I’ve said before, I can see the point of having some sort of something which will show that you got vaccinated. I have the two cards provided by Wake County (I forgot to bring the 1st one when I got my 2nd shot), and have taken photos of them. I don’t necessarily have a problem with showing them, or having some sort of electronic something I can easily show at place where they want to know that the patrons are safe, safeguarding the other patrons and workers. Of course, where this breaks down is “mission creep”, with Government wanting to do more with this COVID passports, requiring them more and more, putting more information on them, tracking people, and who knows what Government authoritarians want to do. We didn’t need anything after the Spanish Flu ravaged the nation, did we?
Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis bans coronavirus “vaccine passports” in the state
Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis issued an executive order Friday prohibiting businesses from requiring customers to show proof they have received COVID vaccines and preventing the state government from issuing so-called “vaccine passports.”
Why it matters: Immunization credentials for the coronavirus have become a controversial subject, especially with Republican governors, though proof of vaccination could speed international travel and economic reopening plans.
What they’re saying:Â DeSantis’ order says requiring immunization credentials “would create two classes of citizens based on vaccination.”
- “Businesses in Florida are prohibited from requiring patrons or customers to provide any documentation certifying COVID-19 vaccination or post-transmission recovery to gain access to, entry upon, or service from the business,” the order states.
- “It is necessary to protect the fundamental rights and privacies of Floridians and the free flow of commerce in the state.”
- Businesses that do not comply with the order will be ineligible to receive state contracts or grants.
The big picture: The Biden administration has been working with private companies to create immunization credentials, and many businesses, including some in Florida, have said they’ll require proof of vaccination as part of reopening.
While on the surface the passports aren’t bad, they are simply rife for abuse. Especially when we’re talking about making these all international. Do you want even more of your private data in the hands of bad actors like China and Russia?
Let’s not forget, the people who are pushing hardest on these passports are also crazy against showing identification to vote (and think blacks are too dumb to be able to get one. Not racist at all, right?). MLB pulled the All Star game from Atlanta over the utterly misrepresented and lied about Georgie voting integrity bill, which requires voter ID. You need ID to purchase a beer at the game, pick up your tickets, and more. You need an ID to go on a White House tour. You need an ID to drive. You need one at the airport, multiple times. And you need an ID to get your vaccine shot.

Teach voter fraud is not a problem
Voter suppression including things like long lines in blue cities in red States is real
Red States limit polling places in cities in otfrt to suppress the number of people voting
Trump has always himself voted by mail
No state has ever been able to prove that our elections are impacted by fraud
In 2000, the Democrats argued that any vote not legally cast or counted was a major issue. Nice to see how people like Hairy think that voters can be disenfranchised by voter fraud.
Georgia’s new voting law makes it easier to vote by mail and have extended polling hours more than in New York. Are you protesting New York for more access? Is New York a “red state??
Nevermind, we know the answer to that one.
Source please.
And done so legally. However, when there are ballots cast via mail from the same address by over 600 people at the address of a 3 bedroom home, that is an issue.
New Jersey had a judge overturn an election due to voter fraud.
Hairy hates facts because all the left has is hate.
Commenter: “… when there are ballots cast via mail from the same address by over 600 people at the address of a 3 bedroom home, that is an issue.”
Source please.
After all, all the right has is hate.
LOS ANGELES – Two men have been charged in a 41-count criminal complaint for allegedly submitting more than 8,000 fraudulent voter registration applications on behalf of homeless people in Los Angeles County, the District Attorney’s Office announced Tuesday.
No voter fraud in America.
UPDATE: Arizona Citizens Investigation Discovers Thousands of Phantom Voters in State – Up to 30% of Addresses in Investigation Were Fraudulent
Way more than enough votes to overturn the AZ results.
Report: 223K Clark County NV Mail Ballots Went to Wrong Addresses in 2020 Primary
Posted on August 5th, 2020…….
Crowder went to addresses used on votes. This is the video if you want an eye opener. He has since been banned by YouTube but this youtube video is on his website not youtube.
https://www.heritage.org/voterfraud Proven and convicted of voter fraud. over 1300 cases.
Mar 30, 2021
After reviewing the voter rolls of 41 states, former Department of Justice attorney and election expert J. Christian Adams concluded, “It appears there are hundreds of thousands of undetected dead registrants, dead registrants casting ballots, registrants with multiple registrations within the same state and different states.†He said there are “people voting twice across state lines, and many registered at improper commercial addresses like casinos, gas stations and restaurants.â€
On and on and on. Page after page on Bing, Yahoo, Google.
See the real problem is not that voter fraud exists. We know it does. Just like people use guns to rob stores or kill people. We know that Billionaires do stuff Illegally all day long.
The problem is never that VOTER FRAUD EXISTS.
The problem is that every state REFUSES to do anything about it. They turn a blind eye. The repercussions to each state would be enormous if this fraud were actually tackled. Hence it is never tackled because it appears that the left and the right have an uneasy peace that was broken by Donald J. Trump.
AOC on the left and Trump on the Right have and are ruffling feathers, lying, being dishonest all to get their respective messages across.
The rest of the political spectrum ignores them, the Mainstream media calls them liars and now there is a concerted effort by the liars that would lie to you and admit openly(Lester Holt) That fairness is not all that it is cracked up to be and that those on the RIGHT do not deserve FAIRNESS because they are delusional.
When there are millions of fraudulent votes, Websites where you can just grab an address that is verifiable and use it to vote. When dead people vote. When 90 percent of people from Healthcare facilities vote. When 100 percent of voters eligible to vote that are over the age of 90 do so….disregarding the normal percent of this age group is 28 percent.
The problem is that voter fraud can’t be found. The problem is that when it IS found and verified by independent people….the powers that be ignore it….and tell you to go fuk yourself.
Just as Elwood is doing today, but there is no crickets on his part when you discuss voter suppression.
I will swap you voter suppression for Voter Fraud all day long and we will see how it all shakes out.
Whatcha say Elwood?
He demands sources, but doesnt really care. He has no intention of caring about the truth on any topic.
In the 5 contested states in 2020, Heritage identified one case of fraud in Michigan where a father, Paul Parana, forged his daughter’s signature on a absentee ballot. It’s our understanding that trump lost Michigan by at least two votes.
Are you assuming if there is one fraudulent vote there must be millions? Heritage didn’t reveal for whom Parana voted. Maybe it was trump.
I tried watching the Louder with Crowder train wreck of a video but his ADHD screechings were just too much. It was almost a 30 min video. Good lord. Did he find that absentee ballot applications were sent to addresses on vacant lots? Was that the point?
So the attempted voter fraud in the Hawthorne CA mayoral race, not the presidential election, was busted before any vote was taken? So the system worked? Good. The crook could get up to 16 years in prison.
Conservative activist J. Christian Adams was a member of trump’s Election Integrity commission which disbanded after a year without finding any fraud. If the crooked president of the g.d. US of A can’t find voter fraud maybe it’s not as bad as hope. Anyway, Adams is a proven liar who has doxxed numerous citizens, falsely claiming they were part of an “alien invasion” in our voting booths!
You need real evidence, not Canadian podcasts and J Christian Adams.
And whatever happened to the story that Dominion voting machines switched millions of votes from trump to President Biden? That story just went away. These nickel and dime accusations of one voter here and another voter there can’t add up to trump being restored to His throne.
Perfesser Hate perfesses to pay no attention to Elwood P. Dowd but then attacks him personally.
The Nutty Perfesser is a liar and a hypocrite.
We requested sources and got Louder with Crowder. LOL.
Taking just your first couple of claims:
Est1950: Arizona Citizens Investigation Discovers Thousands of Phantom Voters in State – Up to 30% of Addresses in Investigation Were Fraudulent
There is no evidence to support the claim.
Est1950: 223K Clark County NV Mail Ballots Went to Wrong Addresses in 2020 Primary
A large number of ballots were *not* delivered.
John-ever the clown. “Voter suppression including things like long lines..â€. So long lines at Disney World would be “ride suppressionâ€?
Let us help you here.
If you’ve been to Disney World, were you ever discouraged to find a 2 hr wait to ride Pirates of the Caribbean? Wasn’t worth it, was it? “Your Wait is One Hour from this Point”. Brutal isn’t it?
And remember, the Pirates of the Caribbean is NOT the cornerstone of democracy.
We’re not suggesting that Disney offer multiple Pirates of the Caribbean rides to reduce the lines, after all, the Pirates of the Caribbean is NOT the cornerstone of democracy. But doing what we can to reduce the burden of voting (e.g., long waits in line) would be good for democracy.
The Hirsute One wrote:
Given that local boards of elections run the voting machinery in their cities and counties, “long lines in blue cities” would be the responsibility of the governments of those blue cities.
Commenter: “long lines in blue cities†would be the responsibility of the governments of those blue cities.
Or of the counties in which those cities reside. Note that counties are responsible. Also the states supply funds for voting machines.
“States have cut the number of polling places compared to 2016….â€. And yet more people voted in 2020 compared to 2016, a new record. More Democrats voted in 2020 than in 2016. Thanks for making my point
Clearly voter suppression, gerrymandering and the shenanigans of trump and his storm the capitol troopers didn’t work. Now Georgia GQPhers have pushed out a Trojan Horse with hand-waving of improving vote security.
GQPhers and their apologists claim that GA has made it easier to vote, ignoring that the Republicans have taken control of counting the votes. This they learned from their own Stalinist, Donald Josef Trump. “The people who cast the votes don’t decide an election, the people who count the votes do.” – attributed to Stalin.
trump tried all the antics that the GA GQPers just approved but was stymied by those inconvenient state laws blocking Republicans. GQPhers are remarkedly savvy regarding political machinations – for distraction they make a few cosmetic changes allowing right-wingers and commenters to claim Americans for democracy are overreacting, while they insert the actual takeover of vote counting.
Teach supports private businesses requiring “Covid passports”, but is concerned about government overreach, yet applauds GQP Presidential candidate and FL Governor Ron Desantis’s government overreach in banning private businesses requiring “Covid passports”.
Anyway, Teach’s point was actually to go after Democratic voters. Voting in a democracy, even a democratic republic, is so central that our founding fathers didn’t even require an amendment to our Constitution! But maybe they should have. Our founding fathers didn’t envision an America where women, Blacks, native Americans, Muslims and gays would vote!
“A well regulated electorate, being necessary to the existence of a free State, the right of the people to Vote shall not be infringed.”
Don’t you want an honest vote?
“Our founding fathers didn’t envision an America where women, Blacks, native Americans, Muslims and gays would vote!”
Our Founding Fathers also didn’t envision an America where corporations and businesses could deprive citizens of their Free Speech rights or any other abridgement. That was unheard of in 1776. So what’s your point? There is no city, state or federal laws that stop women, blacks, Indians, mooslems or queers from voting that I know of. Do you know of any?
Showing ID to vote is common sense and if you think your constituents are too fuking stupid to get one then you are a racist bigot.
You project that “Teach’s point was actually to go after Democratic voters” which is bullshit. All Teach or any of us want is an honest election. We don’t have that now. You guys keep denying the facts even as we see them in videos and on TV. I have personally watched election fraud. Just because the courts and legislative bodies consider going after the fraud once the election has passed bad does not mean it doesn’t exist.
I think there should be the same requirements for casting a vote as the fascists require to purchase and carry a gun. They are both basic and important rights, they both have the potential for abuse and fraud and they both cost lives, one directly and one indirectly.
Sooner or later the fascists in charge are gonna hit that flash point and when that happens The Elwood best find God quickly.
Corporations and businesses have always been able to limit speech. An employee can complain to the public that their corporation’s products are harming the economy and the corporation can fire her.
Newspapers are not obligated to publish every letter they receive. FOX, ONAN and Newsmax are not obligated to offer equal time for other opinions.
Since SCOTUS vitiated the 1965 Voting Rights Act in 2013, GQPher state legislators have been enacting laws to limit potential Democratic voters. Since the Biden/Harris landslide victory, red states have introduced hundreds of bills to suppress the vote. This is largely based on the myth that Biden/Harris won the election by fraud, i.e., The Big Lie. Even trump’s own attorney’s admit it was a “Big Lie”.
The Kye keeps making veiled threats that unless Americans turn over the keys of the kingdom to the reactionary right that he and the like-minded start shooting people they don’t like. Is that what your “god” would want? To kill others because of a lost election? Sounds pretty vengeful.
Rimjob is such a cockwomble.
Bwaha! Lolgf
Now if only J could come up with evidence that “laws are enacted to limit Democratic votersâ€. Amazing-liberals think laws that require the same of everybody are actually just against the less intelligent group…
Jil once again smears minority voters.
If Democrats enacted a state law limiting the state to 4 polling places, in the 4 most populous cities, would that be fair?
Kye: Our Founding Fathers also didn’t envision an America where corporations and businesses could deprive citizens of their Free Speech rights or any other abridgement.
Not sure what you’re trying to say here, but the Founders certainly didn’t think that newspapers could be forced to print what they didn’t want to print. Indeed, that would be a violation of the First Amendment.
What I’m trying to say there Zachriel is that the Founders had no conception of mega corporations and their billionaire owners controlling all the social and regular media therefore controlling ALL main information sources available to the people. They never even dreamed of that scenario where persons and the businesses they control would replace the “town square” where the old soapbox would be set up for anyone to speak and then deny that Freedom to those they disagree with. If they had I’m sure they would have included private persons and private business in the prohibitions of the Bill of Rights. However, when the Founders were alive there were no such persons or businesses and no need to include them. Just like prohibiting yelling “fire” in a crowded theatre since there were none, nor prohibiting people from owning machine guns because there were none.
We have an oppression of information that has developed because of technology and the ability to gain unheard of wealth. It needs to be addressed. Just like we have a believability gap in elections where 50% of America think the election was rigged and that needs to be addressed. If either of those two social problems benefitted the Republican Party or the conservative cause they would already be 1000 laws on the books curtailing their power, but since they benefit the leftist agenda and the fascist narrative they go on and on and if someone says something they are given the hand or usually the finger.
If that keeps going there will be much blood. Maybe that’s what the leftists and their Chinese handles want but it’s not what I want.
Today more than ever, we have greater access to information, both true and untrue.
You threaten to kill other Americans if you don’t get your way. You’ve lost all faith in the American democratic republic, and all based on a lie. Like any terrorist you will use violence to get your desired result. Well YOU won’t, you’re more of a stupid bin laden, urging others to violence.
It’s interesting that you malign giant corporations and billionaires yet also decry any regulations on corporations or taxation of the wealthy. Benefits to the Republican Party and conservative causes got us where we are today – the deregulation of corporations and massive tax cuts for the wealthy maintains a permanent working underclass to serve the elites.
Kye: What I’m trying to say there Zachriel is that the Founders had no conception of mega corporations and their billionaire owners controlling all the social and regular media therefore controlling ALL main information sources available to the people.
Large corporations do exert extraordinary power. Conservatives and Republicans have long resisted applying restraint on monopolies and on businesses exerting undue influence on the political system.
Fortunately, you seem to have found a place to speak your mind, so the control of information is apparently incomplete.
Kye: If they had I’m sure they would have included private persons and private business in the prohibitions of the Bill of Rights.
Again, forcing media sources to publish what they don’t want to publish would be a tyrannical violation of free speech. The avenue for redress is by addressing restraint of trade.
Kye: Just like we have a believability gap in elections where 50% of America think the election was rigged and that needs to be addressed
Sure. Let’s address it: Making stuff up doesn’t make it true, and there is no evidence the recent U.S. election was rigged.
And our resident liberal now claims the Georgia voting law will suppress the vote….even before anyone has voted using the new system. Maybe he’s not familiar with the concept of evidence….
So in other words you still can’t come up with any evidence of your assertion. Shocking, as always…