I was getting worried for a moment
Energy Company Makes Spotify Playlist to Reduce People’s Climate Crisis Concerns
European energy company Vattenfall has produced a Spotify playlist to help people who are losing sleep over the climate crisis.
The “Super Soothing Climate Progress Engineering Tracks†allow listeners to hear the technical details around energy production, hydroelectric power and electric vehicles.
The latest spot in Nord DDB’s pan-European “What’s Happening†campaign promotes a playlist of seven different tracks. It features a lady dozing off on a train while a Vattenfall employee whispers information in her ear about energy production. The series will be promoted through a new multi-channel campaign on TV, digital and social channels.
The second, called “Tuck In,†features a man in bed with his wife while a male Vattenfall employee lies between them whispering information about energy production.
It has been inspired by the rise of sleep meditation apps.
“Of course, we must admit that it is quite a challenge to become completely fossil-free, but at the same time, we know that people have a need to see all the positive things that are actually happening, since the opposite can lower the motivation to act. This is a way for us to reach new target groups in new channels, with a message of the work we do every day to be able to become fossil-free,†said Carole Lindmark, global brand director at Vattenfall, in a statement.
Setting the sarcasm down for a moment, this is exactly the type of do nothing but Climavirtue Signaling we have come to expect from Climate Cultists. It does absolutely nothing, except feed into making people even more crazy and scared, what’s called “climate anxiety”. You know, just like when you make yourself nuts and worried over absolutely nothing. Utter ridiculousness.
NY’s outgoing climate czar says he hopes Biden can save city from rising seas
Senior Director of Climate Policy and Programs for the City of New York Daniel Zarrilli is resigning his position.
After serving for eight years, Zarilli decided to leave office, hopeful that the Biden administration can combat the city’s climate concern, according to The Guardian.
“[It is the] right time to move on and hand over the reins,” said New York City Mayor Bill de Blasio, the man who appointed Zarilli in January 2016. Zarilli has a new position, but it is unknown what he will be doing within the climate crisis space.
Zarilli was appointed during the Trump administration, and the former president halted a study looking into constructing a sea barrier with retractable gates from New Jersey to Queens. Former President Trump called the project a “foolish” way to prevent climate disasters like Hurricane Sandy. Trump told New Yorkers to get “mops and buckets ready.” The project was going to cost $119 billion and include a series of man-made islands.
“That longer-term study was canceled but we are seeing more partnership with the federal government again,†Zarrilli said. “We’re hopeful the infrastructure bill will be a major climate bill that will be to the benefit of New York and cities around the world. It’s been a remarkable whiplash; we were fighting off the federal government for four years due to its reckless leadership. We will now see more flood defenses in the city – we are already under way with that.â€
If NYC is so worried, why not spend their own money? Certainly all the leftist climate cultists wouldn’t mind a big tax to pay for it, right? Remember all the people who said that NYC would be underwater by 2000? And then 2018? And now they’re saying 5 feet of sea rise by 2100, because the other prognostications didn’t work out. There is continuous data for The Battery in NYC going back to 1895, which shows no acceleration and 2.88mm per year, which equates to .95 feet per 100 years, which is still lower than one would expect during a Holocene warm period. Again, the average for the last 7,000 years is 6-8 inches of rise per century, and, since cool periods mean lower rise, warm have to have higher rise. That’s the way averages work. The 20th Century was at exactly average.

The rich blues states are always sending more money to DC then they get back
It is those poor red stsyes that are taking more then their share from DC
Los federales ate the welfare office for those red states
Stupid for the corporations to pick on ATLANTA…since it is predominantly blue and predominantely BLACK. So the MLB and DELTA and other corporations are being RACIST in attacking ATLANTA where the major airport is and pulling the MLB out of the Atlanta Baseball All Star Game.
This is how woke the left has become. Corporations are NOT YOUR FRIEND conservatives. You should all be voting to raise the Minimum wage to 40 dollars per hour and the corporate tax to 70 percent.
I have changed my mind. I am all for the left banning completely and entirely the fossil fuel industry starting today. I am completely in favor of the lefts insatiable desire to punish corporations to the max. I am completely in favor of banning the Police, reducing the military to a few generals who sit around with nothing to command.
Disbanding the navy and the airforce but leaving the strategic missile force alone. I am completely in charge of open borders and destroying the fabric of everything the USA stands for. Why the fuk not?
Then we can all move to South America and start over and show them that WE DID BUILD THIS PLACE!!!! With the help of China of course.