreader event? Or is that OK because they’re Demanding Stuff?
Fridays for Future-Teilnehmer radeln durch Düsseldorf
— Westdeutsche Zeitung (@wznewsline) March 20, 2021
A lot of people gathered together. Huh. Anyhow

According to the female version of Elwood P Dowd, the leftist protests are just, like, totally different, and justified, and not hypocritical at all!
For the left, if it weren’t for double standards they’d have no standards at all.
Actually, the groups are wearing masks and look social distanced. Here’s Thunberg’s rally:×900
“Fridays For Future and the youth climate movement are striking again around the world, in a safe way and following COVID-19 guidelines, to demand those in power treat this like the urgent crisis it is,†Thunberg said.
In the USA why are 95 of the 100 poorest counties in the USA run by Republicans
Is it because Republican policies help tgecooor so much they want to live under GOP regime
Perhaps because Republican principles are more attractive to the working man than the perverted trash of the rich demofascists of Hollywood, Wall Street, Silicon Valley and the other “walled in” elites. They voted them in it’s not like DC where we have a non-elected usurper acting like a leader.
Now you want to talk about who runs the shittiest cities? Who burns down other people’s property? Who has a plethora of perverts running their party from “Rachel” Levine to the transgender hour at schools?
Kye: Perhaps because Republican principles are more attractive to the working man
According to exit polls, Biden and Trump largely split the non-college educated vote 47-51%, while Biden won those who made less than $50,000 per year by 55-43%.
Would these be the same “pollsters” that declared Xiden a winner even as we watched the steal going on before our eyes?
BTW, Republican principles are reverence for God and country, personal responsibility, real history not CRT and black supremacy, respect for other Americans, colorblindness not color bigotry, putting America first not globalism. Oh, and not calling a riot an “insurrection” because it was done by your political opponents.
Kye: Would these be the same “pollsters†that declared Xiden a winner even as we watched the steal going on before our eyes?
You made a claim without evidence. We provided evidence. Like all polls, there are sources of error, but it is stronger support than your first statement, “Is so!” and your latter statement, “Is not!”
Multiple courts, including the Supreme Court, had a chance to look at the allegations. No evidence of significant fraud were ever provided.
And what are “Republican principles” besides lying and gaslighting? Besides fear of the “other”, i.e., Blacks, transgendered, gays, Mexicans and Muslims? Certainly fiscal responsibility is no longer a “Republican principle”. It is no longer patriotism, since the Republican party tried to destroy and continue to try and destroy, American democracy. Good jobs for the working class?
The nuGOP, with a horrid acceleration under trumpism, has become the party of white grievance and white victimhood.
It’s time for the the nuGOP to be extinguished and be replaced by an actual conservative counterpoint to the Democratic Party.
It’s time for America to reject the white, christian nationalism that the nuGOP promotes to the exclusion of all else.
It’s Official: Democrats Are The Extremists Today Investors daily.
From Pew Research. How about the question of whether racial discrimination is the “main reason many black people can’t get ahead these days”?
In 1994, just 39% of Democrats and 26% of Republicans felt this way. That was 14 years before the U.S. elected a black president.
Now, after eight years of Obama in the White House, 64% of Democrats say racism is the main reason blacks can’t get ahead, while 14% of Republicans do.
Also from GALLUP: 2020 poll.
Gallup: Satisfaction With Race Relations Has Jumped 14% Since Trump Took Office
From a Rassmussen Poll:
Eighteen percent (18%) say most white Americans are racist. But 25% believe most black Americans are racist. Fifteen percent (15%) think most Hispanic-Americans are racist, while nearly as many (13%) say the same of most Asian-Americans.
SO I would encourage people to ignore Elwood and his constant race baiting. The facts are quite clear…the GOP is becoming less Racist while the left is becoming more extreme and the facts are clear that ALL HUMAN BEINGS ARE RACIST in some form.
I really don’t see how the GOP, the Party of Abolition can be getting “less racist” when for 150 years they were the benchmark for equality. It was the Dems that supported slavery, led and insurrection to keep slavery, invented Jim Crow, the KKK, the gun laws and voting laws to keep both out of the hands of negroes, who opposed civil rights in the 50’s, 60’s and 70’s, hosed down protestors, set dogs on them, lynched blacks & Whites who were for equality, believed in separate but equal and still to this very day identify people first by their race.
Fascists like the illegal WH occupant and The Elwood use race as a club to beat people into submission to their desired ends. They are the epitome of racists.
Stop being a dummy The Elwood!
Est1950: In 1994, just 39% of Democrats and 26% of Republicans felt this way. That was 14 years before the U.S. elected a black president. Now, after eight years of Obama in the White House, 64% of Democrats say racism is the main reason blacks can’t get ahead, while 14% of Republicans do.
The data doesn’t necessarily support the claim that “Democrats are extremists.” For instance, in a recent Pew poll, 82% of Democrats believe it is important to the country that people are free to protest, while only 53% of Republicans believe the same. If you agree that protest is important, then you wouldn’t consider that to be an extreme view, even if Democrats represent a strong pole of that opinion.
By the way, you are quoting a poll from 2017 when a Republican rode to office on birtherism and xenophobia. Four years of “alternative truths” would tend to further undermine the claim.
Kye: It was the Dems that supported slavery, led and insurrection to keep slavery, invented Jim Crow, the KKK, the gun laws and voting laws to keep both out of the hands of negroes, who opposed civil rights in the 50’s, 60’s and 70’s, hosed down protestors, set dogs on them, lynched blacks & Whites who were for equality, believed in separate but equal …
That’s right! But today, the Democratic Party is the home for the vast majority of blacks and other minorities. Times change.
You and Kye have caught the attention of the Z’s. They are a debate club at high school level. They are all aspiring lawyers and think they are liberal. Just ignore, they go away. But think how pathetic it is to be in high school and exchanging comments with old men.
The increasingly obsessed Mr Dowd believes being compared to the provocative Ms Marcotte is an insult. Marcotte, whose most recent book (perhaps the best titled work in history) “Troll Nation: How The Right Became Trump-Worshipping Monsters Set On Rat-F*cking Liberals, America, and Truth Itself” is a successful blogger and writer, unlike her critic.
from the linked article:
The only problem with Marcotte’s overall analysis is that uber-right accusations of hypocrisy are not “new”. Connies have used this logical fallacy for years. Why? Because it’s easy to find examples of apparent hypocrisy in everyone. For example, no doubt Mr Dana considers himself a rock-ribbed conservative/libertarian yet most likely accepts federal assistance payments, e.g., Social Security, Medicare and the recent “Biden Bucks”. Of course, conservative hypocrites justify their entitlement as a response to the “theft” of their hard-earned monies by a corrupt government.
Marcotte- “unable to defend the extrajudicial killing of black people by the police..†That’s because it doesn’t need defending. Ms. Marcotte must not be very good at research-in 2019, the latest year I found figures for, 14 unarmed blacks were killed, compared to 25 unarmed whites that were killed. The numbers for the unarmed blacks shot by police is down 63% since 2015. Ms.Marcotte seems unaware that the vast majority of blacks killed are by other blacks
“You made a claim without evidence. We provided evidence. Like all polls, there are sources of error, but it is stronger support than your first statement, “Is so!†and your latter statement, “Is not!â€
Multiple courts, including the Supreme Court, had a chance to look at the allegations. No evidence of significant fraud were ever provided.”
One does not need evidence to make a claim only a suspicion. Save the evidence for the court room. You provided no evidence whatsoever other than refusing to admit that even to a blind man there was suspicious activities going on and the numbers didn’t fit the narrative. But instead of trying to investigate and put the beliefs of 100 million Americans to rest you guys decided to wave your hands dismissively, call us names and callout the Army to oppress us.
Multiple courts including the Supreme court did have a chance to look and they all refused even to consider whether or not a case exists. Then you all say we lost in court. That is obviously ridiculous.
You have dismissed half of America like we don’t count. That is unforgivable. You leftists will overturn 10,000 years of human experience to get two fags married but refuse to address the major concerns of half our people.
Hopefully, you will not live to regret this miscarriage of justice.
Kye: One does not need evidence to make a claim only a suspicion.
Of course not. You can claim the moon is made of green cheese. But it takes evidence to constitute a valid argument.
Kye: But instead of trying to investigate …
Huh? There were multiple investigations, recounts, audits, and court cases. For instance, the Georgia Bureau of Investigation oversaw an audit of signature matching in Georgia, confirming signatures to 99.99%, and the two signature they did find that didn’t seem to match had valid explanations. Yes, you can make a claim without evidence, but it doesn’t constitute a valid argument, much less a valid court case.
As much as I would love (
to spend my Saturday afternoon bitching with a bunch of leftist fascists I actually have a life (after COPD) and would likev to go out with my lovely ASIAN wife and BLACK foster son and his BIRACIAL son for lunch at the Cheesecake Factory and practice my White racism, White supremacy and White privilege by picking up the tab.
I’ll leave you with this since The Elwood’s thinking caused this racism in the first place:
From The Root, “Whiteness Is A Pandemic”:
Whiteness is a public health crisis. It shortens life expectancies, it pollutes air, it constricts equilibrium, it devastates forests, it melts ice caps, it sparks (and funds) wars, it flattens dialects, it infests consciousnesses, and it kills people…
…It extends back 400 years and has tentacles clawing everywhere white supremacy exists here, in America, which is everywhere.
…White supremacy is a virus that, like other viruses, will not die until there are no bodies left for it to infect. Which means the only way to stop it is to locate it, isolate it, extract it, and kill it.
Damon Young is the editor-in-chief of VSB, a contributing opinion writer for The New York Times, and the author of What Doesn’t Kill You Makes You Blacker (Ecco/HarperCollins)
How is this anything other than a call for genocide?
If Young replaced “White” with “Black” or “Jewish” he’d not only lose his job, his publisher and have his bank account/PayPal shut down but he’d likely be put on a no-fly list and be put under surveillance by the FBI.
As whites are the target, he’s probably instead looking at a book deal.
Kye: I’ll leave you with this
In other words, you can’t support your claim.
You’ll never find contentment until you accept the truth. We understand you feel attacked personally, but it’s not personal except for the Blacks, transgendered, Mexicans, Muslims etc that suffer from systemic oppression. You may be the nicest, most diversity oriented man in America but your words often betray you, and you support those who support systemic oppression.
Have a pleasant visit with the family and wear your mask.
We’re going to enjoy an afternoon fish fry with my sons et al. They bring the crappie filets, we supply the rest.