You know this had to be inevitable in this crazy SJW/Virtue Signal/Offended period of time, right? And they just skipped the triple dare and went straight for the throat with the triple dog dare
Vaccine passports are “not only reasonable,†he said but “would make me a heck of a lot more comfortable doing things in public.â€
Travelers like Schwartzman may view the development of vaccine passports as critical to resuming their excursions across the globe. But vaccine passports have many practical applications outside of vacationing. At the same time, experts warn there could be significant health risks and equity concerns associated with these “passports†that outweigh the benefits.
Vaccine passports and requirements are not a new concept, especially for people who have traveled to a tropical location overseas.
“The reason we have to get vaccinated against yellow fever to go to Brazil, for example, is that the Brazilian government says, ‘No vaccine, no entry,’†said William Schaffner, professor of infectious diseases at Vanderbilt University.
Also known as the “Yellow Card,†the International Certificate of Vaccination or Prophylaxis functions similar to a vaccine passport. The document, nicknamed based on its yellow color, is filled out by physicians who administer vaccines required for entry by different countries. It is most commonly used for the yellow fever vaccine, but any vaccine approved by the World Health Organization can be listed on the document.
Of course, these are meant for moving from nation to nation, not for showing your papers when you want to go to the movies.Again, I’m not necessarily against them, I just wonder What Could Go Wrong when government is creating these things with all your private data, and then able to track your movements. Anyhow, as we know, NY is requiring one of these even to attend a wedding
“The reopening of key economic activities in New York State, such as arts and entertainment venues, stadiums and arenas, and weddings and catered events, will require proof of a vaccine or negative test for attendees,†a notice posted on the New York Health Department’s site states.
The system utilizes health records captured by the state’s government — eliminating the possibility of someone forging a document, according to a spokesman for the governor’s office. Users sign up online, and the system pulls the relevant health information from the government database to verify the person received a negative COVID-19 test result or one of the available vaccines.
But, is that actually legal, using a person’s private health data? This could be a potential big violation of HIPAA if citizens haven’t consented in writing. There is an interesting explanation of how this is all supposed to work, especially in terms of security. But, let’s jump to
In the U.S. nearly 70% of more than 52 million people who have been fully vaccinated against coronavirus are white and non-Hispanic as of Tuesday, according to data published by the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.
Despite getting hit hardest by coronavirus, both from a health and economic perspective, Black and Latino Americans are disproportionately getting vaccinated at lower rates compared to white, non-Hispanic Americans.
On top of this, Black Americans in particular are more hesitant to get vaccinated. Some of that hesitancy stems from mistrust of the medical establishment, the result of a history of medical racism and experimentation on people of color.
In February, 22% of American adults indicated that they want to “wait and see†how the shots work for other people before they get vaccinated themselves, according to polling by the Kaiser Family Foundation, a health-policy think tank. That’s down from December when some 39% of Americans said they’d wait and see.
Among Black and Hispanic adults 34% and 26% of respondents fell into the wait-and-see category in February, according to KFF.
So, if they want to wait and see and be way more hesitant, that’s on them, right? Nope
Taken together, while vaccine supply is still limited, if vaccine passports are widely used not only for travel but for other social events such as concerts, broadway shows, nightclubs, it would “double privilege†people got vaccinated early on, said Christine Whelan, clinical professor in the School of Human Ecology at UW-Madison.
What’s more: If different communities are receiving contradictory messages regarding vaccine effectiveness and potential side-effects, vaccine passports could ultimately “be a slippery slope for deepening equity gaps.â€
“Allowing them to do special things because of that just doesn’t sit quite right,†said Whelan, who is chief happiness officer at Dear Pandemic, a science-communication project.

Florida Says no. For now. NY says yes.
This means if you live in any state that says no….You ain’t going to NY or NYC without a passport.
So the democrats key plan is to make all the commerce hubs of the nation vote YES to a passport effectively forcing key citizens in NO states to have a passport within the UNITED STATES of AMERICA.
This will force it to the supreme court. Two things will happen. The cowardly Justices who want to preserve their own power will Say YES its constitutional so the left doesn’t pack the court or TWO they will say it is not in which case the Left will PACK THE COURT.
America is divided and with each passing day/Month/Year it becomes more so. The moment we start needing a passport to travel even within our own state that is the day of reckoning.
The so called “democrats” will eliminate the filibuster, give DC and PR statehood and pack the SC because THEY CAN. Nothing can stop them now unless we’re willing to pick up our arms and revolt.
Joe Man-chin has vowed he will not end the filabuster. Christian Sienama From AZ has joinned him.
No one wants to end the filibuster. IF they fix everything that they can there will be no reason to vote for them anymore nor will they have any reason to blame the GOP if and when it all falls apart around them.
Packing the court? The same two said no….thus expect them to be primaried and Joe the instant he has a DEM primary challenge he would flip to the GOP giving the GOP control of the senate.
That is why it has not happened already. DC/Puerto Rico is a pipe dream as is ending the filibuster for the Democrats unless and until they can totally raze all Moderates from the Democratic party.