China Joe says that universal background checks will stop this stuff or something
Suspect in FedEx shooting used two assault rifles he bought legally: police
The suspect in a mass shooting at a FedEx facility in Indianapolis, Ind., used two assault rifles during the attack that he purchased legally, police said Saturday.
Brandon Scott Hole, 19, allegedly open fire on a Fedex facility late Thursday evening, resulting in the deaths of eight people. He was identified as the suspect by Friday afternoon.
The Indianapolis Metropolitan Police Department confirmed on Twitter that Hole was “witnessed using assault rifles in the assault.â€
The Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives (ATF) traced the two weapons, and found that Hole legally purchased them in July and September of 2020.
Legally purchased means he passed the FBI’s National Instant Criminal Background Check System (NICS), which is the law in Indiana. This, even after warnings to the FBI
The update comes after the FBI revealed that Hole’s mother in March of 2020 warned that her son might try to commit “suicide by cop.”
The Indianapolis Metro Police Department last year placed Hole “on an immediate detention mental health temporary hold†after officials received the warning, the FBI said.
Indianapolis Police Chief Randal Taylor told The New York Times that Hole’s ability to legally purchase a gun despite his mother’s warning meant that he was not subjected to the state’s “red flag” law, which prohibits those deemed a risk by a judge from possessing a firearm.
So, Red Flag laws were ineffective. And, if the FBI was involved, there was no excuse that the information wasn’t in their database, unlike many times where someone commits a criminal act and the info never makes it to the background check system. Of course, Hole may have simply been cleared by the FBI, hence, not blocked from purchase because people still have Rights. But, the FBI did seize Hole’s shotgun during their interview, and hadn’t returned it. Huh.
(Breitbart) Breitbart News reported that the March 22, 2021, Boulder attacker bought his gun “legally†too, as did the March 16, 2021, Atlanta-area gunman.
In fact, the overwhelming majority of high profile attackers acquire their guns by complying with background checks, rather than going around them.
Here is a just a partial list of other attackers who got their guns by complying with gun control laws:
- Parkland high school attacker (February 14, 2018)
- Texas church attacker (November 5, 2017)
- Las Vegas attacker (October 1, 2017)
- Alexandria attacker (June 14, 2017))
- Orlando attacker (June 12, 2016)
- UCLA gunman (June 1, 2016))
- San Bernardino attackers (December 2, 2015)
- Colorado Springs attacker (October 31, 2015)
- Umpqua Community College attacker (October 1, 2015)
- Alison Parker’s attacker (August 26, 2015)
- Lafayette movie theater attacker (July 23, 2015)
- Chattanooga attacker (July 16, 2015)
- Alleged Emanuel African Methodist Episcopal attacker (Jun 17, 2015)
- Muhammad Carton Contest attackers (May 3, 2014)
- Las Vegas cop killers (June 9, 2015)
- Santa Barbara attacker (May 23, 2014)
- Fort Hood attacker (April 2, 2014)
- Arapahoe High School attacker (December 13, 2013)
- D.C. Navy Yard attacker (September 16, 2013)
- Aurora movie theater attacker (July 20, 2012)
- Gabby Giffords’ attacker (January 8, 2011)
- Fort Hood attacker (November 5, 2009)
- Northern Illinois University attacker (February 14, 2008)
- Virginia Tech attacker (April 16, 2007).
Oops? So, universal background checks will totally work, right? Anyhow, while all the articles say that Hole bought and used 2 “assault rifles”, I can’t find anyone who says what they were or shows them.
Meanwhile, neither China Joe nor most Democrats are concerned with the continuing shootings in Democrat run cities like Chicago, Baltimore, LA, NYC, and so many others. Mostly because they don’t care that blacks are shooting blacks. I bet universal background checks will totally stop this, right?

The increasingly cynical Teach notes the background check system isn’t working but offers no solution, although he seems to support no background checks.
Teach: the FBI did seize Hole’s shotgun during their interview, and hadn’t returned it
The reports actually state that local police, not the DEEP STATE, seized Mr Hole’s shotgun.
Teach has a point, though. Since we’ve refused as a nation to take gun violence seriously perhaps it’s time to eliminate ALL firearms restrictions.
It’s a fact that career criminals, determined mass murderers, suicidal or careless homeowners find NO impediments to securing a firearm suitable for his “needs”. It’s estimated that there are nearly 400 million firearms in the US, over 99% unregistered.
Perhaps like the wild-wild west, every individual should carry a sidearm, then when a nutjob hops out of his car with an AR-15, shoot first and ask questions later. It would necessitate a change in the laws absolving citizens of a crime for shooting an AR-15 carrier.
By reading what you post you are definitely an anti-gun individual and care not about the rights of Americans.
We don’t take away people’s rights because other people break the law. Sure looks like this guy along with many in the past the government had a chance to intervene and did nothing.
Our efforts against gun violence are futile, unless we outlaw firearms which we will NEVER, EVER do because it is clearly, positively, absolutely unconstitutional. Like the effects of climate change, we will have to learn to live with gun violence, which as pointed out are involved in only about 30,000 (two-thirds are suicides) of the 3,000,000 American deaths every year. Heart disease, “old age”, cancer and the past year, Covid, kill most Americans.
I have two gun safes with rifles, shotguns and pistols, so am hardly an anti-gun individual, but am a realist.
Most intelligent, rational people understand that a weapon is a tool. Banning weapons is the last line of defense against an out of control government.
The left wants our guns. They want to disarm the people, the police, abolish or at least so neuter the military as to render them ineffective at being able to protect our own borders. ICE must go. Biden is actually fighting a war against the radical elements of his own party which will not end well for him. He will be kicked out of office by his own people so that the radical and insanely leftist K. Harris can ascend to power and show America what real Democratic Socialism is all about.
The current Sec of Defense is busy trying to root out people in the military with WRONG THINK. IE. Many soldiers have reported they are constantly barraged with a battery of questionaires designed to cross you up and kick you out of the military because you might harbor animosity towards Muslims….you know those people our government and 4 presidents have dispatched troops to KILL for the last 20 years.
Heaven forbid that our military would be conditioned to see Muslims(Taliban and other radical islamic terrorist groups) and or people of color as defined on tuesday as their enemies since for 20 years those people have been killing their friends, family and neighbors as have we been doing the same to them.
Elwood — So all of your guns in your gun safes are registered with the local PD? If you don’t have to by law, you can always go down to the local PD and inform them of them.
Also, you’re perfectly allowed to diagram where the location of said safes are and the exact inventory for each safe.
This way, whenever the local PD gets bored or get a call from someone who’d like to just give you a hard time because your grass is too long or your vehicle doesn’t fit in with the neighbor’s choices, they can come and knock and do a spot inspection anytime of the day or night. You know, for your own safety.
Any missing or mistakenly represented items and they’ll seize your whole cache, for safety.
Good enough for you?
You seem to believe that by restricting the rights of honest citizens gun murder will magically disappear. is that your argument? Criminals will get guns. You realize that right?
“It’s estimated that there are nearly 400 million firearms in the US, over 99% unregistered.”
Where did you dig up these bullshit numbers?
“Since we’ve refused as a nation to take gun violence seriously perhaps it’s time to eliminate ALL firearms restrictions”
What would make you make such a foolish statement? Do you really believe wit over 9,000 state and federal gun laws on the books we don’t take “gun violence seriously”? Guns don’t commit violence, people do. Maybe if we started taking mental illness and criminal history seriously and began taking single parenthood, unwed mothers and absentee fathers seriously we could make a dent in people violence.
You keep referring to AR-15’s. Did this guy use an AR and if so was it full auto? People keep calling rifles “assault weapons”, they are not. If you bothered to actually look at the stats you’d find that in 2019 rifles accounted for 364 of the about 10,000 firearms deaths and out of those 364 rifles zero were actual assault weapons (i.e. full auto) and only a few were AR-15 style, most were standard hunting weapons like bolt action 30-30’s and such.
Even if firearms were made totally illegal there will still be firearms deaths because the gun is a tool, the person is the problem. It’s like blaming the hammer if your shed falls down and not the carpenter who built it.
So now are you gonna tell us the illegal junta running this country into the ground aren’t coming after our guns?
Why do you hate White people?
Why do you hate Christians?
Why do you hate America?
Why do you hate gun owners?
What are you hiding?
I’ve become a gun realist. We can and will do nothing to stop firearm associated deaths.
Ammosexual Con Men always want to mud-wrestle about the semantics of clips vs magazines, assault rifles vs assault weapons, semi- vs full-auto, guns don’t kill people, people kill people, outlaw hammers, etc.
We are well aware of the stats on pistol deaths vs rifle deaths. As explained more than once, semi-auto AR-15 style rifles are the tool of choice for mass shooters because they are more appropriate for the wholesale slaughter of humans. The shooters could choose lever action Model 1895 30-30s, or bolt action Model 700 30-06 or even Teach’s largely imaginary, photoshopped .223 semi auto “hunting rifle”, but they don’t.
For whatever reason, mass shootings affect society more than the accumulated daily deaths from meth-, coke- and heroin-linked killings in inner cities and rural meth-land. Perhaps the visuals of 20 dead grade school kids or 8 dead FEDEX workers invokes the kind of helplessness one associates with airline crashes although the death tolls are actually quite low. Remember, several thousand Americans die each day from cancer, heart disease, accidents, lung disease, strokes, Alzheimer’s… while only around 100 die from gunshot wounds.
Many Americans feel safer carrying a concealed pistol, but whether this really makes one safer is currently unclear.
I have carried a concealed gun for 45 years without any problem. I drew once to stop an armed robbery and succeeded. I drew once to thwart a rape in progress at 17th and Pine in Philly and was successful. I drew it once to stop from being carjacked in Philly and was also successful. I have never shot a civilian. So as far as I’m concerned it’s quite clear that even if carrying a gun does not make me “safer” (how could it, it’s concealed?) it has performed the duty for which I carry it. Protection. That’s what a gun is for in civilian life.
If the courts and LE can get their act together and use harsh penalties against actual criminals then the “gun problem” would lessen. Again, the problem isn’t us carrying or owning guns or even bazookas, it’s bad guys getting away with crime until they kill somebody.
“…in Philly and was successful.”
I see your problem. If you stay out of cities like Philadelphia, you likely would never have needed a gun. Something about cities I am sure is statistically relevant. Not sure what it is but it seems like it should be obvious.
Mr Dowd actually got one right:
It’s simple: because the inner-city murders are killings primarily of young black men by other young black men, so nobody cares!
Bwaha! Lolgf
In the case of Nikolas Cruz, the alleged Parkland school shooter, the Broward County Sheriff’s Department had around two dozen calls and interactions with him, but because he was treated leniently, and never actually charged with anything, he had no criminal record, and was thus able legally to purchase his weapons. The School Board had him dead to rights in an assault on school property, but rather than feed what they called the “school to prison pipeline,” they did nothing, and he had a clean criminal record.
This is what happens when liberals bemoan “mass incarceration”: they don’t take petty criminals seriously, and some of them go on to bigger and badder things. Had local law enforcement treated Mr Cruz as the petty thug he was, he might have spent a year, maybe two, locked up, where he might, or might not, have learned his lesson.
Instead, rather than having been locked up on something minor, he was out, and now he’s facing either life without parole or the death penalty; how was treating him leniently better for Mr Cruz?
The problem isn’t mass incarceration; the problem is that not enough people who could and should be locked up are behind bars.
Why the whining gun control Democrats are full of shit.
Bwaha! Lolgf
Elwood — So all of your guns in your gun safes are registered with the local PD? If you don’t have to by law, you can always go down to the local PD and inform them of them.
Also, you’re perfectly allowed to diagram where the location of said safes are and the exact inventory for each safe.
This way, whenever the local PD gets bored or get a call from someone who’d like to just give you a hard time because your grass is too long or your vehicle doesn’t fit in with the neighbor’s choices, they can come and knock and do a spot inspection anytime of the day or night. You know, for your own safety.
Any missing or mistakenly represented items and they’ll seize your whole cache, for safety.
Good enough for you?